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Luciano edition

today (02/07)
22:00 Brazil x Colombia
22:00 Costa Rica x Paraguay

18:30 Goiás x América Mineiro
20:00 Novorizontino x Mirassol
tomorrow (03/07)
20:00 Universidad de Concepción x Deportes Linares

19:00 Cuiabá x Botafogo
20:00 Vasco da Gama x Fortaleza
20:00 Criciúma x Cruzeiro
21:30 Atlético Mineiro x Flamengo
21:30 Athletico x São Paulo
21:30 Red Bull Bragantino x Atlético Goianiense
tomorrow tomorrow (04/07)
22:00 Argentina x Ecuador

19:00 Grêmio x Palmeiras
19:00 Bahia x Juventude
20:00 Corinthians x Vitória
20:00 Fluminense x Internacional
What is the site you use for this again
fuck a.nal
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para me? tomboys ruivas do sao paulo
do you guys like the new song I composed, I'm hoping we could all sing it together next thursday
Luciano edition


This is indeed smarter.
I feel silly now.
Its ok to put the schedule on the OP if its important games like libertadores night
But today only has copa america so who cares
you WILL copy and paste the schedule
you WILL change the date and hour they are playing
you WILL include chile league
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Do you update this yourself? You should get a script to update this for you
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Abel said this was ensaiated by his auxiliar.
1- i am not him
2-it is a script
1- you are now, learn how to code
2- i see
Only one man can save Corinthians
>all copalib data hangs from a rundown server in the back of a pizzeria
copabet when
So theres a bot checking on us
What else does this bot do here
banheirão with other bots
hes retired
He's out of the market, but now he serves soup for the poor lads on the street.
A truly good and underrated citizen.
based dungao
now this is based
Banheirão com isabel e os anões do fio
Banheirão de cu é rola
isabel é uma puta e das baratas
só eu falo verdade nesse fio, vcs ficam feios e cheirossos
O novo técnico do Corinthians é o senhor:
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Já saiu
1990s- argentinian men getting in the mind of brazilian players in libertadores, cuban women doing the same in volley
>¡salta, chica!

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o povo quer cuca e o povo é soberano
Seria muito engraçado o Cuca pedindo demissão porque o Bagre Alberto ganhou dele no truco com o time ainda no Z4 kek
cuca would only come back if he has cockroach blood. Well, he does. Welcome cuca to the ship helm
não passará!
as mina, as mana, as mona não deixarão o estuprador ser contratado
trikaschizo doente mental
Ele é especialista em trabalhar com jogador merda, não seria ruim não.
Balão na Juventus.
Chegou o monstro.

bom jogador pra reforçar o banco do nosso verdaum
Banco do Rony Rustico
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The real juventus
>achieve what everyone else desires
>not happy
>own objectives way too grand for them to be achieved easily
heh... it's almost like... going to la B and burning down your stadium after beating up the players... then wishing for that B to be erased from history... heh...
shut up idiot
^seething lusinha sister
>Carille to Corinthians
O novo técnico do Santos é o senhor...
>>Carille to Corinthians
achei q o corinthiano odiasse o carille
A nova sugarmommy do palestra italia é:
He had to google what a palestra italia is for this one
Today the real rival Brasil will face is Racism. Vini will trump it.
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Is she argentinian
Vini is the greatest Brasilian since Santos Dumont invented the aeroplane in the exhuberant jungles of Nordeste.
Both are nordestinos, coincidence? I think not.
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Bigger than San Pablito and Palmeras combined
Vini is from São Gonçalo actually
>El periodista deportivo Martin Cal, dio a conocer que “fuentes involucradas informan que Samudio estuvo enviándole mensajes a la pareja de su compañero Ignacio Rodríguez, pretendiendo un vínculo afectivo”

ahora veo porque le dicen el negro de la cuchilla a Liverpoop
I'm glad he found a way to redeem for his multiple crimes.
Sao gonçalo dos campos- bahia
Racis is on the other side of the bracket. Brazil amd Racism can only play if both get to the final, but brazil is mid while racism has a golden generation
Calling a Globo journalist a cagon has already redeemed him.

he didn't do nothing, though
(((Alex Escobar))) e (((Tadeu Schmidt)))
Minha Suíça está irreconhecível
>Racism is on the other side of the bracket.
I don't think Panama is THAT racist
must be hardfor aplayer to be known as ex-jóia or ex-promessa
Entenda uma coisa; O Vitória é COLOSSAL
Vou te falar, esse Baumgartner não é muito melhor que o hyoran não
>Abel Ferreira irá se naturalizar brasileiro.

