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Roma kicking the tires on Busio
time to find a new coach
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who and who?
>dempsey/lalas speaking as if turdhalter is already fired
bit hopeful imho
>third most populated country on the planet
>can't shit out eleven people good enough at kicking a sphere
Maybe they needed scooters. Using legs is racist, Conmebol!
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Gianluca Busio. The future of American soccer.
please let me and my family into the wall i can play for the team pleaseee mr trump
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>Our A team beat Panama 5-1 last time they played them with 11 men. We also could've beat Bolivia by 6+ goals. It'll be hot as fuck, and we're the more athletic team, also KC is the loudest stadium in the country.
>Are you serious? I said athletic, not technical. We literally have the fastest player in the EPL on our team. Our entire midfield are athletic freak ngubus with iron lungs. Our striker is the 2nd fastest player in France. We're WAY more athletic than Uruguay. We are the most athletic team you'll have ever played. You have no idea. This will be a game of the two best pressing teams in July heat in Kansas City. You're delusional if you think this will be easy for Uruguay.
>How is he wrong?
>He didn't say better, he said more athletic. It's very true.
>We're literally faster and more athletic than Uruguay at every single field posistion. Usually this wouldn't matter, but in a game of intense heat, it'll matter.
>You said the same about England vs USA at the World Cup when we brought up or athleticism and pressing.
>We're a very unique team, and Uruguay really struggled vs Athletic players in the 2nd half. Why do you think Vegas has USA as the favorites?
>Smaller pitches favor the more athletic teams. It's why
>Our blacks are massively different than African blacks. Our blacks are literally the results of eugenics for hundreds of years of breeding for strength and speed. You will taste our large cocks tonight.
>Canada has been doing so well. It's why Panama did well when we went a man down. It's why Uruguay struggled vs Panama in the 2nd half.
>PulGod believer here. He will deliver and cunts will pay.
might help, but won't fix anything. Simplebrains look at everything that happened and focus only on the coach.
He should be. But the question is who the hell is out there to replace him? If they grab some other random dude from MLS we will probably be in even worse shape for the world cup.
This guy played a major role in winning a UCL btw

how come he wasn't in today?
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i feel sick to my stomach bros. why is our team so shit? the players, the keeper, the coach, you name it, IT ALL STINKS. No fucking clinical edge in the final third. Lack of concentration at the back. And our bench?
THis fence sitting retard cant think fast enough to take advantage of plays
>de la torre
bland, nothing, no creativity, not good enough defensively to make up for it.
> lund
>shaq moore
he's not even 7 ft tall, who gave him this name? he is also shit for nashville

i would actually love this. not sure we have the talent to make that work, but would watch.
>Wilfred Nancy already being mentioned in list of coach candidates
Oh my god no. Pls don't take him from my team.
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Lol the US Soccer Federation isn't going to do shit, watch. Berhalter is staying on because >muh MLS. Besides, these players have absolutely no chemistry, nothing really redeeming about them other than the fact they play in Europe. >We're FUCKED and have been fucked since pic related was fired.
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if we all tweet at the US sponsors we can get Gregg fired! Make your voices heard!
>re you serious? I said athletic, not technical. We literally have the fastest player in the EPL on our team. Our entire midfield are athletic freak ngubus with iron lungs. Our striker is the 2nd fastest player in France
correr, corre cualquiera
do you recall the situation when klinsmann was fired?
Yeah we can dream lmao
no, im going to take a massive smelly shit on greggs front door instead and hope he dies from fume inhalation
we're already qualified for the WC this time
he's far too qualified
because i know this is a safe space, i'm gonna throw out a fresh idea.

What's if we pull in a coach with true American values, who has played at the highest level in an AMERICAN sport

Yes, I'm talking about Tom Brady. Tom would instantly establish a winning mentality within the team. Anything soccer-specific he can translate through his assistants. He would lead us to glory and you know it
desu I thought that we were pretty even with Uruguay. I think a draw would have been an even result.
Panama was the massive choke job. Idk how we blew this kek.

Also I'm a 30 year old boomer and I'm done calling these faggots a special generation. I don't rate Gregg but these guys haven't stepped up regardless of the coach
Whoever is coaching wredditxham fc is probably better than our coaches
TV's Jason Sudekis
no thanks, i don't want a gay crybaby as coach
anon I... actually dont hate this?
Klinsi was shit too
I dont want mls trash, keep him in Ohio
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so we weren't "fucked" back then because we're already qualified now?
the team has no cutting edge. no vision. pace but lacking touch. its fucking terrible
Busio is lisan al gaib
Why are USA fans obsessed with Gregg being bald? He's in his 50s.
I will no longer support the USMNT as long as that nigger W
'w'eah is on the team. I will actively cheer against the USMNT as long as that stupid fucking NIGGER 't'im 'w'eah wears a USMNT uniform.
Maybe it's our fault for thinking these dudes were better than they actually were. Pulisic looked like the only guy who could really play out there and it seemed like no one else could put themselves in the positions they need to be to receive crosses and headers.
were hosting you idiot, I was worried we would be soft with no qualifiers but I forgot about this tournament, OOPS ITS OVER ALREADY fuck that nigger will any one of these goddamn players or pundits mention that THEY SHOULDNT EVEN HAVE BEEN IN THAT POSTION VS URAGUAY?!?!
he is a fraud
he has a bald
and so it follows that this man is a bald fraud
>Claudio Reyna was right this entire time

