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He's still a bitch
only faggots don’t understand what he is going through
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He's the king of Europe
>39 year old captain
>Crying before the game is even over
Out of all the embarrassing things he's done, this might top the list. How can he call himself a man after that.
We know
not really.
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Rapist crybaby.
If there was any justice he would've missed his second pen and Portugal got dumped out.
But there is no justice in this world. Only chaos.
Northerners will never understand
>you're a faggot if you don't cry
You are a SOVLless nordbug
You wouldn't understand
Shut up, tranny
Fag doesnt understand passion
Born a bitch
Raised a bitch
Lived his life as a bitch

Maybe he turns it around eventually. Meets the right people that can help him
You're goddamn right I don't understand how he's so mentally weak after the career he's had and the position he's in as a captain
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probably the most soulful moment of the last 20 years of football.
The miss only made it more SOVLFVL
Pissi is a mary sue character that never does anything wrong, so basically SOVLESS
get fucked nahuel ronaldo won
Messi is too retarded to cry or feel something lmao. Bro is literally autistic
why is he always crying remind me of big show gimmick
The edits of this will be brutal
You spastics don't even know what you're saying at this point
sovlless robots filtered
Pissi cuckitini let sheikhs shit on his chest
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I unironically cried when i saw him cry
An emotionless robot typed this.
based med sovl
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I kneel
same, him and Diogo in the end.
It's not embarrassing that he cried, it's embarrassing that he cried and had to be consoled by his teammates when they still had 15 minutes to play. You call that a leader?
me too bro. i was tearful
this is what i love about football
I laughed so hard when he started to cry, like LMAO

lol pissi ghosted in this euro
This post made my cry
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He is talking to the tv and almost crying again.
We love you, TSU, never forget that
Who knew so many soiboys posted here?
Make me, dago.
>crying before the game is over
>when you can still have a chance
How can this guy be a captain again? You can't just succumb to pressure after having such a long carreer. He's not captain material after all
>mary sue
What is this shitalian talking about?
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I'll tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of Ronaldo as a man has just fuckin' plummeted
i'm still crying can't believe the goat clutched it like that in the end
Pissi "pecho frio" Cuckitini
kek what a bitch
ngl i only came back to this shithole for the postgame reactions of this moment. im in tune with my emotions, call it what you will
My estimation of Cristiano as a man just fucking plummeted. FUCKING NOT! PURE FKING SOUL
Nah bruhs got more SVLL. This is the face of passion.
he just did
His emotional investment is the best proof for his honest passion in an increasingly oppurtunistic environment. This is divine on levels these subhumans will never understand. It's an ancestral happening that transcends time.
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you didnt see him after losing to chile, eh?

but then he won the world cup AND copa in 2 years.
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why was he crying?
reddit loves this picture. You should go back and stay there
>Mbappe vs 45 year old Pepe
5-0 France
i celebrated like a mad man
pepe is 45 holy hell i thought he is 51
if you need penalties to beat SLOVENIA, how the fuck do you beat France/Spain/Germany

also Messi has always been better, there has never been a "debate". Messi has raw skill, retards ignore his playmaking ability, he isn't just le tap in man.
please. this team needs a wake-up call to erase all those pendu/jorge mendes friends
I cried with him
There's no crying in soccer
Lol what are you 12?
> Englandogs mocking the goat

Short memories lads
Cristiano has Peter Pan syndrome
He never grew the fuck up
20 years ago he cried in the final when Portugal lost to Greece
Understandable since he was 19 years old and he was so close to winning the final with Portugal

Today at 39 he cries because of his ego because he lost a penalty, even though the match was not over yet

If anything somehow Cristiano has become even more childish
>kolo muani
>fast midfielders
they are going to get raped with speed
>Celebrating going to penalties against Slovenia
Too bad no Mourinho as coach

Are you fucking blind? Fucking dirty little south american soulless nigger

>You can't just succumb to pressure after having such a long carreer.

That's why it's so MEANINGFUL that he cried after the Penalty Kick miss, because he followed up his sadness by going FIRST in the penalty shootout and scoring like a true hero.
I mean, Messi does seem a bit autistic

How many goals did France score from open play this tournament?
>this post
>a fucking leaf's opinion about footie
Stick to /hoc/ Nbungu #54321
At least Ronaldo didn't miss against a literal part-time goalkeeper lmao
He is the hero Portugal deserves
see thats the thing, they are due for a big game. if they can contain belgium, they can run over portugal.

>pacey strikers vs pepe
slovenia should have won on his fuckup today.
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Idk if I feel like my leader has been distraught emotionally it can either completely destroy my morale but it can also cause me to get emotionally invested into giving 2x my effort to see him back on track, it depends.

