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>win something
>start killing each other
Part and parcel
I hope whoever wrote that headline gets stabbed next
100€ say either the stabbed ones or the stabbing one was Kurdish
Why are they suddenly enforcing this? I too wanna be Brasil only
>being racist against other people's culture
Sad! Be more respectful next time, chud
Why is Turkey even in Euro? They are brown muslims
Media says Syrian National... so could be a Kurd
we need a common archnemesis in the tournament
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Do you still remember a time before this anon?
this, im not going to use their gay pronouns ever.
that must have been the least violent turkroach
its the same in France with the arabs
Was Germany kicked out for that reason?
What Islam and cousin marriage does to a mofo
what? kys nigger
imagine the chimp out when they inevitably lose
I really want to support turkey because one of my best friends is turkish, but they don’t make it easy ffs
it's all the same shit
The most average Turkish behavior
No, I am not kidding
it's the law
Is she hot?
fuck turkic people, fuck mena people, fuck muslims, i hope they all get eradicated
>only 3
the most civilized turk
he’s not a bad looking dude (male)
>turks fuck up
>immediately start blaming kurds
Mehmet, both of you have enough shitters here that do this. Turks are more likely because there way more here.
t. Elif Osamngolu
>when RTL II shows euro stuff instead of Dragonball Z
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Redpill me on Kurds, everyone seems to hate them.
Frankfurt hvme
Iranian hillbillies
Turkey should be made to play in AFC or CAF
I wish a hot Turkish girl would stab me
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Imagine if Spain or something insisted everyone has to say ESPANA. Absolutely embarrassing.
they're slightly more brown than turks so turks hate them in the same way that europeans hate turks
always the same people doing the stabbings huh
it should be like this for every country, imagine a match between Zhōngguó vs. Miṣr, very exotic and cool
Middle eastern version of Scotland
Based. This is a true fan.
>get new best friend
And turks insist that they are an european nation.
You WILL start saying Sverige (svehr yeah) and you WILL wear 3 masks
That one is actually good.

anglos angloing

It's UEFA fault, no one really wants them in but they keep inviting them.
Inb4 some turks is mad at me, I have nothing against you guys but Turkey is just not a European nation. If you're in, might as well call south Korea, Israel or Azerbaijan.
least violent roach
God’s will simple as
that was an early report, reporting got corrected, it was a syrian.
part of Türkiye is literally in europe you illiterate chud.
Public viewing of what, a 12 year old white girl?
>ich wohn' in Frankfurt am Main, so wie die halbe Türkei
It was in fact a Syrian who stabbed three roaches, probably to protest against the exclusion of Syria from the Euros
>White people
>In Stuttgart
Choose one

So what nignog, part of the UK is literally in spain, does it mean brits are andalusians? Maronna se sei scemo
>something happens
Turks: Saar they are Kurdish
Japs: Saaru they are Zainichi
Pajeets: Saar they are Muslims
Mutts: Saar they are Mexicans
(Real) Germans: Saar they are Turkish
the only difference I know between Turkey and Syria is that I know one based Syrian (Assad)
What about France? They are black muslims.
Least retarded Detlef
Black rage is something else, anon. You wouldn't understand as a non-Turk cracker.
I dont have u dots on my keyboard so it's never going to happen
Same as eSwatini which looks like a fucking 2005 forum
these fags are like 165 cm why is everybody scared of them
cope nigger
Gibraltar isn't part of the UK
>3% of Turgay is in europe
Bros, what did we think of that last minute Italia goal vs HRVATSKA? And what about that dark horse hellas win in 2004? Could this year's dark horse possibly be საქართველო?
Let me take a stab at this
kek why is the mutts flag is there
You know I am very neutral and respect everything different and don't fall for the 4chan memes or patriotic memes because times change,history is history,leaders don't represent their countries,many products and services are from abroad, met tons of different people from different cultures and countries but maybe there's just something off about these specific people living across the sea and their Allah...
hey man its not islam its a race thing modern black and brown people tend to like violence and vandalism nordic people used to be very barbaric but they are civilised now.
for example usa and brazil are not muslim but they are very dangerous
Israel is in the uefa because other countries would refuse to play against them. Now in defence of turkey they do have a part of their country in europe
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>that guy using gas on its own people is based
That's just because it aligns more with how we say it in scandinavia anyways.
Is it true that the murder rate in Algeria is really low?
Or do people disappear?
least obvious roach hiding under a German flag
go home to your glorious shithole or I mail order your entire inbred family for 2,50€, you scum
I see reddit has gathered in this thread
it is low you almost never heard of it but vandalism and theft happens in bad neighborhoods
165cm of low iq mong manlet rage with knife in hand is always a run for your life situation
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i will keep calling it turkey even if you dont like it
Average turkshit behavior, no wonder the state of turkeys demanded them to change their name.
turks arent taller anyway
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Why are you guys so violent?
Interesting, are the Algerians in France any special?
It seems weird that they would move to the enemy country.
Why is a chink supporting Turkey?
pls kick them out, pls dont fail us
Based Turk
I obviusly dont defend this behavior but seeing how buttblasted people get whenever turkey is brought up makes me root for them
criminals, thieves, terrorists, and drug dealers
prison fillers
If you ever find a friendly Turk, Iraqi, Syrian or Iranian you can calmly talk with, they are 100% Kurdish.
never heard of a turkey stabbing people, show some respect
>people get buttblasted over worthless diasporashits who can't behave
No shit
Look man I will be dead serious
If you watched any of the Turkey games, it's all luck and random shots
It is entirely possible that they will shoot a goal outside the box by sheer luck
>not even a year ago 60,000 roaches get kebabed by an earthquake
>no one even bothers to dedicate the win to them