>Inclusive, hoje ele esteve na Polícia Federal com toda a documentação.
Ganha dos gambá quinta
I say this
For the portuguese there is a special procedure. It is not naturalization, it is equivalence. He will remain portuguese.
Due to the circumstances a draw is not a very bad result.
A fuck load of injured players and the ones available are clearly exhausted. We lost our zagueiro titular (knee injury; 8-9 months) and are playing with a volante improvised in the zaga instead (since CAM game).
But i pray we will have the strength and win this game. We probably would've won the past one
(against aflético) in normal circumstances
t. roberto leal
more like "el negro cuchillero"
someone translate to english pls
Players are addicted to cucking their mates for somw misterious reason
some 36 yo paraguayan retard started sexting his team mate's girlfriend and got sent to play with the B team and the youngsters, he is probably molesting them right now
Next signing: Icardi
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oh lmao i thought it meant my liverpoop not yours
im a brainlet
Vendo a Turquia jogar lembrei dele. O jogador mais injustiçado da história do futebol brasileiro.

Icardi is not alone on this. Football players are 24/7 thinking of getting ther workmates girlfriends. Weird phenomwnon
N posso mais upar arquivos nessa merda vtnc
courtois cucking KDB is another one
Ganso com grife
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I get it trying to bang your female coworkers, but your team mate's girl? only would do that as revenge if he had done a very bad thing first
Ganso não consegue jogar nem no Brasil direito. Alex foi uma lenda viva em campo esquecida por não ser paneleiro.
Gaucho fala com honestidade dele, sendo o jogador que saiu a tabela mais fácil com quem ele jogou.
Alex era pra estar em duas copas no mínimo.
Buy Robert Renan ou foda fora
pé direeeeeeeeeeito
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>fluminenC rebaixated
[Good ending.]
It is hard to understand. But it happens all the time (the attempts at least).
Completo retardado
Just what Alex played in that championship with Cruzeiro is more than Ganso played in his entire career if it were repeated 5 times.
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Bamos River !
Why did people call alex alexotan?

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What the fuck kek
Reminder that all Europeans should be shot on sight.
They equate being emasculated with being free from some imagined racial persecution. Truly eye opener
I-it is irony ok? He is criticizing hyper sexualization of black males or something.
My brother in Christ, they are just shit.
then they dare get mad when we point out they're nothing more than a bunch of zesty ass niggas
No, he was on globo yesterday saying hypersexualization/animalization of black males is a form of oppresssion etc and that this new album is about that and it involved a lot of research etc etc yadda yadda
Sounds like buck breaking to me
Like I said, imagined racial whatever
I cant say because i have never listened to his songs and i never will. He looks arrogant and conceited.
I imagined he referred to women but i dont doubt there is also this aspect. I will never know.
I agree wholeheartedly but Icardi is arguably the one the got the most flak and got the most infamy for it due to the circumstances and the hoe in discord.
Bronzeadinhos batendo nos branquinhos de novo
uma história tão velha quanto o tempo
Santos won yesterday
get oput here schizo
Go back to /int/

it was 100% a tranny
Vamos veggies FC btw

that is a chill pill
Forgot the two best goals


branquinho sentiu>>142349944
people said he was sleepy on the field
valeu mano
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see you in the finals brazil/uruguay
panomás will be humiliated soon by either colombia or brazil
Fuck Panomás
You gona be Sotelded.
>venezuela is gonna get ass raped by argentina


