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the not cricket is done
the cricket is approaching
shit OP I was still writing it
I was 60% through my list of streams no one will ever click on you faggot
decent effort but not aggressive enough for a countstreamssperg spergout. around my way, they still talk about his screeching the one time bard dared make an OP
good message but I don't know why you decided to speak like a robot
always speaks weird since voice cloner
really did a number on his psyche
recognise that alcohol induced voice
sipping on a lagavulin 16yo (whisky, not a person you creepos)
Clean my feaces you fat laptop thumbing neek
trip on micksperg
>they still talk about his screeching the one time bard dared make an OP
especially strange considering they're the same person
tf is that? sounds like somethying a freshcunt would say
looks like the schizos are having a meet
will come back later
Meds then bed
dial down that poofy lisp you go going and maybe the job search will improve.

I have a job you fat neek
not clicking
best /mu/core is MF DOOM (2bh)
so does a door stop. but I'm talking about gainful employment
England- Slovakia later
I once met a woman in Bratislava
She let me stick it in all three holes
Swallowed my cum after it had been in her arse
County Championship, 9th games.

BBC live text and radio available as is ECB website livestreams.

>Division One






>Division Two





spacky b really upset with me today it seems, kek, only made like 3 posts and he seethes. Go fuck yourself you fat paki freak, you aren’t the main character.
You don't know what you are talking about you dumb fat neek
kek takes him almost 2 hours to write it >>142226812

and he does it every day
mental that
>fat neek
>linking back to your own posts in prior threads
t.fat neek
if you flip this 90° clockwise it looks like zachy indoor rockclimbing
zachary "poof voice" bowen
If you flip this 90° anticlockwise it looks like zachy attempting V5
If you flip this 180° anticlockwise it looks like zachy after grandaddy says he won't lend him the money to buy a real chair
V5 is bakmhut at this point
Already fallen
enjoyed these
Looks like bum duo are in
Just had two teenaged boys in my bedsit tell me I'm ripped
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maybe this poomunity can still have some ok moments
just woke up, might watch my old county Hampshire
>shaming people for being in shape
Fat neek
just went for a walk around the hotel ngl mexico is quite scary
Why do you live there then?
what city?
Your autism is legendarily overactive today if you think that's the reason people mock the "two teenaged boys" thing.
am here on bizness you fat neek
based drug baron
>in Mexico
I'm telling the police to not let you back in.
Yeh mate I don't understand deep /cric/ humour
Kill yourself you pretentious laptop thumbing retard
Now now take your autism pills.
>Other than Vincent Fuller, no other Hampshire player has a strike rate over 60
really too brainful for the england team
Go thumb your laptop you worthless fat neek
did they have a look of desperation
eyes wide with fear
eyeing the exit?
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feel like shit
just want happy zachy from this morning back
Sorry m8 he's like a walking fuse. One lighter and off he goes from naught to spastic fit in under a second.
Tic for tac
I will give as good as I get
believe the saying is tit for tat
this is LITERALLY me rn because I don't want to fucking work tomorrow I can't no no no I can't take it anymore
can't take another annoying email
can't take another lazy bitch fobbing shit off on me because she probably has 2 brain cells
can't take another call that could easily be asked over teams chat
can't take more daily standups
can't take more sprints
the KPI death machine of scrum
I can't be arsed with work either
I am yet to actually be rewarded for it
My conscienciousness is yet to be subsidised
have you considered doing a real job?
Scrum is a system for people with no real jobs to give a sense of urgency to their non-job
The problem is it's pretty annoying for real jobs, especially when implemented in an environment where it doesn't make much sense.
No one in the teams works together so hearing about other people's blockers has no productivity
Have all that at my job too but cos I wfh I just join the meeting with my camera off and contribute nothing and don't bother stressing about it
>admitting you don't contribute anything real enough for anything to ever get back to you
I have absolutely no idea what you're on about think it must be about some complete bullshit to be honest
Despise project managers, business analysts, solutions architects, and other such non-jobs with a passion
>scrum master
such an NPC title kek
If you get paid the same amount for contributing nothing as you do for contributing something, you'd have to be a real fucking MUG to waste your time and mental energy contributing something
still better than being called a civil SERVANT lol
t. tsar with his silo
so you're comfortable being a parasite?
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Based Ben stokes getting the poon tang
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zachy 'boomerbook phoneposter' bowen
least I'm not a fat neek like you
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>maybe I'll just call them all 'fat neeks' for the 1098418th time
>that'll show em
Yeah very comfortable

