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We lost.
You would have shat on the right side of the bracket , unlucky
>denmark lost because they didn't have enough money to rig the match, since they took a paycut to be paid as much as the women's national team because feminism
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Based. There is one or two salty danes who can't take a loss with grace. The rest are foreigners bitching on our behalf. The Prussian was just better, simple as.
I'm so happy this team is out in a hurry.
How are you even allowed to advance from the group stage without a single win.
Agreed. Except half of the "German" team are türks and niggers. Not much Prussian about them, lmao. But they were indeed better, and anyone with a brain would also expect them to have advanced.
We won
They weren't better. Denmark outplayed them for most of the game.
Besides all the bullying, never felt the sensation to go hard on you. Great match and respect.
Sorry lads
the establishment couldn't let woke Germany lose while they were hosts
it was rigged
Just wish the German team was actually German. Also don't like the mutts on our team.
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Nice get broder. Let the foreigners have their laugh. Anyone with a brain in Denmark and Germany knew the score. At least it wasn't a 7-1 scenario. I honestly expected worse. We showed balls in parts of the game instead of just being bus drivers. Can't say we didn't try.
can someone make a gif of smug Denmark pepe slowly turning to a Swiss pepe
you did win the story, however
Who does?
I thought that Slovenia was the most pathetic side I'd seen in years excepting a couple of lads, you failing to beat them made me root against you, but thinking back, you are way too good for a nation of 6 million.
Based, and yeah we did good, and with a bit of luck and less refballing we could literally have advanced. They were of course better, just like in 92, but the best team doesn't always win.
Point is that that's my only point of critique regarding Germany. If the Danish team looked like a ethnic accident, then I'm not sure I would even watch them. I can barely live with the few mutts we have now.
Agreed man. Still a damn shame. Gratz to the germs though.
Why would you congratulate a team beating you with refball
We are neighbours.
That makes it even more dishonourable
Klovn. They were the better team. It's like you read my replies telling you the sky is blue and you reply "yes I agree, the sky is green". The prussian was the clear favourites and the clear favourites won. We were fucked from the get go and it wouldn't matter. If it wasn't Germany then it would be France, Spain or England. Youngsters doesn't know janteloven
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i was rooting for you guys
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good game Danmark

You played well, just missing a goid striker. This should have been Hojlund’s coming out party but he has been shit.
Did you really watch that game and thing Germany benefitted from refball
That ref was dogshit but he was dogshit both ways, Germany had a prrfectly good goal disallowed for nothing
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hahahah you niggerfaggots lost
Because I'm not a whiny bitch and I like the germans. They've a,lways been pleasant people wherever I've met them.
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I shall watch all 20 Olsenbande movies this Christmas in your honour
You're pathetic, hard to believe a proud race like the Anglo-Saxons came from servile losers like you
Bullshit penalty
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>proud race like the Anglo-Saxons
Amatører! Civilister! Socialdemokrater!
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Another win for you I guess brother.
The penalty was given properly
The penalty take was bullshit but they never call the bullshit runups these days
I agree not calling him on that stip was BS but nobody gets called on that shit unfortunately
The penalty was given properly, the ref didn't call it and none of the players asked for it, it was VAR rigging
The root of the germanic race is to respect their foe. Being a bitch in defeat is just the loser whining. Man up and do better next time
A shame Germany didn't learn that lesson after WW1
Pretty much this, i'm rather be around germanic people than hords of orientals.
The behaviour and characteristics are like day and night.
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anon is stuck in the 19th century, many such cases
>Cheated by England last time
>Cheated by Germany this time
It's hard out their for a Dane
Brother, did you not see Scotland?
You fought valiantly, and I am sorry we kind of shithoused it. I think we are worthy winners all in all, but you definitely got unlucky. You are good guys, your fans were great as well
The Germans respected both the English and Franks in WW2. It was the east causing problems (those who lost to Germany).
Based. You gave birth to Mads Mikkelsen and Nicholas Winding Refn. Some lame niggerball tournament doesn't take away from this.
Sut dig selv, nigger. Vi spillede en god kamp mod et meget bedre hold. Det kunne være gået meget værre. Luk fissen, din lille skizoluder.
Aah, nu ved jeg det.. Du er reddit eller en ussel lille nigger selv, er du ikke? Det er derfor du blev fornærmet. Skrid ud af Danmark, dit undermenneske. Du bliver aldrig dansk, og du skal ikke holde med Danmark, fordi det er ikke dit hold, og det bliver det aldrig.
You were less pathetic than Italy today
No, WW2 was just a German chimpout
losing to germans now means your team is total shit
maybe denmark needs players like nbongo and mohamed
Bitter epileptic
>Vi spillede en god kamp mod et meget bedre hold
Bravo klovn, de vandt fordi de var et bedre hold selvom vi gav dem kamp til stregen. Fucking idiot. Bestod du 7 klasse?
Kein Grund, unhöflich zu werden, mein Freund. Ich bitte dich! Du kannst unter allen Umständen stolz auf eure Auswahl sein
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I have spent most of my youth in denmark fanø and I played football with your youth every summer.

