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wild shit
Can't argue with that
I've never seen a host nation getting screwed this hard
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>doesn't know rules
doesn't matter. panama is winning anyway.
it's a dumbass rule to still have that close to the goal anyway. kwab
his leg is literally over you blind retard
>Another Messi slop cup
When will it end?
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You moron, that player wasn't even being checked for offside lmao
>Copa Ameriga
enjoy the rest of the tournament frijoles
The var line looks weird against the end line
But the head from the uruguayan guy that assist is a second later not in this moment
The offside rule is at first contact, not when the ball leaves. It's the correct frame.
You wouldn't be trying to bullshit people this hard if YOU had to get refballed by resentful latinx faggots, dishonest bitch.
hmm, that looks pretty offside
I’ve never seen a ref this incompetent. The moment in the first half when he pulled a yellow card out and then allowed Uruguay to play on where they almost scored was unbelievable. Never seen anything like it, embarrassing for the tournament where the ref doesn’t even know the rules of the sport
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That's not even the right frame to draw the lines on LMFAO
>complaining about the wrong player
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Honestly that does look offside
did uruguay make weah chimp out?
Yeah this game was a terrible display for curious newcomers outside of the loss
Look at these
They used the wrong still image to draw the meme lines on and in the one they used he still looks offside lol.
Surely they can come up with a better system than taking a still image into an editing software and drawing lines?
how the fuck did we get screwed over hosting this shit!? fucking conmebol
is the var line parabolic?
in slurpmanys euros this would have been disallowed, but people were blatantly fouling this entire game so clearly the culture is different
The US coach needed to step up and call this shit out, doesn't matter if he gets ejected DO YOUR FUCKING JOB
It's literally in the name, CON-ME-bol. We paid for their shit tournament, built argies all types of facilities, tickets $200, Mexicans of evey type crawling all over the country overstating their visas.
Murderball for a reason. All the US players play in Europe and clearly aren't used to being hacked to death
I don't understand this. He clearly didn't touch the ball yet in that frame.
Kinda shit honestly. Now the rest are going to call us thieves when we didn't even need to win this match to qualify 1st in the group
Why do Latinx love rigging so much?
no you would have anyway because of bolivia losing

but I would have been happy drawing with uruguay considering everyone expected us to lose bigly
Honestly, disallowing this goal would mean fuck all. USA was never a threat to Uruguay and Panama destroyed Bolivia. Utterly pathetic.
>only 2 less soG then urugay, one which shouldnt have counted
>werent a threat
shut up, macacao
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Oh shit, someone dial Q about this...
Okay fine, you get a draw. You still get 3rd place regardless. Retard
Wild. USA also got a red card in the previous match, right?
Since no one actually watched the copa they can’t
Ur a gay struggled to beat us

I expected more to be honest

Needed refs to beat the no good US?

this game meant nothing to us as we were already first place with no way of getting second place
This is offside though, their shit camera angle fucked them over. That or it was actually rigged
What is that? A women's soccer match?

the referee gave Uruguay a free counter attack lol. It was obviously rigged
why would they cuck their 300 million people market? not even to help us as we were already qualified
Who's benefited by having Panama over the US in QFs? Certainly not anyone that has better profit in mind
Oh I don't think they rigged it for the money or whatever, I just think it was personal for the referee. south americans and central americans hate the US/Americans (spend 5 minutes on /sp/ if you think otherwise)
he clearly had it out for the US as evidenced by the entire match. the referee was peruvian and the VAR official was ecuadorian.
technically the player can just make a quick freekick like that
but yeah the refeere should have called it back
it was comical how slanted the referee was. people were admitting it in the game thread, not just US fans coping
but he handed a second yellow to an american player then backpedalled and did the 'advantage' arm gesture (not sending the american dude off but confusing them into stopping the play letting our attacker run 1 on 1 with the keeper)
He was a very very shitty ref even for amateur football standards let alone a big tournament like this but I dont think there was any bias
He shouldnt be called for international football anymore thats for sure
Not trying to troll you or get into an argument, but do you remember a single call that was questionable that didn’t go to Uruguay’s favor? I honestly don’t remember cuz I was seething that we are about to lose
dude he literally waited to see which team would get possession and only blew his whistle for handball when he saw pulisic get the ball
i know your country's average iq is like 85 but holy fuck you cant be this dumb
I kind of agree, it was very clumsy from the ref
like what happened to Bayern in the CL semi, where the ref blew an offside (which wasnt one) way too early
Not really no

nigga stop seething no ref in the world would pull for Uruguay no one that isnt Argentinian or Brazilian even knows we exist so stop complaining about muh south americans rigged it for eachother because its pathetic
The ref was shit. Whining about 'muh riggi riggitini' is like Chileans playing all three games like shit and complaining because apparently 'the refs fucked them over' for no reason at all
'yes we wood be out either way because we didnt score once b but that was offside!'
Have a little respect for yourself its a sad image
Yes I as a peruvian ref would love to shake the hand of the young millionaire superstar that screamed at me all game. Specially when he comes talking shit after the game
if the US team depended on themselves 100% but shat the bed an failed to a) tie with PANAMA b) score once against us then they should suck it up and shut the fuck up about muh reffies
a post game handshake? no losing team shakes hand with the ref unless its ironic and talking shit like Pulisic did
Maybe European VAR isn’t so bad
you dont have VAR or what lel
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>Uruguay, 7 points
>Panama, 6 points
>Murica, 4 points
>nigga stop seething no ref in the world would pull for Uruguay
i agree, no one gives a shit about your shithole country, but you and everyone who looks like you and lives near you despises the US and wants us to lose.
retard, stick to your handegg
Buddy this is the biggest shit hole in the world. Also US soccer is for fags.
you live closer to Perú than I do fag
so, Euro 2024 and its semi-automated offside is good for you now? get fucked lmao
>They rigged it so Messi didn't have to face the mighty USA
But Uruguay is whiter than USA
>rigged against the hosts
You were meant to be the ones rigging it, Paco
the host is basically argentina
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Holy fuck dude could you care anymore, even we didnt complain about ecuador's handball this much, your team is shit get over it.
Ummm... Thanks Argentina??
Mindbroken negro, but yes we are basically
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>but you and everyone who looks like you and lives near you despises the US and wants us to lose
conCACAf are not allowed here
return whence you came
>83 replies
>no webm
soulless thread
Let them say what they want your nt needs to revert to pure murderball anyway, and I mean the real murderball not the gay zoomer interpretation of it
offside is such a dumbshit rule for brainlet spoorts
I like Uruguay a lot more than Israel's golemns + pipeline terrorists

I don't even care to Look at the pictures

Fuck the jewSA
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As if we would ever get favorable treatment by CONMEBOL or FIFA, kek.
it's called perspective
it was a valid goal, you dumb niggers

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So now you are this offended about BS offside calls?
Because I distinctly remember US flags celebrating like crazy after this bullshit was done to us and costed us the match.
Not to mention the total absence of punishment to the permanent kicking, shirt pulling and shoving during the entire game.

This is what you wanted retards, you celebrated these BS calls that blatantly ignore the rules, now deal with it.
How long until people realize offside """rules""" are made up every single time, with VAR is even worse since they can fabricate the "evidence".

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