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there is always an idiot to make everything weird
A million times more soulful than the NPC's who go to boxpark Croydon and throw their £10 pints in their air to be le epic
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>tfw you'll never suck your friends dick in a moment of excitement from a Jude Bellingham 95th minute bicycle equalizer at the Euros
WHY was I born a mutt
I'd be like the lad who stays in the bottom left corner away from the gay stuff
The lad on the billiards table.
Based Johnny No Mates avoiding temptation.
What a fucking chimpanzee zoo. Especially those chimps that destroyed the pool table by not only stepping on it but stepping on it with their shoes on full of shit. Disgusting behaviour. You can tell they had no parents to set limits to their behaviour that's why they chimp like this and think they can destroy expensive equipment and get away with it without paying. Just like garbage parents let their kids touch the walls and destroy the paint and touch everything and dirty everything.
Average British behaviour
yeah, you've just described soul and passion
was the gay sex really necessary?
Why does one of the creatures start to suck the other ones dick?!
It's the Pom way unironically.
Its called banter. You wouldnt get it
It's not a real party unless your mates start touching each others dicks.
>"£15 chicken burgers, the works"
is that expensive to you? oh my
Just banter bro
Post your collection of retro footie tops Tarquin
id be fuming if that was my pool table tbf
>he prides himself in being charged more
truly the worst kind of idiot
Who are you quoting?

Wow... Spaniards fans are weird.
Agreed that's why pubs normally put a wooden board over the table during England matches to stop beer getting spilt on it, idiots climbing on it and to stop dickheads having weapons to kick off with when England inevitably lose.

Landlords fault tbqh
yeah fairs that being said its nice to see them happy celebrating i think people are too harsh on people enjoying themselves i laugh at pretty childish shit but i think it's a blessing to be able to laugh easily
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literally me watching the webm
Anon, when was the last time you felt excitement like that?
except that they are your fellow bong relatives
forced sovl.
Sucking your mates dick as banter is something I don't get. Maybe its an Anglo thing?
it's not more relative to my income
they're gaynglos
dont act like we're that different. countless times i've heard the phrase that the dutch and english are two peas in a pod
Why are continental kids relatively well behaved whilst kids from the Isles are the feral unwashed arseholes of Europe?
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>when he starts sucking his dick
wew lad too much
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>gay sex
explains why Ballinmouth did that then
aussies are the same bogans are basically just chavs with a different accent
this is insensitive to 1) a young black boy making his dream come true and 2) something he learned abroad about spanish culture, which places a lot of emphasis on cojones. if a woman had grabbed her ovaries he wouldn't be treated this way. this is discrimination from uefa
You're still an idiot. You could do much more with your money.
Only the ones spawned by paddies and poms. You lot fucked South Africa too.
You're not an anglo are you?
you're also the same genetic stock unless you're chinese or an abo.
will admit the lesbos (USA lesbos) literally have their playtime on the pitch whilst humiliating their opponents was probably seen as "stunning & brave"
>Only the ones spawned by paddies and poms
So all of you then. If anything, you guys are even worse than us.

Throwing pints in the air is the biggest, forced cringe shit.

People were doing it when we scored a header against Serbia after like 15 minutes.
>The British are terrible but I must live in the successful countries they created
if you've ever been on an aus beach you'd literally see a bunch of nans that have skins that look like fucking leather because they're obsessed with tanning hahahha. although we also have pikeys that do the same thing but with tanning beds. in our defense they're mostly irish though
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It's footy culture lad
Like monkeys in the zoo or Nigger anywhere. Truly the term "island apes" is fitting to for that.
It was alright when it used to happen naturally in pubs about 15/20 years ago(Landlords used to go nuts because the ceilings would be dripping). But then because of social media it became "a thing" and therefore became cringe.
I'm english born but mostly irish, and even aussies seem retarded to me.
im not really insulting ireland as a whole because most of the working class in england has some irish ancestry so i don't really care tbf i know a lot of great irish people. i'm mainly talking about gypsies which are mostly irish. i mean tyson fury's father was literally born in ireland
You mean Irish travellers
yeah but i'm pretty sure in all of europe gypsies are just a blanket term for groups people consider undesirable. i mean if you want to get pedantic the gypsies in eastern europe aren't called gypsies they're actually called roma. was just trying to make a point how you always see pikey women with those weird fake tans which are literally orange
Yeah gypsies are seen as filth by the average Irishman. I'm a working class brummie I've had quite a few encounters with them growing up. Everyone knows that they're dodgy thieving scum that should be avoided at all cost.
That shit Coventry uni rapper who le epically skews white english culture
>communist doesn't understand national pride
yeah don't see what i said as some insult towards all irish i don't really care about all the beef, was just trying to be funny comparing those pikey women that are orange with like 100 botox injections to those leather skinned aussie aunties that spent like 5 hours a day tanning at a beach
haha no worries, I agree.
>britbongs just want england to win as an excuse to have gay sex
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that started so well
Never heard of him

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