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You will all be witnesses
we're losing 3-0
How many tonight for PuliGod?
usa will destroy
how many niggers chimping out?
It's at 2am, I haven't been able to stay up that late in years. I hate being old
Not in Kansas City
so if we win we both go through? can uruguay just sandbag?
Lol no. He will play with the force of 10,000 suns
have we ever lost at the arrowhead stadium?

not really
if we win like 1-0 and panama pummel bolivia like 3-4 goals then they advance due to gd
Panama's best player and entire midfield engine is suspended from red card
We have 2 Gd advantage over Panama. It's a real possibility we win by one, and then Panama wins by 3 against weak Bolivia, and they go through on head to head
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i know, im just saying that just because we win it is not a 100% guarantee
i mean there are possibilities that we advance by draw or even lost, all depend on the result from the other game
Doesn't matter. He'll still set the gameplay and pick the lineup.
You do understand that it means he still choose the lineup and set up tactic pre game, right?
Best case scenario is both matches are slurpers and end in a draw

at least broke their legs, total dino death
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but Bolivia won't win. We could have won 8-0 in that match. It's that bad.
El kansascityazo
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they'll now witness his full autistic rage, sorry burgerbros but CONMEBOL made us do this
queue all the simpsons u are gay joke
are they pretty much just an altitude abuse team?
Uruguay about to booty blast the mutts
we always come back after a shit result. I expect a comfortable win over the world's current most overrated team

>darwin poonez

Coaches aren't really that important after the game starts, 95% of the work is done pre-match.
He can literally call up someone for any midgame tactical changes or player substitutions too, this affects very little. Specially with how urgayans play, they're very independant and don't need as much coaching
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>supposedly one of the greatest teams of all time
>main guy named "darwin"
Yeah, I'm *real* scared of these Urgu... Ugur... whatever the hell they are
It's our super power
They are THE altitude abuse team, no other team on the history of sports has relied as much on asphyxiating players as bolivia. There have been international rulings solely caused by bolivia being low O2 babies
>America losing in July in Kansas City
Witness them!
Its based
Cope and seethe
aaaaaajjajajajajajajajajaj 'no' Timmy hes dunking on your ass
It's boring honestly
You will taste our cocks tonight
I know exactly what you mean. It's crazy the energy difference I have now. It's like you hit a wall after 34.
God it would be cool if we could combine all of America, the entire continent,
Stop bullying us
ew no
I just bought some Vaseline because our assholes are going to need it when Uruguay rape us tonight.
Bielsa has unlocked Nunez. I'm hoping we can pull it off, we sure can, but its going to be tough as hell.
pretty much
when we played them I knew we would comfortably because they're not up in the sky playing.
I'm just playing bud it can go either way
On paper at least it'll be the best game of the cup yet
Nah, the individual confederations are kino for WC qualifying. Copa should stay combined though
c'mon dudes, do you really think there's any chance? We made this thing you call SOCCER
>we always come back after a shit result
That's cause we usually play fucking Honduras or some shit. We're getting raped tonight and a million bald eagles will commit sudoku in the Missouri river
Yes. Uruguay were gassed against a fast physical team like Panama in 2nd half, and we're a 2nd half team.

Our A team beat Panama 5-1 last time they played them with 11 men. We also could've beat Bolivia by 6+ goals. It'll be hot as fuck, and we're the more athletic team, also KC is the loudest stadium in the country.

It will be a very good game.
I was confused why Vegas has us as the betting favorites. Makes a little more sense after reading that.
k... keep me posted
Betting on +200 Uruguay seems like absolute free money
I just want to finally see an entertaining game in this tournament
Canada chile was fun, so was mexico ecuador
Do you remember you lost against Panama a few days ago? Even so, that stat/math thing won't apply on football, it maybe works in basketball, baseball or even handegg (i don't know); but here is all about streaks and fucking the weak, and we're riding that wave right now. About loud stadiums, still "fans", all our players can handle that after being born in this barra brava shithole. I love the US, i respect it but tonight we are doing our deal bro.
and we always beat the hosts
go for us, you won't regret
>we're the more athletic team
I'm always impressed at how utterly delusional Americans are.
We lost with 10 men and even scored down a man.

With 11 men we beat them 5-1. You'll see tonight.

Literally the only thing we're good at is muh pashun. They will play like their asses are on fire. It will not be easy for Uruguay.