at least we will have brazil-argentina for the semi finals

It's mainly the corporatist media in Rio de Janeiro that has always been panelando the national team. Ricardinho went to the World Cup and Alex didn't. RICARDINHO
look again
my bad,so it will be the final? kino
Miguel ramirez coached inter
Coritnhians wants Anselmi
I am surprised Repetto has never coached a brazilian team
I'm scared of Uruguay
Colombia is doing well, Uruguay too. Brazil could lose to both.
Argentina too.
*blocks your path*
Put the Mexico symbol on the ball kek
I would but I don't want m*jico to figure in my search history
ok, which one of you did this?
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This sick world needs a nuclear war.
I’m wearing a Uruguay shirt today. I’m getting bad looks. What do?
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haha imagine
a girl's pee in a bottle lol
like a cute bahiana peeing in a bottle and you drinking it, ew! lmao
Tem gente que acha o máximo, hoje os caras valorizam mais uma caneta para trás, é a cultura da Neymarização, é a lambreta para trás. Para mim, seria muito mais útil o Estêvão partir para cima e fazer o terceiro gol, meter a bola lá no barbante, mas esse é o jeito de eu ver futebol, essas firulinhas, de passar pezinho, sentar na bola, isso aí não acrescenta nada.
Calm down Perrone
take the shirt off
mention alaskka as motivation
perro ne
would you drink her piss/puke?
I’m just wearing it because I had no clothes left in the closet
>Com respeito.
I chuckled
Based Bashir
which other kits do you have
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The people in question. Imagine being that retarded and horny.
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Grêmio acaba de ganhar a Libertadores
Stop posting fake news
which hooker site is that from?
he didnt call ganso, neymar and pato in 2010
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Criciúma hires Julia Roberts.
Criciúma acaba de ganhar o brasileirão
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I added some pendeja calienta chota from tinder and she had a link to her tellonym on IG
>some ask.me copy
the fuck, I'm getting too old for this shit
Um apoia Israel e o outro não
É por isso que odeio "pessoas" de cor
Bayern, netherlands, dim and barça
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me too, but I need to ponerla and I don't like to pay
Based Lvla against the JEWS
imagine this happens to you and instead of kicking his ass you tell the manager

this why we don't win world cups anymore
el nombre del pibe?
you do you, king
my pendejo coworker was complaining about his last fuck being some "35yo vieja" six months ago, I was laughing my ass off but inside I was thinking "shit this is getting real rough for guys who won't pay"
I am not doing that bad, given the situation (oldfag), pic related is the kinda of body I like and seem to still manage to get it just by face and good old chamuyo
A luz não tá coisa boa
Mas tá bem a foto
Horrrivel não se vê um caralho
ai minha voida, é o homem-fosgo, tudo pelo estilo
The name of the tournament?The product
is this real?

The good thing is that Santos went to B and Vasco didn't two weeks later.
É o Cuguloso
>Lucas Lima

Based chimpout
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>mano menezes in 2024
Give me your secret
>Doing this in a tournament were you are fighting for not being relegated
Wtf is wrong with Soteldo
finally, some argie representation in games
Mucha testo
Isso que voce fala e muito engrasado manito kkkk
I'm too obsessed with flacas petizas but I'm never lucky, they're always hung up on their exes, last one was wife material but his exbf's mom had died and she literally became his substitute mom.
Had some redhead flaca petiza as a coworker as well but one of my retard coworkers got dibs on her, thank god he did though, when he went in for the kill she was drunk as shit and tried kissing one of the office alaska gordas. He never recovered from that.
What is flacas petizas?
3 QI post
ganso vai voltar pro santos pra levar pra serie C
it's when you dance the samba barefoot to the smell of beans being cooked
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But she is americas sweetheart
Skinny belezas or something
ta querendo me enganar mano
tudo beleza
legal lolis
fuck you
cala boca ai, so eu falo
translator said Magra e Pequena
Unemployment 2022 9,6%
Unemployment 2024 7,1%
fracas petistas
fala e peidenha
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>Unemployment 2022 9,6%
>Unemployment 2024 7,1%
E como o Forte União garante que o Corinthians terá R$ 220 milhões por ano? Não garante. Este valor é caso ele fique até 14a posição e caso os direitos de TV sejam vendidos pelo grupo. Tanto é que ao invés de R$ 220 milhões, o Corinthians só conseguiu antecipar 1 ano, que são R$ 150 milhões de direitos de TV emprestados pelo XP, abatidos de 3% que vão para o grupo da Série B, conforme acordo do Forte União e mais o CDI que será pago ao longo do tempo

