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Yeah they're incredible but all the players are robots, no personality
because you only watch english media
Soul is for untermenschen
They're all shorter than 170cm and play like faggots. The Spanish invented diving.
Cucurella is pure SOUL, what are you talking about?
they are the gentlemen of footy
The people themselves are soulless so of course the players are soulless as well
It’s a sport, not WWE
ther germans did in the 1990 world cup. Jurgen Klinsmann is blamed for popularizing it
yank ass opinion, shut the fuck up fat
That's why UFC sucks now. No soul. I won't watch sports without the emotion.
I really fucking hate the way they play today, it's like a faggot version of tiki taka

Absolutely repulsive

And their squad is almost as despicable as England (the country).
they're the fucking worst, i've never watched a spain game that wasn't boring sleep-inducing dogshit
How are we supposed to play against bus parking?
All the Spanish males I've met were kind of autists, and not the fun kind. Women are ok.
I'm not so sure of that anymore
>I really fucking hate the way they play today
every team tries mimic them though since the baldfraud popularized tiki taka.
>caring about personality
does your dad know you’re gay?
we don't, good old low block + bus park
It's a southern european thing, you white people are just too emotional.
You should learn some self control.
shitty kaka was the beginning of the end of beautiful football
>tiki taka (football version of le indy workrate)
>roster full of 5'7 charisma vacuum midgets
They are aew
>bus park
disgusting shitalian tactics
this is a sport
go back to watch your Avengers movies fatso
Pep killed joga bonito
the spanish solved football thats all there is to it
It’s true nearly all big teams have no soul anymore. Spain, Germany, France, etc. it’s sad the nature of these teams and the sport these days. Completely soullless.reflection of the world today as a whole
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But OP, the road to LA CUARTA is paved with soul.
globalization went too far
should’ve never opened up air travel to the masses
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>of the world today as a whole
You are aware that the majority of humanity is living in countries that are NOT Western multicultural globohomo hellholes?
because their people don't care

i was just in spain and the streets were empty of ads for the tournament. could not find a single public screening of the games. the pubs that showed the games had no spaniards that showed any kind of emotion.
>muh tiki taka
Do you retards even watch the games? Spain's more vertical than any other team either in Europe or in America. 13 shots on target for Spain compared to only 2 by the anglos.
Modern China is the epitome of soullessness. Imagine living there, hellish society. Different but no better then the ruined western nations
I see scots sometimes in norway, you can spot them by how ugly and inbred they look
football is close to being solved no room for individualism
Agreed. They play like flopping diving faggots. The German style these days is off putting as well. Germany used to have more soul in the era when they won the 2014 World Cup. Used to have classic German style players like Schweinsteiger, who were hard working workhorses who played the game the right way. Sadly the German team has gone down the drain in terms of soul and style and it’s more of the same from them these days
>nooo you need to be clumsy, 2m tall and play hoofball like a souless retard
Kys you dumb chi
Spain is the best nation in this tournament. The days of prime tiki taka are mostly gone
Rodri has more personality than you entire NT
>Swedden talking shit about faggots
You’re Mexican. I’m sorry
geg foreigners are so dumb
Mexico is an independent country Jose. You aren’t a colony anymore
Is just tiki taka powered by ngubus on the sides
Yeah, we are short, probably a bit stupid and lazy too, but we ain't faggots and reject your globohomo cancer agenda
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>we ain't faggots and reject your globoho-ACK!
Out of curiosity, on which part of Spain were you? Everybody knows C*talonia (Specially Barfelona) is filled with sore idiots who refused to install screens to show the matches.
They are doping merchants and trained by La Masia
There hasn’t been a sinlge spiciard player with soul since maybe....Guti?
WWE is literally more real than Football at this point.
>Only niggers can have a personality
Why are zoomers so retarded?
And nobody called niggers soulful, this board constantly bitches about ngubus just as much

Do zoomers even know what ’’it factor’’ is?
>faggot version of tiki taka
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The only players with soul in all these 3 teams are
>Thomas Muller(but he no longer plays much)
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>Serbs in denial shitting up every thread
You are obsessed and butthurt, lol
>muh tiki taka
Thanks for proving you didn't even watch today's match you absolute fucking retard. Also good luck trying to rig it with us. We're not going to get cucked as easy as Denmark next week so prepare your anus.
Boring players without any personality.
I mean, who the hell is Rodrigo? I've seen him play so many times but he's just a big nothing.
Your main method of attack is still low passes and when you’re slowing down the play you make a shit-ton of passes, so you still use the system defensively
It’s just closer to Aragones Spain than Pep’s Barca/Del Bosque Spain

The worst part of Tiki Taka is now integral to Spanish Football.
All the players are trained like robots so that they all the same playstyle and stripped of any personality they may have or perhaps they are selected based on their schoolboy personalities . This happens in other countries now but not to this degree.

The players don’t care about football, most of them see it exclusively as a job like all other zoomer players(some of them are insanely proud of it like scatalan players like Xavi, Iniesta etc.) so of course this method is successful.
Individuality is frowned upon in modern football
And it’s at least half of the blame goes to that bald
Catalan fraud

Make no mistake, most other countries don’t have any memorable players either now but Spanish players are basically proud to be NPC robots.

