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Ive got a good feeling about tonight, lads
gaan status?
0-1 Romania calling it now
This entire tournament has been a colossal shitshow desu
weet ik
Feels like a red card bro. Don't bet the house.
Ik ook
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Wat nou?
why do dutch middle aged men all have that exact same haircut?

We either win or fans will lose their shit , both entertaining win/win
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he had right of way
week it
Have we started the fire?
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Hier rust
he roasted alright
Yes, the fire rises
In the extra time
Its gonna be an own goal again
How can he rest there? Did they scoop up some ash from the runway and pretend it was him?
its not him, its his father
I can read dutch, but it's really painful
for me it's Dutch international Owen van Gaal
why were they in the middle of the runway while he was gashing though?
he took off without the tower's permission
gaan but not forgotten.
Mijn lieve man, dat is en ding.
You mean the tower did not give him the permission he was due
This was the KLM star pilot we're talking about
>needing to ask “permission” to “flight control tower”
And what did they do about it?
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Eve Meyer (Russ Meyer's wife) was killed on that plane
she was a big gal
fore ewe
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Enjoy the good feeling while it lasts.
Dead Whore Storage
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>((sound of laughter))
>((sound of engine roar))
>((sound of impact - end of recording))
holy based
>Nooo my hecking stats!
>we gaan!
>dies and kills 61 people
Kek what a bitch
A daring synthesis
Isn't this from Joker
would probably have lost his license if it turned out well
>61 people
nuh-uh, he killed almost 600.
What does "mic keyed" mean?
Sorry I was thinking about the survivors not the victims
weet ik
When you use a radio or other means of comms, pressing the button to transmit and talk means "keying the mic". He did that to take up transmission space so the tower won transmit to him. A complete dickhead and unprofessional move.
Actually it was a communication problem. The tower sent him a message that the runway was occupied, but it didn't arrive, so he interpreted the situation as "we've already been delayed by a bunch of kids running on the runway, a fake bomb threat, and this gay ass fog. Tower isn't tellilng me anything so the place must be deserted, let's just fucking go"

The story isn't as batshit insane as the meme makes it out to be
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Yeah there were communication problems, but he still needed verbal permission according to regulations.
Also he was obviously in a hurry to fuck off cause he loaded the plane full with fuel instead of just refueling on his actual destination in Gran Canaria, he wanted to land there and take off immediately.
I think the reason he was in a rush were the multiple delays. People in the plane were upset, he wanted to save as much face as possible for the company, that kind of thing.

So in the end... the memes make him out to be an ironic hero, but he was a real hero. And a real human bean.
This joke doesnt really work because "gaan" is etymologically closely related to "gone"
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wat nou?
he looks like a real life Quagmire from family guy. Who also happens to be a pilot.
Yup, one woman even got off the plane cause of the delays and refused to board again since she lived in Tenerife anyways and would've had to take the ferry back there after they landed in Gran Canaria. They wouldn't let her leave cause she was still in transit, in the end she was one of the few survivors.
weet ik
Thank you, so it's not scratching the microphone with your car keys so the other end gets a horrible noise in his headphones.
Kek that probably would have been worse. It's still kind of funny to me how you can hear the point of impact on the transmission.
ik ook
non-dutchbros, why is "we gaan", "ik ook" and "we hebben een serieus probleem" so funny to you?
ik ook ook o ik ook ook
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Yea everything about this story is completely fucked.
>Sunday afternoon
>only 2 people on duty at the tower that day
>the tenerife airport was small as shit and there were several planes that had to taxi in.
>eventually some if them had to use the runway to taxi into position
>no ground radar
>the horrible fog that made visibility into 0 causing the air traffic controllers to not even be able to see the runway.
I'm surprised only 1 crash happened
These are always the best threads no matter the board
jij bent vast heel leuk op feestjes
ik ook niet, maar dat terzijde
he said the thing HAHAHAHAHHAHA
He said the ik ook lmao
We gaan winnen. Het komt naar huis
draad gaat zo langzaam. iedereen ziet dat ik een kleine piemel heb :O
Reading it phonetically in English makes it sound like something between monkeyspeak and Jar-Jar Binks
>le funny dutch meme words
La ciudad de Toluca está especializado
En la elaboración de este embutido
Pero también se fabrica por un sinfín
De pequeñas empresas familiares
En varias partes del país
Hay una variedad de prestaciones
Del chorizo rojo, llamado así
Busco la mosca en el chorizo, ¡ay, ay, ay, ah!
>I'll tell you what you get
>you get what you fucking we gaan
holy shit
Panam fucking shits
godverdomme kek
Bro 61 people survived, he killed 583 people
Deze jongen heeft een kleine piemel
Wollah g paas mij die balletje Memfish Deppy gaat 16 doelpuntjes maken wollah ik zweer kankerjoch rustaaagggh DIKKE BMW
voor engelssprekenden klinkt nederlands een beetje zoals engels, maar dan kankerdom
Yea I realized that, I got the victims confused with the survivors.
They say that back in the 16th and 17th centuries, and English person from East Anglia and someone from Flanders, if you put them next to each other they could have a conversation and pretty much understand each other
Frisian, since it's the closest relative to English
Cowman said he's considering playing fucking Danny Blind on the midfield