i apologize
I agree, fucking based
Let this man cook.
oh you dont understand the posts that you're responding to.
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it's there fault. they ruined our team chemistry
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Okay, so who do you want to lead this team now that Gregg will be fired tomorrow?
11yanks is fuming mad and going on a 2 hour long rant
Pulsic was actually running around the Urugays he played well. If the entire team played like him they could beat anyone.
What are these people talking about. This is Kwimothy Kweah's fault. We had a good game vs. Bolivia, we had a good game vs Panama before the red, and the fact that we lost 0-1 to UrGay is genuinely amazing.

This is not a team failure or Greggs failure its Kweah's fault
Alexi Lalas
Gregg out, team has absolutely no chemistry.

Ginger did more in 5 minutes than pepi did all game.

Reams is bad.
He’s the only good one.
Donovan had more to work with around him.
who cares. that guy's the biggest dork on the internet
This gregg press conference is horrible, blud has the gall to talk about xG and how the US improved over the past 9 months when we looked better under callaghan
>alright guys I need you to let the air out of these balls
>Kwimothy Kweah
my sides based racist
Jesus Ferreira wouldn't have let this happen.
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we need a little riggi of our own desu
Oh I'm awaiting a goal kick. Better heem the Panamanian. Fucking idiot
damn that was a really homoerotic post kek. if whoever wrote that is here, you gotta relax dude
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See ya at the baseball diamond, gringos.
we are literally hosting this shit, how are we not riggi'd up!?
even if they US did qualify, they were never beating Colombia or Brazil

They needed to perform against Uruguay and failed
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Unironically how would you react if we hire another MLS shitter for a coach?
>not even the best team in the world
>Japan and Mexico own our asses

He made several post worshiping them.
It’s about our level though, isn’t it?
not surprised so
I'll take your word for it kek
Who there would even cause the least amount of asshurt if hired?
Ream is one of the few good players on this team, what are you smoking
LMAO what a godtier shitpost
use an interim until after 24/25 then throw EVERYTHING at pep
Will Pulisic, Adams and Weah continue shilling for the bald faggot? We all know they each had their reasons for lobbying for Gregg. Gregg has his "favorites".
Wilfried Nancy?
Of course they would, so will Turner and pretty much any player, they're not going to rag on their manager while he's still in charge of calling them up.

Remember what Gregg did to John Brooks?
bring on allegri
No, pls don't take him. I want him coaching my Crew.
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After that performance I'm actually curious what the MLS is like.
All things considering I think the US played better energy-wise than England has
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Which one of you was this
of course they will and that's the main problem
the federation loves pulisic too much so
Just as expected amerilards. Ez fucking wins for Panama and uruguay. Uruguay didn't even have to use their A team. They just toyed with you.
We played pretty good that first 30 minutes unironically but as soon as Balogun got heem'd it was all over
>Pulisic: we need to find a new identity now

What was the old identity?
It's a worse version of the efl championship with some overpaid european stars. Slightly better then Saudi arabia or Qatar but the level is nothing to write home about.
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it's time.
>What was the old identity?
Worshipping the underperforming niggers?
difference is your talents are actually good and bail out your manager.
relying on dempsey, bradley, and donovan? I can't remember any memorable players since outside of pulisic and thats because hes shoved down everyones throats.
Cross and inshallah
Kino MLS players with soul and losing to mexico
taking a bunch of scrappy athletes and having them play better than the sum of their parts
Pls no he’ll rot on the bench
>doesn't speak english
>shit at futbol
>hated by every team he's been on
Why do amerilards think this guy is worth anything? Hes fucking garbage. Whole team was exposed today and usa should stop playing futbol. You're just not good little bro
>Even Lalas has his pitchfork out
Tyrone needs to stop posting while gooning
Now that it’s over
What was your favorite Greggball kino?
No, zoomer. Used to be one of the more cohesive, energetic and harder working teams, and would absorb and counter that gave us a punchers chance. Got more talented players, hoped we could raise the ceiling, got caught in limbo
>Kino MLS players
No such thing. Gay homo league has no sovl.
He’s like 20 playing in the Olympics
I mean it’s worse than the top european leagues, but it’s consistently getting better.
I’ve always felt the most jarring difference is how much worse most players’ first touch is and how much hoofing it there is.