You are a small country but with your heart and discipline you will become a great nation of football soon.

Much love from northern germany. This is sports.
>aber ud fordi jeg nævner janteloven
Hop tilbage til amerikaner
Du er jo helt væk. Vi gav dem ikke kamp til stregen. De holdt bare pauser. Tjek dog statistikkerne. Så du overhovedet kampen?

Tror bare du skal lukke røven, din bitre taber.
Ah yes the send your daughters to get raped by foreigners tournament
Germany was the better team, by far. Only reason they didn't win more was because of Schmeichel.
You'll always thrive off that one time you somehow won against us, huh? Even in 70 years, as both our peoples are about to go extinct, you'll sit in your rocking chair and think of this completely useless meme win
Not that I want to spoil it for you. Whatever makes you happy, I guess

Yes, you may have that (You)
>muh xG
Det er ikke mig der er bitter over at tabe til favoritterne. Du vrøvler.
Based. Thanks Germanbro
You could say the same thing about Neuer, he made several important saves
Det er jeg heller ikke, din idiot. Det er dig der splitter hår på fanatisk vis, som en eller anden psykopat, der bare SKAL finde fejl ved, hvad folk skriver. Du er garateret en rigtig nice person at hænge ud med irl, lmao.
Which says a lot since Schmeichel could be replaced by Rønnow and I doubt the score would change.
there has been incidents of sexual abuse the past like 5 years
It was a chimpout, but it's not like there was no chivalry at all. Also, many countries in that situation would have chimped out. We're retards for sure, but the situation after WW1 really was humiliating and partially unfair, and such conditions are easy to exploit for demagogues. I'm not trying to defend everything, but it's not like everyone magically woke up without brain cells
The germans that go on vacation to denmark are rich an respect denmark. Even though we have a lot of foreigners, those would not come to denmark, they would not find it on a map.