Mas, é um fato que os times do Forte anteciparam 20% de 50 anos, de 2025 a 2075 hoje não tem nada nas mãos. Quem pagou de rico desde o fiim de 2023 até agora usando desta grana adiantada, tem que lembrar que venderam receitas de CINQUENTA ANOS e não terão 20% desta fatia.
esse perrone é um MERDAO
there is no secret, you know what you have to do
Criciwoman, humilha o Avaí
Criciwoman, destrói o Al-Ahly
estraçalha o Figueirense e o Motoclube
come o cu do Marcílio Dias e do Camboriú
Quem é tu? Jogou com quem? Subiu agora no busão e quer sentar na janelinha! Vai se lascar
I'm the guy and this is the work of a daemon
Imagine the rigging
I know what you mean, I banged a petite 45kg hourglass girl I met in a restaurant last sunday and it took my feelings of depression away, I have been in pretty bad shape for like a month, last heartless pendeja dumped me pretty mean, she told me she was in love and when she felt I was falling too just went "nah you are too old" on me and left me in pretty bad shape, she is cute but not funny anymore
Pô, eu faço parte de uma minoria muito pequena
agachate y conocelo kkkkkkk
You arent even seeking for a job, mr. Neet
For me it is capoeira fighter 3
I tried it at the beginning of the year. Nobody wanted to hire me, so I stopped trying.
E serio que tem esquerdista aqui? kkkkk
se re regalo
Volte para o /int/
for me, it's brasileirão serie B
For me, it's copa da primeira liga
For me its BOLSONARO
Oh no no no no
Bolsonaro and Lula both are awesome
post the brasilian smormu please
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*adds to your script counter*
>devil trips
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november 19th, peléday
tell me how it feels
I feel so close to you right now
It's a force field
vade retro Satana
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germans are fucking weird
Compre o Galoppo ou foda fora
klopp has seen better days
not many of them are older than me O_O
why is he so smug singing this? It is a shit dance, but you can visualize the smile of the singer
7 are older than me. What's my age?
Costa rica has advantage in matches against venezuela, chile and bolivia. They tie against Paraguay.
A few Concacaf sides wouldnt automatically get last place in conmebol
decime que se siente
deu grim
Te la troco de primera vos si queres banheiras
lo bailan las rochas, también las chetas
raka taka taka taka bum bum bum
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>most asked hair cut - arrascaeta disguised mohawk
How do you learn English
I don't know
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here bro, just take it
0 are older than me
they have just lost to goiás, btw
santos passed them
No one learn shit from this
become friends with a cute bong chick over facebook like I did
this image triggered my fight or flight response
just fapped to some argie instawhore
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i don't think i can say it
How do you learn Spanish
I don't know
I would try to watch Chaves in Spanish
be born in extreme poverty
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now you remember this kino
Grupo de torcedores do Fluminense (pelo menos 60) invadiram as Laranjeiras para protestas contra a má fase do time.
Pelo menos 60 anos de idade?
It's fine, Mano Menezes is here
SporTV transmission showed a colombian twister dressed with sayan armor in Colombia style and super sayan hair. SOUL.

anyone else watching novorizontino x mirassol?
>One of the trikaschizo idols signed for corinthians
oh no no no
not me
Me but honestly I can't pay attention to random paulista shitters
Apparently they're drawing or something
>Gabigol está muito perto de ser contratado pelo Palmeiras. 99% de chances de o negócio ser fechado.
abel and gabigol together. Get Hulk and this team becomes referees greatest nightmare
flamengo fan here
if this happens I might switch to palmeiras
Gabigol é do galo
gabigordo é lixo
WTF is gabigol's problem jesus
gabigol está gordo
claramente roliço
cheirinho de medo
é bom demais quando você espalha as bandas da bunda de uma mulher obesa e sobe um cheirão de bosta
Jardine will replace Zubeldía

O técnico André Jardine, ex-São Paulo, está fazendo sucesso no América-MEX e conquistou quatro títulos em pouco mais de um ano no clube.

O que aconteceu
Jardine levou o América ao título da Supercopa MX no último domingo (30). A equipe venceu o Tigres por 2 a 1, em jogo disputado nos Estados Unidos.