It’s similar to what you saw by the NT tonight. Build up is fine until the point where everyone’s gotta touch just right and then it falls apart and turns into meme punting it back and forth.
Please just leave us alone papi mexico, we're clearly hurting here. give us a night....
>doesn't speak english
mad that I agree with Lalas
the 0-1 away day to panama with that starting 11
Oh, this is the retard that was spamming hype before the match.
Told you you'd lose
they buy up okay south americans and occasionally sell them to europe. Every other player is trash technically. Lots of crackhead pressing with maybe one or two teams like the crew playing at an acceptable level. As a league, its worse than turkey, mexico, argentina and brazil but it's not horrible. Not much I can say other than that its a mid league with an insecure fanbase that thinks it has to be respected.
shut up clown
these zoomers got not identity and neither does our baldfraud(real)
No track record as a coach and guaranteed to grandstand about politics when the last thing this team needs is more controversy
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We buckbroke mutts... but... Our imports still get a basically 100% tax if it goes above 200 USD.
I fucking hate aduana niggers.
>For mutts who don't know: If you wanted to bring a 600 USD graphics card you gotta pay 100% tax on it, which means if you wanna bring a 600 US graphics card you end up paying 1000 for it.
I almost want to see it just to see /sp/ autistically chimpout every single yoctosecond of now until the WC and after.
Lalas is such a fair-weather faggot. Why didn't he say this shit when we went life and death with T&T?
One of those shit immigrants reject from their home nations
Take out 7loans and bet everythkng on us not making it out of the group stage at the world cup.
You should reread, retard
Best post ITT
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Those mudslime village drone strikes aren't going to pay for themselves thirdie
There were atleast 2 wide open goal chances in the 2nd half that would have been finished by a good team that can pass/think quickly.

Wright just need to pass to Pepi for the open goal, and was the clearest chance all night. The other was the team taking SO LONG to pass it to Pulisic and him taking forever to get the shot off on an open net and scuffing it anyway instead of aiming for the top right corner.
USA looked better than Uruguay before Balogun got hurt desu. I think we could have one if the uruguay chimp didn't take him out
He is literally from Pennsylvania wtf

Do you watch the USMNT play?
No he's not he was born in Hershey, Pennsylvania and grew up here, he only moved to Germany when was 16 to go play for Dortmund
That goal still looks offside to me.
It 100% was shit was hilarious on the broadcast, the commentators were stunned and speechless
Guys the the ussf needs to do everything in their power to get Koleosho
Pulisic and Koleosho would be a proper winger combo
It was. But didn't matter anyway
Why the fuck would I watch the US team? Fucking garbage. I'd rather watch high schoolers play. He's literally Croatian. He's a citizen
someone explain to me how we play this well against brazil and uruguay and always shit it up against concacaf teams
Thats fine if you don't watch. You Shouldn’t post, either though
>he's literally croatian

he had one grandparent who was born in croatia lol
Cóncacaf is elite Panama and Canada are like 3rd and 4th best teams in concacaf and they’re into the knockouts
Klopp would rather be retired
Didn't think he was full croat. They have a certain look to em
Nah ill post all I want about amerilards being exposed. You got embarrassed tonight

Hes literally a Croatian citizen and hardly speaks English.
I don't think the German communist wants to coach the US national team, kek.
Lel chi doesnt care that people laugh at him for saying stupid shit. Good for you i suppose
>Hes literally a Croatian citizen
yeah because of said grandparent, he got the passport so he could get a work visa in Germany to go play for Dortmund

Puli is American man you're thinking of Dest or something
reminder, weah is the reason for all of this, not the coach

HE chose to chimp out in a key game, if they won that then the uruguay game doesn't matter
Why do you pretend to be mentally retarded?
He's a quintessential American euromutt, his grandmother is Italian on that same side of the tree too
Gregg decided to bunker and sub in a third CB instead of going into a 4-4-1 and trying to score against Panama

Very few teams are gonna be able to defend man down for 75+ minutes
It’s both weah and Gregg
Gregg is a shite coach
We were literally up 1 nil with 10 men
We should have gone 3 at the back and buckled down
Two of our best players Cardoso and adams are literal defensive midfielders
We could have won if he had any fucking sense of tactics
it's a shit excuse. Weah's a retard but grugg bunkered vs panamemes when just sticking to the original attacking gameplan would've been fine.
I'm speaking facts fatass. Go back to watching nfl

Nah its pulishit and I'm not clicking on your stupid video. Born in USA and raised coratian is basically Croatian. English would be his 2nd language

