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I've been reading lots of Houellbeqc, Camus and Marx adjacent readings for the last few weeks and it's left me pretty dejected regarding the state of society. (I got into a bit of a Foucault, Marx, Sartre, Chomsky rabbit hole aswell) Although it's made me question alot of things and has been pretty intellectually enriching, it's also been pretty disheartening. I feel as if I can't unsee all these things and that it seems society is a lot more spiritually empty than I had imagined. Though I wish I could go back to being ignorant, that's unfortunately not in the cards.

So what can I read that can give me a positive outlook on life?
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>unironically reading Houllbecq
St francis of assisi
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Did you only read the stranger? Most of his stuff are pretty positive
Diogenes is the only official philosopher of /sp/ee, so read him
Prefer pre-assisi personally
fuck thought this was /lit/ lol
you came to the right board
nothing but intellectuals on here
>I pissed on the man who called me a dog. Why was he so surprised?

~ Diogenes
>If only it was as easy to banish hunger by rubbing the belly as it is to masturbate.

~ Diogenes
no you haven’t. in all seriousness though get involved in some community and try to make a difference if you feel that way. being on the outside looking in doesn’t make you better-off than the people who participate and take what they have for granted
i think this is a sign that i should stop reading and watch some sports. Divine intervention in my stupidity for posting here.

Thanks /sp/ gunna go get a 6 pack and watch some Manny Pacquiao highlights
God Bless you anon
>exclusively reads communist faggots
read de maistre, maurras, dante and ts eliot at once.
read mein kampf
everything else is coping nonsense
Ive read Dante and CS Lewis, and have a few Graham Greene books actually. I also read some of JP 2s work (love and responsibility) but it's a pretty high standard to live up to.

Any specific reccomendations?
>reads nothing but despair porn Frenchmen and communist Jews
>Why am I sad?
Come on now, bud
Do not fall for any of this bait. Europe is not north America. Culture is getting shit but its not the fault of capitalism or wealth, its the human spirit learning to adapt to a higher level of civilization. Do well in your career, move to a nice suburb, raise a family, and be optimistic.
Yea me and my gf of 2 years broke up two months ago and all that free time was filled with terrible choices of literature.
>its not the fault of capitalism
I dont understand wallowing so idk how to help you other than giving you the usual alt right advice of
>Read the classics
>Focus on yourself
But I wouldn't even read if I were you no book is going to change your life except maybe PUA literature. Watch black hawk down and realize that life is much much more important than women.
>Culture is getting shit but its not the fault of capitalism or wealth, its the human spirit learning to adapt to a higher level of civilization
lol no
It's all well and good if you just focus on yourself, your own small circle and your future, but if you ever actually look beyond that you will see humans are a doomed species. Too many retards, too many evil people and not enough good people.
We will never pass the great filter and things will only get worse as time goes on
the great filter was 1945
read Mein Kampf
>alt right
>PUA shit
Fucking hell
>watch black hawk down
what am I reading?
That anon never claimed he was depressed or sad over breaking up he just said he filled the spare time with reading dumb shit, so why are you telling him there's more to life than women when he clearly realises that himself?

I feel like I'm responding to a bot
And then you can laugh
Well check out Jean-François Lyotard first (he actually wrote on the Postmodern Condition for the French Canadian government if I remember)
You seem cool and like the type of person I would normally run into on another board
I just came here to look for Ronaldo reactions
But yeah I wish we could hang out

Oh I forgot to add: check out the Rick Roderick video series "Self Under Siege" on YouTube and also Plastic Pills and Art Chad, you will like them
Debunked experiment because they assumed mice were robots that would behave normally in conditions with zero stimulus or comfort. If you recreated it with proper natural conditions for the mice it wouldn’t be the same
probably a Pentagon bit
theyre desperate people realize how dire the situation in the west is
You do know as a species we could easily go back to having a Nazi regime in a powerful country, right? China isn't far off of it. And the great filter has nothing to do with what political opinion you have, it's all to do with how stupid humans are no matter your beliefs.
>If you recreated it with proper natural conditions
Guess what this applies to? Humans. We do not live naturally at all and rapidly changed our way of living. Go debunk yourself off a cliff you retard. I shouldn't really expect posters on a bread and circus board to not be dumb so maybe I'm at fault for even bothering to post this stuff here
Houellebecq is one of the few writers of this age I like. He was one of the first to see where our world was headed. I go from moments when I tell myself to accept everything, to moments of rage. In the end, deep inside, many will wish we had never been born. Trying to get a girlfriend, the dating app thing, meaningless jobs... non existence is preferable to existence. Not bringing new life is the moral thing to do. Mass extinction
>The West
lmao I am suspicious of anyone who thinks this is a real category
For instance
In the USA where I live you MUST have a car to get around which is fucking annoying where as my German friends and the time I spent there indicates you can take a train and you don't have to always worry about parking and cities are designed better and the social culture is a lot easier to navigate as well (I actually had a girl I went out with in high school move to Germany for the free schooling and ended up learning the language and staying over there).
So TL;DR lumping all these countries together as if they have some unified experience is really dumb, coming from someone who has lived in different places.
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Pricing Money - J.D.A Wiseman