based no morals man, must feel great
Well, Not like I'm calling them fat neeks without good reason
I'm calling them fat neeks because they are in fact fat neeks
zachy can't get his head around the concept of good and bad laptops. one for fun one for work. you'd think a train driving low IQ chimp could handle 2 states but apparently not
he goes through autistic phases like this
previously used to post 'meds then bed' and 'you're wrong' to everything. leans on these buzzwordy posts when he's getting btfo because he can't win the argument
utterly grim
You seriously need to get a hobby that involves exertion
You fat laptop thumbing chimp fat neek
You two are both so fat and cringe >>142234110

It's disgusting
got him dancing to my tune kek
not fat, told you already. your gimmick is dire because it's just blind guessing and highly inaccurate as a result
Cool story you fat neek
you're a childish dolt
see >>142233795
You are a fat neek
Your puffy belly button is crying out for bidet treatment
done with you pal
always thought bard was a better poster anyway
Ed Barnard is a better cricketer than Jonny Bairstow
Seething fat neek
I'm going to watch England-Slovakia
forgot about that
almost my bedtime though
will be Just Waking Up around midnight to 1am I reckon.
imagine typing in 'indoor rock climbing' under the hobby field, but the absurdity of it not making you blow torch your face
Big fan of climbing me
Will never stop climbing
>can't bring himself to include 'indoor'
kek humiliation ritual
heard zachy's season has been cut short by injury
V6 completion pushed back to 2027
>What is the meaning of climbing?
>: to go upward

yikes sorry son, Oxford got an issue with your lack of upwards movement.
I don't get injured
Welsh doesn't crack
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zacky mate didnt you say you climbed v6 yesterday?
what does that even meen lol
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>this larp again
never seen zachy with a Welsh flag but have seen bard with one
what conclusion is one meant to draw from this, other than bard being more Welsh than zachy?
I am Welsh tho
Two of my grandparents first language was Welsh

Barnard is ok but don't think he's ever going to be England standard
Not quite good enough with the bat and only bowls dibbly dobblers
dying soon
Gonna plan a hypothetico-SEA trip while I watch the deanoball
Something to do enit
bard is vpn schizo
Can't help thinking I should have done SEA at 25 at the latest
Will begrudgingly drag myself to a party hostel but finally getting a bit mentally fatigued with it all
SEA mogs SAm
the latter is good if you're into gay clubbing and drugs I guess
Never been abroad except on a school trip to France when I was 11
Irresponsible to frivolously spend on holidays without your future secure

When I am 50 I will have time.
Self-hatred isn't mentally healthy. You are English.
Quite worried that I'll be a rich boomer with a fat pension looking back wondering if I wasted my youth
I can barely even be arsed to type this out
But you are totally wrong
South America is literally god's continent
SEA the devil's
Have you ever been to SEA though?

And you've barely been to South America desu, you should definitely go back. I can share my itinerary with you if you like x
I can assure you, I definitely have been to South America
You went to like two cities in Colombia and spent a little bit of time in the Antioquian countryside, that barely counts
giving all my power and hoping beryl does the job
plebby didn't even do the old 'huasca
can he really say he's been there?
Mama Ayahuasca could unironically fix Zachy. Only didn't really work on me because there's literally nothing to fix
my mum says if i went to japan the girls would love me
think that's a L for bard /SLASH/ another lie from bard, as he apparently underwent the ritual and came out the otherside as the same self-absorbed dickhead.
Meme country won a meme tournament for a meme format.
got a proper farmer's tan fellas ngl
will be continuing on the farmtoil me ngl
what exactly do you mean by this?
fuck up fatguts
Oi Sebbo you're a septic tank, yank
File deleted.
'avin some lembas bread† rn with fresh COLD pineapple juice
>dat south indian hand
I'm sorry the other jeets bully you mate. it's honestly pure racism
take a nasty shit in the toilet
retrieve it
dry it out
make a roux
slowly crumble your dried human shit into the roux
add some nuts
bake until solid

