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It’s a great question. They are good at all relevant sports

Alonso is washed and Paki Sainz is irrelevant
Easy when you're doped
Spain was irrelevant before
oh yeah? name one spanish cheese
Olive oil and Jesús
Mediterranean diet and lots of sleep (siesta)
also handball
Germany is going to tear them a new arsehole
they get all the sun that makes you want to go outside
Bro really tried sneaking cycling in there
manchego, queso de tetilla, cabrales, mahon.
Idk but I wanna be a part of it, we should have never become independent from them, they are just better than us in every single way…
We're just superior
How, Ahmed El Molenbeeki?
divegrass its not an sport its just an elaborate joke, a joke that isnt even funny
ask dr fuentes about this
Dr Fuentes is too busy fucking your shitalian mamma, who should I ask instead
Torta del Casar
de Burgos
Manchego only mogs every single angolan cheese you guys have
t. Paco, from Alicante
No me puedo creer que ningún español haya mencionado el Cabrales aún. También Torta del Casar
Hey, do you guys mind helping me out? I have this really gay, homosexual, very gay Spanish guy I’m talking to who thinks his team can actually win it all? How do I bring him back down to earth?
following 500 years of irrelevance, now it’s their moment, good for them :)
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can't help it
Suck him dry
we get powercharged by the Sun
Suck his cock
Try giving him some head
You'll need the practice, anyway
i feel you bro, imagine what we could accomplish if Iberia was united.
I've made a quick search about this person: the only relation that this man has ever had with football was being the official doctor of fucking Las Palmas in 2001.
>he didn't know
Mi novia que vive aquí conmigo es española (de los Balears) pero odia al equipo español porque ella es de izquierda. Odia a todo que representa el estado moderno, post-francisto y monarca. Vamos a apoyar a Alemania juntos y
looks similar to comté cheese
y que hijoputa????????
We would have been unstoppable man… such a huge fkn mistake that we made, but I still have hopes that one day this peninsula will be united like it was destined to be
Decia vamos a apoyar a Alemania juntos y
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that looks yummy ngl
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Lo siento por ti, amigo
>Odia a todo que representa el estado moderno
but the modern state in spain is leftist. shouldn't she love the government now? or is she still mad about a guy who died 50 years ago kek
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>"i should skip work for 14 years!"
god what a chad
They're literally the Roman Empire
it's god tier, but an adquired taste
the rennet comes from a flower, so it has a bitter aftertaste and it smells awful even before opening... but with a good wine and bread migh be one of the best cheeses ever made
>relevant sports
>>cross-country running

Spain is actually not so good in most of those.
mi novia esta una monstra de tetas gordas
gay horse
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will investigate, thanks for the tip Spainbro
best horse.
you mean best horse.
edgelord horse
well... that one..
I'd prefer if you said golf, motogp, handball or whatever
>he doesn't know
este post es demasiado gracioso
proof or you're gay
Barely any snow
Who tf watches sailing?
You mean concussionball?
Might as well count trial where Toni Bou basically toys everyone else. Besides there's probably some talented Spanish doing it but it's not like it matters to anyone so I don't know
What kind? We're top tier in grass, roller and inline, both men's and women's. We don't have ice rinks for obvious reasons
>cross-country running
Wait what?
>Why are they soo good at literally everything?

apart from building safe balconies for tourists
Why are they not good at not smelling like shit? Every spaniard I met stank like shit out of his mouth and body odor was horrible too. Disgusting swarthy fucks.
posh "sports" don't count anyway, but Spain is a notorious sailing nation, cross-country and mountain-bike have some fluke wins and even if you leaf only consider ice hockey to be real hockey, one of the main three hockey disciplines is entirely dominated by Spaniards
they destroyed all the blood samples so we'll never know
The balconies are perfectly safe, they're just not meant to be used as trampolines to dive into a 2m deep pool
I've traveled the whole world. America, Europe and Asia. And yes, Spanish people are special. There is something that it can't be defined, it can only be felt, and that only a few people from a few countries have it. I've seen some French people with it. Some Italians too. Some English people that come from the French nobility too. Even some Japanese.

