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We go home today
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Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure
I have faith in you vampirebros.
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>Romania, Turkey and Austria are still in this tournament
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They are in this tournament... for now.
is that supposed to be a bad thing? I love watching this Austria play. kino otriCHIEN
Just stay, become a pickpocket.
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Dr. Pavel
We win 3-1, last goal will be scored very late because the Dutch will throw themselves forward and lose balls. First goal will be a penalty for us and second goal with come from a corner. The Dutch will score their only goal from a Weghorst header but checked thoroughly by VAR.
At least they don't need own goals and penalties to score
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how sure is this? I need to know if I need to bet all my savings.
yeah NL is going to win this one
3-0 I reckon
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* saves Romania *
Have some faith,dummy
Our first two goals will be in the first half, also their goal will be at the end of the half. Second half will be both teams missing chances mostly , the Dutch hit the post two times in quick succession. At the end of the game there is a fight inside the Dutch team.
At least one (1) underdog has to make it, and it's probably going to be you.
>all my savings.
damn €25 and a bowl of spaghetti
just think what youll win
Austria is making the semis at the very least
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I BELIEVE Romania will win THOUGH.
If you bet 25€ on 3-1 score line you win 2500€
30 years ago today you knocked out these geeks >>142325673 in the world cup. no time to think like that. it's my first jogflop memory along with Andres Escobar kwabbing himself from existence
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Indeed, gentlemen.

Felicitări „Portocalei Mecanice”, o scriu de acum!

Imperialiștii/Colonialiștii au scris și făcut istoria, nu statele de tampon.


We Romanians are not white, and that's okay.
UEFA belongs to the 'former' colonizers/imperialists.
It's how the world ought & must work.

I'll be cheering for the Netherlands.
I just hope the game will be entertaining, regardless of the result.

I have 75k€ saved though, I’d probably be on my way to being a millionaire if I actually bet it all and Romania won.
>We Romanians are not white, and that's okay.
who cares? most of the other teams are full of blacks anyway. at least romania is real.
All colonial teams are niggers , what are you talking about ? Tiai luat medicamentele ?
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>We Romanians are not wh-ACK
You already lost yesterday retard
you got this
I will be cheering for you, the last non-niggery team. Slovenia, Slovakia, and Georgia failed. Romania is the last hope.
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>We Romanians are not white
kek based. that makes two of us buddy

We're not white and that's okay.


White = Empire, Colonies, extraction of resources etc

Nu suntem albi (slavă Domnului) și așa trebuie să fie.


Nu suntem.
Dacă eram, tu/voi – care vă considerați „albi” – nu erați xenofili (germanofili, anglofili, orientalofili, francofili, italofili etc).

Romanians are not white and that's okay.

And good luck to all of you further on...
Why must there always be a 90IQ schizo with a Romanian flag in these threads?

Just use a VPN at least.

Nu ești alb.
Ești țigan/corcitură balcanică slavonă turcită țigănească.

Și n-am chef să arunc bani unor securiști în rezervă/pensionari și bisnisurilor lor cu „vipien-uri”. Să-mi sugă pula securiștii.
>We Romanians are not white, and that's okay.
this is true, but you sound like a cuck so kys
What are the chances of you scoring against Holland? I put a cheeky bet on both teams scoring

Don't bet on us if you want to lose money.

They beat us bad in 2012 (4:0) and Belgium's Romelu Lukaku had shown our limits. Plus, we played like shit, and the reason we won against Ukraine is because they're active in a war for survival.


Îmi bag pula-n morții și-n paștele hristoșilor mă-tii, javră ordinară nesimțită și drogată ce ești, să te speli cu căcat la gură și pe dinții cariați pentru restul vieții tale, pișa-m-aș pe inimile & sufletele neamului tău, 'r-aţi ai dracului să fiți de gunoaie bipede îmbâcsite și sclavi înnăscuți. Marș acas'!
prea lung, n-am citit
Great, I'm gonna cash out then, thanks for the heads up
stii ca vorbesti cu un evadat de la obregia cand incepe sa scrie cu diacritice pe 4chan

Îmi sugi pula.


No problem.
The Dutch team are super great, no need to pretend we'll gonna win when even *we* know it's going to be a shitshow circus against us.


Aham, marș și omoară toți rezidenții cu vile & case de vacanță de pe Snagov, pe urmă să vorbești despre evadați, da?
Morții mă-tii...


The Clockwork Orange will win decisively, the end.
That's enough to know.
e ok sa ne respectam limba, dar da, asta chiar pare scapat de acolo kek
tiganca e ma-ta aia care te-a cacat

Futu-ți neamul tău de emancipați șterbi.
Bă prostea, tu înțelegi că au trebuit să-i anuleze golul belgianului la îndemnul propriei echipe? Scorul trebuia să fie 3:0 da' au zis hai să fie 2:0 pentru că le convine din alte motive.
Și asta a fost Belgia, da? Belgia.

