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Why do they act like they still have an empire?
We have an empire based on the seethe of foreigners. May it last a thousand years.
Why do you still act like you're in the Euros?
Why are you so bad at football?
>10th thread you’ve made today
seriously did an english person molest you as a child? what’s your problem?
how many seethe threads are you going to post?
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furor teutonicus
I cant stand you either
Done him
Because we can command our tribal auxiliaries on the field.
>OP btfo in less than 60 seconds
OP not been seen since this post dropped LMAO
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Sport is all they have, and they're very bad at it
Foreigners (such as shitskin Indians like yourself) are far more obsessed with the British Empire than we are, tbqh. It's not something the average British person thinks about all that often, if ever.
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>half-hourly danish L
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Settle in lads, we're going to be living rent-free in OP's head for another week.
Olaf?? Your response??
Bodied that freak
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Pastry sisters...
Because it's been home. You wouldn't get it
>for another week
Your expiration date is sat, 6.7.2024. so not even a week britbong
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other than prostitutes (male) what is thailand known for
Northern France should be in there.
I agree.
Sweet chilli sauce
yeah you've been seething across multiple threads as well, an evening well spent?
Thread is already done
Holding down communism for one, you should be sucking my girldick
Because their past is extremely glorious and their present is extremely cucked.
Oh no oh no
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The answer is still "fuck off".
>Asks the question in English
>Holding down communism for one, you should be sucking my girldick
You bowed before the Khmer Rogue, you're a bunch of cuck no matter who it is.
Opinion discarded, neither a glorious past, present, or future. Good luck to you, you'll need it.
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Based English flag on steroids.
Little Englanders feel the need to compensate for something by being the loudest, believing the world still revolves around their airstrip.
I think it was called lingua franca until America took over the world
>FIVE St George's crosses in one flag
How can we compete...
bro you got btfo by your own people over tea, your the ultimate cuck nation
Little Englanders don't think about the outside world, living on a island does that. But you spend too much time thinking about us, we don't deserve such attention.
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>only lose to ourselves
Fucking champion.
Based St. George enthusiast
They do. We’re speaking their language. And their former colony is the worlds sole super power. Anglos still rule the waves albeit it the elite is completely compromised by the Jews but so are all of ours. We’re all living in some form of England now
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and yet, look at how much we still make you seethe and occupy your every thought
>one goal by Bellingham, one by Kane
>obsessively focus on the black fella
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Bizarre post
Get back to sucking my dick, mate (no homo).
>with the help of the french and spanish empires
Born and bred Englishman and I can't stand this place. This country is a fucking shithole. Many towns are now no-go muslim zones. We fly rainbow flags whilst bending over backwards to import rapefugees and muzzies who throw gays off buildings. You couldn't make it up.
Kek imagine
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They fucked themselves over, that tea that was dumped in the harbour was supplied to them by the East India Company to saturate the market and bring the price of tea down. Lol. Fucktards.
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Las Malvinas son Englaterra. Deal with it Paco.
You're not even allowed to wave your own flag. It's considered right wing hate speech. Also, you're never getting it back.
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You do realise that term "Little Englanders" was coined by pro Empire factions that wanted the expansion of the empire against those that wanted the colonies to be independent.

You do realise that right?
>american education
We were right to side with you
Why are you taking the time to interact with people outside of your containment island? I thought you didn't think about the outside world? Didn't you also have a world-spanning Empire once upon a time? Does not compute.
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Bad news, no one cares. Stop driving whilst looking in the rear view mirror.
I'm not a little Englander, but rather an erudite and urbane English gent, I condescend to talk to foreigners, and tolerate their impotent seething.
Remember when you fags were chimping out about Hong Kong? You're never getting it back.
Didn't Poland get literally wiped off the map once upon a time?
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Don't use terms you don't understand.

Slave, sorry "Slav".
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Look at how mad you are, sort yourself out it's embarrassing
let's check
>you speak English
>you have a parliamentary system modeled after the English one
>your social elite play Golf or Tennis
>your lower classes watch football or cricket
you're like some medieval ruler who speaks Latin, calls himself "rex", drinks wine imported from Italy and mints Roman style coins. "But the Western Roman Empire is long dead" you say as you die of dysentery on crusade on behest of the Pope in Rome.
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Sucks to be a Hong Konger then doesn't it?
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Obliterated that schizoid faster than the Germs annexed his entire shit country.
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Why do most of our colonies want us to rule them again, yet no one wants the French or Spanish?

Why is that?
Belling is White.
you forgot to send a freighter of sugar. sugarless tea makes us chimp out
good post
I thought you'd be grateful for the Argensimian representation?
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>sugar in tea
Blacks yearn to be enslaved, but not to the inferior Chinese. That would be humiliating for them.
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Notice how sheboons crave the BWC, but never the chink micropenis
Why does your country act like it makes decent audiophile gear?

B&O are shit.
Dad, please relax!
Imagine waking up in the Orwellian nightmare that is England. The average bong must really be fucking dumb
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kek this thread is gold.
Nigel's on fire today
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Fuck off Scatalan.
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espanjola ay ay ay
You're missing the Cook Islands and a few others.
Because you have to look to the past if you have nothing to be proud of in the present.
Why is their country like it is if they have English civilization?
it was germany that knocked you out not us, pipe down
You have neither past or future to be proud of so I don't know why you're chiming in with an opinion that is worth less than one of the atoms that makes up a shit flake stuck to the rim of my arse.
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Because we unlocked the chains that kept them in check at your request. Your whole anti empire crap has done far more harm than good and you know that. Everyone knows it they just don't want to admit it.
It was based and set up some of the best arcs and subplots in the past 250 years, absolutely genius writing
woah looks like north gibralter is mad, they'll probably write another stern letter about our territorial ""dispute"" to the EU commission if we're not careful
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Done and dusted
Fuck's sake that got me good
Doesn't change the fact that you're constantly reaching back to WW2 to shit on Germany because you have accomplished nothing in the past decades. Stay mad.
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Germany as we speak is destroying Europe yet again and you defend them.

