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wtf was that
jungle magic , fake win
jiri wins on a full camp
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Admit it, he’s the GOAT
Alex would shut down Jones. I've seen enough.
I don't care who won I'm just begging Pereira or Jiri to heem Ankalaev
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well done pereddit well done
That switch high kick was beautiful, I was thinking it was weird when he was kicking higher than normal. Really good adjustment from Pereira, made it look easy tonight.
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Early stoppage Jiri was still breathing!!!
20-16 Jiri
Haters gonna hate but this just brings home how good Izzy is
Picks. 5 Winners
UK (England)
USA x3
Aspinall beats Alex everywhere.
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based herb making sure Jiri took life-altering damage so his retarded clueless fans have no more excuses
Yeah, they want to set up Jon's freebie retirement win to duck Aspinall so fucking bad. They just love that wild silverback.
that was a fucking early stoppage again
izzy got very lucky pereira was cocky
if they rematch pereira heems him
I will admit, during the first round I started repeating headkick in my head as a mantra after I saw how much Alex was laying on the front kicks, body kicks, and leg kicks
I may have manifested this
Jiri looked so sad. Bros I feel bad
The producer in Rogan's ear is begging for Alex to say Jon Jones.
why does daner always protect the goatfuckers and put boy on boy matches like this?
jerry is permaflushed now.
more like how shit Jiri is when hes not fighting bums that get confused by his retarded style
Jiri looked off, I despise Goddard even more now
Who won
Joe is such a fucking autist
The fight should have been ended in the first round when Jiri was planted on to the matt and clearly didn't know what the fuck was going on
Jones ducks.
CHAMA in peace, Jerry
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its so funny that anyone can watch that first fight and think
>yeah jiri's got the next one
Reports coming in:
Pereiras sons remains were found in his locker. Jiri nowhere to be found.
Believe it or not but the guy who knows how to put his hands up and check a low kick
Khamzat flushed jireddit yairs ago
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what if he beats aspinall...
If he beats Tom/Jones I'll glaze this man to the day i die.
Jones takes the fight, it's a winnable stylistic match up that adds a big name to his legacy.
Poatan is the Ax Murderer of the modern age
>Sandhagen vs Nurmagomedov
Another fake fight
I like Alex but it's unlikely, I think Aspinall will lowkey show levels
'Denisa' would have zeemed that man.
whittaker's son

UFC 306: Pereira vs. Parkin
Zero chance unless Aspinall has a freak injury. Aspinall is too fucking big and counters everything Alex does.
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where were you when jiri was kill?
He can’t, let him beat up cans like gayne and tuivasa at heavyweight
Aspinall''ll show the depth of his own bumness
/heem/ should now be /chama/
cute alien
that didn't happen
is alex impossible to grapple against?
maybe the shamans are using anti grappling voodoo
look into it
Gane would brutally decision him
I still don't get Chama
jarry bros...
Pereira vs. Quemel Ottoni
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Just how fucking good is Izzy?
I guess it's just a catchall term.
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its unironically over for jiri
very sad to see him in such a gadooshed state
LHW b it's basically womens bantamweight with power
Pereira is a sitting duck for Jon in the grappling. Jon is khabib levels of dominant as a wrestler.
>"No magic, just training" *hexes you*
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i agree
aspie's not dumb like jiri
he has fought 0 grapplers to be fair
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...In my heart, I knew.
But I still wanted to believe.
F for my boy Jerry
Never fucking happening in a million years, Jon has a GOAT chin but i don't think there's a person that can actually tank the shit Alex throws. If it did happen i actually see him getting Gane'd tho, Alex has never fought a legit wrestler (one that's bigger than him at that), i see it going very poorly.
He might have a chance against Tom if he has a godly bulk, but currently? Tom smashes
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Why don't they just take down Pereira. He was a full time kick boxer in 2021. Are all those years of leaning grappling useless?
Alex has been doing MMA for like 8 years; why do people think he's a whitebelt?
Fuck Dana
Shouldn't Jiri cut his topknot after getting turned into a corpse?
Also, was Mark Goddard right the entire time with the stoppage in the first fight?
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yeah ufc is dead
Jiri is still my boy. Pereira is just a horrendous nightmare matchup for him
I think you guys are forgetting something
Aspinal is a heavyweight
Heavyweights are all fucking garbage
>B-but he's different
You said the same thing about Pablobitch
There's a lot about how Aspinal strikes that Pereira can take advantage of. And Aspinall's wrestling isn't that much about the level of Jan's
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>TKO merchant gets brutal TKO vs easy opponent
>le crazy mexican spirit man crotchsniffs after gassing
>smiff shitter
>project stinker fest
I cringe everytime I see a foreign flag posting "Chama". please don't do that
>brother eww
When you're trying to take down a monster roidfag you literally can't do shit unless you have your hands locked under the butt. Alex's cheeky little short shots in the clinch were very good as well.