Some people call it the sovl. You can specially feel the lack of it when you talk to someone from Belgium or Sweden. It's the uncanny valley. Like talking to an AI.
Because there aren't that many European countries with hundreds of millions of people who also have a decent GDP.
Estaba bromeando gilipollas, nunca tomará una chica así como novia.
their posters are invariably boring and chronically butthurt though, I don’t want them to win purely because of spee bants reasons.
Good at doping maybe

I see that there are spic mods on this board
They got butthurt about my thread calling those spics out on their doping tricks

Imagine needing to dope to beat Georgia
Scumbags with no honor
That is why they can never be white
Solo chicos para este Alemán
El kosoviano strikes back kek.
and let not forget:basketball at the disabled olympic
That's like saying your democratic party is leftist. Both are "center" parties made to maintain the status quo
kek look at this retard
You are swarthy muslim rape babies that stink, your language is a fucking joke, your skin looks like shit
kill yourself
They can if they continue doping
France dropped the ball
Englel lol
Germany is not that convincing

Others aren’t worth considering
Austria is a small team so they will choke, get refballed etc.
They are also players with honor as is their coach so they won’t dope
Current Switzerland wouöd beat them
Not important
Despite doping still worse than federer
It is not about driving but creatibg the car
Extreme Swiss domination iver the spanish
american are fucking stupid when it come to politic terms
I really hope this is a pasta, yikes otherwise lmao
>kek look at this retard
>You are swarthy muslim rape babies that stink, your language is a fucking joke, your skin looks like shit
>kill yourself
This post is so IQ that I refuse to believe it was written by a non alcoholic german. A turk or some fag on coke and beer
NPC bot detected.
i thought their main sport was bull fighting
both waste the countries money at crazy levels, pretend they're for the common folks while taking tax payer money for lavish vacations and are for open borders and 3rd world hordes destroying our countries. idk, that's the modern left to me. but if they're centrists, then fuck them too. they're shit tier.

i agree. people over here are so bitter and envious and they dont even like themselves which is why they all kill themselves.
>your language is a fucking joke,
It’s a disgrace how faggy and retarded Romance descended language are

Latin was the enlightened Chad’s language
Italian and Spanish are effeminate
French sounds gay
Romanian sounds retarded
Nice argument. Brown hands typed it.
We are the best at that. And no, we are not the only country that does it.
>somehow doctor eufemiano fuentes has return from 1988
les guiñols with nadal doping

Is this 2004 again?
>Both are ZOGslave parties made to maintain the status quo
Uncensored your post
la tienes bien adentro eh serbio cabrón? anda limpiate mi lefazo de tu boca, y puedes pasar a recoger a tu madre, a tu abuela, a tu padre y a tu abuelo, les he lefado a todos sus ojetes con mi polla peluda.
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not my problem French Taipei is not even good at that, Tintin
Chupate mi polla, cabron
Tu penses que no entiendo tu idioma sucia de merda?
No gastes ni un segundo de tu vida en contestar a escoria de Marruecos o Kosovo. Valen menos que un puto belga. Escoria
Only France, Russia, Germany and Spain have won medals in Handball,Basketball,Football and Voleyball(the only relevant team sports that matter). If we finish third in this tourney we would be the next country that joins that club.
Es un serbio, nunca los llames por sus falso nombre. Nunca uses la neolengua cómo hacen ellos.

El ya ma respondio cómo has visto. Ya se que son basura cómo los holandeses, los belgas y otros paises basuras