Learning about the money markets and how to price treasury bonds will bring you more fulfillment and happiness than the writings of some deranged French commie faggots

Kind regards,
/biz/ - /smg/
I have and it is very poorly written incoherent screeching and like, wtf was Hitler even thinking praising the British Empire of all things lmao
It's so funny all the /pol/ shitters who come on here thinking they are edgy when really they are just kinda cringe desu
Everything is cope. Focus on your hobbies. What the hell is a hobby. You have a hobby or you don't. Looking for a hobby is just looking for a way to distract yourself from death
I’ll admit I’ve kinda fallen for the anti-natalist meme, but I think existence, once granted, is generally still preferable barring extreme circumstances. You’re here- don’t take things too seriously and try to find some fun/meaningful things to take up your time.
>be marx
>the original champagne socialist
>make predictions that are either completely wrong or unfalsifiable because there's no time limit on them
>create the worst economic model ever (labour theory of value), claiming implicitly that efficiency doesn't exist
>bum off others for money, do no actual work, just write economic and social fanfiction that any 4chud could match, even your mother tells you to get a job
>everyone who tries to implement your ideas is forced to create a dictatorship to enforce them because they are so unnatural, and being dictatorships they immediately lose any reason to keep going with any actual reforms
>treated as a serious figure worth learning from almost 200 years later anyway and not a retard like, idk, Mussolini or Charles I, whose existence actively harms their own ideologies
Is it THAT HARD to pick a better idol for your ideology?
I don't even especially hate the moderate socialists, most of their grievances are legitimate unlike the modern right which just makes things up to get mad about, but Marx himself is a complete fraud from every angle.
we don’t live in a fluorescent lit wooden box with no day or night cycle. we don’t live in an environment with no intellectual stimulation. our conditions are nothing like the ones the mice experienced. any animal behaviourist will tell you the same- they assumed this shit didn’t matter and wouldn’t influence behaviour but it does. the mice were mentally ill in the manner factory chickens are.
>replacement level 3rd world immigration into every western nation is le made up thing to be mad about
>move to a nice suburb
I lived in Madison, WI when I did my master's degree and I can't understand why would anyone find living in a boring, unwalkable hellhole away from the city desirable in the slightest

>its not the fault of capitalism
you're a fully brainwashed retard
Hilarious that this thread has some good responses despite me posting here by accident

Marx isn't my idol. I don't even agree with lots of what he wrote (LTV, Revolution being inevitable) but as a critique for capitalism, he's still relevant. Historical Materialism is a bit of a meme. Class conflict and economic systems cant explain EVERYTHING, but they can explain alot.
Also who cares if he was a champage socialist. Either his arguments are good or they aren't. Who he was doesn't matter.

yea I kind of regret reading him because it was a bit of a wake up call and cant unsee the banality of it all. I didn't go full doomer though.

yea this was meant for /lit/ but i fucked up, so consider posting there if this stuff interests you. Thanks for the recs.
You do realise it doesn't only apply to that one rat utopia experiment, right? Behaviour sink applies to many other things, you can see it in many different kinds of animals in zoos and you can fucking see it happening in real time with humans. Either you're a mong with your head buried in the sand or you're trolling.
>uhhh yeah I was totally incorrect about that experiment but let’s just pivot and pretend I wasn’t
You were the one that specifically focused on that experiment, not me. I was quoting the behavior sink theory
Atrocious writer and all around faggot, La Peste is the worst thing I've ever read
That shit is all fake, nothing but pseudointellectualism
Real intellectuals are doing physics, math, earning billions, living life.

