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chang edition
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>No Income Tax edition
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flames suck
My flames will sign the best free agents and complete for a wildcard spot
Tomorrow is probably going to be shit
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This is a well known fact on /hoc/
Just like my islanders
For the Trouba family
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Flames are currently the best managed team in the league
they ain't signin' nobody

thats the point for a little while
His job was to be a depth center
He requested a trade and forced their hands

retard quote
>Larry Brooks: If Trouba does not approve a trade to Detroit that is believed in place, he will ultimately be sent somewhere else, perhaps by waivers. The decision has been made.
why did the flyers let an innocent man walk away without tending him a qualifying offer?
panthers just gave reinhart a MAXIMUM contract holy shit 20% of the cap never done before...
shit hockey player. shit human being. simple as.
>every other franchise
cups are not won off the back of plugs
>marchessault and the knights couldn't get it done and he'll be heading to market
I am sad.
Love this meme thank you
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trouba on his left, trouba on his right, khaira's dreamin' of trouba for the rest of his life
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lifelong Utah Hockey Club fan, AMA
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Bennett sucked ass and couldn't fit his role. 4th overall and he couldn't put up anything over a 30pt season.
When he requested his trade out he was put onto the taxi squad the next day and then traded shortly after.
>sunbelt franchises remain hyper competitive and dont let the players dictate they're offers to the team

Gee its really almost as if the staff on these teams actually work as intended and don't have the scrutiny of getting shafted by external factors, almost like they have handicaps.
This, flames tried him many times on the first line and he sucked. Just needed a change of scenery.
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He was always a soul player at least
>let me punch a helmet a bunch of times and break my hand
Thank God he has found a better team and left that souless organization
shit bait
A top 6 centre doesn't score that much when you play him as a bottom 6 winger. Who could have seen that coming?
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Stamkos, come on down
>gayke cuntsmell
match made in hell
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marchessault is gonna look mighty fine in a canucks jersey
Sad for the Panthers who will have to pay him 9+ millions for the last 4 years of that deal when he's shit.
>behave like a mong
>get Messier's leadership award
>gets traded
For the small price of 8 million x 7 years.
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Working the holiday tomorrow
Is that even legal. Regardless sorry bud :(
the holiday is on thursday bud
I think you are a little confused bud
and i gotta fucking work friday
Johnny Gaudreau has been forgotten
just like my islanders
bud bud
>mexico got eliminated
Fucking kek. They're the Canada of hockey: it's /THEIR/ sport but so bad it. Unironically Canada is better at soccer than hockey.
no one asked
i asked
I'd like to know who is better at hockey than us?
i didn't get tickets :(
The sunbelt (me).
Are the GMs not allowed to talk to pending UFAs right now?
>2023 Conn Smythe Trophy winner Jonathan Marchessault will be on the move this offseason.
>The forward was unable to come to terms on a deal with the Vegas Golden Knights.
lol it's ogre for Vegas
Time to jump ship. I'm all in for Kraken and soulless Utah. Fuck the Sharts.
we're upgrading to stammer retard
I love how everything was closed in Quebec on Saint-Jean-Baptiste but few things are open in Canada Day
That's the most moronic thing you could do knowing Vegas they might do it.
my sharkies are winning it this year :]
Until 12:00 pm Eastern or something like that
at least i'll be able to catch the first couple hours before i have to go to gay ass retarded work
Numale leagues like the nfl have “legal tampering” but the nhl doesn’t and players get signed immediately when free agency starts. (((Interesting)))
Speak normal, retard.
kelly already has a verbal agreement with stamkos, that's why he told marchessault to kick rocks
meant for >>142277868
That’s called tampering you retard numale
Isn't he like crazy ass expensive to sign on?
i know retard
what time does free agency start today?
8.75 bongs
Do most trades happen just after free agency begins?
Noon east retard same time every year
10 mountain time
This free agency will suck
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>Jay Rosehill: I’m hearing Tyler Bertuzzi will sign with Chicago tomorrow at Noon ET... @DailyFaceoff

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