Do it with De La Cruz, Vina and Arrascaeta.
no i will be sleeping good luck though
Are you serious? I said athletic, not technical. We literally have the fastest player in the EPL on our team. Our entire midfield are athletic freak ngubus with iron lungs. Our striker is the 2nd fastest player in France. We're WAY more athletic than Uruguay. We are the most athletic team you'll have ever played. You have no idea. This will be a game of the two best pressing teams in July heat in Kansas City. You're delusional if you think this will be easy for Uruguay.
How is he wrong?

He didn't say better, he said more athletic. It's very true.
i haven't checked any team in copa america but something is pulling me to root for you guys so i might watch a game if america is in the semi finals or finals, just make sure your players dont eat a big mac before the game so they dont get a heart attack at the end of the first half
Murrikan muh passion is not really all that much here, our teams are far more passionate fren. We have regulsr stabbings in stadiums, you guys can't even chant
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"worlds most overrated team"
doesn't even mention:

but he mentions Uruguay.

Why would anyone listen to any yank who calls football "soccer" and football for a sport where fatties run for 15 second and then go to commercial break?

I am going to set my alarm clock to wake me up 3 AM just to see these guys absolutely humiliate the United States of Bidenica
Black people are considered magical beings to amerifats
Please understand
I'm not talking about the fans, I'm talking about the players.

The proof is look at the World Cup. We have advanced to the round of 16, five of the last 6 six World Cups we've attended.

Why is this? We have vastly inferior players. It's the pashun meme. You're going to see some crazy shit tonight.
there is no chance i'll be witnessing this or any game in the caca america
Is so fucking over for USMNTLGBT+
Your team would literally melt in Kansas city in July.
shut the fuck up wesley
mad lol
Please stop giving me hope
All African national teams had this all-muscle black dudes since forever and what they won?
Dont even try anon
>bragging about beating concacaf shitters and should've-could've-would've bolivia at sea level
you're finished
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>Our A team beat Panama
Uruguay has humid heat, it's far worse than your dry heat, at night too. It won't make a difference
I have this feeling the dumb chis that were always irrationally hyping mexico jumped ship to the us and are now irrationally hyping up the usmnlgbt+
Robinson was clocked as the 2nd fastest player at the World Cup too

We're literally faster and more athletic than Uruguay at every single field posistion. Usually this wouldn't matter, but in a game of intense heat, it'll matter.
>mfw a late night drinks hungover now fucks me up for two days
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Uruguay must win to maintain complete Argie supremacy.
>All African national teams had this all-muscle black dudes since forever and what they won?
A world cup with France
Our blacks are massively different than African blacks. Our blacks are literally the results of eugenics for hundreds of years of breeding for strength and speed. You will taste our large cocks tonight.
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Will the rise or fall?
What does that mean, exactly?
You're going to get absolutely battered. It won't even be funny, it'll be that much of a one sided game
27° isn't intese heat wtf, uruguay regularly plays in brazil, colombia, ecuador and venezuela.
Stop coping jesus christ, you're getting grouped
Tbf USA are dramatically better than Mexico (2 to 3 goals better).

Writing off USA at home in Independence month in Kansas City because they got an early red card and lost last game is crazy. Uruguay have no idea what's coming.
>muh queefs
We're losing 3-0
Obtulio Varela
You said the same about England vs USA at the World Cup when we brought up or athleticism and pressing.

We're a very unique team, and Uruguay really struggled vs Athletic players in the 2nd half. Why do you think Vegas has USA as the favorites?
They have every idea what is coming because they're a well drilled, professional and expertly coached side with eight recent goals in them and victories against Brazil and Argentina in the past few months.
If USA loses are the fans "passionate" enough to make some funny things?... you know, like destroying the stadium, trying to kill uruguayans or something
enserio? ahora inventaron el fútbol tamb ién?
pedazo de dinosaurio mitómano
We're writting off the US because
-your coach literally can't even play bunker hoofball, he ONLY tries to play from the back, which is suicide against the big sudaca teams
-your players are terrible at 1v1, which uruguay loves to do, and the smaller pitches will make it even worse
-your passion will meet what might be the nastiest, more war like team in south america and get rekt
Add to that that bielsa (who will 100% give illegal orders to his assistants to relay) can and will make adjustments as needed, which berhalter can't.