You need someone who can actually wrestle like Jones or Cormier if you want to take him down.
you wouldn't understand what being a real one is like
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>cursed card
>connor pulls out of main event due to toe injury
>alex injures his toe in main event

jiri is right there is some dark shamanistic blood magic happening in the UFC
the truth is jiri lost the instant his bum ass music sounded
No, I didn't say the same thing about pablo. Stop making things up.
Who approves this shit
Only if the mountainnigger fights outside of saudi arabia
dc man this is cringe.
You're not to get it chammaaaa lmao
>especially white women
MW has no grapplers and LHW has two dudes, and only one of them is any good.
Ankalaev has nothing against Alex during the standup, there's no fucking way this dude would take Alex down.
izzy vs poatan again would do numbers
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On commentary they keep saying Alex made the adjustments to shut Jiri down.

Do you think that's true? I feel like Alex fought his usual style, he didn't really need to adjust much but catch Jiri when he comes in, because he's always had a reckless style
if Alex fights at Heavyweight, what would be his weight on fight night? 235? 245?
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Neverending grimness
wtf is dc talking about
jiri bros we used the antenna to break poophands toe
our braincells will regenerate but poophands toe is permanently fucked and will mentally heem him in his upcoming fights
white bros we still won the war as always
Soulcrushing loss desu. Jiri tried to blitz in like he did in sparring to cut the range and even then he was forced to respect Alex's power and pushed back. Just had nothing
Chael rips Alex's toe apart and wins by TKO (injury.) Book it Hunter.
Jiri tried, Alex freeded his leg and then dominated the clinch
Jan also tried and gassed himself out doing so
He walked out to the same song against Glover. I guess he thought it would help.
concussive ramblings
he went forward more I think
After Jiri’s movement was such a problem for Alex the first fight, that head kick was pretty brutal adjustment/punishment.
if can blockowitz can beat this mountain golem peirera will too
He definitely read Jiri like a book at the end of the first. He knew that Jiri would do a flurry to try and "steal" the round, and had his left hook ready.
Jan's grappling with Tom's physical attributes would fuck Alex up anon.
maybe cos jiri won the first round and was on his way to win the second?
>lost to Strickland
fluke knockout
Alex TKOs cans
When Izzy KOs guys, they fucking convulse.
this did something
how are you going to walk out to some bullshit like that and still be in the right head space?
Who the hell is connor?
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>smiff lost
>GOATan won

This card went from a 1/10 to a 7/10 just for that
Kek DC
I missed the KO, who has the webm?
he caught him multiple times when changing levels, literally the first time he tried it he got clipped, he cut his options
>Jan also tried and gassed himself out doing so
That was crazy to see. Jan looked like he was putting so much pressure and strain on Pereira, but he somehow ended up so much more gassed.
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>Also, awful stoppage. Herb went out of position when he should have stopped it right away. The fight was over after the kick connected.

t. ariel
all filler bullshit
thanks (((dana)))
at least 304 will be a british shitposting festival if they dont all pullout which they probably will
>fought two guys at LHW
>"cleaned out the division"
I don't fucking get joe rogan. He's worth >$100 million and he's peddling the company narrative like he's desperate for cash
>strickshit beating anyone good
fluke win
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i beat that guy once...
Answer this then smart ass, how can jiri be such a can and a bum at the same time?
what did dc say about white women
Alex unironically got too cocky. Jizzy had literally nothing for him that night and Alex stopped defending to just wing bombs and paid for it.
Jiri bros....not like this...not like this...
shamanism is cheating
Exactly. Watching that fight was like being a fish reeled in. If you couldn't tell that was happening you are a fish.
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Why didn't Jiri learn anything from their first fight?
Jiri likes to weave side to side when he comes in. Headkick was the thing to watch out for, especially after what happened to Usman.
I see it as just an expression with no meaning but I think the closest equivalent would be let's go.
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fucking grim
Garbage ass card. Glad I didnt invite any friends over.
UFC posted the heem
they're strapping the rocket ship to pereira
>fluke win
>dominates him the entire fight
>Jan is literally the only LHW who did decent against Alex
unironically, we need Jones back
Don't even know what it means haha, but I DO know that I hate Brazilians
Really good, which makes Strickland's performance even nuttier
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the stoppage was perfectly fine wtf are all these faggots on about
mma fighters hardy ever adjust or adapt in any way
He was managing distance much better this fight
In the first fight Jiri was making him miss a shit ton by just being in a weird rhythm with his blitzes, this time Alex had his mummy guard on point and he continually timed Jiri on anything
Jiri just couldn't really get going under those circumstances, and Pereira isn't someone you come up with new gameplans on the fly for
How bad will the seethe be when Magomed beats Pereira, rather effortlessly.
kek what a goat
they cry out to be bred by the black bull
lhw division is full of bums
the poofc in general is dogshit all the real fighters are 30+
holy shit no time wasted wtf lol
Needs to learn some fuckin English
Why is Rogan so insistent on Alex going to heavyweight?