But yes ... maybe I wouldnt be as jovial if we lost.
Hvad snakker du om? Jeg siger vi ikke ville vinde og at Tyskland var favoritter, du fare op og kalder mig en dårlig taber. Det et som at tale med en med skizofreni. Tror du har fået nok at drikke for i dag.
german team plays boring football
maybe they can't stop falling after peaking in brazil
in order to stop it, germany's professional team had to be champions in the last cl
and the increase in the number of non-germans in german team seems to be a disadvantage rather than an advantage for german football
france has almost 30 percent african and mena population in the first place, so it can not be compared with germany
Agreed, it was more of our lads being atrocious at converting chances into goals. They were in control most of the time, but it's not like they were completely secure at defense. They had lots of chances, but it's not like they played them out well. You were the worse team (that has to be acknowledged), but you could have easily punished our troupe of big egos for their inability to actually seal the deal
We struggle with Hitler to this day, its almost as bitter as the jewish struggle with Jesus. You just cant wipe that out.
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turn off that vpn, pierre
>german team plays boring football
I wouldn't say so, it's okay. Are you seriously telling me Italy defense festivals or classic Spain possession orgies (they are looking great and fun right now) are more attractive? Or England right now? Or France? They always sit back and counter. I'm not saying Germany plays amazing football that's great to watch, but the current philosophy is one that actually tries. For 90% of our football history, it was all about playing like shit and somehow winning. It worked. But 2010-2016 was the first actual era of Germany playing attractive football, after the golden team of the 70s perhaps. Now there's a slump that includes bad results, but the attractiveness is not terrible by any means. They lack consistency and clinical finishing, but it's not like they're not trying to play
>maybe they can't stop falling after peaking in brazil
Perhaps. It's a generational thing, the DFB got too complacent and lazy. We should improve again at some point, even though we'll have to live with not fielding teams that have the best players on paper for some time
>in order to stop it, germany's professional team had to be champions in the last cl
Not quite sure what you mean tbqh
>and the increase in the number of non-germans in german team seems to be a disadvantage rather than an advantage for german football
The jews aren't half as bitter at jesus as they are at Europe after ww2. Never forget that since they sure as shit won't forget what happened in ww2
Diese Aggressivität am Anfang war halt schon hart geil.
If you had german cock any further down your throat you'd suffocate
This thread is dedicated to dansk-deutsch friendship.
Ignore some of my fellow danes chimping out.
Det er dig, der starter det hele ved at snakke lort, der slet ikke giver mening. Jeg har hele tiden sagt: Danmark spillede en god kamp, MEN tyskerne var bedre. Hvad er det, du ikke fatter i din dumme lille jødeknop?
Fuck Germany
>warning Germans about the jews hatred of them is sucking off Germans
Whatever you say shlomo
Sorry that he's being our friend, like brother people should be. I am happy to say that the Danes are our neighbors, and that they've forgiven us for our shortcomings
War es. Der Anfang war super. Aber danach ...
You already have Nordschleswig, which is kinda bullshit for both sides, I suppose. Remember that Schleswig was never fully incorporated into Denmark for a reason, it was a matter of royal dynasties and properties.

... also, you shouldn't hate the Netherlands enough to want them to have Bremen of all places. Really cruel of you
I cant blame them for that, but the damage the Nazis did to the jews was less severe than what Caesar Titus did to them, which was a direct blow to the Torah, and much less severe than what Jesus did, which was an inversion of the Torah, a perversion to many jews.

Amalek was like a child compared to that.
Det var dig der snakkede om "refball". Der var ingen "refball" din klovn. Vi spillede en god kamp men de var bedre. Du opføre dig som en jøde og når anstændige mennesker siger du tager fejl kaster du lort til alle sider som en flodhest. Du snakkede lort og nu vil du ikke indrømme det
Listen to this bitter garlic untermensch trying to divide the Germanic brothers.
Sycophantic behaviour is never enjoyable to watch, that anon is genuinely a creep
Der var alt for meget refball. Begge veje. Med lidt held, var det gået vores vej. Kampen blev jo afbrudt hele tiden. Jeg er ikke den eneste, der siger det. Jeg står ved alt, hvad jeg hele tiden har sagt.
Going to listen to Nephew (Igen a Igen) to honour Danish team.
Nothing compares to the damage jews has done on Germany post ww2. "Depopulation" is peanuts compared to "replacement".
Tænk sig, at man kan sidde og være så skizo og have så lidt et liv, at man sidder og bygger stråmænd ud af ingenting på fucking /sp/ af alle steder. Hvis det nu var på /pol/ ville det give lidt mening.

Desuden tror jeg, at du forveksler diverse posts herinde, da der ikke er ids. Men gider ikke at spilde mere af min tid på en retarderet bums som dig.
Poor fuckers, now they have to return to their wealthy normal lives full of cute blonde girls in the happiest country in the world. Feel pity for them
Yeah, there's the germanic "respect" for their foes.
at least you legalized that sweet leaf bro
Thanks for reminding me.
Why would you respect your enemies? I would turn my enemy's children into meat balls and force their parents to eat them. No mercy. Mercy is a loser's game. That's why you're stuck on your little loser island.
I think he's got a point when he says the ref was pretty shit and could have turned the game around with his shaky decisions. >We were neither clinical enough to keep you at bay for 90 minutes nor was the ref 100% in control of the game. Take the VAR offside thing away and you'd have won as well, suddenly being behind after all these chances would have destroyed the confidence of our team, and they would have crumbled under the pressure as hosts
What are you babbling about you incoherent idiot
>ingen "refball"
Holy fuck how blind are you? Blatant EPL ref rig fix. There are no lines on the field and you think this shit should like tennis. Gimmie a reason to watch this "sport."
Nta, you're right, but he is being a spastic.
That has nothing to do with the jews, its related to colonialism. The proof is England (Victorious) and France (Victorious with a little help)