I kinda want you fatsos to pass through but I don't see it likely
You should bet on Uruguay then. They're +200 tonight. You'll be rich.
I thought the lore goes that some pommy school teacher brought the game there. Just like cricket and Rugby - English expats and workers.
Because dummies like you haven't heard of Uruguay and will have put loads of credit card money on it

We aren't discussing England here (I know it's your second favourite subject after "athleticism") but if we played Uruguay tomorrow I don't think we'd get a goal past them. They're a seriously good side and have a manager that is ideal for tournament football.
Tonight I'll be asleep
Berhalter is a fucking moron who spams crosses all game to undersized forwards, and refuses to let our players play through the middle.
Lmao literally no one here is betting on USA. The matches barely get watched on TV. Hahaha.

Uruguay were lucky to not concede 3 goals vs Panama in the 2nd half. They were completely exhausted. Bielsa is a genius but he's always been known to overwork his players and this is a 3rd group game. They will be tired.
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>bielsa (who will 100% give illegal orders to his assistants to relay
The fact that basically everyone here thinks it's impossible USA wins is exactly why they'll win. Spee is never right.
If we're going to be honest, we would've ended the 1st half with like 3 goals or so if darwin scored more than only 2 out of the 10 chances he has per game
>intense heat
KEK, do americans really?

>muh blacks are better than the african blacks
this can't even be a real argument

>2 or 3 goals

you were right all the time

we'll fill your arse and empty your pockets tonite anon

no lo inventamos, solamente organizamos el 1er mundial y se lo ganamos el 1er mundial a ustedes, nariguetas. También la 1er copa américa (en su casa), y dicho sea de paso, la 1er libertadores (e intercontinental), pero tenés razón, no la inventamos, nomás las ganamos todas.
PD: respeto a la Argentina, pero no a los boludos.
Smaller pitches favor the more athletic teams. It's why Canada has been doing so well. It's why Panama did well when we went a man down. It's why Uruguay struggled vs Panama in the 2nd half.

There's only one player on the field who's delivered in the biggest moments in the biggest tournaments for his country, and you will kneel tonight.
That was the max the previous week, and we are in the middle of winter
brit railway workers, it's an english thing that we mastered on time to develop and win all major competitions we'll see nowadays. But yes, technically it was made by the brits, same brits bring the game here more than 100 years ago...
i hope biesla shows up and be like nah lets just chill to prevent injuries and rest
No you retard, teams that are better at dribbling and 1v1 duels do better in smaller fields. Biggee fields favour athletic players since there's more space to run. What the shit? Canada beat two terrible teams too, we controlled the entire match vs them and canada is far better than the us
Not that anon but he's right about the whole eugenics thing, it's also why Jamaica has the fastest blacks in the world.
USA beat Canada 2-0 lol

We eliminated them the last two times we've played them easily.

USA is much better than Canada. WTF are you talking about?
cant we hire some brainiac from mit to figure this shit out like the fat guy from moneyball? forgot this name but the french chick dunked on him on live national tv
I've seen both teams play, canada is better than the us at this tournament. Your usual gameplan is suicide against uruguay, your only hope is hoofball and you won't play like that.
At this point you're not even using real arguments, this feels like weird hype cope. Have a good day anon
>canada is far better than the us
Niggas why are we fighting like chimps? We are not Europeans and this is not a rivalry.
Let's enjoy the match.
How can you say that? We lost a man almost right away vs Panama.

Our entire system is to play down the wings with speed, and we lost a fucking winger.

We could've easily blasted Bolivia by 6 goals. What game did you watch that showed Canada is better?

We fucking heemed Canada with ease. You are talking really reckless. I can't wait to see you eat your words tonight.

After we win, you'll simply say it didn't count because Uruguay weren't trying, even though you've spent the last hour saying how much pashun they have and how they'll try hard as they can.
>After we win, you'll simply say it didn't count because Uruguay weren't trying, even though you've spent the last hour saying how much pashun they have and how they'll try hard as they can.

anulo mufa
That was under the interim coach, not your bald fraud
this, uruguay has stronger players that also run more on average
it will be evident tonight
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Tonight the American dream comes through
Now that I genuinely cant argue
also canada has marsh now
Herdman was most likely the better manager. He did magic with Canada.

Canada have really struggled to score under Marsch
You play from the back, always. Suicide against uruguay.
Bolivia is not a team, anyone can beat them and no one here would use them as a metric for literally anything.
You beat canada under your in-between coach that played far more to your strengths.
Canada was able to resist pressure, I've seen how your team deals with man to man pressure under berhalter and it's painful to see. I'm not saying the US is DOGSHIT, but I do believe uruguay is possibly the worst match for your team under berhalter.