André Jardine levou o clube a um feito que não conseguia há 35 anos: o bicampeonato mexicano. A equipe conquistou o Apertura 23 (primeiro turno) e o Clausura 24 (segundo turno)
Ah yes, the powerful mexican league
>aperta y clasura
>bicampeonato mexicano
acho que alguém é retardado e filho da puta
o nome desse alguém? Luís Zubeldía
Qual foi a última vez que o Palmeiras fez uma contração boa (depois do abel)
Kek gonna start using this one
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Zubeldinho is a fraud who was 5th at Equacongão and won some matches through absurd refballing and quicada of new técnico
Most goals in finals
>Messi - 34
>Pelé - 29
>Neymar - 21
>Cristiano Ronaldo - 20
>Romário - 18
>Ronaldo - 16
>Gabigol / Puskas - 15
>Raul - 14
>Di Stefano / Drogba / Raphael Veiga - 12
>hires another argie coach
hey that is the santa fe guy!
foda foi quando o palmeiras contratou o endrick pelo valor simbólico de um cargo como faxineiro do allianz
>1 min
>culombian already gave murra to a brazuca
>la ciudad del paraguay
Espanha e Alemanha perderam pra essa Colômbia kkkkkkkkk
calleri who ghosted vs ecuatorian team and scored a meme goal vs flamengo in shambles = craque máximus meridius, king of the south synagogue
gabigol who decided two libertadores finals, countless knockout games and is very pica overall = fraud
So did we and more recently
Não foi mas recente e foi com outro técnico

>Vini out of quarter-finals
the power of dinizismo
fraude E gordo
claramente roliço
Welcome to Trabzonspor.
Textor was right, rigged foul from Vini
Vini garoteou
>monicius miss next match
racism wins!
isso, morde a boquinha, hamez
"why did SP dropped James?" - Luis Ricardo
>monos robbing narcos
we're both narcos , manito
>win any game
>argentinos cry about refs
they went full meltie after chileans pointedmultiple ref mistakes in favor of argentina

>another meltie begins
the eternally buckbroken mono is back
Colombia will virate 3x1
James will be the man of the match
Americans will keep spamming on the thread "Where does this guy play? he is amazing"
They will found out about SAO PAULO O CLUBE DA FÉ
oh oh she is no mm, she is melting right now
mas tinha joão kleber sim
Neguebinha Jr é muito burro
buy galoppo ou fueda fuera
this, he became famous animating Collor parties
>monos keep robbing narcos
oh no no no no escobarbros!? these monos are getting away with our merca
there was no agenda, ok, but Roberta Close was on playboy cover in 1990
Our defense fucking sucks
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this bald fuck better win the gold medal because i destroyed my midfield for this shit
Qualquer cachaceiro que assiste futebol desde os anos 70 vê na hora que tá impedido e o var demora 8 minutos
nao foi gol, valeu, beleza?
second place you said? what would you need third place for? what? 4th place is a GREAT result, chuddie, he'll be coaching river in no time
Tem q ver a linha inteira nao só aonde o n°23 ta
quando você enfia a faca no inimigo você tem que rodar a faca, se não ele pode sobreviver
there are no oponents, argentina has already won this
>Brazilian two refball in less than 20 minutes
good thing they're literally paid to do it as quickly as possible
Luiz Roberto did some lines of coke before this match
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in another boca related news
we are in the finals of the boludo basket league

don't worry, we made the competition more balanced by putting mascherano as coach
o que vc diz sobre o impedimento do Uruguay x Estados Unidos?
y Escaloriggini?
imagina PVC agora então
tá mamando um traveco desde o jogo do PALMERDA de ontem
Vini Jr playing for real madrid: Ballon D'or favorite
Vini Jr playing for Brazil: negueba
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para que ponen al venezolano a pitar
isso pq vc nao tá assistindo no Sportv com o Dom Ledio(TM) e o Luiz Carlos Jr. O cara vai ter uma overdose ao vivo
Dar o impedimento ou não dar não seria crime. Porque é que o impossível o olho humano identificar. Vai de qual país comprou a arbitragem decidir.
murderball soon
I think him and Eric Faria have the same dealer
>Brazil 3 refball in 24 minutes
Sorry bro, it's just Lula really needs something positive because he is a disaster of a politician
luis diaz has to play against the monos and against his teammates ffs
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Lula não serve nem pra comprar nada pra seleção, esse bosta.