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leafs predeem the heem
p4p more perceptive flag on 4chan.com
Jan beat pereira
I think Jiri didn’t make any adjustments besides like a few early stance switches. Alex was allowed to fight like he usually fights
Jan is over 40 bro
>Standing 8 count
>Legit win
It's 1-3. FTFY
Just me, or was that an underwhelming paper view?
the missing link
alex heems jon jones. he has too much power he only needs one touch
lit incense, unidentified feathers, a wooden figurine with a top knot, and a ritual dagger has been found in pereira's locker room
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Goddard is literally always right.
Alex is Muslim
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Man sad bros
Ankalaev is low IQ and doesn't like to wrestle against power punchers for some reason
Also his legs might collapse after eating one kick
the antena was ripped off his fucking head by the strikes after the kick that dropped him
Jon would choke Alex out.
I get letting it play out in normal circumstances, but Jiri was out as fuck on the last shot before the 1st round bell.
The moment the kick connected Herb shoulda stopped it.
I feel so bad for Jiri
because alex asked for it
>Jan is over 40
I thought he was the same age as Alex wtf
He knows Ankalaev runs through him and invlaidates his entire ufc
he never fought kamaru or shavkat
Middleweight Pereddit is too chinny. Also, Jizzy probably gets heemed 9 times out of 10 in this fight.
It's over if Jon takes him down
All the stars are here…
Why did Lopes crotchsniff?
yeah, in retard faggotville (your home town)
The Goddard stoppage was early
That stoppage was perfect
meh short notice fights are kinda gay but when both guys are on short notice it kinda shows whos really a fighter and not just doing it as a career
Name 1 contender besides Ankalaev.
>took izzy 4 tries to beat a guy who cuts 40+ lbs
>couldn't beat Jan or become double champ
>got walked like a dog for 5 rounds by a guy who alex took care of within one round
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He seemed to use his jab more, his kicks was also more varied. I think that really stopped Jiri from getting into a rhythm.
*blast doubles you 10 seconds into round one*
your response?
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It's his own agenda. He has a massive crush on Jon Jones. The more he talks up Pereira the better it will look in Jon's record when that fight happens.
>man, and Pereira is an all time great, remember when we said that?
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>taps with literally 1 second left in a fight
>is gifted a championship match, takes advantage of it by fighting to a literal draw after getting his leg heemed for 3 rounds
>almost DQs himself, is gifted an NC instead
>KO's a bum
>mom said it was my turn to wear the belt
That was sick (negative)
That was sick (positive)
So what was the point of any of those fights on the main card?
early stoppage again
what fight is this from again? I'm guessing Kamaru getting heemed by leon since they're both ali guys
Nope. See you guys for ufc 304
>correctly goes for the people's elbow when Dustin died
>jiri just got floored a minute before
>falls down flaying his arms around like a cars saleman's baloon
>"this is the time to give him the benefit of the doubt"
fucking hell Herb
this card was dogshit
At this rate Izzy's entire reign but get overshadowed by Poatan.
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This card was lil bit shit brazza
Any webums of the bell knockdown?
Holy shit Ortega would've demolished Lopes
what if izzy kills himself after this?
alex did you reckon? i feel like he chewed up that leg a bit more, knowing he could
true but he landed that left hook early in the fight too
it felt inevitable
You mean that sort of down angled jab he was landing? good point he had a lot of success with it
He was done before the headkick imo, the headkick was just for a turbo heem
>his mummy guard on point
explain more on this plz
I think he did try engaging in the grappling more, it just wasn't successful
good points
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What went wrong here?
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>RIP JOE ROGAN XD (secret meme sorry)
If (when) Jizzy heems Dricus, does he go for revenge vs Strickland, or try to catch Alex before he goes to heavyweight?
No fucking way british people pronounce 'fileted' fil-et-ed
the fans
Jiri will never win another fight
he weighed 235 tonight
shan't be watching
pereira has to be daners wet dream
whos his manager btw? hopefully hes getting paid proper
I mean Gynoman won’t beat DDP
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It seemed like Jiri knew it was over when he got knocked down in R1, looked like he was about to cry in his corner.
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Well well well, who would've thought.