Imagine you only jerked off to NTR porn, self inserting as the cuck. Then, you only listened to sad songs, and watched sad movies. Then before bed you went on /pol/ and read some defeatism and watched some war gore porn.

That’s what you’re doing by reading that crap. If you want to feel smart start learning category theory and electromechanics
I'm not a commie but culture is getting shit because of globalization and globalization is absolutely a tool of capitalism.
I like the society of the spectacle
some of those post-marxists had some interesting things to say
not anymore though
Almost everyone you read about was a convicted pedophile which is precisely why they indoctrinate you with it
Reading fouceault and sartre didn't convince me they were right. But i see there legacy everywhere I look. Which is pretty grim.
My idea for a new sport would be to grab despondent nihilist fags like you and just throw them into an arena where they would either fight to the death for bread crumbs or die of starvation.
Fuck you, you fucking fag. Fucking socialist scum. You wouldnt last me one fucking second

i think im slowly coming to the conclusion that my Catholic grandmother was actually right about everything
You'll probably just cry and kill yourself like a fag, you're already halfway there.
Basically this
People were more grounded
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It’s disheartening but people are shit and disappointing. They are greedy, stupid, sinful creatures and you can’t rely on them for any kind of salvation for yourself.

The solution is to understand the incredible abundance we have in this life and for the most part ignore the majority of people and focus your time, love and appreciation etc for the few good people you find.

In this day and age you can teach yourself anything you want, opportunities exist everywhere you just need to prepare and be ready
I don't know if you speak French but read Huysmans trilogy about his reconversion to Catholicism (Là-bas, En Route, La Cathédrale).
Unamuno’s tragic sense of life is a good spanish one. Used to be obsessed with that book.
You should read La possibilité d’une île, Houellebecq’s not really as bleak as he seems and even in his worst books (which are really most of them) he believes in the possibility of love. You should also remember that the world is sometimes like Houellebecq portays it but it is also more; he also becomes more fun if you read him as the chronicler of EU Imperium decadence, similar to those writers who wrote on the death of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.
I am in my early 30's and I will still never forget the day I walked in on my college girlfriend (my first everything) getting banged by another guy. It broke me so badly I dropped out and went back to live with my parents and picked up a menial job. I have still not recovered and don't think I ever will. I will never forget the evil look on her face when I walked in. It was like the devil himself was starring into my soul.
Valuable life lesson learned early. Be thankful it didn’t happen when you were married with two kids and now she walks away with half your shit as a reward for her whoredom.
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Less spirituality is a natural byproduct of having a modern "society." We have invented a lot of technology without properly understanding the consequences first and now they are coming to fruition by drastically shifting how we function in society. It's happening faster than a lot of people can adapt IMO.

It's tough to recommend readings or give direction because we don't know if you're a teen, an incel, a husband, a father etc... Without that we can only give you generic advice that has been proven to work. Less time on your phone, less time on the internet, giving up porn, work your body and mind, make meaningful connections with people etc...

Is there specific points you have when you say society seems spiritually empty? I personally came to the same conclusion at one point but when I fixed my chronical internet consumption, I realized that is not really the case offline. I do think we are heading in that direction but far from it just yet.
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Be the change you want to see in the world. Being disheartened by what you’ve seen is natural. However, if you make a conscious decision to be a beacon of light in the darkness, you will find joy.

All of that may be extremely vague mumbo jumbo word salad, but if you reflect on the meaning, I’m sure you can find something of value there.

It’s still important to meet people where they’re at and not look down on them because they don’t have a background in any philosophical field education. You can exercise more discretion when it comes to whom you allow into your inner circle and decide what to share with them.
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No offense bro I know it sucks but at the end of the day she is her own person, living her own life. She made a decision and in the end she clearly didn't care about you.

Why are you allowing her to have so much control over your life, you need to just forget it and move on. You avoided marriage, divorce, custody battle etc.. or did you want to go through with all of that?

You took a hit, it definitely hurt but it could have been worse and it definitely wasn't a hit that should K.O you. Stop basking in the victim mentality and start to move on and better yourself. Not trying to shit on you but bro you need to fucking move on.

Wish you the best.
does anyone on /lit/ actually read something useful

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