Always the same excuses with you amerilards
what's harder: beating valverde/nunez, or panama?
Amerilards need to just give up. This isn't the sport for you
Reminder that the dyke pay thing means we will never have a real manager
not a soccer expert but every time I watch the US against a good team it's just complete inability to maintain possession. it's been like that forever and it doesn't seem to be changing, you just can't compete with nations where soccer is on top and every little kid plays it in the dirt when they're 5 years old. we always have this superficial, uncreative aspect to our play. its boring.
Big part of that is our rigid structure and that comes from coaching choices, the players are instructed to funnel the ball wide and start the attack with our fullbacks/wingers and nothing else
We got grouped at home by Panama ffs
Because usa is shit. This was the expected result amerilard
who does usa play next?
Friendlies in Sept, not sure who we will play but probably CONCACAF teams or something
As a neutral, I thought you played quite well against Uruguay, which is a very tough opponent. The ref was horrendous, too.
I also don't agree with Uruguay playing their A team and with so much intensity when they were already through. If Scaloni had done that against Peru, I would have been mad.
>I also don't agree with Uruguay playing their A team and with so much intensity when they were already through
that first half was insane murderball, both sides lost a player to injury
You. Leaf.
Hopefully by then Gregg is gone and the new coach is looking to make a point
Prepare your anus
Imagine if they keep Gregg until the September friendlies and Jesse Marsch heems us and finally gets Gregg fired
If he okay with that too
Fuck the federation we would deserve it
>Prepare your anus
are you venezuelan?
why would I be worried about you otherwise?
we're clearly better at this
Revs fag here, fucking Porter is a better coach than fucking Gregg. And even Porter is shit. I’m boycotting this kiked team, get fucked.
Our talents could give less than a fuck playing for country and they're busy being paid for their clubs. Foden is a club boy. Pickford takes the opportunity to yell at players (but is a decent GK) and we've got really horrific substitutions. Our best squad on the team, which isn't performing so well, it's literally right out there and has to rely on defense making a mistake.
Our manager is also one of the worst overpaid ones in international history.
It sounds fun at the least. I watched 2008-2013 Premier, detached after that. Might pick up the ocassion and the US seems fun if there's a sign of improvement.
I'm telling you. The budget is 1.6M because the lesbo coach gets that. We can't have anyone good
I think we all agree, ban usa from futbol. Too easy to beat. No competition for even concacaf. Not one good player on the team
Yes yes enjoy your victory for now
See you in September
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I don’t think we’re going to have a country at this point after the election. So I think this was our last failure until the civil war.

>And Gregg was the final nail in the coffin for us
Biden will win semi-comfortably and it'll be very anti-climatic imo
One of the worst midfielders I've seen. Total trash. Fitting he's a us player LOL. Get fucked usa
Checked and I doubt. Either way we’re all fucked. I never had hopes of a World Cup in America anyway
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This picture is what everyone will remember the Berhalter era as
Someone make a jack out of this
Dude I might be a meathead but this bothered me to no end. What a god damn cowardly way to coach. Again it’s. Meathead take but it was so poetic how they scored right after that.
>fuming shitcano spamming
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That ias but would take time that will probably be longer than his career at this point
Bros…my ass hurts from papi mexico dad dicking us…no more daddy
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better quality
Actually fuck off and die
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Good post
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Oh my god, you're going to be fucking right
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>hiring another former Crew coach to replace the previous former Crew coach
lol we run this federation
USA could be replaced by 200 million spics over night and still be shit

Rotten cursed land
He literally came into the tourney like 10 pounds heavier than what he was at Juventus
He was ready for vacation lol
You’re no better, better yet - worse off.
>"USA could be replaced by 200 million spics over night"
>Implying this hasn't already happened
>/mug/ - murica united general
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shut up
good luck watching any sport dumbfuck, they're in every team
we're fucking shiiiiit
I've been listening/reading to a lot of the reactions from media/former players and across the board they're all chimped out and want Gregg gone, that sort of pressure does matter when it comes to these kinds of things thankfully but it'll still take US Soccer a month+ minimum to make a choice on Gregg
It’s our 5th sport and you’ve never beaten us in a competitive game. How sad is that lol. We have other sports , what the fuck do you even have?
>spics are better than us anglos
No need to share your insecurities
If I was a soiboi I’d make a marvel civil war poster edit with Pulisic McKennie and Adams on one side and Reyna Balogun and Scally on the other

There’s obviously little factions on this team and the guys backing Gregg need to fuck off. Pulisic is the best player on this team (currently) but he shouldn’t be deciding the fucking coach
Cricket, but they lose in that sport, too.
get Rafael Benitez
they have better foo--, ha ha ha ha ha
>If I was a soiboi I’d make a marvel civil war poster edit with Pulisic McKennie and Adams on one side and Reyna Balogun and Scally on the other

kek I'm pretty tired rn but I will try making this tomorrow, that's actually spot on too
He's not even american
I don’t even understand why pulisic backs him so much
He’s a locked in starter no matter the coach
The absolute NIGGER 't'im 'w'eah never played for my Panthers, my Braves, or my Seminoles. I think you might be retarded.
Oh no an insignificant island nation thinks we’re cursed , we’re really done for now.
We gotta start charging England rent for the space we occupy in their heads
>I don’t even understand why pulisic backs him so much
It's a power thing maybe, Gregg literally can't tell Pulisic what to do about anything and as a player most will enjoy that. He let's Puli take every single free kick for example and never subs him off
NEVER apologize for who you are lil bro, it's ok.
KEK that fucking mural
can the Pepi experiment finally be over?