goes to show how precious life is in roachland
i dont know about them i've never been to france and never will for me personally i despise them espeselly the ones who marry a french woman
Dont care didnt ask
Did you make this post thinking no one would guess youre kurdish?
They're actually a pretty decent close community and have really hot women.
>It's UEFA fault,
no it's not
turdkey gets to play in europe in every sport because a small part of it is in europe
same with russian monkeys
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Do you guys celebrate when pic rel plays?
hahaha no he is black i know his mom is a mudshark but he is cameroonian or somthing
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KURDS dominate turkcels
you mean someone should have dedicated a win to an earthquake?
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public gatherings always attract the crazies
i love these incel nafri memes
kek, no hate this is a board of peace and christ
You will never be european
Nobody cares anymore, there are too many stabbings every day. Media is barely covering it, but they go nuts if some drunktard in bumfuckvillage says Ausländer raus after he had 17 beers.
One thing that never fails to make me laugh is how many diasporaposters fail to hide their roots. Im sure a guy named Frank made this post. My sides
so one of the rapefugees who just demonstrated his lovable culture, how cute.

I hope the victims were all white, because we arent allowed to be happy according to Goldstein.
this kek, it's especially bad this summer. chimpouts all over the country every single day. hope Merkel burns in hell.
that's because the earthquake hit the hardest in the kurdish majority areas in eastern Turkey and arab majority area in Hatay. That's why foreign paramedics reported that they were hindered rescuing people by the government and police or made it unnecessarily difficult in general.
>Youuuuuuuuuu !!!!
this got me laughing like a retard for some reason
why would a syrian kurd be a turkey fan
probably bc of summer being so hot, damn Klimawandel
Yes thats how names work
Why the fuck are they calling it turkiye now? Just call it turkey why the fuck are we catering to these roaches?
>Could this year's dark horse possibly be საქართველო?

if this was published in an english newspaper I'd fall out of my chair laughing
I remember my grandfather taking me to some shopping center in Germany where they were flying the turkish flag outside and telling me how no one liked it that all those turks were there.
Based they're canadians at heart
Montreal did this in 93 and 86
>same with russian monkeys
Not the same. 40% of Europe is Russia.
it was some "Syrian" "refugee" who stabbed 2 Turks and a German (probably Turk with German passport), tho.
why are muslim immigrants in europe so violent and wild?
i've heard that if france or sweden play arab or african Muslim countries
shops and cars are destroyed and set ablaze, whether they win or not
Why are spics so violent Pvt. Rodriguez?
i am not a us soldier
i just don't understand muslims mentalities
maybe if those arabs and african immigrants had been rioting like that in usa, the cops would have shot them all dead
>didn't bother to do the umlaut for Müller or Schröder
>pulls down panties and bends over for Türkiye
anglocücks at their best
>have really hot women.
You and the kurds should now start posting hot girls from your ethnic group, to validate your respective point of view.
As if you are taller
This cuckoldry begun when Holland forced the rest of the world to call them The Netherlands
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If they rioted in the US, the cops would've kneeled for them.
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My favorite countries to btfo:

Most satisfying moments when we beating them.
Why do they like stabbing so much? Is it circumcision trauma?
>b-b-but it's a rivalry only the english care about!
>b-but muh turkroaches are not like the other arabs
day of the rope for all desert nigs won’t come too soon
I always still wonder why 4channers don't realise it.
Turks, Arabs, Asians are orientals.

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