take a big bite out of and post onto /cric/
love the taste of dried shit me
sebshit posted his hand and then deleted it kek
will repost from the archive if you deny it
et wala
sebbo likes a good delete after 2 mins
usually deletes his whole post rather than just the image though
i've never been able to delete one of my posts
how do you do it?
lurk more
alright i'll post my arsehole then try to delete it
Deanoball focused business idea:
no you won't
always look forward to a hairy bloke's arsehole me
getting second waves of this rn
I just woke up
Missed the Slovakia goal lmfao
Take your meds you fat neek
I just found a beer
Lets go England
no I won't post this in the chav threads:
reckon England are cooked. 20 minutes for a goal? not happening innit
I said this already
Come on England
Score a fucking goal
Bring on zachy B as manager right fucking now
Absolutely nothing exciting about watching a ball cross the goal boundary
suppose southgate must be a based freethinker then
Southgate is test cricket
>that foden ear tattoo
Holy grim
>Gareth Southgate says England are taking inspiration from the Bazball style of the cricket team in their pursuit of Euro 2024 glory
unironically would be doing better considering all of england's talent is on the attack in footie lol
This is bard
didn't think I'd be as disappointed as I am when england inevitably bottled it in the footy
Biggest moment in UK history since zachy climbing v5
holy fuck nvm
wtf I hate cricket now
So get in
>starts playing bazball
woah it's really that easy
this is more of a sport than t20
we were always more of a football nation anyway
amazing how if you have some of the world's most talented attacking players that you start doing better when you attack rather than when you defend with our mid backline and leave offense stranded
Insane how based zachy is
Gareth Southgate is the Mike Brearley of (test match) football

*Be's listening*
we did it reddit
Slovakia arent happy
The eternal Anglo bombed Serbia
>Sweet Caroline playing
Deep down I wanted Slovakia to win
oh shut up you little killjoy spaccy
*Jiggles your fat little mong Belly*
seen you using this one a lot lately. FYI it's a dire gimmick you fat neek
I'm not a fat neek
You fat neek

Lose weight
>more fags doing fireworks in Agra for an England soccer win than Indian World Cup final cricket win
So much for that new Hindu nationalism
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This is me
If anyone wants my autograph
I will be at freeklime, york tomorrow about 4pm
Murdering some v5s
Georgia is rightful Welsh clay
Charlotte church could be from Georgia and you would know any different
she's a fat welsh neek, bit like certain man
Terrible execution of certain man gimmick
You need to be hand held, you fat neek retard
got you malding so can't have been too bad
Football is closer to cricket than t20
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Can't decide if it was more SA stuffing it or India coming back from being down. Either way gg and see you in 2028
God I'm so fucking hot right now
If I was gay I would wank myself off
Bizarre welshoid cope
lad is a larper
Declan Bellinger
If you ever need a friend
The door is always open
And we both can say
Who's laughing now?
Club have come crawling back and said they need me to play Tuesday. Bigwigs still want me to pay membership, captain says I won't need to. Bit of a mess. Averages could be at risk
I am basically Welsh
Im well swarthy and two of my grandparents first language was Welsh
How do you even get more Welsh than that
In hindsight
This was a banger

bard are you left or right hand bat? either way I'd heem you and your rather suspect '''front foot cut''' (not a real shot) technique with my big inswingers
Two ideas two save me from a lifetime of laptop thumbing mediocrity:

-a bouldering gym
-only fans
Right hand bat
Am a bit susceptible to an inswinger desu, particularly if you can keep it on middle and off
>only fans
yeah suppose huge foreheaded fatt neek must be a kink for someone lol
I think I will actually talk to my grandad about starting a bouldering gym in Worthing
Do something you love and you won't work a day
I suppose 2+2=5? Fatty neel boy
*Rubs your puffy belly*
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Just woke up lads

My presence at Scarborough sparked a revival
don't you have to be at least a little bit attractive to start an only fans?
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pretty grim out
might go sit in a pub
they don’t look very friendly though
Go snort some coke and fuck some bunda
Mexican women are bizarre
either absolutely stunning or short and fat
nothing else
think I’ll do it, bit of booze and maybe I’ll start up a convo with the locals
South American women start hot but become short and fat at the age of about 26. In the genes unfortunately
I'm so fucking jealous right now
Wish I was in Mexico city and not.york
here till Friday if you fancy it m8
Would love to but I'm occupied by toil unfortunately
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'Noon lads
Looking good mate
2024 is the year to be in great shape
Absolute write-off of a weekend
I have bouldering to look forward to and nothing more
do you mean bardering?
Dire gimmick
Dave McLeod said vegetarians can't limb
Not being funny or anything
But if I were gay
I would definitely wank myself off
can't accuse anyone of dire gimmicks when you've been trying to force this terrible one yourself all day
*can't accuse anyone of dire gimmicks when you've been trying to force this terrible one yourself all day*
I am the man who will save wales
for me its

DO NOT check the PARSIQ price right now
Tomorrow, I will wake up with upfront zoomer chad approved, bulging bicep veins and six pack abs
you'll wake up with an upfront zoomer chad
Bad news. Ashmina Karmacharya was not called up for the Women's Asia Cup.
Upfront zoomer chads have got me feeling good about myself
Be prepared, world
My left shoulder unironically hurts
Knowing my luck it's probably some hideous bone cancer or something
2026 will be a good year for America.

We get another World Baseball Classic that is ours to win, now that everyone involved have accepted that it actually does matter a great deal. And we also get another T20, which will be our come-up story. I think we can all agree America rising rapidly from out of nowhere to win it all in test cricket would be the best possible story.
Maybe you'll get lucky and get to die.
tired and disengaged from toil
thoughts drift to peace within test cricket
Bouldering later.
Now that the dust has settled, was SKY's catch legit?
2027 is the year SAF wins first WC
He probably touched it but it probably wouldn't have made a difference 6 or not
good enough for the third umpire
It begins.
Another week.
Another hustle.
8pm here. Finished toil. Cozy on the couch watching house of dragons kino
Got invited to a $2k freelance toil gig that looks interesting and which I should be able to do in my free time in a month, but they want me to do a video call to talk through it. Probably gonna decline, simply cba with calls
came up with a smart way to dox /cric/ poosonalities lads. reckon it'll work. watch this space haha
pretty sure you could get me down to my town just through my posts
I've been here for 5+ years and am still just a humble 'anon'
this is me but irl
based 5 y/o
nepali girls are so cute...
raducanu from nepal
if japan had won WW2 they would've killed off the whole east coast and bihar
never clicked on any of your twitter links and certainly don't intend to do so now
Zachs arse is public property
alri' /cric/men
chicken cacciatore bubbling along nicely
just don't fall for the adding wine meme
Adding wine, or at least white vinegar, is very important for all sorts of dishes. Even though it evaporates it still imparts an important taste, and the meal will be noticeably lacking if it's left out
The fact that these niggas won without a main man from haryana like yuvraj or kapil dev is the biggest proof of the sport being dead
want to see dis niggas coq au vin
Wypipo be liek- dis food need sum wine in it
If somebody DARED to serve me a lemon and pea risotto without using white wine in the preparation then I'd spit it right back into their stupid face
Got a wineo in lads
It's truly over for the sport of T20.
>want to see dis niggas coq
bit gay ngl
Volunteered to help out with some proofreading at toil because I suspected they'd give £50 or maybe even £150 vouchers to volunteers to say thank you

