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They obviously try to hide with the hand of God. The fact that, with the second goal, Maradona fucked those crooked-toothed, black-and-Paki loving pirate assholes ,really really good, and will always be remembered.
>be Johnny Foreigner
>wake up to the sound of gunfire and crying babies
>roll over in bed, accidentally crush three cockroaches
>breakfast is ruined
>seethe to yourself that this is all England's fault
repeat ad infinitum
you are literally brown.
I’m a chicano and I do this
Imagine waking up every morning knowing you are one of God's chosen few. That you, and others like you, are destined to rule over humanity and the stars? Imagine knowing that no matter what great travesty may face your country, God will always be on your side, as God is an Englishman. This is how it feels for the average Englishman.
Replace gunfire with arabic calls to prayer and you have england
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I miss him, lads
I love You Australia.
kill the basque
decapitate the basque
dismember the basque
The day a see a nigger or paki playing with My children is they day i Will regret with all My heart living in england
Replace "englishman" with "jewish", put both posts side by side, and now you have a complete historical understanding of Palestine's situation.
And Ireland
No i AM literally white and blue eyed with Brown hair, but i AM a mutt. i have much more fun watching and playing footy than You that is for sure.
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still mad that the Falklands are British I take it?
And Ireland yes
post the hips queen pls argies
The breakfast line got me, fucking kek
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>This fucking post
this is just what britain is like after 14 years of brexit and tory austerity
I literally only think about south america during international sports stuff because i’m posting here. Never on my mind otherwise. I just vaguely know it’s a brown crime ridden jungle favela 6 gorillion miles away
ireland and palestine are hardly comparable, you people are so desperate to be victims it's pathetic
England left the eu three and a half years ago
Papists cannot into industry, and as a result they lost to Proddy cultures as the industrial era came and left lesser peoples behind. That’s just how it is, it’s nothing personal.
>Blatantly cheats
>Is proud of it

it’s sort of the reverse situation. palestinian innocents get bombed by isrealis and the irish bombed english innocents. there’s a clear bad guy in both cases
They know how to enjoy life
And then they lose wars and power to countries that actually work and better themselves. It is not coincidence that the U.S. went from superpower to laughingstock after decades of spics and their lazy siesta culture flooded over the border. It is not coincidence that Italy was the joke of the Axis in WW2 while Germany held their own.
Argesimians are disgusting
Mexicans dont take siestas clown, while white people are on their 5th smoke break Juan and Panchito are acrually getting shit done.

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