When I saw naldo like that I wanted Portugal to win so maybe his team thought the same?
Yes, but you see, Portugal excells at murderball
kek you big vagina
get your tits out then love
This was our GAZZA moment
Please respect
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He's 39 years old. There are probably posters on /sp/ who have a 39 year old dad.
med sovl
never a pen, the gods made that save

>If anything somehow Cristiano has become even more childish
You ne er heard of mid life crisis?
>39 year old man cant cry
His penalty at the shootout was ilelgal as fuck. He literally STOPPED, no slowing down, literal stoppage. Funny how nobody mentions this but when Havertz did something way less bad, everybody calls us riggers. Maybe it's just the english obsessed with us I guess.
To cry like a woman? It's a fucking disgrace
Its emotional game. Go watch chess or something
The hilarious part about this is that Portugal were still in the driver seat, He was crying for purely egotistical and selfish reasons. He would legit react with less pain and suffering watching Bruno or Diogo or Pepe die on the pitch versus himself missing a pen or otherwise being an embarrassment.

CR7CM cucks are trying to equate this with >>142309380 but the reality is that Penaldo is infinitely more disgraceful and pathetic
Even Cinderella didn't cry
The Wire was always better
All the bitches on the planet need an idol, and their idol is CR7
it's funny how they try to pass him off as this stoic alpha male when in reality he's a flaming homo with feminine personality traits. it's the same as people idolizing that mossad demoralisation propagandist mutt Andrew Tate
lmao penaldette
if you think crying = being mentally weak, I don't know what to tell you. I can only show you Ronaldo's trophy cabinet and then compare it to some random Swede who supposedly doesn't cry's trophy cabinet.
Holy kwab

A walking law of averages.
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>You call that a leader?
you know who else cried like that? kevin nash in that dark alley during a sweltering summer night in 1992.
and indians in twitter
I’m in fucking tears, BBC bringing the banter.
I masturbated to this
You should consider suicide.
Big time bitch
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your nation needs therapy
Ronaldo would've cried even if portugal were winning 3-0 because he missed his chance to score.
Increidble that people still don't understand this narcissist even after all these years
finally someone who can read characters.
Containing Belgium isn't an accomplishment, Pookaku is their 9
he missed the final in 2016 and was still happy they won
What's wrong with crying over missing a pen in your last possible major tourney for which you will possibly get out of tourney... what tf is wrong with some of you guys here?
Late 2022 truly buckbroke him, from being dropped by ten hag and santos to being rejected by every relevant team in europe to riggi winning the world cup. Now he's trying way too hard to prove that they're all wrong, that he's still better than riggi, so when things don't go his way he naturally crumbled under the unnecessary pressure he put on himself.
There's nothing wrong with crying about missing a pen in that situation. There's everything wrong with making everything about yourself like a blood sucking parasite attention whore like Penaldo.
And in what way did he make it all about himself? He did nothing but merely cry (which I already explained and we both accepted that is nothing wrong about).
I think he did well by taking the first penalty after all of that
that is seriously impressive
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Have you guys done meth?
Let me tell you about meth crash, it happens when after days long dopamine rush the brain simply crashes and no more dopamine is possible to be released, even if you add 1 kg more... it's not happening anymore, you need to get a sleep and up to one week of break, letting enzymes produce dopamine again.

And the comedown/wd begins, it's like having 10000000000000000000000000000000x intensified pleasure by meth induced inhibition of reuptake of dopamine, it's like feeling your greatest happiness, being on top of the universe and then suddenly losing it at all, craving desperately to feel it again but not even being able to feel even the baseline level of pleasure, as dopamine is literally crashed. It is like winning huge jackpot in sleep or fucking a goddess only to wake up and then desperately cling to getting it back by forcing re-sleep, ducttaping eyes closed. But billion times worse. It's so psychologically painful that while meth wd doesn't cause PHYSIOLOGICAL effects much it's psychologically up there with good opiate withdrawal.

That's what my boy Ronaldo is suffering from, desperately wanting his top days back and having it gone permanently.

He had become a plastic monster
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This is Deadsonaldo in a nutshell. 0.000001% chance of making this. By all means should be passing this. But no, the pathetic narcissist has to make it all about him and try for the shot.
This .webm speaks volumes.
the referee was distracing him
a few inutes before he made a very good freekick
>t. pecho frío
To cry like a woman it's a fucking disgrace.
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soccer is not for f-ACK
ahahahaha city of a bitch
>I miss Eibar
embarrassing post, bro
You people are acting like Ronaldo is some gritty battle-hardened warrior shedding manly tears during a genuinely big moment in his career when in reality this is just an effeminate overemotional faggot crying in a game against fucking Slovenia. Absolutely embarrassing display of faggotry in this thread.
>Espresso on the table
>Espresso on hand
I hate AI slop so much
I've been inside this very ship :)
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Leave the old man to me
To be honest for me it's not the crying that was the worst.