Jesus christ God help us and our shit-tier midfield
Yes I think I meant to say Frisian
I get the feeling that /sp/ thinks that "ik ook" is some obscure meme phrase that is seldom used in real life. But it literally means "me too". Come here and you'll hear people ik ooking all around you.

Ain't pronounced like a sperging chimp tho, unfortunately
He may actually be what we need. Good passing, good insight, lots of experience. We just shouldnt expect him to run a lot.
But line up is confirmed already, no Blind in startup
Also, "ook" is pronounced as "oak" in English
laat eens wat chauvinisme zien, kankerlijer
This fat motherfucker is playing Bergwijn over Malen

I want all these cancer coaches out and I want the KNVB bobo (not that one) maffia to fuck off and die, and I want a real coach appointed so we can finally try and actually win something

Can't wait for Bosz, Slot and Ten Hag to take over the NT for the next 15 years. Hell, I'd take a decent foreign coach.

If the KNVB even dares to appoint Gio, Cocu or Van Bommel I will stop watching forever (they 100% will try all three, bet the house on it)
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>I get the feeling that /sp/ thinks that "ik ook" is some obscure meme phrase that is seldom used in real life. But it literally means "me too". Come here and you'll hear people ik ooking all around you.

>Ain't pronounced like a sperging chimp tho, unfortunately
It's going to be fucking Van Bommel and you know it. Too much family connections.

Ten Hag, Slot and Bosz would never accept being NT manager, it pays a fraction of any Premier League/Bundesliga club and you basically have to mold a bunch of overpaid clowns together into a tight team within less than 3-4 weeks.
I fear not this match, but the next one if turkey advances. Overvecht will burn.
Fear the shitters with no pressure who have already accomplished their goal
it's going to be van basten again.
This is disappointing
wtf i understand dutch now?
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Question for inhabitants of the Netherlands:

Do the Dutch harbour any resentment towards Spain or Austria for their involvement in the Spanish and Austrian Netherlands respectively and the wars that took place with those countries and the Habsburgs?
>van bommel
Holy shit he's going to take you guys to a WC final and choke lol
>From the third through the fifth centuries, Frisia suffered marine transgressions that made most of the land uninhabitable, aggravated by a change to a cooler and wetter climate.[16][17][18][19] Whatever population may have remained dropped dramatically, and the coastal lands remained largely unpopulated for the next two centuries. When conditions improved, Frisia received an influx of new settlers, mostly Angles and Saxons. These people would eventually be referred to as 'Frisians' (Old Frisian: Frīsa, Old English: Frīsan), though they were not necessarily descended from the ancient Frisii. It is these 'new Frisians' who are largely the ancestors of the medieval and modern Frisians.[20]
So we're basically the same people
nobody cares, nerd. go back to r*ddit.
I decide how it's pronounced, not you
nah, just as a joke maybe.
same if you would still be pissed at us for the medway raid, no one really cares after a few generations
>we hebben een serieus probleem

nah not really , that war ultimately helped shape a national identity in the low countries with a common enemy
I see, thanks

If a new Habsburg Emperor declared themselves sovereign - just over modern Austria for now - but started to threaten northern Italy.... would it stir up any old feelings? How would the Netherlands react?
Please calm down and consider how happy you would be as an imperial subject of Austria
Stop asking stupid questions
No need to be rude
I’d be happy bombing them, yes
why did this man become the butt end joke of this disaster? He literally did nothing wrong, the Pan Am flight/ATC was in the wrong.
Because he should have waited for clear instructions but rather than waiting, he GAAN
that was common practice at the time. If someone dies from asbestos because it was in their roof and walls without them knowing that is not their fault either.
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Errr Kapitien, we habben en sereius probleem
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>if I drive out into traffic with a fogged up windscreen and crash its the other cars fault for not being visible
Grubbs bros how do we respond?
>tfw been pronouncing it like english "we gone" all this time
>turns out its pronounced "vi xan"
That is not correct at all. In "gaan" the "aa" is pronounced like "ah". The E in "we" sounds more like the "uh" in "huh"
huh gahn
vuh xaan
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Because he sneed me af

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