scoreless in every game
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We're firmly in the Balogunz era
If Gregg stays Pepi stays
Personally I don’t think Pepi should be called up again until he regularly starts in Europe
2nd choice should be between Vasquez and the ginger
I'm so depressed. Fuck Gregg, fuck Weah, and fuck all of these players
This but McKennie.
I don't feel so bad anymore. We lost because we weren't good enough against better teams.
You lost because you're either stupid or cold chested. We ain't the same.
You're that same Mexifag that's crying in the other thread lmao
he's still coping from last night's loss
I can't believe Canada out of us three were the ones who advances
papi mexico has been trolling us for weeks. the best we can do is shut up and take it....they're so much better than us....
Making sure you know you're garbage
You're literally Mexican. We're still above you
>Colombia 5 - 1 USA
>Brazil 1 - 1 USA
>Bolivia 0 - 2 USA
>Panama 2 - 1 USA
>Uruguay 1 - USA
You're literally retarded. We use our C team against you. You're not real competitors
2-0 paco
Canada is actually a legit team if they actually shot on target for once.
you got your shit pushed in back in 1783 fucking trick plus you're shit at footy a sport you invented and we play as a pastime. FUCK OFF NIGEL.
We use our c team against you. Get fucked
Desu Gregg should be fired but I kinda don’t like how the players are getting off free from this, it’s not just Gregg
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say it with me paco
dos a cero
I mean yjk if we hadn’t conceded right after this he would’ve taken off a midfielder for a CB and just played bunker ball for a draw anyways, which would eventually fail
Can we please stop selecting players because "they play in Europe for a big club" and start selecting 11 guys who actually have chemistry with each other?

This midfield is atrocious.
Turner fucked up on that goal. Deflected it right to the fucking Uruguayan player
Exactly bro, call up Morris call up Ferreira call up John Tolkin and Ben Cremaschi and Zardes. MLS is too strong to be ignored. Btw call me if you wanna peg me tonight at a gay bar after the LA Gaylaxy gayme.
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this team made a Copa America semifinal kek
this team would destroy our current team. more chemistry and soul.
I fondly remember this team.
Because you raped us.
You will never be at our level
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I would laugh at this point
Such a soulful squad

we need to believe that we can win
i feel the way tactics from EPL have taken over has harmed the USA NT. you see it in the euros too. a team scores then parks the bus, or if the team is an underdog it parks the bus from the start. having athletes or speed or hardworking guys that run a lot is kind of worthless vs this new tactic, you cant run anwhere when they have 11 men in their own 1/4 of the field. you need technical, clever, skillful players to unlock the bus with a smart pass or close control dribble which america hasnt really had other than maybe dempsey or donovan

this. if mexico used their A team theyd win 90-0 every match so fifa banned it.
Evolving from an 100/1 outsider to an 50/1 in 2 decades isn't that bad.

Dest is the second most important player on the team after pulishit, his injury was a massive loss
I’m turning on these faggot players, fuck Matt Turner. That nigga sucks. McKennie getting mad at the fans for not going to games. How about you put down the cheeseburger and fucking win you fat faggot. Pulisic dick riding Berhalter. Fucking chokers
Fuck off english retard. Mexico batters engshit. Take your sarcasm and shove it up your ass.
And other than a couple they’re pussies. They’re too nice, especially the defense. The US used to have sovl players that would play murderball. These guys are too soft
Wouldn't matter. Dest is trash. Mexico routinely bodies usa with him playing. Pulishit is trash, dest is trash. Mexico should be playing in conembol since concacaf is below us
hows that kid man city signed
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please gran mexico, have mercy. we would have no chance against the legendary mexican A team. i pray to fifa every day that it never sees the light of day.

USA is the reason the mexican C team is no longer good enough to win anything. You might think this is cope but here are some facts.

In 2002, Mexico signed a deal with SUM (owned by US soccer) to play most of our friendlies in US soil, renewed contracts now make Mexico play in the weirdest dates possible when no big national team is available since they're all playing their own tournaments, so we have to make do with third rate NTs (aka 'partidos moleros').

CONCACAF (controlled behind the scenes by US soccer) barred Mexico from playing CONMEBOL tournaments because we kept sending our A teams there instead of Copa Oro / CONCACAF Champion's League. Mexico is the only NT in CONCACAF who isn't allowed to send their A teams to CONMEBOL tournaments anymore if they clash with CONCACAF mickey mouse cups

MLS has been grooming LigaMX to be more like them. LigaMX owners have stated multiple times they want to follow MLS footsteps, they abolished relegation and removed foreign player limits, virtually killing off youth development.

USA is systematically destroying Mexican football so they can become the big dogs in our confederation, once they have a foothold as LOS GIGANTES DE CONCACAF, their sights will be set on CONMEBOL. Sudacas beware, do not trust them.
lol U Guys suck
Our zoomers are taking finasteride and it kills their performance
Spiritually, Pulisic fits better in Dempsey's era than the current one
The Americans in charge don’t make Mexicans in charge do anything they don't want to do. It’s not like they’re not lining their pockets either
i dunno about any of that stuff, i just searched 'mexican cope' in the archive and this was one of the first results
Gio; Gregg IN
How badly is Gregg gonna beat his wife tonight
Oh lol I didn’t even see your flag. Get out of here! scram!
After the past two years I’m out on:
Would be out on Chris Richards but he’s legit all we have right now. Who the fuck knows what’s gonna happen when Ream retires. Probably would have been a good idea to get Trusty some minutes in all of the meaningless games we’ve had recently
Also would have liked to see Jonny more in some of the recent meaningless friendlies
The MMA midfield would have been good if we just needed a draw but they’re dogshit at creating
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That’s it. I’m beating my wife
Rapinoe fucked us hard
Don't act like a spoiled bitch. Matt Turner is a good keeper, and many countries make do with far worse than him. International football is not like club football: you make do with what you have, which often means certain positions on the pitch are much weaker than others.
Look at England. Their squad is absolutely insane, but they literally do not have a left back right now.
(And their manager is utter garbage)

