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>fine and suspension for this gesture
Games gone
He cursed the team for years
Very similar to the Brazil/cat curse
Game's gone soft
What kind of genes is proviking such behaviour ?
why real madrid players are all scums ? him, vini, benzema ?
may God forgive me for uttering these words but based UEFA
Source? Based if true
What a well mannered English gentleman
Wow, seething about England really does lower testosterone and turn people into absolute faggots
Another deranged antimadridista conspiratard ploy fueled by the same racist scum. I still remember how the same unholy cabal tried to push that garbage story about our Belli calling Greenwood a rapist (truth, but never happened)
you are terrified of Catalonia independence
You are terrified of posting with your flag
When did Madrid fans became such negrophiliacs?
You're even worse than benfica fans now.
I made a THREAD on here the other day stating the Truth that England need to get their shit together, PARTICULARLY Southgate’s dire management, and swathes of you coping fans laughed at me. Well now I feel VINDICATED and you are Not laughing anymore. You told me that England could afford to draw against shitters and that we would step it up in the knockouts…. WELL LOOK WHAT NEARLY HAPPENED. We played 90 mins of shit awful crap football, nearly got knocked out if it wasn’t for moments BELlinham in the 90+5TH. You said that we would need not change our tactics, we’re gonna HAVE TO now.
>Firstly: Kane plays less deeps and is further up the pitch
>Secondly: Foden plays more in the centre, directly in tandem with Bellingham
>Thirdly: Trent plays good on the right wing back
>Fourthly: Gordon and Palmer to be subbed on much earlier if prior changes are ineffective
>Fifthly: Keep the ball in midfield stop playing slow careful football from the back.
THERE. SOLVED. Just needs some changes instead of this lazy POSITIVE COPING that half you twankers are talking about. Stop getting cocky and realise we are fucked right now. We nearly lost against a shitter, again, this time in the knockouts, contrary to what you were saying. I am validated and you should seriously consider the greentext.
>I-I was right look what n-nearly happened!
you sound like a virgin
>english faggots constantly complain about the rules being enacted
>they just want to disregard sportsmanship
lmao its never coming home
>You're even worse than benfica fans now.
rent free
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Why are you so autistic?
keep crying, Mohammad
well i'll be damned, what's next, you gonna tell us to cope and seethe?
Nothing wrong with it. Banter and taunting is part of the game.

UEFA are just sucking the soul and passion out of the game, attempting to make players like robots with the sole purpose to generate money.
>media pushes bbc supremacy for years and years and about how black men are stronger and sexually more powerful
>based black KING shows off his virility by making an explicit gesture
>gets banned

Get fucked
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>Nothing wrong with it. Banter and taunting is part of the game.

Niggerboy does it to white players: banter
White player answers appropriately: baww racism
will genuinely save our team if this nigger gets suspended
You’re so autistic that I have no doubt that you’re some white or jewish incel sperg, arabs and turks are too neurotypical to behave the way you do
Source? I've only found sensationalist news about him being investigated.
Really can't imagine he'd be suspended.
I assume it means
>lick my balls
>I licked your balls
>suck it
>taste my power
but I don't know blindspeak, what does it really mean (in exact words)?
despite the fact we would have been knocked out by literal who slavs without Bellingham? Retard
your media bro
not all are cuckolded
it was a game with slovaks not bbc enjoyers like urself
that’s the exact translation
maybe it would have been less close against a literal who-country if you subbed in a player who actually played for more than one minute.
He should be kicked out of the tournament for this, it's supposed to be a game of English gentlemen. You should also be kicked out for the following:
>arguing with the ref
>raising your voice to the ref
>having a stupid haircut
>having a stupid haircut

not my toni kross fuuuu
Hamsik bros...
>acting like a monkey after that shameless performance against fucking Slovenia of all teams
Can't wait to see them get humiliated this weekend.
guarantee Foden becomes player of the tournament if Jude gets banned.
he's a muggy little cunt and the madrid peds have melted whatever brain he used to have. black cunt doesn't even try
It's worth than the No Fun League somehow
there isnt one just rumours as you say
he might really get suspended:
I think it would be good for England if he was suspended for 1 game because then it forces Southgate to play Palmer wide, Foden behind and Mainoo which gives a bit more balance. Bellingham gets a needed rest for the semi
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It's an inside joke, you wouldn't get it, Anti-Madrid swedish tranny.
You need an IQ over 150 to understand the joke
what was the joke?
The joke is "don't worry lads my enormous balls will rescue us" and he was right
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did you know they share 98% of their dna with us humans?
Dont forget mbappe
I can get behind most of those but football was never a game for English gentlemen
what's the joke? him and the other english players sucking each others dicks?
b-but muh good boy jbellends would never. didn't you read all these articles about his upbringing?
>dindu nuffin
man, being a madrid fan really fucks with your brain, doesnt it
he's the only good guy, and that will curse real
The ”think of the kids” crowd must be on a mission to ruin fun for as many people as possible. I dont know any other motivation to consistently act that way
How about we talk about the events that happened and not the shit you make up in your head, fucking retard
keep crying, Mohammad

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