If anything the absolute totality of the german war on a spiritual level has killed europe ... we will see.
>That's why you're stuck on your little loser island.
you live on a half-island
Yeah, and I don't disagree with any of that. It's all speculation though. Fact is, there was too much refballing, Denmark played a solid match compared to the German giant (at home), and we lost, which was deserved, since you were better. However, we could also have won it, since the best team (you today) doesn't always win.

The other Dane is literally a nitpicking schizo who's had a case of beer or something. He chose war, when all I did was to agree with him. He's probably frustrated we didn't advance, and fair enough. Hope he doesn't have a girlfriend, lmao.
He is propably drunk on his islands tasty ale.
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Tak for endelig at være ærlig. Det tog kun 7 beskeder hvor jeg kaldte dig en klovn. De var det bedre hold og var altid favoritterne. Stop med med at være en kælling om dommeren, specielt fordi du selv siger "det gik begge veje". Vi tabte og det er det.
I hate this "muh we good victors, muh humble victory, respect to the losing team" German fags so much.
Every fucking tournament.
It's dishonest af.
I do in fact live on an island too, but it's not a loser island, which makes a huge difference.
Resonale state of opinion and feelings!
Det har jeg hele tiden sagt. Du må have misforstået et eller andet hele vejen.
>That has nothing to do with the jews
Good luck
You seem like a loser to me
Kommt halt wirklich drauf an.

Deutsch sein heißt mit Ehre untergehen zu können.
you got refballed, bros..
Well yeah, the first goal for germany was a literal refball almost half a minute after the danes' goal was disallowed using the most dubious var decision ever. Frankly, they could have put on the most overt dive in the penalty box and the referee would have given them a penalty. Fifa execs were shitting bricks at the prospect of germany losing against a third rate team like denmark.
Hvis det er tilfældet så skal jeg ikke diskutere. Fred være med det så længe vi når enighed.
You won mate. Enjoy, don't get all humble about it.
No need to laugh at people who are being nice to us. Especially not if we're favorites. I will gladly meme and troll if >we somehow beat Spain, which I don't expect at all
It's not dishonest if you genuinely think Denmark and the Danes didn't do anything wrong. There's no need to not be humble here
Winning with that amount of refball isn't a win at all.
yup wasn't expecting to win but the way it went 180 is just tilting for anyone who loves soccer
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why do you praise Prussian? Whats special about that?
I don't get why Germany should pretend to humble. Denmark is a shitter. If Germany couldn't beat us then they might as well pack up since they would get raped against france or spain
no losing team wants to hear this
>We lost, were out, but at least this based German on /sp/ is totally humble about it and said we played well too, my night is saved
fuck off, you're autistic.
FIFA isn't involved in this tournament
And if UEFA had such control and were so in favor of Germany winning, they wouldn't have disallowed the goal scored by Schlotterbeck after 4 minutes. That was a questionable choice as well. The ref just sucked. But the penalty simply was a penalty according to the current rules. Ball vaguely flying towards a German striker in the box, a Danish player touches the ball with his hand, which is not right next to the body. It's not an unusual movement by the Danish defender since he's running and turning, but that situation usually leads to penalties in current football because the rules say "arm not next to body? Ball could go somewhere of note? Clear penalty"
You can disagree with it, I understand it. But these are the current rules
The amount of refball recent years are retarded, but it is what it is. No reason to cry about winner or loser. Don't watch then. I'm just glad it was you this time.
Nah, man. We should win against you but absolutely no-one who enjoys football enjoys the way we won. Everyone knows this win was Korea 2002 levels of riggery.
... you're saying this after spouting the most autistic shit I've read here in a while. I'm not going to Danish anons to show them how humble I am, I'm just not feeling like being hostile after Germany beating a team estimated to be much weaker. It was a shaky game with ups and downs, it's okay to admit that. We won fair and square and it was deserved, but they have nothing to be ashamed of either. The ref wasn't good in either direction. I just want to talk to them a bit. Apart from that, they're just nice. So I want to be nice as well. That's basic human communication
>I'm just glad it was you this time.