Good servile dog with no past and no future. Obey your master like the good bitch you are.
Famous Spanish comedians such as... Manuel from faulty towers and that guy that talks about children liking black cock
They were once an empire, now they're just another future colony of Brazil.
>Because it's been home. You wouldn't get it
Do you not see the star above our crest? What planet are you living on?
>encouragement only from other abusers

colour me surprised
kek, you aight thai boy (girl).
Youre already coloured mehmet
Retards like you keep aping our language and culture
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The British Overseas Territories (BOTs) are 14 territories with a constitutional and historical link with the United Kingdom that are not part of the United Kingdom itself, but are part of its sovereign territory. These territories are:
British Antarctic Territory
British Indian Ocean Territory
British Virgin Islands
Cayman Islands
Falkland Islands
Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands
St Helena and St Helena Dependencies (Ascension and Tristan da Cunha)
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia (Cyprus)
The Turks & Caicos Islands
we invented you
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The one honest Englishman lol
Good job
You sure did, dad!
How many israeli politicians are jewish though
lmao DONEmark
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>only country to invade and occupy Washington dc
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i absolutely fucking spee during the knockout stages of football tournaments when england is still in
the collective plebbit-tier seethe at england is simply fucking hilarious, and delectable
meanwhile spain wins and no one bats an eye
the collective hypocrisy, seethe, and tears from you pleddit crybabies is so fucking delicious, and it is the only reason i wish to see england keep winning for as long as possible
Always thought that was an asterisk. So i've been lied to my entire life then?
Nice statement from a country with a team full of Ngubus.
We're still colonising your little foreign minds and letting us live rent free
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I don't know what is worse. This dane anon still not taking an L respectfully and whining like a bitch, or the perfidous Albion pretending they didn't almost choked to fucking Slovakia of all teams today.

Switzerland is going to send you home, so enjoy shitting up this board while you still can.
>only english flags congratulating him

i'm guessing at least 10 samefags in this one
>One Spanish post
>All the Englishmen seethe
Never give up Diego.
hey hey, don't forget Risitas at least
even if the funniest thing about his routine is that he looks like a hobo one crack hit away from death
>300 english flags (you) ing this """burn""" to denmark (country they couldn't win against in groups) right after being 0-1 to the titans of slovakia at the 90 minute mark
Lol, lmao even
Please remind me once more, how many euros does england have? What about WCs in the last 50 years? I clearly have a faulty memory here and can't bring myself to recollect...
It's crazy how they have this whole narrative of people seething after them but there are no easier way to farm (yous) than mentioning England in any negative light, the glassheart of the bonger
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>Case in point
I could barely scratch my nuts before threadwatcher lighted red, though I appreciate England playing the perfect villain in every league, makes it more fun, though if you actually won it would ruin the joke so still rooting against you.
Scotland is the last colony
This is a thread about England and there are more England flags on this board than any other flag (except for Americans but they don't care about football), not to mention that anon mass replied to 15 English posters, so they were probably replying back to him.
I’m starting to think the English are the protagonist of /sp/.
You are brown and seething
Then there is ulez and detectors everywhere even in the countryside.
>english are the protagonists on an english forum
truly earth shattering
What language are you asking in?
with Southgate, the sun never sets

Idk haven't been raped by several world empires to change the demographic completely.
It's the only reason we don't slaughter them, so they should be thankful.
Moot, the creator of 4chan, is American, the servers are hosted in the US, the current owner of 4chan is Japanese.
There's nothing English about this site besides the posters and their culture

>the empire
>the foreigners
yeah, besides the language? are you stupid?
>Terrorist Pepe
Oh you will love The Troubles then!
>t. ruled by a pajeet
>Why do you still act like you're in the Euros?

>le epic screencap moment for mediocre le banter

Physically cringed.

>Look at posts
>All anglo flags thinking that was a "good burn"
I guess to an inbred it must be funny, but reality will sink it once england goes home without another trophy

they won in 66 despite creating the sport. That's 60 years trophyless.
lmao based
They have their empire at home
Elder Africans actually miss French colonization. Also, HK is a special situation and you know it. They don't actually want to be under British rule, they just want to have more ties with the West than with Mainland China.
Not that funny desu
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They're just fat diabetic fags that get their asses beat
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England is mah city
Good plan guys. Glad there aren't any nasty Europeans getting in your country anymore
and your home
Cope Mehmet
(You) 4-0 OP
aaaaaaawwwwwwwww shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiteeeeeee
our empire is situated rent free inside the heads of every spee anon
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>Bongland calling anyone a Mehmet when Pakis and Jeets make for most of their heads of government
Shant be giving any Spaniards a (You) until they find Jay Slater for us.


>Audio Note
>Music First Audio
>Musical Fidelity
>Monitor Audio

yeah English bros, we listening good.
This is an Anglo board
It will always be an Anglo board
You will never crush our spirit
You will never break our bucks
You will never marry an English rose
You will never stop us shitposting and it'sposting
It WILL come home
Don't like it? Fuck off
done him
guitar amps..



Pig fiddlers BTFO
genuinely mad how we make the best amps in the world and it isn't even our thing lol
>muh cleans
are for blooz dentists
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god fucking damn
Celestion speaker + Mullard valves my brother.

Forgot to mention WEM (RIP) too.. made in Mitcham / Balham.
>more BBC for English roses
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