Got the task today and they've assigned me 60 documents to proofread by 5pm today ffs

Will probably just do 10 and /cric/ post instead
yeah hate when you try and help out (although note you were only doing it for your personal gain rather than out of any goodness that you do not possess), and then they just take the piss

unless it's a parent/child or partner sort of thing a volunteer should not be given anything too annoying
I would never volunteer for toil shit out of the goodness of my own heart, you'd have to be a bloody mug to do that
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wouldn't trust bard in the slightest in terms of proofreading, given how many typos he makes in his /cric/ posts
think they might have had a bit more velocity during 9/11 mate than on the runway
Don't really enjoy proofreading one bit desu, too lazy for it
More of a writesman really
pre-streams post for day 2 of current round.

>Division One

Durham 190. & 33/3.
v Worcestershire 112.

Hampshire 301/3.
v Kent

Lancashire 334/8.
v Nottinghamshire

v Warwickshire 373/8.

Surrey 248/8.
v Essex

>Division Two

Derbyshire 76.
v Yorkshire 283/5.

Gloucestershire 179.
v Glamorgan 133/7.

Leicestershire 179. & 40/1.
v Middlesex 86.

Northamptonshire 97.
v Sussex 143. & 83/2.
Same thing would happen just faster. The pole would have sliced right through the wing like butter
look up the definition of 'neek' in the dictionary and it's a picture of countysperg hunched over his desk and laptop thumbing out that entire post every day. grim
Countystreamslad is an hero and should be respected
County Championship, 9th game. Day 2 of current round.

BBC live text and radio available .
Livestreams on ECB website as well.

>Division One






>Division Two





Ignore the spambot known as z**hy edition.
best part is he types it all up for free
at least bard found a way to monetise it
yeah mate where the FUCK is the embed link for div 2 derbyshire vs yorkshire?

you clearly half-arsed this.
>Ignore the spambot known as z**hy edition.
hmm weird that kinda sounds like something you'd put into an OP
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>post the streams
>the bot immediately replies thrice
Zacounty Streeb
Just got over the hump
You know the one where you start drinking and it feels a bit rough for a little bit before it suddenly smooths out and you're in detached bliss for the rest of the day
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all of them retired anyway
Dumb alcoholic
smarter than u
So the guy in Mexico is Bard or any other /cric/ character I haven't been familiarised with?
you can go back, the t20s are finished
Nope. You're a subhuman. You're not even on the same scale as me.
Probably true my scale only goes up to 300lbs you fat neek
>zachy thinks intelligence is measured in lbs
Absolute STATE of this subwit
Somebody else. Think he's Welsh (due to Penderyn purchase for his boss (what sort of suck-up buys their boss a gift ffs)), maybe glammylad
Surrey all out, Snater gets his third off a dumb slog by Lawes which was caught in the slips.

Still good bowling conditions, fairly nervous about these early stages for Essex.
Might move to France now that the undesirables are being kicked out
>he think he's desirable
Fuck Stokes n McCullum and their bullshit selection policy and stupid bazball nonsense.

There, said it. Bye.
no, you can go back now that cric is free of fat jerky NEEKS
The bankers
The bonuses
Free school meals
the post office
saw that post office series actually
loved the bit where the army of lawyers in their shiny cars marched in as a legion into a little post office in rural wales or something

keeping the small man down innit
Mad how the government steals half my pay cheque just so it can give lunch to some little poor bastards with irresponsible parents who no doubt piss away money on other things
imagine the billable hours
the tories
the russian disinfo
aren't they playing in Zim in liek a week¿
Kashif Ali will probably join Notts next year and be into the England lineup by 2025, screengrab this comment
Notice wikipedia has started labelling people as 'batter' now
that's what you do to fish?
>making a fifty in fc cricket with a meh avg is good enough for the Englel team
is he down to baz though¿
utterly dehumanising
He's only just started in FC cricket really, will get better and better. The Bard Talent ID© which correctly called Pennington's call-up simply doesn't miss
make sure to refer to yourself as a batter in your upcoming cricketing blogs bard (don't be a chud)
there is no talent in this country anymore
Wherever possible I refer to bowlsmen, fieldsmen, batsmen, umpsmen, scoresmen, groundsmen, and tealadiesmen, because I'm a terrible chud

