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Without a doubt
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desu it's starting to feel a little scary.
based. Imagine meeting us again in the quarterfinals
We either go home by the fact that we made hungayrians seethe, or we send home the bongs. There is nothing scary in this.
Yes. My great-grandmother was raped by a British soldier.
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Worry not
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>made hungayrians seethe
why do you care about literal who's again?
you are one of the worst teams in the competition along with romania slovenia and georgia you shouldnt even be in the knockout stage
Of course I support our allies
oh shit my bad bro. who's greece playing next in knockout stage?
I hope you guys are the ones to end Slurpgate's tyrannical reign
we also had a completely incompetent coach for a long time so good luck with ending the tyranny
Didn't we just play you?
Yes, big bro Russia.
What's funny about that kuffar bastard? I hope your pig-ugly whore of a wife gets BBCd
Do what Croatia did in 2018 and kick those Anglos out!
>we made hungayrians seethe
huh? explain this mental gymnastics to me
every hungarian has a free room in the head of every slovak
That's not how my great -grandfather told it
Lmao utterly delusional. Hungarians literally dont care about you in the slightest. You wish you were relevant enough to get the same degree of hate from us that romanians do
You could do a little funny
>obsessed about hungays of all people
kek why are gypsies like this?
>*looks at the map of Slovakia (1018-1990)*
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We are with you brothers
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of course. 7-1 incoming
I'll let you in on a little secret, we don't care. Actually I want England to pack and go home as soon as possible because I get nauseous if I have to watch another minute of Southgate's semen slurping football and the
>le most expensive squad of all time
>with slovenia the only national team without nogs, dune coons and gypsies
of course
fuck the globohomo teams like france, england, germany, belgium.
it's some boomer commie retard stuck in the 1890's in some border town. anyone acting like this is unironic schizo.
i know 0 slovaks who care or think about hungarians at all.
if it was up to me, i'd give you the whole south to get rid of these retards who make the rest of us look like them desu.
rooting for my english brothers
fucking lmao
the slovak game thread was filled with seethe about hungarians
in the hungarian game threads nobody even mentioned slovaks
go ahead, check the archive if you don't believe me
please do an Iceland 2016
Not him but I know hungarian and every single social media like nemzetisport and trollfoci was full of hungarians saying that we agreed on a draw with romania, we are "tótok" and nationalist stuff.
Idk about nemzetisport I suspect you talk about the comments because unfortunatley every retard can share their opinion there, but trollfoci's posts are mostly just banter it's even in the name troll. And even if you agreed to draw it didn't really matter, because we never anticipated to finish ahead of your group 3rd. The seething was towards the anglos and the portugays but at the end of the day, mostly everyone agreed, that it's all our fault, because the game against the swiss was abysmal and unless some miracle would have happened we already reserved our tickets home then and there. Against the germans we were better, there was some fuckery with the ref there as well, but all in all we fell short again. The only team we could beat was the arguably weakest team in the whole tournament, Scotland and even there we had to sacrifice one of our top attacker to Moloch to get one into the net the last minute. Altough that was kino, we didn't deserve to go through, we should have at least draw with the swiss. The posts/comments you saw were probably from retards like the Slovaks ITT
you'll probably win it late on we've looked really poor hope you get a deep run if so you've got a good bracket for it
What if you lose 7-0 tho
We literally own you. Total white genocide
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hell yeah
The real English team is playing at 8pm against Spain
also, you ARE tótok, idk why you got offended from that. Tót is how you were called by us for a thousand year now, it's not derogatory. Same as romanians are oláhok, altough there is another layer to that because there is a gipsy tribe/group called oláh cigányok so oláh also became synonimous to gipsy
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we will win
can you tell me what can be so vlachic about some gypsies? do they speak romanian or what
We will borrow you some energy for the fight against engkek
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Today we are all Czechoslovak
> there is a gipsy tribe/group called oláh cigányok
I think he means the
who famously to us are native Romanian speakers
No, I hope anglos just steamroll you and rape your corpses, I've had it with you plucky underdog fags
Seethe and cope, mongrel
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I don't understand how people can consider the possibility of Slovakia winning when it is objectively and scientifically proven to be coming home.
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>You are all rooting for us, the good guys
If only you knew how much of a meme Puscas is in Romania
Pușcaș means soldier who has a gun. Pușca = gun.
Does Puskas mean anything in Hungarian?
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Yes, fuck anglos
drăguș or alibec > pușcaș
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it's the same thing in Hungarian
I didn't imply he is any good
Puška = rifle in Slovak too. Interesting.
No I wasn't speaking about them, they are an entire different group.
>can you tell me what can be so vlachic about some gypsies?
It's not us, who gave them that name, they self identify as vlach/oláh cigány. Maybe they migrated from Romania, maybe they incorporated romanian into their language idk, I don't hang out with gyppoes nor am I interested in their barbaric culture. If it were up to me, they would be extinct already and none of us would have to deal with them.
pușcă - rifle
pistol - gun

Olah, Tot and Horvat are mostly gypsy surnames in Transylvania. Was the Hungarian kingdom's paperwork done by politically correct hipsters who assigned random nationalities to gyppos?
rooting for you and so slags get a beating
> Olah, Tot and Horvat are mostly gypsy surnames in Transylvania
what a load of shit, wtf is wrong with you to make up this crap online
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Just add Croatia/Yugo and it's the ultimate total mongol death alliance.
okay I was exaggerating with the Toth part, it's a very common surname not particular to gypsies, but Horvath and Olah are szatmari cigany names

t. went to the same school as the neighborhood "croatians"
Rent free Marek
Oláh is almost exclusively gypsy surname here and there are a bunch of Horvát gypsies, but it is a very common surname, maybe 5-10% are gypsy who has that name. About Tóth, I have never heard any gyppo having this surname
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You can do it! /sp/ believes in you!!!
>we're not seething about trinanon for 100+ years
And you're not getting a centimeter, not now not in a 100 more years.
I know you guys have technically won a Euro before, but this is the most important game of your sporting history. How do you guys feel about your chances? I don't know many of your players besides Skriniar and Bozenik, but you've done a pretty good job so far., you have more football identity than us.
>Slocucks still trembling with fear 100 years later, after Hungary lost almost all it's influence, 50% of its population and the whole country sank into eternal despair and misery
Very slovACK from you
If dübs it goes the way of Ityg, if not, it goes the way of Ourg
hefty bump
Rare Slovak W
well yeah but what about the british roses' noses after the game?
Of course. I always root for anyone who plays against england, the hackey sack of international football.

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