Funny thing is, I kinda want you to go through
Mckennie literally benched Bentancur at Juventus
>We could've easily blasted Bolivia by 6 goals.
but you just made 2, are you retard or what? all your arguments are what USA could do in some supposed scenario that never happened
Appreciate the honesty lol.
That's why I said this tournament, I think the us has more potential, I liked how you played under the interim coach actually
Nigga Mckennie didn't bench anyone kek. Benta didn't fit their scheme. Also Juventus is trash now.
I completely agree with you. Bielsa tactics are the worst possible match up for USA. We play best vs teams who attack relentlessly and we can expose in transition. Bielsa will sit back and press and wait for mistakes and will fucking cook us. I think we would do better vs Brazil than Uruguay.
I bet $5k on Uruguay +196 a couple hours ago
100%, uruguay is even a worst matchup for you than even us because their fullbacks are younger and faster.
I don't see a us win very likely this time around, but at least if you lose you might be able to get rid of your bald fraud
So you get paid $15k if it wins?
Yeah 15k total, but 10k profit basically. Free money.
How the fuck are USA the favorites?

What fuckery is this?
KC is not dry heat
Bro the Midwest is humid as all hell kekaroo
>KC is the loudest stadium in the country
Yes, when it's 100% full of Chiefs fans. This crowd will be like 60% USA fans at best. All the angry Mexicans will show up and root for Uruguay
uruguay isn't going to play their stars
it'll be usa's best 11 vs uruguay's b team
Uruguay play in much harsher environments than Kansas City, even it it was full of the rowdiest chiefs fans available. It’s a different level for South Americans.
Lolno, I would've but I realized fuck america. I wasn't even rooting for mexshitco but now I see how things b 4real
>at home in Independence month
he doesn't know...
In my country 99.5% us literally do not know Uruguay exists, and if they do they assume it's a Mexican province
>free money
whenever this is posted on /sp/ the bet loses lol
you're about to lose 5k because uruguay plays their shitters anon
Not true. Uruguay are starting their full strength 11. It's already been reported.
Uruguay is playing their best players
>it has already been reported
No. No it has not.
news here saying we're playing with the same team that played bolivia
Yes it has, by multiple reporters.
No. No it has not. Stop posting lies, bookie.
Wtf. What does Vegas know?!?!
I'd rather play their full strength. Our only hope is if they're fatigued. I do not want to play a Bielsa team with fresh bodies.
Is 65% humidity honestly that high for you all?
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if Uruguay was playing their A team they'd be significant favorites. It's the B team tonight cuz they have Brazil/Colombia next.
Yes I live in the desert and I fuckin hate humidity. I'd rather have 38C and dry than 28C and humid
If we win this game I will do absolutely nothing.
The rio de la plata basin is a swamp, we have florida levels humidity here, think of buenos aires as rome for example, uruguay isn't much different
I’ll be doing this win, lose or draw
I believe you Uruguaybro but I won't believe that report until I see the 11 an hour before kickoff. Makes no sense to play your best guys when you're already through barring a 9-0 Panama win
>we're retarded and that's somehow a good thing
Most of the US Midwest has decent humidity. In the 50-70% range all summer. Florida is worse for sure. I've been to Orlando in July and it's fucking 37C at 90% humidity
They're playing the exact team they played vs Bolivia dumbass
Nope! You can keep posting it though
Welcome to VARgensimia
how low are your expectations though that you're talking about winning against teams like panama. i mean you can say anything you want about english fans but everyone knows that barely winning against slovakia means that we're doing absolute shit because we should've destroyed them.
I don't understand why everyone is acting like Uruguay is leagues better than USA. They're a bit better for sure but we can compete with them. Especially at home in a game that means far more for us than Uruguay.
i just dont understand how killing people over football is soul its like when black people argue over each other who lives in a bigger shithole and start listing all their friends that died in a driveby
We lost a man in the 18th vs Panama. He's just saying the last time we played Panama with a full squad we won easily, aka the Copa loss to Panama was a fluke cuz of the red.
The rumour all week was that we were gonna play with the B team or at least not with the full A team, and Bielsa sent one of the other GK to talk to the journalists the other day and drive the point home. But today the conversation started to change, and it's true, on football sites here they are saying we're playing our A team. Guess Bielsa fooled us all.
I just don't understand why you'd play the A team when the B team is still good enough to get a result. Wouldn't want to risk Nunez or Valverde or whoever when Suarez and the other reserves are still good enough to compete
I'm not saying it's soul, I'm saying murrikans won't be able to intimidate the dinos. Stop projecting raheesh
Bielsa is insane