ves este es de los mios.
Conquistador genes
Estas veramente enojado
Y bueno, la verdad duele para todos
It's to cope with shit politics and economy
>He thinks calling me serb will make me mad
You have to try harder than that, chiquitito
there's no center parties in spain. It's either turbo left, left, hidden left, left in denial and vox.
>his thread was deleted by the jannies for how shit it fucking was
>now he comes to bring his stink to this thread too
You're not a real country
And Vox is controlled opossition at this point.
>Verification not required.
el voxero señoras y señores
on a scale of 1-10, how mad were you when you wrote that?
>american are fucking stupid when it come to politic terms
yeah sure but that political party is leftist. if they're not leftist enough for you it's just semantics, but that is a leftist party. not so leftist that the german guy's fake girlfriend who doesn't like governments would support them, but the socialists in spain are literally leftists lmao.
For sure, but they aren't left wing as they don't promote leftist globohomo shit. All the other ones are
Yamal El Hadadi just because you made your way here doesn't mean you can pretend to not be a subhuman
Who cares?
I care about who I am, not some meaningless borders
Who are you?
What good is any of that if every fucking retarded thing they do or say just causes more vote splitting and extends Perro's days in office?
Should I make a thread like this but instead of Spain I put Mexico flag and instead of good I put bad
sure but wait until mexico plays later tonight
They're about to get kicked out of Cope America and are insufferable faggots overall. So yeah, go ahead with it lol.
if there's anything we can agree on is that we don't have proper representation on the 78 regime you stupid Alvise telegram lurker fag, you have Falange and the progre Falange meme parties, then we have countless of shitty commie diaspora parties and then dwarf-fucking Frente alopecio... rest is PP-PSOE, some class traitors and your underage zionist scumbag yankee dicksuckers
It's whatever, honestly. This entire continent has been overtaken by marxist subhumans. All the lefties parties here can film themselves in an orgy in epstein's island and the people will still vote them because muh generalísimo.
They aren't humans, they don't understand words. You are not supposed to explain things to them, you are supposed to make them follow you by giving them treats, which is what the left did and why they won.
Even PP are leftists?
Yes, they are just like the democratic party in the US; they have some members who aren't but overall the party is cucked by woke shit.
The only right wing (non meme) party in spain is vox and they dropped the ball and now are super conservatives (think the republican party) and that's not something that will gain any traction here.
>hmmm, today I will vote for the PP
lmao do asspaniards really, what are you going to vote next, the poopoo?
you are talking to a mossad glowie
calm down Mehmet Muller
He's a Vox voter i.e. a Kremlinbot, just ignore him, it's bedtime in Moscow anyway
Not him but are you unironically PP voters?
Son of Illyrians
Son of Aryans
A fair person of Honour
>anything that I don't like is leftist, it doesn't matter if PSOE actively puhes conservative politics
>these globalist leeches who would sell Spain to Israel in a heartbeat are the the only hope for the country
The absolute state of VOX voters.
Fuck no
Aren't Vox ZOG shills now?
Granted I know jackshit about Spain politics
They're the slightly conservative counterpart to PSOE. Both used to be more radical and honest about their beliefs in the past, but those times are long gone. Honestly, I can't think of any western democracy that isn't ruled by a two party system designed to maintain things exactly as they are.
They've never not been zog
pedro's dogs. Gotta spread the word to get social credit a la españa
just because I'm human enough to call out your retarded leftist retoric doesn't mean I vote for any party, you retarded mutt. Now don't talk to me ever again and go pray to allah or something
Didn't know honorable people nuked churches and killed children. Only reason you exist was because the Clinton satanic cult willed it.
>Handball,Basketball,Football and Voleyball(the only relevant team sports that matter)
Rugby mogs handball tho
I... I literally can't. You win this round, Frenchie
>I'm human enough
I'm starting to believe you're an actual bot
I wish you were a bot. Sadly you are a subhuman who can speak tongues hence gets rights. Sad state of affairs nowadays.
yes, they eliminated EDICTO DE GRANADA, THE BEST THING FROM 1492, in 2011-2013.
polyphasic sleep
Fuck him right in the boipussy
Don’t you understand you NPC?
I am an individual, not an NPC.
I don’t care what the gypsies of this place where I happen to reside in do.
Although even there you’re categorically wrong. The government of this shithole built a catholic cathedral and all of the orthodox churches are intact.

Unlike you and the goblin creatures that run this shithole(and yours) I am White.
If I were king of this shithole I would destroy every church and mosque and any kind of semitic garbage and have all balkangoblins(your cousins) killed asap.
>you're a subhuman because you're literate
Franco repealed that one
>"I'm literate because I'm a cuck and don't take showers"
don't you ever talk to me again
Yes. VOX is literally the only anti immigration party in the country. You literally can't name any other party with chances that will openly talk about the silent invasion going on that's why voting for them is the only solution if we don't want to have the entire place look like Saint-Dennis in 20 years
Ice Hockey matters more than Handball and Volleyball
>Current Switzerland wouöd beat them
we will see about that in the finals
This country can be full of lazy npcs but there is a notable minority that has a great and intense passion for what they like
Vinicius go back to brazool
Took them about 50 years to get good at football.
That's not the kind of thing a Brazilian would say. Rent Free.
We are just that good. Even our second team can win the euros.
Moroccans are trained in European academies.
Mediterranean diet, genetics, siesta
Man I'm so good at literally everything
Get this, I went to take a piss and I didn't piss on the seat at all, not even one drop
Feels good to be Spaniard
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I'm ten times better than their best hockey player of all time. And hockey is the only sport that matters.
Yeah, the only thing they are probably not that good at is science, in other fields and I hate to say it, they have at least one name. Americabros, I’m not feeling so good about independence now
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This can't be an actual post by a human
they’re about to get EXPOSED at the olympics
bros barely have a WC chill out they are going out soon.
When know your brown hands typed it, turk-chan
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Spain in hockey (grass) has:
-4 Olympic medals.
-2 times World Subchampions.
-2 times European Champions.

And this Spaniard is considered the best hockey player (grass) on History.