watching the pundits (including Dempsy) trash this team and Berhalter for losing 1-0 to a very good Uruguay side is ridiculous. They literally all know we shouldn't have even been in that position but they can't be raycisss, I hate this country
Anyone object to cade cowell getting real minutes? Feel like hes a way better forward or even striker option than a lot of these guys
shut up doyle
fuck off gregg
Gio shouldnt even be in the team. we need to stop starting bench warming frauds. he couldnt get a starting spot in a TEAM AT RISK OF RELEGATION, same goes for Turner
Why are there so many people defending Weah?
he hasnt impressed on the NT when he has had a appearance. i would rather have him than a liberian fraud THO. can he play right wing?
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>violent speech
does ream support gregg? because we know all the other team leaders do
Lmao even
I’m from Panama and I gotta admit if Weah didn’t try to murder our player (which is normally our tactic) we had little to no chance at that game.
Is the weah situation a little too easy for gregg?
Who needs any responsibility when you can blame everything on a single punch?
Now this is staying to be fishy hmm
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nothing will happen
>klopp would consider taking a job with us
until he sees his salary offer
I would die for this man
this is a generic statement that could mean anything. doesn't mean gregg's safe.
Imagine being this psychotically assblasted over a disappointing soccer game

Terminally Online people truly are mindbroken
If Mckennie goes to MLS he's going to gain 50 lbs by Halloween.
Could we recruit 11 gigantic Americans out of My 600 Pound Life and just stack them in front of goal for 120 minutes, a literal wall of flesh impossible to score around, then sub in our strikers right before penalties? We would be unstoppable.
Rumors of Klopp to USA

I would cum very hard
Where the fuck is my apology about criticizing Mckennie and his partying?

He was HORRIBLE all tournament.

The difference 20 pounds makes for him is outrageous.
McKennie will die from chipotle overdose within a month
Mexico hasn't beaten USA in 4 years lmao wtf are you talking about?
Turner sucks dude lol, he lost two starting spots in the prem within one calendar year
Haji Wright makes a big difference everytime he plays for USA.

He's the opposite of Tillman. Wright has proven he has the clutch gene for his club team and USA.

He's one to invest in.
his wife said the same
They were upset because it honestly felt like USA was robbed from a tie due to shitty ass reffing decisions.
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All of these niggas had grit, idc what anyone says they were there to win and caused major upsets. I don't see this in our current team...


>Matt Turnover
>Antonpee Poobinson
>Rim Ream
>Chris Richsharts
>*checks notes* Joe Scally
>Poonus Poosah
>Tyler Poodams
>Lazy Fat Bastard
>Pisstain Poolisic
>Benchovanni Complayna
Scally was good all tournament, very defensively sound
What the fuck was wrong with Scally?
He is garbage
So why USA were the favorites for the bookies? They really thought that Bielsa would play the B team?
maybe if you're talking about the 200 hot dogs the fat fuck shoveled down his greasy gullet
we just need cristian roldan, paul arriola, walker zimmerman, and jordan morris in the roster to get over the line
mckennie, adams, and ream were dreadful in this tournament. what are you guys watching?
What a retarded post. McKennie got out worked all tournament. That fat faggot should never play for the US again. Scally was good too. What an awful post
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>mls doesn't control the federation or national team you fucking ince-
Turner is dogshit and GK is the US bread and butter. Go away little bro. If I want a foreigner’s opinion I’ll ask
McKennie got that chili dog in em
no fucking way tab said this
Could you even name another American GK besides Turner? Have you heard about Slonina, Kochen, Brady?
How extremely arrogant for you to come here and tell me that I’m spoiled. The fact that you were born in the same country as Messi in no way makes you somehow some authority on the sport, I think you guys can forget that. Turner is bad, he’s been out of form for almost a year. If he was in form he could have saved the first goal against Panama, and he wouldn’t have given a perfect rebound for Uruguay last night. I know this because I’ve seen him play better. Go away
Based Tab holy shit
Fuck this retard and all the GreggOut retards in the media where the fuck were you faggots when Bercuckler was shitting it up vs Jamaica? You all let Gregg have a free pass until he royally fucks up when you should've been on his ass from the start.
do you guys think Gregg still lives in chi town? I’ve seen him once jogging, he lived in my old neighborhood. Should I go hangout where I saw him that one time, just in case?
Yeah he does someone on Twitter posted a pic of him a few weeks ago in Chicago walking around
You okay, Doyle? Not been a great year for you I get it.
I sometimes want to SuperChat Dr. Evil's childhood monologue to Pete because they have the same British Isles base/Southeast Asia raised accent.