Uruguay is on par with us right now, you really, really can't compete with them, your players can barely dribble a ball or make 3 passes in a row under pressure
been to a handful of la liga and epl games and i've found american stadiums (esp nfl stadiums) are engineered to trap noise. arrowhead is loud as fuck even if it's not a sellout
theres no point to intimidate if their team wins the game only idiots go to a game for a brawl. if you've ever been on a hospital bed you'd understand the despair you feel when you can't do shit but just lay there you have to be a moron to risk injury over football
also what am i projecting
Sounds like you should bet Uruguay to win the Copa then. They're 10-1
>Please watch us lose at your sport
eyes off
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you're arguing with a sudaca anon. they're all violent sociopaths incapable of considering the consequences of their actions
i just want a guarantee that if we lose, the bald fraud will fuck off
for me? it's colombia
I did

Mneh, so are ours and yoruguas didn't give a shit. This is a team that goes to to toe against brazil and argentina at their homes, our crowds are far better and the bombonera is a literal accoustic trap
PulGod believer here. He will deliver and cunts will pay.

Holy shit!Kek has willed it , lads
Let's get the points straight
Murrikan says
>Lol we're winning because we have PASSION and we will have the home advantage
To which I reply
>Urgayans are way more intense and used to playing even rougher games than you are, and your crowds are tame in comparison with our favela niggers
Now, please discuss against my points and stop putting words in my mouth
Looking forward to the CONMEBOL cope when USA win 2-0 tonight then eliminate Colombia in the KO stages
You made everyone want to make fun of mexico and now you're doing the same to the us kek.
I like the us team too

are you hoping biden gives you a visa if you cheer for the us team?
Exactly this. I don't understand how the point I was making is so hard to understand?
It's clearly a mexican trying to stir up US hate. No one here is this delusional
Cap my post faggot. USA win 2-0 tonight and win a knockout game.
i'd have to agree with you that argentina has more passion but i wouldn't consider violence to be passion. we have the same thing here where people with anger issues do shit like beat their wives or break chairs at a pub but then they mask it like having love for their club/country when they're just mentally ill in reality
You will taste our very large cocks tonight
To a big ass beating, lmao. USA sucks as footy. Probably why you call it soccer, cause you socc at it.
cmon anon you’re no better than we are
You forgot the black part Amerisister >>142296849
Denmark is a better team. But no, we're not among the best. However, Denmark's population is 5.8 mil, and we only got two mulattos on the team. Your population is 340 mil, and your team is mystery meat galore.
i have 2 machinnes running 24/7 at home so to keep humidity close to that range, i live in a 50% paradise but i pay almost 2k usd electricity per month
they still have hope they are not as bad as brazil
Vegas will do easy money with all the american retards betting on MUH US tonight
im not trying to be rude but how different are uruguayans to argentinians. because i have a general knowledge of europe and i can name a lot of historical figures from a lot of european countries while also being able to recognize european languages spoken and typed (even between slavic languages) but when it comes to south america most of the countries just look like failed narco states that probably speak a slightly different dialect of spanish. i think a lot of europeans think this way too. obviously brazil being an exception i know they speak portugese
>but when it comes to south america most of the countries just look like failed narco states that probably speak a slightly different dialect of spanish
You are correct
3 acs 7k uy they're robbing you bro
>failed narco states
thanks cia :\
That’s robbery. How much $ is that per kWh?
US is now my NT, I am ashamed of being Mexican... Don't worry about the flag, I can take care of that later...
it sounds like an insult but i'm being serious. the reason why i like the euros is because i feel like each country has an identity especially because i like reading a lot about europe so there's not really a european country i don't know anything about. i guess it's because new world countries are "new" so they're really similar to each other. like let's say if bolivia vs venezuela played i would find it really hard to care about the game, but it's undeniable that copa america has great football, just that im really detatched so it reduces the enjoyment
well thats not one of the main reasons i said that moreso to be funny
Literally no Americans are betting on this game lmao. They're not evening watching.
at least there are no muslims here.
If anything all the Americans are betting on Uruguay
i didnt say that to insult you i was hoping you'd reply with the differences you have with argentina in culture, food etc
>240 min of semen slurping euros today in preparation for this
FINALLY, the real SOVL game. Score prediction is 2-1 USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA
bit rich from the country that is constantly starting wars all over the globe to call anyone a sociopath
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comfy status?
Hard to notice any difference in the writing. But even you should notice the differences when you hear people from different countries speaking spanish. Specially between Uruguay/Argentina and the rest of Latinx
hope you lads win because of the seethe it will generate pls shit up the board if you do lads
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These arent manlet cold chest mexicans, these are garra charrua yoruguas
Thanks for the laugh
im 41 and have stayed up watching all the matches
i live alone
>starting wars all over the globe
your information is dated anon
Countries are more similar because we're young nations with only 200 years of real history, and most was as small backwater nations.
Culturally, there are plenty of differences and the accent from mexico to chile is more varied than from scottish to valley girl.
Culturally there are 4-5 big groups with plenty of differences, colombians being sort of a middle ground between all
>we dindu nuffin
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America had such an easy group and they still couldn't make it thru