>that bruise on Jiri's leg
Alex scared of Smiff
It makes me really fucking sad that Jiri can't be the best light heavyweight in the world right now
If you're Dana how much are you paying Israel to go to 205 if he beats Du Plessis and Strickland
Izzy took advantage of
>Poatan's lack of experience in the cage (he had <10 fights)
>Poatan's cockiness for going for KO
>Poatan's compromised chin due to the savage weight cut to 185lbs
Literally all 3 of those weaknesses have been addressed now. If they rematch, Izzy has ABSOLUTELY 0 paths to victory.
Poatan had a 4th weakness, which was his bad grappling. But he has improved massively in that too, as well as being able to jab you to stop you even attempting a takedown.
It's something like "lets go"
Ian Garry embarrassed the bellator boogeyman when he could've just heemed Shavkat and get the free title shot. You've gotta respect his commitment to humiliating the black race.
based. Alex is the face of the UFC
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Bushido bros ..
pereira would have knocked out jizzy within a round of this point if he hadn't gotten overconfident
What is the point of any fight ever?
i will give lopez the benefit of the doubt with him gassing so hard due to the weight cut but if he tried that same game plan against ortega , he get choked out
idk why alex rarely jabs, he has a great jab and obviously hits like a truck
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anyone who doesn't believe in mystic magical arts doesn't stand a chance against chama hence why jan did the best against him at LHW
Jiri had to lean on Herb to stand
The shaman spells were too much for the Samurai….
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Pereddit isnt champ until he beats Ankalaev.
Wasn’t all the way out on the head kick, started moving when he got hit with the first follow up shot, next few sealed the deal, perfect stoppage, neither early nor late
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In retrospective, Goddard was in the right
There was no way Jiri was recovering from this scenario
probably strickland. he has no chance against pereira at lhw. note his performance against jan. and jizzy weighed in at 200.5lbs btw
alex loses to the jones/aspinall in 2 mins at most
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its over
Someone have the first knockdown? The utter look of dissappointment and head shake from Alex after Jiri went down was ice cold.
Yo that leggggggg
Izzy was offered Alex for 300 at LHW and he ducked.
Shavkat is going to leave Ian compulsing on the ground with shit spewing from his butt. He sucks. MVP was never as good as people say. The welterweight division is the worst in the UFC right now. Shavkat will save us all. Also fuck you
>didnt mentioned dolidze in post fight interview
alex is scared
It fucking kills me to see him still trying to stand up and fight
I told you.
He will probably retire or something gay like that
poatan HEEEMS Jones if he doesn't crouchsniff
Reyes 2.0 is the only man in 205 who can stop Pereira
alex pereira hits 5x harder than reddit tom
Hopefully. I don't wanna see Jizzy's shitty ass reign of decisioning guys much smaller than him and pretending like he did anything. He has no excuse since Poatan has been going around heeming.
>smiff lost fairly convincingly to a middleweight who wasn't even training that much beforehand
so much for that pereira matchup, huh
the reason why Jiri lost was because he is a theist and believes in god and black magic
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Aspinall bros... we have a job to do
awful decade for samurais. we have none left. not even that nonce mvp
I need to see Izzy vs Alex again before I die
Poatan has indigenous shamans, while Jiri's ancestral shamans have been wiped out years ago, this isn't a fair fight. No matter how much Jiri larps as a samurai his spirit isn't one
Jiri even recreated this scene, true weaboo
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>Jiri's ultra wide stance
I think he even dips his head a little towards that side as chamon head kicks.
Wow. Got dropped like a 6 foot four bag of shit.
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Pretty much, yeah.
People thought that because he landed a couple of shots in the first fight he was winning but he had nothing on Pereira.
I feel Pereira distance management was better in this fight though, he was timing jiri a lot better than before.
>poatan HEEEMS Jones if he doesn't crouchsniff
>if he doesn't crouchsniff
>>>>>>>>>if he doesn't crouchsniff
>early stoppage
>heemed stiff
>razor thin decision
>early stoppage over compromised opponent
>tko over basketball reject
>pitty stoppage over short notice opponent
When will Alex get a legitimate win?
Get heemed by blaydes again?
he wasnt out and was actively moving on the ground to defend himself, herb called it off too quickly
Is Smith v Poatan out of the table?
Jizzy is never going to risk fighting Alex again
All he has in his life at the moment is "I beat that guy"
That doesn't even make sense cause in both their mma fights Alex has been the closest to being KO'd both times.
would be fine if alex wanted to chill at lhw and just heem people every 2 months
i was rooting for alex, but it makes me a little sad to see jiri getting heemed three times like this
Where's the webm of the first round buzzer KO?
alex believes in Allah
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Just how fucking bad is Vitor Petrino? He actually lost to Anthony Smith
Izzy won cuz he pretended to be hurt like a faggot then countered. Alex just has to be wary of Izzy's duplicitous ways.
it means heem in brazilian
nah he dropped that faggy shit a while back b
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Alex. The Fight.