Luge lessons, summers in Rangoon. When I was insolent I was placed in a Berhalterlap bag and grouped - pretty standard, really.
The Gregg out crowd has never been more proven right than now, I apologize.
Kek he does. Last night he was sucking on some hard candy (not a metaphor, he was literally doing that) and I wanted to send a super chat telling him to spit the candy out. It was triggering the fuck out of me
>Deadball TV fags think Gregg was good and that the Panama game was all Weah's fault
What a bunch of contrarians
Lololol I love how things every lower 48 Ameican on the planet knows like they know how to breathe, Tac and Pete have no clue.

Ref blows a call, get SuperChat calling the ref Helen Keller, thank user for money and tell them their chat makes no sense who is Helen Keller.

Also basically 90% of other sports stars or other sports.

"Who should we replace Gregg with."

SuperChats for Nick Saban and Bill Belichick fly in.

"Guys, we don't need a USFL no-name or your high school soccer coach"
Yeah lol, everything flies over their head it is pretty funny. It's like Joe Rogan not understanding that his guest on the podcast is telling a joke.
This is actually wild considering that Tab was employed in the league recently.
Why didnt johnny cardoso get starts or more time?
LOL some USA fans really thought you'd get out of the group? You got completely outplayed by Panama and uruguay. Neither game was even close
You think that's an insult LOL. It's just as I said. You guys are trash.
ream should just become the coach
we are gonna invite real teams to the 2025 gold cup right? and send the a team?
if it starts in the beginning/middle of june the best players might go yes
otherwise they won't. that's all it comes down to.
Fab tweeting about Tessmann to Inter. He says it's an exclusive even though people were posting about it 2 weeks ago.

Insanely good move for him if true, will get to help Venezia try and stay up this year too
Tessman-cels are vindicated
Tyler Adumbs, get ready to learn Chinese buddy.
nearly sundown and Gregg is still in charge

I told you it wouldnt happen
when do you guys play next?
Michael Ryan Ruiz who is pretty plugged in and doesn’t really throw out baseless speculation said they only re-hired Gregg to avoid a lawsuit
thank you Alabama
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Is Tessmann going to be our Kroos?
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this is why you gotta get a new coach, fresh eyes. everyone should be looked at.
holy shit
other than myself who else here is dumb enough to delude themselves into thinking there's any possibility the US will hire Klopp?
Klopp is a pipedream for this window but I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility for 2030
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>some dumb fucking retard usmnt account is spamming tessmann as better than michael bradley
you retards hate mls so much that you glaze a serie b nobody just because a big club gets him on loan for marketing.
I think Bradley might be the most underrated Merican player of all time. Either him or DaMarcus Beasley
>Micuck Fagley post Roma days
A disgrace
Bradley was good but he committed career suicide by giving up and going back to MLS too early and then he turned in a LOT of bad stinkers in a US shirt to boot which soured his legacy IMO
Can you explain why
He will have had a good rest and perhaps the thought of having 4 years and more control over the cycle is more interesting for a top manager than what would be an 18 month cycle
Fagley was a benchwarmer at Roma and part of Couva. Tessmann just has to be a regular at Inter and he will mog that hairlet nepobabby daddy is the coach start me in midfield loser.
it's insane how much a player can regress and how quickly it happens when they go from a competitive league to a plumbers league like the MLS
Gregg OUT
Being so shit at WCQ in 2018 that the put in Bruce like 3-4 matches towards the end IIRC. He was in the hotseat losing to mexico at home.
>hat the put in Bruce like 3-4 matches towards the end IIRC
>Klinsmann getting fired in the first 2 games against historically tough Concacaf opposition and Bruce having an entire year and a gold cup summer in between to get a win against Trinidad and Tobago.
Why would you just lie like that Doyle?
Hex qualifying was 10 games. JK had 2 games. Arena had 8 games. 24 possible points on the table. Couldnt even get one single measly road win and choked 2-0 at home vs Costa Rica with an even worse performance than JK which is what actually fucked us over even before Couva. Stop treating JK as a boogeyman for MLS's failures.
>they tried to bring jordan fucking morris to the olympics
I was just answering his question my bad G. I'm not blaming him, was just answering it. It's been a bit since so my bad. Then they prolly fired him after the Mexico game then right?.
no way lol guy isn't even remotely good anymore in the MLS either
They fired him after the Costa Rica road game in 2016 (which was the 4-0 loss that caused US Soccer to freak out). Bruce was hired soon after and had all of 2017 up until Couva.
378th for Pepi being an absolute shitter and I was right about him from the start
We know, Peepee truther. Many of us knew he was fraudulent ever since Augsburg paid that retarded 20 mil for him.
Yanks are so much a Pound Land version of us it's unreal
>overhyped, idiot runners and "muh athletes"
>next to no techy players
>absolutely nobody who can progress the ball
>get expected results
>froth and seethe at their mediocre coach*