they could win and still get grouped kek
Before this match I kind of liked Uruguay because I knew absolutely nothing about their irrelevant country. Now I realize they're just off-brand Argensimians
Are Uruguayans White?
Your own fault for letting Mexicans with US flags D&C.
You will be a witness tonight
Stop asking
when you say cultures is it like when some american from the south swears they're so different from the people from new england even though their urban areas are exactly the same? because when you speak the same language you can easily share the same cultural references, movies, tv shows etc
There are spheres of influence, but no, a mexican is unironically closer to a murrikan from texas or arizona than he is to a say, peruvian
Your mouth will satisfy our large cocks tonight
Why the fuck do games happen so fucking late?
is fucking copa america, no asia cup or some retarded shit
9-7 pm for murritards, prime time
Don't get it either. I wanted a comfy 4pm match. I'm not staying in to watch sawker
>Makes no sense to play your best guys when you're already through barring a 9-0 Panama win
We're black.
trust me anon if I could stop the chicanos I would
its summer in the us of a plus the timezone
Is it true that Uruguay is way nicer than Argentina and that argentina is bit of a shithole?? I always thought it was the other way around
this thread has had everything you could want in an /sp/ pregame thread. hopefully the match is like that too.
Isn't it same in England? Like people from Liverpool are way different than someone from London
You can do it, as long as you keep the monkeys in your team from chimping out. Why even put them there in the first place? All they can do is to display the violent behavior typical of their race.
ayo wish i had you near to teach u a lesson wytboi u finna get raped
We were literally here first
Extremely subjective and depends on where you are going. We are larger than the entirety of europe and have more climates than the US. Also buenos aires is, objectively, the best city in latinamerica
>murder rate of 23 is talking about violence
From my various trips there, I noted that the US was pretty homogenous. Everywhere you go there's the same culture, the same suburbs, the same food. In Brazil, regional differences are far more pronounced, and surreal to think it's still the same country whenever I go somewhere far from where I live.
>uruguay plays their shitters
Uruguay shittes are better than your A team
Don't worry, Canada will get there someday, as your kind replaces white people
Agreed. This thread has been very comfy.
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I know you're the same guy but here you go
Lmao rip USA
>las ganamos todas
Te pegó fuerte el porro.
Imagine not betting on +200 Uruguay
yeah but that's mainly because most people there are irish. general difference between the north and south and some major cities like birmingham speak weird nothing crazy though
i mean mexico is in north america but when i think of mexicans i basically just think of indigenous people with very slight spaniard dna, i've seen some white looking mexicans but would it be right for me to say that? i feel that stuff like cinco de mayo is stuff that injuns would do as compared to a mix of european ethnicities like argentina and uruguay
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would you say that a lot of the regional differences is because south brazil is much more homogenously white? i'd also assume that the the regions in and around the amazon are native dominated
but can they do it against Zak Steele, Dax Flame, and Deshauwn Johnson on a hot night in kansas?
in shithole states, yes
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I'm not a betfag can someone explain to me what the +200 is? I've been reading this a few times already in this thread
why did you do this to us
triple your bet basically, so bet $10 get $30 etc. etc. the US pays slightly less. it's just surprising to have a team that's better not be the favorite in the game.
where stream urufags? VeraTV?
Pay cable you rat
if we are winning by the end of first half he better bring out the subs
Put everything you own on Uruguay tonight
aight thanks
You don't know who Bielsa is?
>imagine paying for a dying medium
cable companies only survive thanks to tránsfugas like Gurmendez giving them free access to our telecomms infrastructure, I pulled out all coaxial in my home and replaced it with cat 6e ethernet, welcome to the 21st century bobín
>le run hard man
I thought he'd rest you for the hard games
cable is boomer-coded anon where 1080p stream for the boys on discord
You guys kept saying this was a hard game.
You don't even need to win it, how could it be hard
skill issue, get in shape old farts

nigga change your ute plan for the "smart one"