Reminder that Brazil keeps saying that Pereira is shook or that he doesn't look right and he keeps performing better and better.
This cracker sucks! Can’t wait for my nigga to get his hands on him and enforce the BNWO
I guarantee you Jiri loses to his next three opponents, whoever they are.
he said he wasn't christian
late imo because poatan gnp isn't regular gnp. those extra shots rattled Jiri hard
but also not Herb's fault imo because he did want to give Jiri a chance
Aspinall and Jones are both wide open on the feet and have shit boxing fundamentals its just LHW and HW so it hasn't been exposed that hard, not that I would pick alex to win but it would be hilarious
he is getting wrestledfucked by ankalaev if he stays in lhw
he heem everyone else tho
It's actually from Colbitch vs. Mavisoi, kek
Did you like the magic?
there was a point in the fourth or fifth round of izzy's fight with strickland where it looked like he was doing some drunken fist movements.
>actively moving on the ground to defend himself,
nigga, are you blind? he wasn't even defending himself, two hands in the floor and eating punchs
look at it
Conor pulling out may have just permaflushed Jiri. Fucking grim
Pereira ducked khamzat reminder
I was thinking that Pereira should throw a headkick and then he just fucking does it, absolute mad man.
hunter strikes again, killing fighter's careers because they can't properly book their events for shit
UFC reposting multiple angles of the heem on xitter, need the webm
Jiri has been saying he's going to adjust his style and become more defensively minded since the Reyes fight, but he never fucking does
yeah jones most likely won't wrestle
what would you attribute that better distance management to. like, how was he better?
Fucking black magic abusing faggot. Fuck this sport
>explain more on this plz
Mummy guard, also called zombie guard, also called dracula guard
The technical name is the long guard
It's when you extend your arms out to block punches, it's a bit rare in boxing but pretty common in muay thai and kick boxing
To those who aren't familiar with the technique, it looks like Pereira is getting lit up all the time, but really he's extremely well protected
I think he needs to alternate guard a bit more instead of just relying on long guard and low guard, but the mummy guard has proven effective for him so what do I know
If Israel wins he obviously needs to do the final showdown with Poatan at 205. It isn’t even debatable. Fuck anybody saying that isn’t the fight they are just ultra contrarian. It is literally the best rivalry in the current ufc by a hundred miles.
sandnigger, he is a native animist like his ancestors. Fuck off with your desert circumcision cults
it's off, but yes. smiff has a better chance getting into a fight with alex at a bar or something
The good divisions are the lighter weights
Rogan is still running on fumes though
on paper the match up makes sense
He should of lost the rakic fight, it convinced him that his tard style still works
he probably anticipated a body kick, pereira hit a real good one early round 1
You've now realized Alex Pereira has yet to heem an opponent.

Heem: to render an individual unconscious
UFC trying their absolute best to make everyone forget that the rest of the card was absolute dogshit
ooga booga
It couldnt be a worse story loss for Jerry, he had to wrestlefuck against him, in both fights. And STILL got zeemed
back of the head, invalid result. third time's a charm for jerry
Alex fucked up by falling for the oldest trick in the book (playing possum) and paid for it. He's been much more patient and calculated later on thanks to this.
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feel so bad for Jiri
It wouldn't surprise me. The thing about unorthodox guys like him and Tony is a lot of their style is also confidence based. They get away with shit others can't because they have the belief in that shit.
As that belief withers away it's harder to get it back, and because unorthodox fighters fight their own way, there's no real way to hone it in again or study it in other fights. You end up at a crossroads where the techniques that brought you there end up being your downfall
ankalaev has a brazza name but his grappling kinda
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Jan unironically beat Alex and would beat him again
he was moving to improve position to evade the strikes, and that video is just herb forcefully hugging jiri, he looks fine, shaking off the cobwebs.
muhammad tongues my anus + you're circumcised
Thanks man, that's me England. Suck it cazzies
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I want Pereira vs Ngannou
Conor heeming his leg and pulling out sucked the wind out of the sails
Jones, who is literally an actual homosexual faggot, ducks into Perkino's headkick and gets heemed*
Jiri vs jamawl is the fight to make
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No but seriously euro descent bros. Do we need to return to Greek gods or something to get our own shaman vrill back? Is this the only way?
Just how fucking good is Jan? Only guy in LHW to not get heemed by Pereira
Poatan needs to learn some basci english man
He would be a even bigger superstar

He lives in america as well wtf
Thank you, I appreciate this.
You think he implemented it better tonight than in the last fight with Jiri?
yeah his chin is flushed
forever my boy though
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>I'm gonna break stone brazza

Please alex heem ankalaev badly
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Alex v Jan could've gone either way desu
That jiri wasn't able to close the distance as much as before and Pereira was catching him with more kicks and jabs coming in.