If you keep being this fucking cute I might fuck you for real this time :3
"German" is an artificial construct. Prussians is what made the modern state so we call them prussians since they are the imperialists. If Hannovians, Saxons, Bavarians or Hessians hate that they are called prussian then perfect.
That's precisely why we should be a bit humble, but not for the sake of being humble of course. You could have won this game despite Germany obviously being the more stacked team. It's the Round of 16, you are a much smaller country as well. Nothing here has given Germany any glory, it was just avoiding humiliation. And you fought valiantly. That's to be respected. So no hard feelings necessary
If anything the GDR purged the rest of prussian.
There's no way I can post this without looking like a sore loser, but damn, VAR has done absolutely nothing good for the sport.
I usually watch euro and world cup, and can generally suffer through the diving, but combining diving with ages staring at the soulless eyes of a referee is killing fun. Can't even celebrate a goal because the next two minutes are dedicated to finding out if a pinky was offside somewhere
>absolutely no-one who enjoys football enjoys the way we won
Sure, but thats the name of the game now. I can't change that and you can't either. So it is what it is. I hope you enjoy seeing the german nt play another/more matches.
Jesus Christ you sound like you got a Reichszepter up your ass
Exactly my thoughts, the goals are a waiting game.
I completely agree with you. And this is with purposefully picking the right frame that puts your player offside.
I get what you mean, but it's not like people magically invented the word "German" in 1871. Prussia was a state that's not tied to a single people, and it doesn't exist anymore. "German" includes various subgroups of a single, greater people. "Deutsch" means "belonging to the people", our people.
You can obviously still use the term Prussians if you feel like it, but I don't think German is an artificial construct in the grand scheme of things. We just needed a shitton of time to build a proper nation state, and we couldn't include all of what's actually Germany. So the current German state definitely is artificial to a degree, yes. But then you also have to look at Prussia as an artificial thing
the worst thing about it is now that it's introduced as a regular part of the game, they will fight tooth and nail to keep it in the sport, because removing it would be seen as a complete failure and losing face.

like gradually it dawned upon most regular football fans by now that VAR might not be the best implemented solution, but straight going back to the old is now impossible.
Doesn't change the perception pd "Germany" towards all your neighbours. Idk the slang in Holland, Belgium or France, but here Prussian is a farely common term when talking about Grrmany.
Waiting after goals is turbo-gay indeed. Kills the emotions. I fully understand being pissed off about VAR ruling your goal offside, it's frustrating for you and not necessarily a good thing for the sport if they check this shit by like 1cm. But tbqh, I'm unhappy with the Schlotterbeck goal not counting as well. I think that one could have gone either way, too.

