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>no offside
I thought the same
It's the same situation of Lakaka goal
>just trust the cgi generated image saaaar
>millimeter accuracy saaar
Didn’t interfere with the play
yes he did
>fucking scores
>"he wasnt part of the heckin play chud, trust the var"
seethe about it, no offside
>getting refballed while playing against spain of all teams
Truly the riggers out there had it out for us to make sure that we would lose 100%, we suffer :(
spanish team refballs? no way!
You lost 0-5 but 1 offside makes it a rig?
FIFA and UEFA up until semifinals = RIGGED!
what makes the semis and finals not rigged?
Would've been 1-0 in the first half which means we would've PARKED THAT BUS TO THE MAX instead of whatever the fuck they were doing in the second half.

But honestly speaking since kiteishvili got injured who's a key played of ours we didn't have much of a chance and most likely you'd still win.
honestly from this angle it feels offside
got a video?
changed everything, they had to take risks.
Why do they call it offside when the problem is not him being offside but him being in the way of the keeper? Why would it make it okay for him to be in the keeper's way if he was onside? Makes no sense, football rules are fucked
UHMMM CHUDDY, only spanish players scored, we were winning 0-2 at halftime
Yeah, it would be fine to block the keepers vision if he was onside. It's not illegal to stand between the keeper and the ball. I think this goal is obviously fine, but if you want to play the "rules are rules" card, then this is blatantly offside and should be disallowed. The guy is massively offside, directly blocking the keeper, and right in the path of the goal. I hate how open to interpretation this shitty rule is.
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I skipped this game since I figured Spain were gonna win. How is this not offside but the Dutch goal against France was?
The Netherlands got cucked out of a goal but the paella paupers get the rigging, pathetic.
I think its line of sight
Mamarlaaunguiri had clear view of the ball throughout the shot
football is blatantly rigged. there's a good docu on Netflix about fifa where some fat American dude together with a dude from the Caribbean ran a massive corruption ring, it's an interesting watch.
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>docu on Netflix
Keeper has to lean right to see the ball, shot goes to his left. So he was out of position because of the player in front of him which means interference.
>directly blocking the keeper
it's a good one pastanigger
Sounds like a skill issue to me
even with VAR, offside cannot be consistently enforced? Why?
There's too much money involved to not rig it at least a little bit. Add in the difficulty of countering maximum bus parkers, how boring 0-0 slurpers are and I can see why they "help" the big/rich countries every now and then.
Because bigger, wealthier countires gotta be there for as many matchs as possible so that more money comes the EUFA way
this aint burgerland where everything is rigged to the max
>take your shizzo meds
this one instance had nothing to do with drawing lines on cgi models retard
look how he he had to bend to the opposite side to where the ball went
>How is this not offside but the Dutch goal against France was?
Stop noticing things...
Think it's more sports bet related. Odds gotta reflect the value.
Dutch goal was legit, this was the bullshit decision.
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pff thats kinda offside
if he kicked in the left corner i would be lenient
but in the right and the direction of morata
>keeper having to stretch to look around the striker, making it harder for him to make a save to the other side

If the Netherlands one was offside then so is this
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Is this gaslighting?
The georgians defenders are the ones obstructing the keeper view if any
Cancelling Spain's goal would've been the actual refball.
So sick of you tourists knowing jackshit about the rules
>If the Netherlands one was offside then so is this
It wasn't offside. French keeper couldn't have saved it no matter what.
Yep. He kicked it RIGHT on Morata
Precisely where no defender can be, and precisely where he generally would be obstructing the view (although he wasn't which is the only reason the goal was allowed)
also Morata had to know he was offside. If Morata hadn't played shit the entire match I would have said this was a rehearsed cheese tactic. But as it is, Morata was just shit the entire match.
Shit, my bad.
To me it's offside because Morata has to move out of the way for the ball to go through, and if the ball were to hit him it would have been offside. Basically, he's actively participating while being offside. I was surprised to see the referee allowing the goal.
Not only do we Dutch have to bear the weight of garbage med economies, we now also need to deal with their blatant rigging. Glad I've left Eurostan.
lol that shouldnt have been a goal desu.
seems silly, but he is totally in the way.
Morata is the worst spanish player.
the footage on tv was not that clear
but that above view is obvious, almost even touched the ball, too close
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yeah, no offside
>Morata is the worst spanish player.
Pedri has been dogshit for 3 games in a row (Morata at least scored against Croatia) and has gotten away with it for no apparent reason
the line was that even a toe offside was offside yesterday. why have VARedditors changed their tune for this call? you’ve lost the consistency argument
your match against Denmark was the most blatant case of rigging I've ever seen in a football match, it was embarrassing
because this isn't the vars fault? the computer would be fair, the ref that says a player didn't interfere with the play, so he can't be offside isn't
yes, its probabyl a mistake
but mistakes are and have always been part of football
its what makes the sport so realistic
just like life isnt fair either and stupid shit happens
just get rid of VAR
Her is obstructing the goalkeeper's sight. That is considered interference.
A simliar situation happened in 2018 I believe. When Kroos was to close to the ball and may or may not have touched it. Which allowed South Korea's goal to count.
I dont know man, feels like some weird rigging is going on behind the scenes.

I blame the jews
Do you not see the keeper having to peer around him? Plus he has to worry about a deflection which also changes his positioning.

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