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>Bigger population than Georgia.
>Arguably better quality of life and more wealthy than Georgia.
>Richer footballing heritage than Georgia.
>Arguably better quality of players than Georgia.
>Cares more about football than Georgia.
>Never made it past group stages in any of their tournament history, yet Georgia has in their first attempt.
I don't have any words to express my embarrassment of knowing that I live near this country. The absolute gall they have, when they shit on England, especially during the group stages. I think all Scottish posters should leave /sp/ and not return.
rent free as per
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for me it's hilarious to see the same country pretending to be different, in the end you both speak english, both look like pic related, both are part of the same kingdom

get a job, or hate someone else
the absolue gal of you macacos calling anyone else that
Tough words from brazil
bigger population than iceland. never beaten ingerland at a major tournament
nigel celebrating victory in his usual classless and tasteless manner, one notes.
Scotsbros, we must accept God has abandoned us, at least temporarily. Let us pray the Bergjuden bring forth Justice and may the shadow of these Dark Days be banished shortly.
Meantime, let us keep faith and remember the Prophecy:
>For until the First Good Team shall the dark forces prevail. Till then, and no Fucking Further.
- verily, all such things must invariably come to pass. As shall Soufies contract extension.
reminder that scottish people will be watching replays of Jude's bicycle kick on their very own tellys for the next week
Scotland was an independent kingdom for several centuries. They had their own dynasties, their own currency, a Celtic language spoken in the Higjhlands...It just happened that one king of Scotland eventually ended in the English throne too after Elizabeth I, the Virgin queen of England, died with no children.
Based baz living his best life
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keep praying to your new saviour Nigel
your still gonna get fucked right out, 1st decent team. As per.
You wish you were Scottish or English
>say something about the brits
>portuguese vassal to the rescue
everytime, get a job
I would make the same joke about you and portugal but that would be far too offensive to the portuguese. Brazilians are animals pretending to be people
Have you ever put 11 scotsmen into a room and asked them to work together in an harmonious and cohesive way? It's impossible.
did you buy a slovakia shirt or did you manage to cancel the order in time after england scored?
Nigger, the entire Scottish identity revolves around hating England. It's the centre of every Scottish political movement.
it wasn't a joke
we dont really hate each other - if theres a good war against the French or similar to be had, we're all onboard. JUST English cunts when they even think they are gonna win at football are a monumental insufferable PITA. As per OP. Their 1966 shit only started tapering off around 2016, as the last of Satans Spawn who claimed to have witnessed The Great Wembley Robbery slowly died out.
you flukey bastards.
you fucking KNOW how skanky your team is, and how little you deserve to be still there.
JUSTICE, my unfortunate cousin, is coming your fucking way tho. And soon.
More heroin than Georgia
Georgia got pumped by Turkey, got a plucky draw against Czechia and then had the luck to play Portugal when they had already qualified top and didn't give a shit. Scotland would have qualified in the same scenario, playing the already-qualified top seeds last instead of first.
rent free manuel
Yeah, we know. But it's still fun to shitpost while we can.
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based, I'll never understand the toothbrush hate that the anglos have, just brush ur teeth for fucks sake
Yeah, it would be.
We have nothing to do with them other than having a similar language.
If you want to make a comment like that about us use spain.
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>Scotland would have qualified in the same scenario
Dude, your face is completely deformed due to race mixing.
Have some self-awareness.

>some other overpopulated nigger shithole

your argument?
>2 weeks a year of good weather
found the issue
None of those care about football like Scotland does
when was the last time an englishman won wimbledon nigel?
when was the last time an englishman won a premier league as manager nigel?
dont you realize you're nothing without scottish steel nigel?
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moortuguese are the most pathetic "people" in the world
actually disgusting how all you can do in this board is slurp anglo semen and cum with other countries cock like spain
Portugayse are always hanging on anglos cocks for dear life, even for light banter like this
85% of your country belongs in the amazon rainforest
My ancestors are from Scotland!
they got to be the most pathetic people ever, it's not even funny
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Don't forget they are the joint oldest national team in the world with the second oldest club competition in the world. Surely all that experience should've been useful? I always thought that's the reason Uruguay is so good despite being so small.
>Arguably better quality of players than Georgia.
Couple midfielders and a fullback, though. Georgia otoh have a relatively elite attacking player and goalkeeper for the rest of the side to support, which is more important in tournament football.
You see, most of our contributions went into making English domestic teams better. For example, Liverpool and Man U who are the two most successful teams in England would be NOTHING without Scots. Without us English football would be half of what it is today, just like the empire.
The moortuguese drinks anglo cum for breakfast, lunch and dinner
hate that i have so much sc*tch dna theyre such a fucking embarrassment
We aren't even in the tournament anymore and there's multiple threads about us from English flags on the board
Lmao Based Brazil and his Based b8
>hating on the little guy