If they're precise, fine by me. Even though it's bullshit sometimes. But you have to draw the line somewhere after all, it's binary (offside or not) and you'd have similar problems with a hypothetical tolerance zone of, say, 5cm. What matters is that they're quick with their measuring and decision-making. Refs today suck because they often lean on VAR too much, and then they take too much time to get things done
There is not much to it than the war in 1864. Beyond that we just say prussians since we know people like bavarians hate it.
every german tribe has called themselves "german" for atleast 2000 years
Fair enough lol
Even some actual former Prussians dislike it, Rhinelanders also don't like it because they're mostly Catholic and perceived Prussia as oppressive towards Catholics and their local culture
Cuckold mindset. Did the same in 1939
No they haven't, even the Romans made distinctions and even less "germanic" tibes has called themselves "prussian" for 2000 years. It all boils down to nationalism born out of the Napoleonic period. And Prussia won since Austria was too retarded to give up Hungary.
>No they haven't, even the Romans made distinctions and even less "germanic" tibes has called themselves "prussian" for 2000 years
anyway every german tribe no matter if they were goths, franks, hessians or bavarians all called themselves a variation of "deutsch"
that is one of the big distinctions between us and scandis who never used that word as self-designation
Whenever we we talk about defence we always say "the prussians are coming" lol. I think the common German would be a lot more offended if they actually knew how we in Denmark talk about then.
Lass dich doch nicht trollen, er kennt Tacitus nicht.
I honestly loved that movie.
The term that would later be "Deutsch" appeared in written form just when actual writing culture settled here: 8th century. The term itself might be older by who knows how much. But it's obviously a vague term, it meant "of the/our people". So it's hard to put into context of a proper nation, especially since our history is such a clusterfuck.
There was a medieval kingdom of Germany, and there were plenty of medieval German poets writing about "the German language" (knowing fully well that everyone spoke in 5000 dialects at the time), "the German realm" in specific borders, and "the German people". People had an overarching feeling of a greater people and realm, but for centuries, it just didn't lead anywhere because it wasn't a real possibility and everyone was mostly fine with their subgroup. It changed with the end of the HRE as a completely bygone relict and the emergence of a threat from the outside. That doesn't mean the entire concept is completely unnatural at all
players need to understand they can´t beat VAR why not take half a step back and be safe? They have full agency and yet decide to play with the fire
I like Denmark and I feel bad for that miserable offside.
Two frames either way and the Dane isn't offside. That was as sketchy as it gets.
>he prussian was the clear favourites and the clear favourites won. We were fucked from the get go and it wouldn't matter. If it wasn't Germany then it would be France, Spain or England. Youngsters doesn't know janteloven
Holy shit what a weakmind cucked mindset. Thank God the Greek players in 2004 didn't think like this, and we won our Euro despite nobody believing it could happen.
What are you doing then? Calling us Prussians is fine, it's understandable given the history. And using militaristic language for us is also not unheard of by any means, although we obviously have people who are either extremely butthurt about anything German and being seen as German in general, as well as people who are (and that's somewhat understandable in my opinion) a bit weary and insecure about these stereotypes and therefore not really able to take them lightly, even though you're obviously meaning no harm (which I'm just assuming here, you're our friends after all). Most people will be fine, but as always, a loud and annoying minority can look like the majority. And we're definitely insecure when it comes to these sides of our history and identity
>the Germans actually think they aren't scandi immigrants
Deutsch is just a variant of the Teutons who originally came from Thy. We went south and butchered the Celtic and then Germany was born.
>People had an overarching feeling of a greater people and realm, but for centuries, it just didn't lead anywhere because it wasn't a real possibility and everyone was mostly fine with their subgroup.
It didn't need to "lead" anywhere because the german state already existed. The HRE not being a proper cultural union like england or france is a revisitionist meme.
I mean, this new semi-automatic offside technology does check out. It's very precise and uses multiple different images. It's a large improvement, they used to just eyeball things regarding time of the ball being played, that was obviously bullshit. As far as we can sensibly judge, the Dane was indeed (barely) offside. But it definitely is frustrating, that's for sure.
See you in the raugh at reemany thread kek
All that is due to swedes raping during the 30 year war.
doesn't matter, you never called yourself deutsch or tysk
also it was us going west and you split up and went north
Nigga we aren't saying we're not related to you, but how much history do we share since, say, 800? Not much. Nobody doubts we're not related. And the proto-Germanic people could have come from anywhere between South Sweden and Hamburg. They spread out and everyone went their merry ways. Where did the people who became the Germanic people come from? By that logic, you and me are just niggers
The imagery is not precise enough. You can pick any of 20 images to your liking to manipulate offside or nonoffside. It's just the same shitshow, just hiding behind "the computer decided the frame".
>the germanic language didn't reach the alps until 16th century
You might want to read Caeser's account of why he wanted to "help" the helvetii
Äh, nobody doubts we're related. That's what I meant, sorry.
I'm a wholehearted pan-Germanist, but we're a large cultural group of various peoples sharing a common origin and cultural elements, that doesn't mean we're all identical. It's a good thing we aren't. But we are family
Stop being so apologetic nigga. Hitler tried to save Germany and any war crimes that happened they happened from both sides. You should be very angry about Dresden and the raping of your women by slavshits.
The system puts these images together, though. They are supposed to agree with each other, and if they don't, then you have refs looking at the diverting ones. Sure, they can make mistakes during checking, and theoretically, the system can fuck up for real. But it's 12 different perspectives coming together at 500 Hz of inertial data from a chip in the ball, it definitely is a step forward and pretty reliable
Both Germany and England had some weird Teuton fetish during their nationalist bloom. You call yourself variants of the teutons or the angles. I'm not blaming you on anything, but how both of your nationalist spurs ended up in Jutland is pretty cool coming from a guy born in Jutland.
you seem retarded, "teuton" is just another variation of "deutsch"
there was never a "teuton" tribe the romans just called them like that
>the German doesn't know his own history
Teuton simply was a term that got used for Germany. In medieval Latin, the German part of the HRE was called "Regnum Teutonicum". The actual original Teutons also moved out of Jutland eventually, together with the Cimbrians. So it's not only something people invented in the 19th century. But yes, Jutland (and the extension further down south, including Anglia) is the most logical candidate for the origin of all Germanic peoples, so it makes sense that you eventually end up in Jutland or at least the vicinity pretty much every time. That's pretty cool for sure, definitely
There were like 20-30 germanic tribes known by name, some became danish, some english, some german and some even french.

