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Sudacas will claim this wasn't penalty.
Penalty for Argentina
Odd handballs like that haven't been getting called this tournament. I recall one for us in one match.
We had one like this not called for us either. The only hand I recall seeing called was with a player with his arms open wide
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It wasn't
this wasn't penalty.
>dominate ecuapoor the entire game
>2 penalties for mexico that weren't called
>ecuatorians kept falling and wasting time
>0-0 slurper

what's the point of playing these conmebol tournaments if their teams are going to play bunkerball like in concacaf?
Clear penalti, Mexico refballed
Whats with that pure white hollywood teeth tho
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>Mexicans will get knocked out in a group that cointained Venezuela, Ecuador and Jamaica
whichever chokejob they would've chosen to take this supposed penalty would just miss anyway
lmao still seething
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Sudacas were hyping Venezuela and Ecuador previous to the Copa America but now that Mexico is out they will start this narrative that the 4th and 5th place in CONMEBOL qualifiers, which Mexico dominated thoroughly, were always bottom of the barrel trash. Tired of these bad faith argensimios.
it's obvious that there's a conspiracy against Mexico/US this tournament. I don't know who is behind it but it's blatantly obvious for anyone with eyes.
Mexico needed to win the game, ecuador needed to just not lose. They are going to play more defensively and conservatively under these circumstances
Some of you are very young and cant remember it but shit like that was like the main reason of why mexican teams stopped playing cocobol tournaments in the first place
Watch a game from an actual good defensive team. Ecuador was shitting their pants most of the game, their players were all gassed by the 80th minute, that doesn't happen if your team knows how to nullify the oposition.
>ITT: Mexico seething about getting a taste of it's own medicine.
Sucks when you're on the receiving end of refball isn't it? Like when you do it to Panama, or Jamaica, or Honduras recently, etc etc etc...
I thought VAR SINSO was going to help Mexico, what happened?
the only reason you don't like to play against conmebol teams is because you can't refball the shit out of them and get exposed.

go back to rigging your shitty gold cup against the mighty panama or whatever.

This. If you want a recent example just watch the Nations League Match between Honduras and Mexico. 9 minutes of added time, 11 played for mexico to eventually score.
hambruras players kept falling and wasting time
Doesn't matter if they were all diving during stoppage. Literally everyone does it. You don't add more time to added time unless it's a VAR review. It's not a rule, just something that should be obvious.
I personally am enjoying the seething against the ref because it's finally you faggots getting what you dish out here in conCACAf. Even better, it was a conCACAf ref that wasn't at the mercy of conCACAf higher ups. So his family probably wasn't kidnapped at gun point.
Ecuador is only strong in Quito
>You don't add more time to added time
Yes you do. The added time is just the minimum amount of time the game gets extended by. It's to the referee's discretion if he feels it needs to go past that.
no era
Nigger get over it. The national squad fucking sucks and under no circumstances deserves to win. They are such useless bums even the casters were audibly annoyed by them despite their unabashed mex bias.
>still lose
this webm doesn't show me the entire picture, like how the attack was impacted by that unintentional hand ball. the referee takes that into account. and it's usually no era.
what is this expression trying to convey?
a handball is a handball regardless of how dangerous was the attack lmao
not really, not when the hand ball was unintentional. this is a key detail.
>You don't add more time to added time unless it's a VAR review. It's not a rule, just something that should be obvious.
>punch opponent at the start of added time
>10 minute brawl breaks out
>win automatically
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why do mexicans think they're good at soccer
Handballs like these havent been penalties in Europe for the past 4-5 years
Unless its some game like Burnley-City or Clermont-PSG where refs can favor oil teams without pissing off big fanbases
>I have white teeth, you bitch ass nigga
That is not the rules and it is not how the game is officiated. Don’t you remember the handball in the Germany game? It was similar to this
im convinced at this point nobody, including the referees, have any idea about when to give penalties for "unintentional" handballs. might as well just flip a coin whenever there is a handball and decide wether to give it or not because its more consistent than whatever the is currently happening
>Handballs like these havent been penalties in Europe for the past 4-5 years
literally happened 2 days ago lmao
Be nice to argiefriens
Is that the glowie going to all the podcast to shill how good the cia is
are you forgetting the time grondona literally rigged the sudamericana for sarandi. or the famous uruguayan refs they'd pull out of nowhere to ref 90s libertadores matches. conmebol refballs more than concacaf does.
No, the FMF had scheduling issues with COMNEBOL which is code for "realizing moar money can be made playing mickey mouse cups against MLS teams"
The denmark penalty???

Are you retarded or just baiting, the positions of the hands couldnt be more apart
Show me the sensor data proving there was a touch
it's all a giant conspiracy. if you want to believe FMF they say FIFA and CONCACAF refuse to allow them to participate in libertadores. the truth is that the head of CONCACAF is canadian and has ties to the caribbean countries that basically have no income besides playing against Mexico/US IN the US. Those countries make no money and rely on gold cup/nations league to sustain themselves. Mexico is a concacaf cash cow. How this relates to libertadores you ask? The concacaf president has ties to the MLS and mexican clubs playing endless mickey mouse cups vs them benefits interested parties more than allowing them to go to libertadores.
Germany shouldn't have gotten that penalty against Denmark. Players should be forced to run with their arms behind their backs in case an attacker decides to shoot the ball on their hands or arms.

With that said, the situations are basically identical and that would've (wrongly) been a penalty in the Euros.
You suck bud. Accept it. You have one sport and 120 million people to build a squad from and you’re not able to compete with USA let alone CONMEBOL
we were talking about national teams, you need help to beat fucking panama.
you're by far the worst team in the history of the WC.

fuck off back with the rest of the shitters, you'll never be an elite team.
>help to beat panama
it was a clear pen. He falls on it WHILE he’s looking at it you retarded nigger. Are they not supposed to call it?
>worst team in the history of WC
no, there’s much worse ones.
>fuck off back
Dilate your leaking ESL clitty tranny.
It is a clear penalti, all these people are coping, the hand was in an unatural position and bothered the play
as this >>142278304 anon has pointed out, do you actually believe that every time the ball touches a hand is a foul? so it would be a 300 iq move to just shot the ball in the direction of the hands and get rewarded for it? or running with their hands completely stuck to their bodies like they're in a casket. intention matters in this case.
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>he fouled the football
this is why you'll always be shitters, don't even know the rules.
>no, there’s much worse ones.
no, you're by far the worst, picrel.

stay deluded, stay a shitter.
>WAAAAH we can't score hand us some pens
>time the ball touches a hand is a foul?
The hand wasn't close to the body and it disturbs the trajectory of the ball, it is a clear penalti and there is no way to justify it
>w-we actually dominated!
>but we lost to Venezuela!
keep dilating your clitty tranny. You defending the Panama retard for a clear pen shows you’re probably as brown as him. stay malding.
He's just trying to get his money's worth after getting his teeth whitened
>4th and 5th place in CONMEBOL qualifiers, which Mexico dominated thoroughly,

Oh shit, you guys playing against Canada? No? Oh well, maybe Argentina in the 2nd place of the group, wait what do you mean you aren't playing anyone? Anon... you said mexicope dominated...
I know South American football is utter joke but holy fuck. In Europe this is penalty 10/10 times.
Bruh???? They didnt give this penalti?
wtf that even means, we don't speak money here
>watching the euro slurper
Mechico didn't score, deal with it.

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