Fortunately there's still talent in Kashmir we can plunder through SACA
Match tomorrow
Team's still four short, clearly struggling for numbers after deciding that only paying members would be able to play (although the captain's saying I don't need to be a member to play tomorrow after all)
Tempted to make myself unavailable so the club is forced to concede the match and reflect upon the consequences of their latest cash grab
But on the other hand it's good to get out of the house etc and I've just bought that new kit so may as well use it
take note, z
You are such an absolute fuckwit it's impressive.
Have proofread 13 documents thus far but have just come up against a 74-page BEHEMOTH and have informed them I'll be getting no further than that

Feel like my efforts deserve the £250 voucher (the highest possible bonus) desu, but I'd settle for £150
Just kys bro, saves us all in the end.
i'd settle for £566 iykwim haha
Not sure how it would save everybody if I were to shuffle off this mortal coil prematurely. Suppose it depends in what sense you're using the word "save". Guess it'd save you from having to read blogposts, at least, but that's about it

Same but will actually end up with about £991 from that iywkim haha
business idea: the 50
Business idea: All Bindia flags fuck off back to currychan or whatever the fuck its called, and never come back.
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>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds

Why are we such a moronic nation? We already have the highest tax burden in over 70 years, when we had to steal from the populace to fund post-war rebuilding. Now the braindead average joe wants the government to steal even more money from me (they're probably low-earners or tax-dodging tradies who won't be directly affected), all because any notion of personal responsibility is gone from this once-great island of ours
Sorry, that last post wasn't directly cricket-related and now I'm reflecting on my actions and resolving to do better
business idea: spend more tax money on cricket like programs for the youth
*And for impoverished 31 year olds so that they don't have to pay membership fees as well as match fees for a bit of meaningless midweek memebash
left wing mindrot
it'll probably blow over when the realities of labour set in
just buy a case of beers to sell to the boys when your team's batting lad
where's zachy?

but here >142283438, seething that old farts like his made up grandad might have to pay some tax rather than hoard their ill-gotten gains.
>>Major League Cricket is right around the corner if you love the short format! (Starts Friday July 5)
People """earning""" passive income by hoarding wealth will continue to avoid tax desu, it'll be those of us who break our proverbial backs toiling each day who have to pay even more
I don't think that was zachy either desu, he's not too clued up on finances or taxation, just waiting for his inheritance to sort him out

Think it was one of /cric/'s slightly quieter high-earning tarqs, maybe that fella who works for r NHS
getting a slight increase from this month for the rental fellas fyi
Essex more like ass sex
nepal more like anal
Flabby parasite (no offence intended)
not me, bard I imagine
not too concerned about labour me because they'll probs give higher annual salary rises to compensate for r NHS workers
But I am Bard so it cannot be I
Some sleeper tarq, no doubt
Suspect countystreamslad is privately educated and therefore savvy re taxation of high earners, so it could well be he
privately educated perhaps but likely didn't do too well
terminal autism can be a struggle as no one wants to work with people like that
it would explain why he gets so bitter and vicious
wonder what reddit will complain about now they can no longer whine about muh tories
meth mostly
I think he'd be an asset to any company which values diligence and attention to detail in the reporting of cricketing county championship highlights, match reports, and/or match links
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none taken, fella
please take care of your back x
>please take care of your back
ask him nicely fella
thoughts on Freddie McCann in the English side in coupla years, criccy¿
huge whiff of poo in this thread rn
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Holy shit! Is he okay?!?!?
Here I am still going strong
Meanwhile you fell asleep (ie. passed out) lmfao

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