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I think that the game itself is really fun and it's awesome how there's no commercials. But the diving is so pathetic. Like it's actually pathetic, these guys are grown men, think about that. They fake injuries and roll around on the ground at the slightest hint of contact. Hockey players block shots with their teeth and play with broken bones. Has soccer always been like this?
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Yeah it looks bad
No it wasn't always like this
Sadly, you kinda NEED to roll around or else the ref won't even bother most of the time
If you need the ref to bail you out so bad aren’t you admitting that you’re bad at the game?
Blame EUROS for being such faggots, they changed the rules to allow all this strategic timewasting bullshit. Football was WAY different before 2010.
Soccer doesn't have sportsmanship built into it, which is why it's so weird to a lot of Americans. You CAN cheat and deceive in it. In US sports that's frowned upon or even penalized like balks in baseball or the NBA cracking down on flopping.
Everyone does it and if you don't you are at a disadvantage
They tell you it’s just a fact of the game and to accept it with a straight face lmao
>Has soccer always been like this?
nobody in bundes dived before 2015 then I stopped watching
That’s gay
You get called out for doping and roids every single year in different sports.

Soccer HAS sportsmanship built into it, it was a noble sport before 2010.
>Has football always been like this?
No. It began in the late 90s when club owners started laundering money with pussies like Beckham, Figo and Zidane valuating them in gazillions of Euros. They lobbied for stricter rules to protect their investments, so anytime a player touched those sacred cows with a feather it was an immediate foul.
LMAO I literally remember this, this was at the world cup right? I'm a casual but I love the World Cup, I remember Neymar was a joke.
Hm that's actually a good point, but I think people definitely cheat in American sports, but if they get caught they get banned.

Also I don't watch NBA but I'm pretty sure they flop.
I am a hockey fan and players have starting diving its so annoying, they exaggerate contact on high sticks to try and get the referees attention
hockey gives out penalties for embellishment. acting like an asshole is an actual penalty.
He has had his spine fractured, foot broken twice and ankle ligaments shredded, of course he's in pain
Somewhat, yes, but inevitable in a sport that places emphasis on (1) continued play and (2) free kicks/penalties whenever free play is interrupted
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Diving and faking is crucial on this sport my friend. Thats one reason we are so good. thats also why spaniards have dominated eruopean football recently.
I'm nit talking about cheating (substances), I'm talking about dishonest and unsportsmanlike play like flopping.
diving started becoming more accepted after the end of the 80s. you'd watch a game in the EPL where emotions ran high and there'd be 2 players literally exchanging a smack without so much as a yellow. for almost 100 years football was a rough sport, don't know why it changed when the 90s came.
It's part of the strategy
This would be solved with time stoppages and ditching the gayest thing of all: extra time
Also is there a historical reason for not stopping the clock when the ball isn't in play? I don't get it. It's not quirky it's dumb lol
Diving is a yellow card in soccer, it has never once been enforced in the history of the sport.
It may help a little, but free kicks/penalties would remain powerful advantages at any point of the game and thus the incentive for diving would remain
I agree that extra time is ultra gay however
not true, it just has to be really obvious. one of our players was yellowed for diving in 2 consecutive games at this euro.
Natural order of things when you don’t have americhads involved
They’re basically all really obvious, most times they’re barely touched
Until it is a yellow card every time, it's a soft sport for pussies and faggots.
After getting into US sports the diving.puts me off in soccer.
Dive grass innit
Are you the type of people to play card games completely straight
Sometimes players get yellow cards for diving in soccer although it's rare
card games aren’t a sport
They have to trick everyone to get shit done in their favor
It's kind of a skill
the most famous play in soccer is literally some manlet punching a ball into the net
The most iconic one is probably from Maradona scoring a goal starting from the middle of the pitch.
The goal with the hand is only celebrated by Argies.
Did you not watch Copa America the past two weeks? Murder Ball was on the menu for every game. It is peak soccer unironically. The players are getting stepped on studs up and THEY are the ones receiving the yellow cards. Shit is insane. If you base soccer on just the Eurotrash 24 tournament then you're right, shit is weak, but Copa America is what soccer should be everywhere. Unless you see blood or hear the crunch, the ref ain't calling shit
>cheating properly is a skill
Why should I respect a sport with no sportsmanship?
I'd say this is the most famous moment in soccer history
What did I fucking say lmao you people have no shame (or money)
You'd love darts then. Shit is amazing. The guys playing high five and fist bump each other any time one of them does something amazing like get a 9 darter or a 3 dart checkout on 170. A true gentleman's game
I dont rationalise it, I hate it, but its not *as bad* as most people make it out to be
Ronaldinho would never do something like this.
you already beat us once tonight, shut the fuck up
that half field dribble was a great goal, though
The public and their cheers and shouts also put pressure on the field, when an important player falls, it is pressure for the referees due to the shouting of the people
Is diving pathetic? Absolutely?
Is it as widespread and common as you apparently believe? No, not at all.