We win again.
Field hockey is a girls sport, I would dominate that. Any Swede who's played real hockey would.
>-4 Olympic medals.
>-2 times World Subchampions.
>-2 times European Champions.
Rookie numbers lmao

>And this Spaniard is considered the best hockey player (grass) on History.
Lol, lmao even. He's not even top 10 of all time
We don´t have ice in Spain. That is why we excel at grass. If we had ice we would destroy your sport.
>That is why we excel at grass
You're 2nd from last with the men's team and your women don't even participate in the Pro League, what part of this is you lot 'excelling'?
I am talking about the last 20 years.
>-4 Olympic medals.
>-2 times World Subchampions.
>-2 times European Champions.

Which is meritory since it is an extremely minoritary sport played by 0.00000001% of the spanish population. Again we would destroy anyone at any sport if we cared about it. We descend from Atlanteans.
>0 gold for the men
>3 silvers for the men
>1 bronze for the men
>1 gold for the women
5 total in the entire history of the olympics

Just a reminder that this puts you 8th in the world medal rankings, behind the likes of India, Pakistan and slightly above Belgium. So again I ask you: what part of this is you lot 'excelling', because 'if we cared about it' is an amerimutt-tier cope.

Your record in Euros and World Cups is even more emberassing btw.
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Once we dominate roida like anglos russians germanics and chinks we'll win 90% of olympic medals. Spanish genetics + best roids would makes us unstoppable
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Totally not offside btw :^)
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unironically this

we will the tapas and we will be happy
spaniards are moving to portugal in droves now
have you noticed it?
I'm planning on doing it myself (i'm a spanish expat in norway)
8º position out of 220 countries in an extremely minoritary sport....

Now we can start to talk about dozens of other sports in which we have: World and European Championships in basically everything from motorsports to basketball or football, tennis, and all of the other major sports.

This dude alone has more combined world championships in motorsports (32 times World Champion in trial) than all Netherlands in all its history.

is a Spanish professional motorcycle trials rider. He has been the sole outdoor and indoor FIM Trial World Championship champion from 2007 to 2023. With these 34 world titles (17 outdoor and 17 indoor), he is the most successful rider in history
We have 2 nobel prices for physics in the pipeline (they already won the wolf medal)
and amerigoblins stole a nobel price in chemestry due affirmative action breaking all standards just to handle a noble price to a fem*id. We just spent over 40 years completly isolated from mainstream research but our output has increased a lot lately
And the Eredivisie is the 6th best league in Europe, but you won't hear anyone saying it's excelling in football now do you. I'd tell you to take the L like a man, but I never met a Spaniard that actually behaved like a real man would.

And don't try to shift the goalposts now, we were talking about field hockey and you were claiming to be 'excelling' at it. You're middling at best.
If Spain had high native birth rates and a closed border it would really be fantastic
>6th best league in Europe, but you won't hear anyone saying it's excelling in football
A whole league can´t "excel" at anything because it is an abstract concept.

Some person or group of people can excel at something or not.

I said "we excel at grass compared to ice" because we don´t have ice. I did not say we were excelling at this exact year or that we were the best anyways. And being 8th in the world out of 220 countries yes it is excelling. Being European Champions and holding 4 Olympic medals yes it is exceling.

Did you get good marks at school? I had excellent marks. Does this mean I was the top in the world? Not necessarily. Did I excel at school? Yes, I did.

"like a real man"? Are you projecting any insecurities here? The behaviour is individual and not collective as "a group of people or nationality". I am sure I can find several millions of dutch or spaniards that "don´t behave like real men" as we can also find the opposite.
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cook a traditional english meal for him
Let him fuck your asshole raw
We are so good at importing subhuman Moroccans and African ape niggers to our country
>i have a friend who ...

it's you right ?
Their food is shit
Spaniards are stinky and dumb
Literally yours but better
Name one spanish chocolate

No don't say Yamal or Nico Williams i mean actual chocolate
>marrying a libtard that hates her country
Oh man youre so fucked... Let me guess she has tattoos and is a feminist?
Name one functional economy
fantastic post, can't even decide if it's funnier when taken at face value or assuming some German typed it ironically
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you'll never post like a Brit
why live
what kind of bubble do you live in to think most of those sports are even remotely relevant
belgians do have soul
the dutch on the other hand
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Let me guess, you guys live in Berlin and she has a black bf right.
You are talking out your backside manchego is a weak cheese. The french mog you there you have banging wine though and ham
>I am sure I can find several millions of dutch or spaniards that "don´t behave like real men"
Let's not exaggerate here, Dutch are a lot more unmanly and gay than the average Spaniard
I will be rooting for them, i hope they win the Euro, this time they are the best team and if they manage to beat the Germans, i will root for them
shut the fuck up abomination, fish and chips and tikka masala faggots have no say in culinary stuff

Anon did she get to you???
Brazilian hands wrote this

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