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The 2024 Euros is RIGGED

They will try and silence me but i urge you all to not be intimidated by them like they did at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar
Yeah soccer is just slightly above wrestling now. Everything is scripted, just if the players do something different the outcome changes
But in the essence they want Germany to win yes
>loses/ties against shit teams for 2 years in every match before the Euros
>suddenly becomes good out of the blue the moment tournament started
huh? nothing to see here
England struggled against Denmark lmao. The Danish made Germany look good in a match for the first time in years.
The goal was offside. What else could the ref have done?
yeah, we had to drug every english opponent so we don't lose the english market after the group stage
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Have you seen a replay?
How did Germany look good if they needed rigball to win it? It was a fairly even match until the penalty
you didnt watch the game
we were the better team by miles

BASED German riggers
That's how you play football, you pay the referee, you rigg the fucking match and you succeed, there's literally no other way around it
Germany had a goal disallowed you dingdong
they beat france right before the euros
But you did rig it britbong... for us :)
We had a goal disallowed right at the beginning you dumb nigger but ofc its only rigged if poor reddit underdog meme teams get VAR'd.
and mongols raped your grandma just before your father was born
You were good for 15 minutes, then Denmark got into the game, the officials got nervous and rigged it. Everybody saw it.
based Van Gaal with a VPN

He's a qatari twitter cope islamist
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the mongols have to go through poland to get to germany
Denmark was so good they couldnt score a regular goal
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lmao, if we decide we want to win we will rig it to win, like anyone gives a shit about whether you little niggies like it or not.
Neither did Germany until they werw gifted a rigged penalty
your flag tells me you must be an expert on this
*closes fists and narrows my eyes*
Fucking... fucking riggers
shut it down!
it was a clear handball
That offside call was kinda suspicious that's for sure.
Then why did none of the players or ref call it?
yeah they went through and then reached muttmany and raped the shit out of your granny
yeah, we joined in
every nation in europe has raped you at some point, that's why you have people like havertz being "100% germutt" and looking like some gypsy/turk/russian hybrid
Germs are so fucking childish
They really were all like "the English rigged their Euros knockout match against Denmark, we should do the same this time but better hahahahahaha"
Jannies, ban this creature!
god this polcel behavior need to fucking stop
just yelling rigged whenever you lose is such fucking loser behavior
Why didn't they give the early Schlotterbeck goal then?
Germans even rigged the weather because Denmark was gaining momentum when the match was suspended.
it’s not that bad. football is rigged, but the way it’s rigged isn’t like scripting rigged. uefa want as much money as possible, so they absolutely prefer calls in games going to their VAR think tank rather than individual refs. they will give calls in favour of teams more likely to generate revenue. since germany is hosting they stand to gain much more money the longer germany stay in. they can’t outright force players to miss shots and lose, but on pivotal calls they will side with germany every time. same as teams which have more quantities of lucrative fans
becuse he was offside by a mile and they knew they can (and will) rig it later on anyway
Plausible deniability.
Switzerland is is actually pretty nice.
he wasnt offside at all
nice headkino you rapebaby schizo'd yourself up there, now clean my toilet while i impregnate your sister
>be pole and your team is last in the group
>seethe about better team
huh? nothing to see here
Nice story, now send some of your women over. I need my toilet cleaned.
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>becuse he was offside by a mile
The decision came from above, what other choice could he have done
what a stupid metric
>They will try and silence me but i urge you all to not be intimidated by them like they did at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar
But Germany got BTFO in that world cup
why do you want someone to take your dinner away from you? do you enjoy getting bullied?
I see the lawyer shills are out in full force!
You people are the most shizo faggots ever. Why are football supporters so stupid? Back before VAR when real madrid used to be 5 metres offside and the ref just gave the goal you were fuming, rightfully so. This shit happened literally several times a game. How can you justify wanting that shit back?
fukcing what???? We scored a legal goal 4 minutes in and the english ref rigged it, are you fucking serious?!
raum immediately told the ref
ref didnt see it first
You guys can't be real human beings. Anyone with more than two brain cells know sports HAVE to be rigged to the way of maximum profit. If not, some shitter like Denmark or Austria could win it but then who'd care? A fluke like Greece was not a fluke. Look it up. It was all premeditated and rigged. You're, presumably, grown adults. You should know this as self-evident.
i am happy for our brothers in arms. fuck discount sweden. smeichel is a washed up fag
Angelos Charisteas... My beloved....
but it's true that stalin has forbidden the rape of polish women and instructed his soldiers to rape german women instead
and now we're paying them back for this courtesy by financing this illegal war
Real Madrid still win though and now they punish people for being a nanometer offside
>Polish and German women in Warmia and Masuria endured the same ordeal, wrote Ostrowska & Zaremba.[3] One letter from the Recovered Territories claimed that in the city of Olsztyn in March 1945, practically no woman survived without being violated by the Soviet rapists "irrespective of their age". Their ages were estimated to range from 9 to 80. Sometimes, a grandmother, a mother and a granddaughter were among the victims. Women were gang raped by as many as several dozen soldiers. In a letter from Gdańsk dated 17 April 1945, a Polish woman who acquired work around the Soviet garrison reported: "because we spoke Polish, we were in demand. However, most victims there were raped up to 15 times. I was raped seven times. It was horrible." A letter from Gdynia, written a week later, said that the only resort for the women was to hide in the basements all day.[9]
>There is evidence that a loophole in the Soviet directives might have contributed to even greater number of rapes committed on Polish women by the Red Army soldiers, according to Jerzy Kochanowski from the University of Warsaw.[10] German women were protected (at least partially) by strict instructions about their treatment during transfer, issued by the Soviet command. However, there were no such instructions, or any instructions whatsoever about the Poles. In the County of Leszno some "war commanders" began to openly claim that their soldiers needed to have sex.
> "With nearly two million Russian deserters and former POWs at large in Soviet-occupied Europe, it is no wonder that banditry on their part became a serious problem for the occupation," wrote Naimark.[13] The number of Polish victims of rape in 1944–1947 would be hard to estimate accurately.[3] The biggest difficulty in estimating their number comes from the fact that the ethnic makeup of the victims was not always stated in Polish official reports.
>comparing individual cases of banditry and disobiedience punished by death with organized mass rape of german women
>source: wikipedia, an NWO politically-infused site meant to foster hostility towards russians that presents such reliable source as an anonymous letter and "a loophole might have" revisionist study
>punished by death
sure Ivan Magomedov
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sure, pic related.
Elite bros no matter what war crimes the dastardly kruat thows at us, we WILL stand. Switzerland showed us the way, we need only follow.
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noone needs a replay for that
goalscorer is clear offside
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>VAR image finally released ten minutes after incident showing a shoelace was offside
>Recovered Territories
polish lies
Nigga you will get filtered next match lmao
I used to love the dutch team when you had Sneijder, Van der Vaart, Robben and Van Persie. The flying dutch is probably the best world cup goal i've ever seen. Now your team is like spot the last white man standing.
>blah blah i like football
>also heres an unnecessary racist remark
Keep it on /pol/ yeh mate?
Nobody likes a grass
Havertz also raised his arm immediately

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