This behavior would be useful for the army. But for football it’s a waste.
Yeah you may win, but it’s like a wet fart.
What actually happened is that teams became more professional, as so did the sport, just like in any game, the meta changed over time, people became way more competitive and better at it, so we don't see the fast sprints and raw football any more.
spaniards solved this sport. look at their trophies, look at their coaches. you can hate it but you can't deny it.
>people became way more competitive and better at it
Kekaroo, the absolute delusion

What happened is that faggot zoomers have no personality.
So all players became systembabbies.
They either became passing robots(spanish players), pacebabbies(niggers) or generic filler bodies(everybody else)
More like they helped ruin it
The roots of it go way back to the 20th century though
Football schools were a mistake and so was reliance on systems
only applies to EU teams
america, asia and africa teams are sovl
your country has no history and speaks a language imported from europe
Argentinian is of european
English is a mutt language
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strong post content to flags correlation
Then why is there more simulation in football than WWE?
how do they stand out from the natives then?
>Boring players without any personality.
are you a child?
>if you are not a nigger full of tattoes that does dumb shit like dabbing you have no personality
Not the Spanish, Barcelona did
Your comment clearly shows that you have 0 fucking idea what you are talking about

Literal 0, you are a fuckwit
Just stop watching the EUROs and football in general
i dislike their country which reminds me of south italy and their pissy passy "football"
>reminds me of south italy
Literally the south of Spain is cleaner and more developed than the north of Italy which is full of garbage, trash, human garbage and deficient infrastructure
silence, third worlder spic
Italy invented diving
The only purpose of sport is drawing a crowd to make money from + attract sponsors. All sports are the same as WWE.
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Sure it is anon
Kek, Italy is a third world dumphole more comparable to Tunisia than places like Sevilla unironically
Kek muh yt links
Btw map on the left explains why spain is so soulless on top of being a 3rd world tier siesta shithole living off Eu gibs
>Kek muh yt links
Kek, it do be like that
>thinks about England again
Anon that guy you posted is the typical italian who loves to shit on Italy for reasons you foreigners will never get. The maps i posed are based on economical surveys and scholarly studies.
So, cope and fuck off
>specially Barcelona
if anything Barcelona and its surrounding area is where you're most likely to find locals interested in the Spanish NT, by far
Anyone who has been to any major Spanish city vs any major Italian city knows the absolute state of decadence that Italian cities have compared to any Spanish cities. Places like Sevilla are poor but they are not literal third world Mad maxian dumpholes full of trash, grafittis, used condoms, shit decaying infrastructure and cars on top of the sidewalks in the city center like in Milan which is closer to Tunis or Casablanca in spirit than Europe
>A-anyone trust me
Sorry brown thirdie, I will keep trusting actual sources
we've got this KFOR rape baby FUMING for some reason
>A-anyone trust me
I posted literal visual evidence, you posted wishes and desires. Even the north of Italy is a dirty dumphole and it is hilarious you think Spain looks like Naples, when the reality is that the north of Italy looks more like Naples than any major Spanish city which are usually a lot more modern, tidier, better mantained and with overall better urbanism
I get it is quite difficult to process for your inferior spanish brain’s capacities, but posting some highly biased and heavily cut video is not “visual evidence”, it’s just another episode of a spaniard losing and argument and making a fool of himself online.
On the other hand, posting the eurostat official datas, THAT is visual evidence.
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>I get it is quite difficult to process for your inferior spanish brain’s capacities, but posting some highly biased and heavily cut video is not “visual evidence”, it’s just another episode of a spaniard losing and argument and making a fool of himself online.
>On the other hand, posting the eurostat official datas
>THAT is visual evidence.
Now, to focus on the other map (Murray’s). Your achievements as a country are on par with Belgium’s, which is a respectable yet very small country.
You are fundamentally irrelevant to the history of the European civilisation.
>Now, to focus on the other map (Murray’s). Your achievements as a country are on par with Belgium’s, which is a respectable yet very small country.
>You are fundamentally irrelevant to the history of the European civilisation.
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Ironically the time they had a guy with personality is when they were most successful.
>on top of the sidewalks in the city center like in Milan which is closer to Tunis or Casablanca in spirit than Europe
I went to both Morocco and Italy and I can confirm
The wop ITT is delusional
t. Paco Hernandez about to take his 3rd nap today
4chan is probably the only place in the world where you can find an italian and a spaniard bickering.
Go back Tonatiuh
i love my friends and everything that comes from españa, coño tio !
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How can we be soulless if we take a 600kg designed to kill people (for centuries) in our streets after dinner?
think about it, spain's best future talent ended with spurs benchwarmer
holy fuck i bet people get killed, my city is one of the few where tauromaquia is not yet banned, we still have this spanish culture around, at least around here in my city
Puto rojo siervo de AMLO, que te jodan.
why u assuming im with amlo ?
i think u got it wrong, im praising spain cuz im fan of tauromaquia and futbol, why u instantly put me on the left side of the political shit ?
>i bet people get killed, my city is one of the few where tauromaquia is not yet banned,
people having fun--->get killed.
is not yet banned--->you don´t want it yet you say you are in favor of tauromaquia.
this spanish culture---> it is also your culture.

Only leftists and hateful people talk like this.

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