In fact, it's more of a meme on spee, something handeggers love to point out about "inferior sport", it's not real characteristic of most games, and even more so, not in Neymar-tier patheticalness.
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kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk my sides
fucking SOVL
>I'd say this is the most famous moment in soccer history
No, it was just very meme>>142323583
>The most iconic one is probably from Maradona scoring a goal starting from the middle of the pitch.
That Maradona was a guy from another planet in his best moment
jeez what a spazz
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>it's awesome how there's no commercials.
quintessential american comment (2 minutes of actual sport for 20 minutes of goyslop commercials)
It literally is that bad.
>Has soccer always been like this?
Zoomers will say no, but it's been a consistent criticism of the sport for at least 40 years.
It happens multiple fucking times every match without fail.
people that bitch about diving just never actually played a full competitive football game
you are out there running like your life depends on it for upwards of 2 hours, and there's also a bunch of monkeys pushing you or kicking you while running at full speed
it's fucking hard to maintain balance and falling is painful
No you're just a coping brown fucking faggot who thinks he is talking to people who haven't played other forms of football before wear the contact with both player and ground is far greater than your poofterfest.
However, what is discussed here is overacting, and theater

I understand very well that the public can put pressure on the referees.
Remember Rivaldo in 02?
Kek, you're so angry you can't even type correctly. Calm down, go diddle a koala or something
thats when his career imploded
what rules change? I think youre imagining something
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a yuroslurp or sudcaca could NEVER dive at these echelons
Answer my question
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You’re looking at soccer the wrong way. It’s not a physical sport, it’s an endurance sport. Soccer players are like cross country runners. Picture those people in high school and college. Really good cardio but extremely weak and fragile. As >>142323832
said, a lot of the time soccer players have trouble running and maintaining their balance, and because of their low tolerance for pain they can become extremely injured from someone stepping on them.

Just accept that soccer is an endurance sport played by weak athletes and you’ll enjoy it a lot more
Wahhhh I fell over. What a subhuman oxygen thief you are. This board is ruined by shitskins.
the point is that overreacting is far less common than what people pretend it to be, most fouls in any given match are valid irrelevant of the player's reaction
of course you have faggots like gayman jr. but most of the time the pain is real
You are absolutely right about the basketball and hockey. Also the NFL has it a lot of it too especially QBs getting any contact after a pass and even worse an after whistle light shove and a 300 lbs linebacker flops

N.America media likes pick on soccer but ignore the "home brand" sports. I do think there's some racism in part of it
When I say weak athletes I mean physically weak, their cardio is top tier.
I played soccer for a few years in college and diving is 100% for faggots.
cause south americans started getting imported more and made it a valid strategy

its how they "win"
I love this pathetic attempt of a narrative building about the US being "too honest to play soccer".
The US is the biggest cheater in all of sports history, they denounced Germans in the 1950s over steroids, just to adopt and implement them on every single competition there is.
Not only that, but sports such as basketball have rules built into it that support farming fouls to win the game, in basketball you are rewarded by flopping and there is not such a thing as punishment for pretending to be fouled.
Baseball has a long and well documented history of fixed games, betting scandals, roids, etc.
Boxing is just the most corrupt sport on earth and Americans proudly claim to the best at it.
Not that anon but no I don’t cheat at card games when I play because I play with my friends and you should deceive and lie to your friends. It’s funny that a Brazilian’s natural state is to be deceitful and cheat. It’s no shock why your country is such a violent shithole. You guys are just born liars and you don’t see the issue. I’m sure all of this is going over your head lol, OOGA OOGA CLIMB BANANA TREE EAT A COCONUT
why are you constantly mentioning 2010? I dont remember any specific rule change
I only remember Mourinhos influence which was pure negative football whenever possible and that has swept through the sport, because its effective
You can thank the Germans for diving and flopping. 1990 World Cup
t. seething ghost of diego.
nobody said anything about americans' integrity. just that diving is dumb as fuck at drives away potential fans from the sport.
You can always spot the angry chicano
Nah you're too young then if you say that. 1990 World Cup was when diving took off. 94 Brazil won the world cup diving and the rest was history. VAR was great at making teams stop that shit
Let me try and put it into words you’ll understand
It’s fine when deception is an inter heal part of some kind of mind game, but in divegrass you’re literally trying to get away with cheating. Being “part of the game” and “something everyone does” doesn’t excuse it
what blog told you that?
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If football wasnt rigged and referees had the balls to punish diving instead of rewarding it.
Cheating is based though
not an argument
Leão on Portugal’s team got two yellows in two games and missed the Georgia game for flopping
And here come the sad attempts at irony.
Dudes, just stop, you and I know there is a reason you naturally go to the "cheat" and "rigged" excuses whenever you fail at sports.
Baseball, Weightlifting, Ice Hockey. I bet you have complex and long excuses for failing at those as well.