The left hook knockdown at the end of the first round was beautiful.
the stoppage was early, rewatch it you goof
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>pereira left hook vs smifs chin
his style is based on his athleticism and reactions
he's going to have a tferg downfall
when? why does he do the sign of the cross?
he had the magic of his hangman's rope to counter Pereira's spirits
It's because he's in a higher weight class, grappling always looks a bit slower and more awkward there
Adesanya would never risk himself by facing Poatan, he already won one fight and that's enough in his head to end on the top of the rivalry
He knows he stands no chance against hydrated Pereira.
Alex Pereira is a BJJ blackbelt
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>moving to improve position
nice one, you got me
kek just remembered pfl signed ngannou for infinite dollars and he has yet to fight in the smartagon
Ankalaev is both a nightmare matchup for Alex and an easy title defence
he could go out there and get an early takedown and dominate the fight. or he could go out there, refuse to wrestle, force a bad shot and get heemed.
he's in manny preparing for his fight cuh frfr ong
jiri status: HEEMED.
Alex on the way to becoming the LHW goat.
Alex's chin is literal fucking dust, what's stopping someone from just neglecting the meme kicks and bouncing his skull off the canvas?
It’s over Ton.
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>First thing you see when you wake up
>illegal strike
yeah, you probably shouldn't punch an already dead opponent
He is. He does sign of cross before every fight. Where did he say he wasn't christian?
So this is jiri's legendary recovery that anons were talking about since their last fight.
it just looks worse because he was off balance, it didnt seem to affect him at all while he was on the ground
Why was Jiri freaking out after he got knocked down in R1. what was he getting mad about? Did he think herb called the fight?
current alex would murder jan, come on now
That's fucking insane
He’s a world class black belt, it would be suicide
hes right you know
Fluke by Izzy, was getting outclassed. Alex was BTFO him whole fight
Can you throw ki blasts from this stance or is that illegal?
Alex left hand and all the pain from the kicks
He can barely speak portuguese
Jan was Alex's first fight at 205 and his first fight since getting zeemed by Izzy, he was probably really tentative and a little unsure. If they rematches right now, Jan gets heemed
You’re retarded. Jan got his head battered around. This is an extremely low iq position you hold.
Maybe is Jan didn't act like he wanted to be euthanized
literally who?
that retard who got knocked out?

Yeah he was a long time ago.
This was the one I was looking for, Jiri was dead there.
You are retarded, Jiri's center of gravity is forward, that hook turned his spine into jelly.
>life altering damage
bro will look exactly the same, so long as he doesnt do retarded sparring
They gave him a black belt for heeming jamal, that shit is meaningless
haha chama ;)
there's no way he's ever fighting right?
I actually want to see him fight that other guy because he would definitely be a top 10 ufc heavyweight.
Riddle me this.
If you don't speak a language until you're fluent in it how do you ever become fluent in it?
He's still in his physical prime though, unlike Tony. I think the ability is there, it's the confidence that might struggle. His whole thing was about being the best. He looked absolutely crushed after this and it seemed like it was because he felt this was a challenge he couldn't overcome and he's not really experienced that in his fighting career.
Whichever coach of Jiri's insisted he go out and strike it Alex should be fired. That game plan was pure retardation.
sheep shagging mong
Jiri's confidence and chin FLUSHED his based retard fighting style is finished. He's never winning another fight. Toilet Jiri
Prochazka was heemed so badly he was standing on his feet and engaging in a conversation with UFC official Herbert Dean
Jizzy is never facing Alex ever again. He's the kid that finally wins once and decides that is the conclusive victory and nothing else matters. He would never risk losing to Alex again. Alex is staying at LHW or going up to HW. I don't see Alex ever doing MW again.
yes. he thought alex did a punch walk off and herb called it, dude was absolutely fucked up.
Chama :(
Christ bros.....
Jiri lost the eye check. Hate to see it.
if you were the ufc, why would you not can jones vs stipe to make jones vs pereira at this point?
he has suspect defense too. the morning combat guys pointed out his sig strike defense is like 100th place or something crazy
but his chin might be decent. we only saw his weight drained dryed out brain at 185 chin
Alex got saved by the bell here. Jiri was about to unleash the Warrior's Code on his ass
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heeminder you fags were spamming
>le 34y old prospect
back in 2021
>it didnt seem to affect him at all
he literally stood up wobbling
why do we have revisionists who watched the sport for 3 months posting now?
Can a webm bro hook me up with the part where Jiri is walking around stumbling
yes he's brazilian we know
Jones fought a murderer's row of strikers and decisioned or submitted all of them.