It was coming in contact with Oblak not once, but TWICE after the missed pen, because he was trying to hurt him out of spite and because he knew the shoot outs were coming.

And the refs did nothing because "he's Ronaldo" and he already had a yellow so everyone would have jumped to the ref's throat.
if it was anytoher portugese player i would feel bad for him, but ronaldo is such a cunt, fuck him he's dragging portugal down
(i dont care about riggi)
the ramblings of a schizo.
take your meds tranny you're in every single thread
>Ronaldo this Ronaldo that
>meanwhile nobody mentioning fucking Diogo the real hero here
baka. Seeing Pepe holding him crying after the win while apologizing for letting the slav striker pass him was peak kino.
Rui Patrício got a statue in Leiria (his hometown) after the Euro 2016, and Diogo Costa after last night deserves another

>That fucking isolated save
>Three penalties defended

When the ref blew for the penalty I knew we had kino being made.
Ronaldo would be the one to convert the pen. I knew if he scored it would have been the return of Penaldo, the statpadder record breaker.
If he missed, the weight of the loss would be all on his shoulders.
When Oblak defended I leaned fowards in my sofa, I knew we had a game on our hands. All the drama.

Portugal was back.
During the match, he's a fucking baby
Can you explain why you worship him so much?
Now this is muttposting
Fingols aren't human and need to be rangebanned
Why are white people so prone to emotional outbursts like this? You are like children.
Imagine being a young player for portugal. It's half time, and you want some guidance and encouragement from your captain, but he's just crying and you to comfort him instead. Messi is an infinitely better captain. Proved it in the WC
Big if true
>You are like children.
>Posts reddit character picture
top jej
>he has outsourced his opinion developing process to reddit
why does our team loves to suffer so much
The amount of time this faggot has been bailed out in his career is crazy. Every time he has a stinker someone is always there to win for him, whether it's Ramos, Bale, John Terry slipping, Eder and now Costa. Compare that to Messi who has had to win every trophy for himself.
If he gave Penaldo a yellow you fags would be fucked friday
that makes him based
Refute it
No wonder that you have the highest divorce rate in the world
You have one of the biggest suicide rates in the world because you dont cry enough. Stop being a child and hiding your emotions
Your opinion is a lie retard.
No we don't, we're number 48 according to Wikipedia
change the word world to europe then
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sportball fans are retarded they think just because someone is older like crynaldo that make him a captain material no penaldo is not smart and wise he is a rich egomaniac
KWABOTY status?
this nigga has been crying more than zinchenko lately and people still believe he's some kind of a mentality monster lmao
Based CR7.
Let the emotions out, and then score the next penalty.
>Stop being a child
crying at the age of 40 because some fucking ball didn't hit the net is the childlish thing I can imagine
That's a good point.

Based ref.
>Every time he has a stinker someone is always there to win for him, whether it's Ramos, Bale, John Terry slipping, Eder and now Costa
True, he's been insanely lucky in some ways. But people always forget these things and focus on the narrative of le 93rd minute clutch penalty man.
It makes his confident facial expressions looks silly when everyone knows that underneath he is one step away from tears.
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kwab what a faggot
Kek, he said this.
How many fucking bottox injections did he get?
Look at the state of this swollen face
Hes just like me
it's indeed embarrassing that ronaldo should cry over missing a penalty when the game isn't over yet. it's really one of his low points in his football career. it's clear that he felt like a failure in this instant. however, he still stepped to the point when it came to the penalty shootout. sure, he wanted to prove to himself and to everyone else that he could still score a penalty and he had his ego working in his favor, but still that does take some mental strength. it also takes some mental strength to work as hard as ronaldo has over the years.

every discussion about ronaldo or messi is driven by malevolence, resentment and envy. low life faggots such as yourself or op take their pleasure from reveling in the misfortune and the flaws of the two greatest players to ever set their feet on the pitch. that's no longer just bantz, it's all a massive cope. you guys are all just a bunch of massive faggots who really need to take a look in the mirror.
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the greatest humiliation ritual ever, spanning decades of kwab
>A statue for beating a team who never been in knockouts
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absolutely, unrelentingly & utterly BTFO
There are types of electroshock treatments they can give CR7 to help him

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