Acum gata. Marș în pizdele mă-tilor de unde v-au scremut pe lume, de proști neavortați ce sunteți amândoi...
pai golul anulat a fost chiar ala de 2-0
a ramas 1-0 si pana la urma tot au incercat si reusit sa faca 2-0
ce retard esti lol
Mosule, du-te inapoi la /pol/ si continua sa-ti traiesti viata degeaba si lasa-ne aici cu sportul ca scrii mult si degeaba.
Auzi ca gol anulat la 2-0 sa nu fie 3-0.

Sper mai aud de tine, la stirile de la ora 7.
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Căca-m-aș pe ochii tăi


Toți știu că trebuia să fie 3:0, hristosu rasii mă-tii!
Olanda va câștiga iar tu tot un non-alb vei rămâne.


Ia-ți înghețată și linge-o în fața șantierului.
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man n-ai inteles, ca ce spui tu sa aiba sens trebuia ca golul de 3-0 sa fie anulat.
vrei sa iti desenez sau ai inteles acum?
Nu mai suferi atâta pe ceva ce nu poți schimba, turcitule.

Ți-am spus, marș de aici.

Trebuia să fie 3:0, punct.
this is what excessive /pol/ browsing does to a mf
de curiozitate, de cat timp consumi fotbal?
Va certati cu un ɓozgor borat din ardeal,lasati o asa..traducere wah wah tigani si rusi wa wa *plans*
face spume la gura asta saracu. trist!
I hope we beat Netherlands so this faggot can eat his own dick in the university square

Sunt din sud, dobitoc degenerat și febril ce ești.


Netherlands 3:0 Romania

Netherlands 5:0 Romania (alternativa)
The Dutch team is [sadly] actually garbage it would not be unsurprising if you win

If Belgium won with 2(3):0, the Dutch will actually give the beat.
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At least we go out with a bang, not with a whimper
pffahahaha, chiar a fost buna postarea ta
I'm rooting for you.
Thanks bro.Can you take that part of land in romania with hungarians already?thwy act foul on the internet
This anon is brown.
Is the seething gypsy ITT actually a swampjew?
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at least we have the toilets, not a fucking shit glory hole like you

Orientalism influence in romania, colorized.
None of the Romanian Hookers i've fucked had blue eyes.
>Texas blacks referred to Polish immigrants as dem white niggahs or dem white niggas whom they hold in undisguised contempt
>He cited instances where Polish farmers called their landlords massa,[11] denoting a subordinate position on level with slavery, and, when asking a woman why she left Poland, she replied "Mudder haf much childs and 'Nough not to eat all"
>Daniels found that Poles were efficient farmers and planted corn and cotton so close to their homes as not to leave even elbow room to the nearby buildings.[13]
Man you were not supposed to twll him the secrets of our craft......
At least he should tell us how to make that fucking expensive car parts in exchange.
Ceva îmi spune că și azi o să vin acasă beat.
Why? They is be dumb. Romania is fren. I really hate the hate towards our negihbors.
But your prostitutes stay
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>am gasit turistul
Who will we be playing next in the quarterfinals?
Austria or Turkey.
Autobahn gas station employees on your way home.
Hopefully by home you mean Moldva and Wallachia
Transtisa as well.
You're just mad jelly that their team of nobodies can actually play. :^)
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Have some God damned faith
for me its;
Sandra Romain
Alice Romain
Rebecca Volpetti
Julia De Lucia (she larps as Spanish)
Alyssia Kent
Nelly Kent
Shalina Devine
Eva Johnson
Sensual Jane
Jasmine Black
Black Angelika
Eve Sweet
Honey Demon
Jennifer Love
Louise Black
How does Romania not have 99% ball possession every game? Just steal it back.
I'm sure you'll be taking plenty of stuff back with you
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all these newcomer teams shidding their pants you are your own worst enemy
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Not so fast
Romani and Romanians aren’t the same thing
Its funny that gypsyes want to be called rrom rromani wtc but after 1 yesr of "work" in otaly they refuse to talk in romanian ever again.
Based Romanian anon
can't wait
tired of NT news
because those "romanian" hookers were in fact gypsies
ya, there is literally no parallel multiverse where you dont shit the bed

i made the mistake of actually watching the game against begium

i will not repeat same mistake, will only look at the score once you are inevitably eliminated by the orange ngubus
>don't care about football
>all rigged
>football fans are all retards
>lmao stupid gypsies chasing a ball instead of a flying 10 lei bill
>oh no Romania is not allowed to win against Ukraine
>I don't care
>win with mega blooter and luck
>WE WIN!!!!
Weird country
vlad the implier is my goat
All the way to Debreceni
IDK why but jokes related to shit and fart are always funny to me ,when I was a kid I used to laugh hysterically while shitting and it continued till I was 14 ,it got so bad that you have to just mention fart or shit and I would piss my pants from laughing
poster of the year
>the implier
Thanks for everything
Absolute kek, screencapping this
Where's the Romanian penaldo fan?
He's the greatest poster in this shithole
what's the Romanian equivalent of the name Angus?
s-a întâmplat din nou...
putem da vina pe bozgori...
We will go together.
Who produces a stock image for this
auf wiedersehn lil fella
so what exactly was all this hype about?
we did one 3-0 vs the hohols and then shat up every other match
putem da vina pe țigani...

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