gee, at least make some more threads about us or so you faggie.
Panama wrecking Scotland AGAIN
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>we're europeans
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Imagine if SAF ended managing scotland. Reckon they would've won the euros or WC?. Considering how SAF is known to turn unconventional teams/talents into world stars
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They're less Celtic than England, they are Viking babies that LARP as Celts.
They don't have their own televisions. They get together and watch it, UN camp style, on a 13 inch TV with a tape player built into it. Afterwards they talk for two years about England until the next tournament, where they pool all their welfare money together to send some people with high blood pressure off to play the pipes in some corner of Europe and watch their team crash out, live.
>>Arguably better quality of life
Yes, dying of heart disease in your forties in poverty, in some rain battered, cold, windswept, grey council house in some desolate wasteland is a good standard of living. Remember, Scotland also has oil and gas and is still like this
Most of the riggers are English. Scots don't like working on the rigs because most of them are lazy. They prefer working for the council or trying to sabotage harry potter woman for being mean to trannies
Reminder we would be an independent country right now if they didn't allow Nigels and EU nationals to vote in OUR referendum
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It balances out considering you lowered the voting age to 16, blocked Scots abroad from voting and allowed JF's to vote. The SNP rigged that referendum in your favour to leave and yet you still cucked out. So don't try to play that narrative.
fuxsakes - she even got MPs protesting that one
>blocked Scots abroad from voting
this is retarded you cunt - why tf would 'Scots abroad' have voted to have their foreign residence right rescinded? Literal Turkeys and Xmas, that
also just another example of the shy tory phenomenon in practice. scotnats are very loud and assume they're more influential than they really are
Spain actually has white people. Portugal are all niggers.

>t. have been in both countries
>when you zoom on the people that look white, they all have Hungary flags

The absolute state of Bacalhaulandia
Ferguson managed them in the 86 World Cup when Jock Stein died and they went out in the group stage kek
Why would you let JF's that arrive in off the boat to vote yes and leave? Also the military has quite a few Scots in it, stationed abroad.

Deal with it. Your nation cucked out because you know you're nothing. Darien Scheme should have shown you that, trying to copy England, failing and having England bail you out only to whine and whinge about oppressions and muh munny and muh freedumb. The UK supreme court has saved your arses from implementing some of the cuckiest laws in the universe and you know that. You fucking well know that England has saved you from your own SNP's insanity, named person scheme, the stupid tranny laws, hate speech laws. All proposed by your "independence" party. The same party that begged the EU to put you back in bondage.

Trading one set of chains for an even tighter set. You pathetic pieces of shit.
They aren't really that Celtic.

And it didn't just so happen that the King of Scotland ended up on the English throne (same thing happened with Spain and Portugal, and Spain and HRE for a time, and Netherlands and Luxembourg), their parliaments mutually agreed to unite 100 years after their personal union.
umm we have gotten past the group stage in the WC several times and soccer isn't the sport that attracts most of our resources, our academy system is still very new. We were basically relying on the NCAA until recently.
so you admit your original point was indeed retarded then?
>Darien Scheme should have shown you that
- was like 1690 dude, but whatever
The SNP are done now for the forseeable anyway, you may have missed the memo. Whether Labour will be any improvement tho, who knows.
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You're a pathetic tryhard nation that fails every time.

You begged for the union, never forget that.
>was like 1690 dude
Yeah, you haven't been a country for over 300 years by now. That's the point and why Scottish Nationalism is so cringe
England didn't want it at first for the fear of losing rights as Englishmen, the same rights your founding fathers fought for.

There have been mass shootings in England and even a guy shot dead on live television in England.

No gun bans.

Scottish PM gets into power, handguns get banned. Scots nature is one of being prissy faggots. People have a romanticised view of them and need to learn they aren't the Mel Gibson freedom fighters you all think they are.
scotland has no identity outside of being not-england
Only ones upset about this comment are britmongaloids, who would have guessed
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>implying USofA is even going to last 300 years
our temporary Union of convenience will prove a minor blip in an otherwsie mostly successful History, football tournaments and ill-advised Panama invasions by side
Georgia would have rapes england yesterday
Scotland seething about britbongs is fine, I mean it's a literal who being clowned on by England.
But I'll never understand englanders seething about Scotland, that's just pathetic tbqh. Imagine us seething about Austria kek

I see this phenomenon several times throughout the world: Russia seething about it's tiny-ass neighbors, China seething about Taiwan, etc.
Why would anyone else be upset at it?
>Queen is the cousin of the Queen of England
>Gets overthrown by Presbyterians, runs to her cousin
>Cousin imprisons her and eventually puts her to death (lol)
>her son, raised by Presbyterians, becomes king, then ascends to the throne of England
>100 years later. Tried to colonize Panama (lol), country doesn't have any money
>Agree to unite with England
>300 years later
The Mel Gibson movie was before any of that shit you silly lesbian
scotlel has the best PR relative to its actual historical record of any country in the world bar none. speaks volumes as to the sheer imaginative power of global ABEism
The Mel Gibson movie was made in 1995
>scotlel has the best PR
ever considered just not being an embarassing shower of cunts?
oppressed subaltern people no, plucky underdogs no (well maybe in the sense of you being utterly useless and incompetent), morally pure absolutely not some of the worst villains of the empire were jocks. i can admit that we were bastards to the irish but scotlel has somehow angled itself into the same position despite having none of ireland's qualities
Yeah and it makes you seethe endlessly kek
Scottish people often LARP as if their country was treated a tenth as badly as Ireland was, and Irish people let them get away with it because they hate the English so much. I hope England wins to see the world shit itself.
C'mon mate, every scot has an English team they support. I think you guys depend on us way more than we depend on you.
Rare for a Scot to be taking credit for the empire - most pretend it's the English's fault
Scotland has existed for longer as an independent country than brazil or usa has
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Why do we produce so much seethe? Is it because our women mog English birds?
georgias biggest star is kvaradona
scotlands biggest star is mcginn
let that sink in
Scotland is too based to be good at this current version of globohomo-ball. When it was played like a mans game, they were decent and clubs won Euro comps.
isn't it because all the talented scots live in usa and england?

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