>C-china cheats!!!
>Russians away cheat!
>Euros rigged it!
yeah we know, you just cannot ever lose.
>except you do, often
Maybe for poor people
it is but it's not such a big deal
what people should complain about is penalties and pen baiting that's the true faggot shit
>so mad that people correctly point out a flaw in his precious only sport
Go to bed already, you dont want to be sleepy for your job of shoveling shit
Way to expose yourself as a zoomer. Diving was commonplace in early 2000s junior soccer already. You wanna guess where all the kids got it from? That's right, from watching pros and then copying their behaviour.
>zoomer hands typed this
Listen kid, I know you're proud of your country but the Germans were always known as divers up until recently. You still can't get the stench of Rudi Voller off you (Probably also the lack of showering Yuropoors are known for). There's a famous play that everybody who actually knows soccer history knows called the Holzenbein Dive in '74 that won Germany the title. Holland was robbed.
It's interesting to see how the rich of yeasteryear were, ultimately, correct. Amateur sport, where all that is fought over is bragging rights and misbehavior meant a lifetime of shame where potential employers would refuse to hire a cheat meant people played honest and kept themselves in check. It is, after all, a game.
Pretend as you may, you are fuming nonetheless.
And you will still keep losing at Baseball, Ice Hockey, Weightlifting, no one even cares for your excuses anymore.
Sounds based, at least a lot more so than divegrass
Too bad Darts isn't a sport.
so now diving started in 1974, interesting, even though Hölzenbein was clearly hit
and what about Rudi Voeller?
you should stop reading stupid blogs by angry dutch
Cool, we have others. This is all you have. I could not imagine limiting my choices on purpose
this, most of the faults are quickly with no time wasting.
>deny deny deny
Hey I found the US politician
You love it if your team is wasting time. You hate it if it’s against you
Search "best darts leg ever" and "luke littler 9 darter"

Those two legs will make you a fan of darts
They do it because it works and it's easy to get away with. Refs need to be wiser to catch it and harsher to punish it. They could also develop systems to punish players and/or teams after the fact if it's determined that so and so was faking injury.
Also, having the game time be determined by a precise timer that stops whenever the game stops instead of leaving it in the hands of the refs to arbitrarily decide how much extra time to add would make stalling for time a moot tactic.

These are just some ideas to maybe try, I don't know if they'd be good or not. Point is simply that it's not realistic to expect players to "man up" and just stop diving, you have to take actual measures to make them stop.
according to the dutch this wasnt a penalty

>please validate my team's cheating
Not happening today Ahmed
dont tell me you fell for the stupid copy pasta people post on here?
No the german NT reached 12 semis and 8 finals in a world cup because were that good, not because we cheat
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I absolutely despise it and think the player who does this kind of thing should be shot on the spot, but people also need to learn how to differentiate selling or baiting a foul from flopping/diving, those are two completely different things.

Their main excuse is that the pace of the game is quicker so player take any opportunity to rest, but I find that to be a weak excuse since the game is far more positional nowadays and maximized for player to not move as much when they aren't involved. Also this >>142322616, newer rules only incentivize this type of shit and the way referees enforce old rules almost guarantees this type of shit keeps happening. It should be simple, you flopped? Yellow card, don't do it anymore. But referees never actually do that, instead governing bodies would rather punish individual play because it's disrespectful or something. Players should be allowed to break legs if someone is pretending to have broken their legs to get someone in trouble.

>>142322568 This faggot right here should have been skinned long ago, but the problem started way before him

This is a massive cope, fans and athletes are almost split 50/50 on those who hate it and those who don't mind it, and the same problem is seem in American sports, the NBA being the main example. Plus, you are comparing a global sport to almost single country sports.