Most german historians proclaim that the Varusschlacht was the first instance of a german protonation.
Are we still talking about football?
It's Pangermanism time now, but we can combine it with football of course. I for one mourn that we had to eliminate our brothers. Feels like a Hildebrandslied situation
first off these weren't scandis but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sea_Germanic
and yes obviously the "teuton" tribe existed but the name was an exonym given them by the romans not the real one
I'm Irish why do you guys love us so much?
Every time I got to Germany you all hate me until I say I'm not English, but then you act like they're the ones seething.
Just some banter, la. You wouldn't get it
It was a term used for Germany (for some areas of some time) since the Teuton occupied that area. Those people immigrated from what is today Thy. Thy - Teutons. They picked up plenty of people on their way as an immigrating horde, but that was their origin and we have found plenty of Roman/Celtic hordes of treasure thrown into bugs to collaborate that fact.
drink ye under the table any day of the night
The images don't offer that, stop bullshitting.
>He was a Hildebrandslied boy, she was a Verdener Blutgericht girl.

What more can I say?
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Leprechauns, Shamrock and catholicism you are just cute and fluffy.
>Roman observations with no scientific background
I know this period is muddy but come one.
The Thy-Teuton etymological link is a shaky one. Thy's name is first mentioned by a document of Valdemar II "Sejr" (Waldemar II., "Der Sieger"), as "Thiuthæ", which comes from "þjóð", which means people. It doesn't necessarily have to be the Teutons. Part of the Thy-Teuton notion comes from Ptomely, a Greek scholar, placing the Teutons in what is Thy on his map of Europe. But he never went there and he never met a Teuton. It is possible, but you shouldn't fixate on Thy so much. Jutland as a whole being the likely cradle of the Germanic peoples however is true, and that's neat. What happens from there is something else, though
For all I care we rose straight out of hyperborea to rule the world in allfather wodans name.
A sensor in the ball sends inertia data at 500Hz, that's how the moment of the ball being played is determined. Then, the 12 cameras look at that exact moment from various perspectives. That's pretty reliable
If that was shown to the fans, I would accept it as proof.
But it was not.
i guess you didnt read any of the stats
It is what it is. The original of the Teutons did not just spring out of the stones. So we have to look at the possibilities. And Thy is is the only logical choice for two reasons. The name is similar. And they raped Europe together with the Cimbri (Himmerland, a tribe we know came from Jutland).
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learn a lesson about what, that you shitholes can only win by ganging up on us?
you think that was a fair win?
Hitler was just dumb thinking he was dealing with rational people
There's absolutely zero need to put Thy over the rest of Jutland and the extending areas further south. It's not like human life magically popped up there either, there were people living there, and that greater area is kind of a blackbox from which the ancestors of all Germanic peoples would eventually emerge. You can say it's especially Thy, but it cannot ever be proven, and it's frankly not very useful either. We're all Germanic peoples, we likely originated somewhere between the Eider and Thy, then these people spread across a large area and developed individually (but not completely isolated from each other)
People were much smaller societies back then. If people from Himmerland (cimbri) and Thy (teutons) were so desperate that they had to move south then shit could snowball fast since they picked up tribes on their way. By then end of their migration they would be a small minority just because so many southern tribes joined them. This is not a dick measuring contest. Its examining where much of the germanic immigrants originally came from
That might be, I just said you focus on Thy too much as that special place of origin specifically. I'm not seeing it as a dickmeasuring contest either, I just find it kind of redundant in general since nobody in their right mind will doubt that this is the general area (but not the precise one) where the Germanic sphere originated. I see your point, I find it fascinating as well, I wouldn't be continuing this conversation otherwise