Just because he doesn't grapple in his fights doesn't mean he doesn't train. Glover is his coach ffs.
yegood points
How are you coping right now?
An extremely accurate and dangerous counter left hook?
reyes vs jiri 2 is the fight to make
Dude got a dose of Pure Performance to the dome
He didn’t hear the bell and was inviting Alex into his guard you dopes
His son died give him a break he took time off to grieve
because if he beats Jones, then Alex probably retires because what else is there for him? no fight will feel bigger, he'll have hit the peak
conversely, if jones beats him, jones will retire and you'll have diminished alex's star power for no real reason.
idk why u listen when Glover and Blachowicz were making waves back then. No one has eyes or ears
>I DIDNT HEAR NO BELL (due to being unconscious when it rang)
Shamanism>>>>>>>>>>training and dedication.
>t. Paul Craig
So we all agree that Chama is the all time GOAT?
you are some easy marks boys, fakin hell
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It hurts to see bros.... not even a Jirifag
Tried that against Izzy and he woke up with his title missing and his children screaming. You just have to ignore the memekicks and send him to Timbuktu, pillowfisted Jizzy did it, it seems to be pretty easy.
Alex unironically has a decent chin at 205
The cut to 185 kicked the shit out of him
jones is overrated
What did Polyana mean by this?
He's gotten better but he isn't very articulate.
>hypercazzie threads
will be here during the WMMA cards to reminisce.
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rate this ppv
It's crazy to think that Alex has a legitimate claim to being the 3rd greatest LHW of all time
That isn't even the worse. Seeing Jiri stumble being carried by Herb Dean was way worse.
>"At the end of the day, no one knows who the fuck [Alex] is. And he's gonna be that guy, when I'm world champion, when I'm a legend, he's gonna be at some pub talking some shit about "I beat that guy one time," trying to get his dick sucked from a crack whore or some shit."
nice try you hueheuheuhe bastard. there aint no way
Do whites have to go to oracles and shit again? We need our own ancestral magic it's not fair
his vocabulary and choice of words is terrible, he puts very badly his thoughts into words
maybe that's because he didn't have proper study
if he tried to speak English it would sound even worse
what about those CANadians that got fucking banged out LMAO
Got Jiri to drop his hands. Beautiful
fucking herb dancing around before calling out the fight
pagan chads > abrahamic cucks
Other than Gus, all those strikers were fat, old men and/or Middleweights
pereira was already knocked out at mw i don't think anything could diminish his star power more than that at this point
it'd be like when canelo moved up 4 weight classes or some shit to get decisionated by bivol
>cazzie comments already asking for a free ti'ulsho' rat to fight alex
The switch kick was so perfect it looked AI generated
Meanwhile Izzy is going to get heem'd by DDP full oxy intake
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In isolation, it's a pretty good stoppage from Herb. In the context that Jiri was just brutally dropped like 1minute ago, it's a late stoppage.
Must be crazy putting on your city this hard on the world stage, only to let it down this terribly only a short time later
1/10 until lopez vs gay boy, then co-main and main 8/10
Did you start watching the UFC yesterday? Has Jones ever been close to getting knocked out?
highlights: Jiri knock out
ige coming back strong in the 3rd
literally nothing wlae
It really looks like Pereira just goes "guess I'll knock him out now".
Bookies ADORE him
Better than hearing clowns calling it an early stoppage. They are the ones to blame
Alex is the only fighter I've ever seen knock someone the fuck out and /sp/ is acting like it was anything else than a total blow out.
Joe Pyfer is a heroin addict from Philadelphia. That's the closest thing you can get to a Canadian honestly. 4chan tells me all the time that Quebecois are actually not Canadian, so Marc-Andre is creole or whatever the fuck
Smith is going to look at this fight and think "I can take on Alex Pereira"
He didnt drop his hands at all, he partially blocked the kick it just broke his guard cos it was uber powerful
>pereira was already knocked out at mw i don't think anything could diminish his star power more than that at this point
but ufc gained from that because it helped elevate Israel again
they don't gain anything from Jon winning cause Jon is retiring. They'd have to pay Jon a shit ton to agree and then they lose him anyway
He's literally the only guy in the division who can give him a challenge
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How is he coping rn?
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This always happens. When a fighter gets too good or heems one of our bois, we start to turn on him.
>Diego Lopes
>Ian Machado
>Alex Pereira
this card was full of brazilian excellence
Love the way Alex blocked ref from stopping the fight kek
You can barely form a sentence monkey boy. Mlk burro do caralho
My boy got brutally heemed, his chin obliterated
The other fights were boring and awful
Grappling is for shitters. Casuals are right. Just stand the fuck up if they take you down.