AntelTV has it in high quality if you have a decent internet plan thanks caroco
>paying (((cable)))
See >>142312460
honestly i kinda want USA to win because it'd be the funniest shit ever
also the u r gay rage is always hilarious, and i mean the players not the fans for some reason they always seethe so hard
What is this?
Better not lose me money, uraguey. I believe in you.
Don't worry, USA. Bolivia to the rescue !!!
>paying for cable
go ahead and bet on USA too while you are at it lmao
Tbh everyone expects the USTNMT to get steamrolled on here, to the point that it's a foregone conclusion, that an upset would absolutely batter the 'log.
We beat Uruguay U20 like 10 years ago in the U20 World Cup and to this day it was the biggest chimp out by any team I've ever seen.

Their players started a full on brawl just because they lost
That's why Vegas having USA as favorites is so baffling.
Why do you keep hyping up the ninja turtles this fucking hard, gay OP? Any sensible USMNT fan WANTS to lose get rid of the fraudulent manager who has shown to be out of his depth but gotten bailed out due to Concatrash being a shit region.
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Time to see some heckin sovl from the /americantalents/ for once, just like the good ole days
I don't know how to break this to you anon but they wouldn't fire him if we get grouped
dinos are usually really petty
today, i am bolivian
Lol I remember that game. Freddy Adu was amazing in it.
That Uruguay team was insanely loaded too. Half that team went on to be superstars.
we can do this bros
they also malded super harded on the WC, i don't remember in which game
it was honestly the funniest shit i've ever seen
Greece > Burgers
I was 16 then... Nice times...
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You're our only hope
usa coup soon hopefully
>muh heat
>26 °C (79 °F)
oh wow it's nothing
why do americans think we have euro weather
26ºC is comfy as fuck
He is delusional

>around the amazon are native dominated
Not at all
Unless it's us or chile, we DO have euroish weather and they think we're ecuador or something
Berhalter's finally getting fired tonight, it's about damn time
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The lineup they should have used all along
>Playing someone with argie blood
You fools, this will only further enrage the dinos
its over
im gonna buy alcohol for real to numb the pain when we lose
Vegas knew
>if US wins it saves gregg's job

fuck that go Uruguay
For three years /talents/ autists have asked for this. Berhalter is 3 years behind the autism of /talents/.
Uruguay cups are so old they might as well be jurassic. Also they bite because suarez lol
/talents/ bros I kneel...
>the newfag tourist
Why would OP post this?
OP knew…
thanks anon
seethe dino
of the blowout?
you wish you had the first cups, you'll never model football like Uruguay did
I honestly don't feel any form of envy towards yoruguas, I see them as brothers. Shit, I even think their 4 stars are legit
You will be a witness
Tick tock AmeriCOPES
witness my digits
Prepare your anus for our large diamond cocks
What makes Birmingham speak weird? I knew a guy who moved here from there but he sounded like every other brit
please decimate us and rid us of GREGG
how did he know?!?!?
>Christian Mate
you clearly want a group stage exit at a home world cup or are a CHI.
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USA wins 4-2 tonight
0 chance
When I think about Europe, I think about Afghanistan, I don't want to sound rude and I know england is an exception btw, more like Pakistan meets India, specially in Londistan.
There is genuinely much more cultural difference between latinx than the people here. Paraguay for example is almost fully bilingual and speak a native language despite probably being less racially precolumbian than Mexicans. Each country has had its own idiosyncracies in the development of its culture and history.
Duele Uruguay narigón
i know but when im talking about cultural differences in europe i'm talking about differences from village to village. i've studied some slavic languages and what i found interesting is how language varies in the smaller slavic nations, i mean croatian has 2 dialects that arent mutually intelligible with the standard dialect (standard dialect being stokavski and the other dialects being kajkavski, cajkavski, if you think i'm making this up search it up) and even within those dialects there are differences, like cajkavski is spoken a lot on the islands but different islands have vastly different ways of speaking.
i think a common language is what keeps even geographically seperated populations together especially the anglosphere i mean the average brit, aus, american etc is growing up on the same shit so we're getting more and more similar. but i've been to places in europe where they claim that people 5 miles away do everything completely differently
>Loudest stadium
>Not even close to be full
Why is your super stadium empty, you promised and atmosphere
The only way USA survives is if Darwin gets hit by the retard beam and misses all his chances.
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>this match
>number 8 is literally a fat pig
Wtf Americans?
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let's see how the negro american, who was, according to the negro american himself (>>142296849) breed selectively to pick cotton and be strong, play against some uruguayans, surely they can win against some spaniard-italian manlet mutts. right?
Obtulio Varela
idk what they teach you in brazil but you're supposed to kick the ball in football not pick cotton. sounds like a cool twist though
>idk what they teach you in brazil