*reminder there about three better-than-mediocre managers in international footy because the pay is shit and they get six weeks a year to do actual work
I’m sorry I ever doubted you
you're welcome
Thank you based dinobro. We are closer than ever to firing the bald freak that ruined us.
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Never doubted you, Pepshit exposer
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what happened to your last bald fraud and his bald fraud son?
Lippi IN
Tessmann looked bad when he was brought in for friendlies last year.
My ancestor
you guys are glazing Tessman's cock but it literally is compared to other Serie B players. We will see how he does next season. he looks promising
>Papa Bradley
Coached in random places around the globe, got fired at Swansea and bullied there for saying "PK" instead of penalty, went back to MLS did nothing there, is now back coaching in Norway
>Bradley Jr
Been in MLS for a decade since 2014, humiliated us in 2017 when we failed to qualified, played a few more national team games for us before he was finally told to fuck off. Retired from playing recently and is now getting his coaching license with his papa.
Just saw Klopp at Mrs. Murphy’s in Chicago. I asked him what he’s doing here and he said “WOW AhA stay tuned for sure”
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You’re the first person to point this out…….NOT!!!
wowaweewa very nice
Are you talking about the 13 minutes against Trinidad or the 56 minutes against Uzbekistan?
Both of which where he was being managed by a coach that’s about to be fired.
He should get a luck. Something has to change in midfield.
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kek based
its time we start the peepee birther movement. Can we see his birth certificate?
I'm thinking they'll hire foreign again, the pendulum seems to swing each way, we're about to call it good on a 6 year MLS/domestic coach, they'll probably try to find a Brit or another German who speaks English like Klinsmann again
it’s time to stop fucking around. We need to get our hands on Hitler’s DNA and clone him
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this retarded bong spent months and over a million dollars on "consulting" to come to the conclusion that gregg was the best hire and now he has to eat his own shit and fire him a year later kek
Why the fuck did we hire this faggot? Just the English accent? He needs to kill himself
he had a very solid resume unlike gregg, he was a good hire and i suspect people above him forced him to hire gregg
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Oh hi Gregg.
>Look at England. Their squad is absolutely insane, but they literally do not have a left back right now.
we literally have 4 or 5 good players who could've come in as a backup but the manager decided to take a guy who hasn't played a game since february and still isn't fully fit
You'll have to forgive Argentines for their arrogance. They think because they were born in the same nation as Messi that somehow that makes them an authority on all things soccer. I've yet to see one show critical thinking skills on this board, and I've been here for 10 years.
why did gareth betray sir jack grealish
the absolute scenes when the new manager calls up brooks and he becomes Ream 2.0
Apparently he’s dogshit and even Pellegrino doesn’t want him but everyone should be back on the table. Look at how Ream had this massive resurgence.
(Now we wait for Doyle to talk about how bad he is because of one specific game that he was at in Atlanta)
It's time to embrace female coach. It's her turn and i stand with her.
Ngl I think we need more mlshitters
If we had Ferreira and Arriola it wouldn’t have gone down like that…(ignore the 1-0 loss to Panama with the MLS shitter lineup)
At least Balogun is the real deal no more peepi poopi
Still yet to hear a single argument for how the Weah red is Berhalters fault
Unable to controller the nigga. Lack of Discipline, lack of Authority. You tell your players to not do that shit, to not fall for their third world tactics (Of which he should know about, having played for the NT a couple of times.)
*Control the Nigga.
>i-it just is ok? you aren’t supposed to question it. GGG is at fault for everything the shit players do
Is this supposed to be impressive? I swear you guys should be forbidden from looking at statistics.
Do you think your opinion means more because you live in a failed state that happens to be the birthplace of Messi? You’re not adding anything to the conversation, you’re just shitting up the thread. Tessman is a prospect, we talk about our prospects here. We use statistics to add information. Tessman was one of the better midfielders in Serie B. His statistics are good relative to other Serie B midfielders, and he’s young. No one is saying he’s world class. Fuck off, go away, or add something insightful
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Don't take our word for it, he's a highly rated prospect in Italy by people who actually watch and analyze that league. Americans dont even know about him to hype him up or care because it's Serie B.
Can we get klansmann back?
Ausilio doesnt really make meme signings so if we get this mutt it's because he's good. We also need to replace the turkroach Hakan. He looked very good for Venezia so I hope he is ready for inter the season after this one
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>Do you think your opinion means more because you live in a failed state that happens to be the birthplace of Messi? You’re not adding anything to the conversation, you’re just shitting up the thread. Tessman is a prospect, we talk about our prospects here. We use statistics to add information. Tessman was one of the better midfielders in Serie B. His statistics are good relative to other Serie B midfielders, and he’s young. No one is saying he’s world class. Fuck off, go away, or add something insightful
>comparing Tessmann to Zidane
wtf. Is that translated correctly? I mean, he's good but not that good.
Based /talents/ appreciator. Do you know about Busio as well? Busio was actually rated higher than Tessmann when they were both in the mls.
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Lads, Levi’s is NOT ready for the massive amounts of people that will be coming for the world cup
>The return of the king

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