It is simple, the softer an sport gets, the more marketable it becomes for the casual audience. The (((men in power))) started softening rules and changing how referees would interpret them, while also allowing diving and scum like behavior.

Retard take but I am not surprised since it's your flag.
>not an argument
But a true statement!
Unfortunately it doesn't work anymore. Just the bragging rights would be worth millions in terms of exposure and followers in the age of social media even if the athletes weren't paid anything.

Amateur sports is where it's at though. But even that is full of cheaters and doping.
>How do soccer fans rationalize the diving
I don't. That's why I watch women's football instead.
You're onto something here
>Hockey players block shots with their teeth and play with broken bones
they also have 4 refs watching 10 of them in motion on a much smaller field than soccer, which has 1 watching 20 on a much larger field
Correct take and it was originally a South American cultural import. Southern Europeans (Portuguese, Italians, to a lesser extent Spanish too) unfortunately picked it up quite well, along with other dirty tricks like cheap shots when the ref is not looking. Then it spread across the continent and became commonplace almost everywhere.
it's pathetic but its goal is putting pressure on the ref
everyone does it, so if you don't dive, your message is basically "it wasn't a foul"
it's a vice
While I am aware of the tactical advantage diving grants one, I do not support it
It's simply trash and no sovl
It's like roiding for bodybuilders. It's frowned upon and undesirable but if you don't do it you can't compete with the best. FIFA needs to enact harsher punishment for divers but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
And people wonder why Neymar dives, they break his vertebra even if he dives imagine if he didn't and players thought they could get away with hurting him more
Lol, var only steps in when it's a foul worth a red or when the ref gave a red to a foul that didn't deserve it, it didn't change the frequency players dive at all
…and you’re allowed to hit each other in hockey. Do you think adding more referees would stop diving? That’s a misdiagnosis
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vini would never
hate neymar, simple as
football players are universally addicted to rigging and diving is simply one facet of this addiction
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Barcelona was a diving talent machine, all the greats in the sports came out of the Barça refball period. Neymar is their masterpiece though.

It's a bit weird in professional sports, usually there's things were people culturally value sportsmanship extremely highly and then other things where they cheat as much as possible.
For example in Table Tennis every time a player gets lucky from an edge or net they apologize and they will always point out hard to see edgeballs for their opponents. But then during serves they try to hide the contact as much as the ref allows (which is against the rules).
It hasn't always been like this, you get the odd player that doesn't do it much, but the sad truth of the game is a team that dives is at an advantage over a team that doesn't. When I say dive I mean over reacting to a challenge. If you over react to a challenge you're maximising the chances of your team getting a beneficial refs decision. Regardless of how it looks, it's part of the game.

Actual simulation, that is, diving when there is no contact is a bookable offence, although players aren't booked enough for it
>thread about diving and theatrics
>0 results
The state of /sp/.
The more Americans stay away from this sport, the better. They ruin everything they touch.
This insane notion Americans have that only them enjoy multiple sports is so funny lmao.
>unironically hating Ney
I'm just happy this many degenerate lying fucks without a spine are concentrated in this sport, like a shit magnet. The other sports can be of higher quality because of it. Thank you soccer!
kek that video
>Football was WAY different before 2010.
Diving was commonplace since the 90s, you revolting zoomer.
I'd much rather have a diving problem than a CTE problem.
You’re right, it’s all Anglo countries that have a balance of choices. You thirdie dogs still don’t.
spics, dagoes and guineas invented it, they have no concept of honour or dignity. Spic, dago and guinea referees enabled it, and so it became a case that if you didn't dive you would forfeit game winning set pieces like penalties. So now everyone does it to some extent. Though you cannot match the South americans at it, they are totally outrageous. The Spanish and portuguese come close. It's a combination of low IQ, infantilized culture and extreme inferiority complex regarding colonialism that drives the south americans to do it. Central Americans are not so bad for it, eg Mexico.
ITT: Seething bitches
I've felt the same way about footie ever since I was a kid. Mama would always say boys don't cry, and yet these grown men keep throwing themselves to the ground and grimacing like a kangal is ripping their balls off.

Then I grew up and learned being a professional victim is normal for neurotypical people.
Lmfao of course you are like this then, stick to american sports fag
It does actually, you either learn how to deal with it or you stop playing
Ironically diving is spreading to most american sports as well. The cause of diving is because refs are shit and ego driven, and somehow getting worse. You are at a disadvantage if you don't dive. Especially so in sports like the NFL.
I hate it, makes me it want to stop watching, not just that but the game as whole has a lot of issues these days

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