Definitely to fuck you in football.
sorry i forgot how many world cups has ireland won?
Superior master black eugenics aren't working ameribros, Yakub had success, what now?
post the copypasta
So what's coming? The same as usual KEK
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>Our A team beat Panama 5-1 last time they played them with 11 men. We also could've beat Bolivia by 6+ goals. It'll be hot as fuck, and we're the more athletic team, also KC is the loudest stadium in the country.
>Are you serious? I said athletic, not technical. We literally have the fastest player in the EPL on our team. Our entire midfield are athletic freak ngubus with iron lungs. Our striker is the 2nd fastest player in France. We're WAY more athletic than Uruguay. We are the most athletic team you'll have ever played. You have no idea. This will be a game of the two best pressing teams in July heat in Kansas City. You're delusional if you think this will be easy for Uruguay.
>How is he wrong?
>He didn't say better, he said more athletic. It's very true.
>We're literally faster and more athletic than Uruguay at every single field posistion. Usually this wouldn't matter, but in a game of intense heat, it'll matter.
>You said the same about England vs USA at the World Cup when we brought up or athleticism and pressing.
>We're a very unique team, and Uruguay really struggled vs Athletic players in the 2nd half. Why do you think Vegas has USA as the favorites?
>Smaller pitches favor the more athletic teams. It's why
>Our blacks are massively different than African blacks. Our blacks are literally the results of eugenics for hundreds of years of breeding for strength and speed. You will taste our large cocks tonight.
>Canada has been doing so well. It's why Panama did well when we went a man down. It's why Uruguay struggled vs Panama in the 2nd half.
this thread is relevant again
>After we win, you'll simply say it didn't count because Uruguay weren't trying, even though you've spent the last hour saying how much pashun they have and how they'll try hard as they can.
But all the eugenics experts sadly disappeared
Rigged shit. Enjoy your future famines you faggots.
Keep whining loosing bitch, we eat more beef than you, corn filled cow
told you
not because they're black it means they're more athletic
Yeah I did witness
pulisic decisive shot was so pasionless you lost, there's a desperation, a hunger for glory that makes you better, the nearest american term would be, damn for saying it, clutch

also, it doesn't help the white guys you have
Should have done the tomahawk chomp
Not even cope, they just dissapear.
Like in afghanistan lel
Forever stuck in their /bunker/ threads complaining about Gregg.
/sp/ kinography
Offside goal. Real result is a draw.
we're seething in talents right now about gregg
>muh athleticism
How did that go?
They ran way more than Uruagyans
we ran each other into the ground and both lost a player to injury
I am fairly sure the Ameriexperts told us athleticism was about genetic breeding for slavery, with a bit of drool in their mouths. It wasn't about running. It was about being black
Now I'm really convinced that Americans do see Blacks as some kind of magic creatures as the other anon said.
No wonder the moment a strong slavic dominates the NBA they can not counter him because in their minds it's simply not possible.

not well, bob. not well
It is nice that people care when we lose thoughever. I will carry this pseudo relevance into the future
darwin is faster than any american player anyway
mandatory KWAB reply
Obtulio Varela
Soccer peaked in this match.
I'll take her over gordaska
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Damn this blud really spent 200 posts arguing why they were going to win kek
Argentina has a lower murder rate than the US.
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Morning lads, where's the American athletic tranny? We still deserve an explanation. What about Vegas odds? What happened to the loudest and hottest stadium in the world? Why blacks where all fatty, semi-bald and unathletic? where's Landon Donovan? So many questions with no answer today.
He shifted into the reality where they blasted Bolivia by 6 goals and they won last night match 3-0
wrong, tomorrow, because Euros will have to sleep for work

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