>boy a heem or be heemed fighter
>cry when he gets heemed
jiribros aren't made for this game
no one is acting like that
Great last fight, Lopes fight was ok, the grapple fest from the flyweights was a little interesting. Everything else was terrible.
Thanks Alex
very bad
only fight worth anythng was jiri vs poatan
Sure, Gane, DC, roid-monster Belfort, Machida were fat old pillowfisted bums I guess.
kek what a gay bitch
i cant wait to see his ppv reaction video kek
Poatan is too strong, /sp/ is scared of him
He is perpetually assblasted
On the left: World Champion Fighter and KING
On the right: used up worn out roastie hasbeen with eyes too far apart
There was ONE heem tonight and it was courtesy of Joe Pyfer. The other finishes were TKOs.
they don't gain anything if stipe beats jon either
More like fil-it-ed, but yeah
fine bait
notice at 25 seconds, pereira looks at jiri and mindheems him.
Any webm of the postfight props between Alex and Jiri? Was a really cool moment
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Nobody is saying that other than obvious shitposters, retard
look at 3 seconds, jiri is just off balance, and caught him at the wrong angle, a semi slip, that isnt a clean knockdown, hes not even affected by it while hes on the ground, hes actively waving him in
Gane is a bum, Machida and Vitor were Middleweights, yes
jones roided his entire career and lost to dom reyes. guys a fucking duck artist now
...with 1 tit.
if you don’t cry when your boys are heemed they were never your boys
bo nigger could beat poatan.
what a sorry ass fucking bet, you boring cunt
Lay down for 5 minutes against the cage because ankalaev has zero submissions get up Rd2 and headkick that bum
Poatan got seemed stiff by a Middleweight. Has Jones ever been close to getting knocked out?
Poatan fight was worth the wait, but anything else was thrash. 6/10
that's literally it, portuguese is my mother language I can perfectly understand his lack of vocabulary.
why the fuck would you think im baiting
seems legit
Godspeed mon ami
Point was Jones has faced good strikers all throughout his career and never been close to getting heemed. Prime Jones would school poatan.
those are some terrible nails 3/10
You're lost. Euro game threads are tomorrow, /int/cel tourist.
He's too busy learning the new best ways of how to kill his opponents. He doesn't have time for that
Johnny Walker Fucking Dies
the point was disproven immediately by autistic mmanons
hi izzy
he looks fine tbqhwy, fighters have looked way worse, it was an early stoppage, look how herd is forefully grabbing him, jiri is trying to get away from herb
Alex seems susceptible to getting decisioned by a crotch sniffer pretty much all his UFC fights have been favorable matchups with strikers
are you talking about yourself? I speak Portuguese and he sounds like any chill Brazilian guy
If you want to make Poatan a 3 division champion, you give him this man. Jones is way too dangerous, his fight IQ is too high.
that's most likely brazilians are all monkeys with poor vocabulary
they're both retiring, it doesn't matter
Imagine if Walker just walks through 70 left hooks in a row to flatline Alex?
Who is left on his division? Where is this grappler
of epic proporsions hidden?
Some people just dick ride hard specially after a win
When canelo still used a translator I got into a similar argument once, told a murrikan he really needed that translator because even in spanish he was a dumb beast on the mic, he didn't believe mw
He speaks english now and it's as bad as you imagine
the path to 3 belts is down, not up for pierrea, aspinal will wrestle heem him
Nowhere, whole division is dogshit. Speaks volumes that Smiff is top 10 innit.
>He does sign of cross before every fight. Where did he say he wasn't christian?
he explained it was to boost his fire or something, I saw it in an interview, he's not christian
only bongs (pakis) think reddit tom can win against poatan
Once Pooatan gets exposed by a grappler, the narrative is going to be that he was never good.
jiri was still conscious and actively moving to improve his position, early stoppage, just look at the fucking video
>idolizes pillowfisted decision merchants
>idolizes heemers and real ones
wtf heembros are we they the real ones
Jones would just play dirty as he always does against stronger opponents
still has no idea why would people think im baiting im literally a bigger poatan mark than them
>narrative that he was never good
That will never happen, people are eager to put him on the GOAT spot, if he gets the heavyweight title he will ascend as the greatest striker that ever lived.
It's fucking unreal how fast he shoots off that left hook. Neither of his legs is even planted all the power is from the hips and core
You tripping? Alex feigned a low kick which Jiri went to catch, Alex then unleashed that beast to the head
Bitch tits really holds grudges wow
you're still a macaco, diaspora
He is neither a native animist and he is a tri racial mutt
Holy shit you are retarded
a biracial* mutt, Mohammad
Triracial you low iq monke
He has black blood like the majority of all brazilians
Look at his sons , they are curly as fuck and have pseudo negroid traits
He is Iberian/Portuguese, Native and Black

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