Alas, I must go to bed now. Gute Nacht, mein dänischer Bruder. Or, in my dialect: Jodde Naht, ming dänsch Brur.
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uhmmmm what is going on here
You played so well. Good luck next time!
All of his stuff is probably forgeries from some medieval Italian priest
>but the name was an exonym
May have not been an exonym at all and may have just been a class description

You can also below that the earliest classical writers classified the ’’Teutones’’ as Celts and that they didn’t distinguish between Celts and Germans
Caesar was the first one to distinguish between them
fucking burn, mein freund!
you can t recover from this.
also: fick den ewigen anglo!
for me? it's the mc chicken
in 2018 at work each of us had to draw a random wc team and you would get a prize if they won the whole thing, I got Denmark and while I wasn’t happy at first, now I always cheer for you guys.
there’s always next time.
That second offside call was utter bullshit, before the ball was offside the danish player that kicked the ball to andersen was pushed to the ground and missed his shot. He was kicked twice once in the gut and a second time when he was in the ground. Shoud've been a danish penalty if the dubious offside call stood. Fucking rigged ass sport. All of this took place in the same var timeslot. Germany goes on to be gifted a penalty a minute later after fifa shat its pants at the prospect of denmark knocking out the hosts.
I did not rate your selection, I thiught you would do poorly because your XI prioritizes fame over form. How many matches had Tierney disputed for example?
not england, retard
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Everyone should know already the host country is always benefited. But Germoney didn't made it subtle in any form, something you would expect of a country which was subtle with some acts in the middle of the last century.

Letting argensimios win in 2022 normalized rigging to the point contraranfags will now celebrate it, and alongside this soulless VAR shit which has been ruining the entire quality of this tournament makes me understand this sport has become gay and fake.
>Germs thinking they can mock anyone about it after 2022
>that you shitholes can only win by ganging up on us
shameless, aren't you Genghis?
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wheelman needs to be fired TODAY. I'm so fucking done with this pussy coward bitch ass coach. He doesn't select young talent, he doesn't play to win, he doesn't do ANYTHING creative with this team, this dude needs to go RIGHT NOW. Motherfucker should've been fired after that disgrace of a world cup already. YES I mad.
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no fucking way that is real. This nigga is seriously bitching about that 1 inch offside? BRUH with your shitty ass coward shit Denmark would've never won anyway. Who the fuck subs attackers for attackers in the 80th minute 2-0 down? IS HE ACTUALLY RETARDED?
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The offside riggi was bad but desu Denmark played like pechofrios and gave up completely after that. The host country is always going to try to rig it. Its the norm. You just need mental fortitude which this coach obviously doesn't have.
Tbh, this team doesn't deserve more. They scored 2 goals in 4 games and scored 1 goal in 3 games at the WC. They've been stat padding against scrubs in qualy to make Højlund look good. Time to make some serious changes.
>responds to a post from Ireland with an image of a fist punching Scotland
What did he mean by this
there were some really non-scrub teams in qualy both times and they looked really good then. Wheelman simply can not handle real matches and he needs to FUCKING GO. And matt o'riley needs to be in the next squad.
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Ja, ja, din lille luder.
I feel bad you guys got that goal overturned by VAR. You could've made the game spicier, but you did well enough to get where you got. Better than us. You went out with your head held high.

I think the Nation's League is next, I hope you guys do well in there.

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