2019 o mamadeira de piroca descolou uma copa América pra gente. Esse ano já deram o chaveamento mais varzeano possível pra Argentina.
entao eu te pergunto: oq a fifa tá espernado pra colocar em prática a nova regra do impedimento pra evitar isso?
nah, there's always problems with memezuelas refs
i don't like joao gomes
this retard is going to give problem to brazil in the future screenshot this
escabobi coaches the adult team while menoscherano coaches the u-20/u-23
Reminder Bolsonaro brought Copa Caca 2020 hoping for a win at home to boost popularity
Brazil lost, Argenchina gained momentum and confidence to win WC
When is Neguebinha playing?
Ah the olimpicos.
Éder Militão

Douglas Silva
Bruno Guimarães

No João Gomes and no Paquetá
dorival júnior está com o pau duríssimo, possível ver de longe o formato do seu cacete nas suas apertadas calças NIKE, JUST DO IT, andreas pereira, o mais comportado da seleção, já começca a acariciar o pau do endrick e do bruno guimarães ao mesmo tempo, há jogadores que estão ansiosos para a entrada no vestiário dos machos suados
vinícius jr e sua jeba nabanesca que mais parece uma berinjela madura, está a todo momento olhando para o banco de reservas, seu pau está meio bomba
beraldo gritou em alto e bom som: QUERO BEIJAR NA BOCA

é jogo do brasil
é seleção
é banheirão
só no sportv

wow this hamez guy is so good
why doesn't he play in a top club? we could even bring him to brasileirão
I called dorival to let him know your take:
he says you're a dumb ugly mono
Eu sou um macaco cheio de bananas
danilo e marquinhos podem se aponsetar já
fechar contratinho de 5 anos com o cuguloso e com o flamerda
I was just saying that to my family
ta caneludo pra caralho
pode anotar vini luther king vai disputar uma bola com o zagueiro, derrubar ele e levar segundo amarelo
Eric farinha
legally why is Paqueta allowed to play?
This is paying 19x btw
I have faith in Neguebinha to fuck up
It is not fifa who decides that, it is the international board, from which fifa is but a member
dorival's tactics going forward would work if the midfielder were more dynamic
wendell takes ages to go up and don't even make runs
danilo is basically a zagueiro and old as fuck so don't expect much from him
Argentina proved international titles dont help politicians
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Meu Deus como eu odeio ameríndios

povo feio, corrupto e complexado.

Passaram a mão no meu Brasil.
dizer que isso aí é pênalti é putaria
os caras tão mais clubistas que os veio bebendo na esquina aqui
>silently hoping they dont give the pk so i can shitpost about it
piscinero world cup live
Tô vendo o jogo no mesmo bar que o Arnaldo e o Tironi
O James corre e briga por cada cm
Parece um craque quando joga pela seleção
>was it a penalty?
No (my family says i am an idiot for that)
>would they give if it was messi?
12 minutos e VAR

5 minutos de acréscimo

Arbitragem "Jim Carrey"
>vs Dorival
what do you think?
bien ahi muñoz, pense que lo iba a hacer peor
hue, et al.
nice zaga
Why would we want injury time
Puta merda, que seleção mais lixo
Fora Dorival
argensimios ainda estão carentes de titulos, ficaram tanto tempo sem ganhar porra nenhuma
Não satisfeitos ainda tem colocar um rato argentino no Var de jogo da nossa seleção

Troféu "Mickey mouse"
Arbitragem "Jim Carrey"
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>hamez figura del 1er tiempo
pero si todo lo hizo muñoz, hamez se desinflo despues de 20 minutos.
manu menezes no flu?

Flamengo could beat this seleção
argentinian var btw
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Don't worry monobros, the team will jantate a pizzazzinha beleza du brasiu at half time to gain strenght to trump these pesky culombians.
Torcendo para o Brasil ser eliminado logo pro Rafael voltar
Vai tomar no cu Dorival
talvez você devesse calar a boquinha
Pode levar
why isn't neymar playing, he'd fix this shit team in no time
I’d eat that
Estou torcendo dobrado pro Brasil depois do seu post
? the VAR anulated their goal and helped Brazil
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he's busy
Of course you would, now get on the field
Ask on Google retard

O gol da Colômbia foi ilegal e sonegaram um pênalti claríssimo. Você está realmente assistindo o jogo
Eu estou de boa no banheirão do Al-Bilal, a selezinha não me interessa nesse momento
Não foi pênalti no Neguebinha
There's NO WAY amonestado is a real word
they're doing thinly veiled racismo again
Sim, o mundo inteiro está errado e o usuário do /copalib/ está certo
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deve ser o vira-lata doente mental chupador de cu boliviano do trikaschizo
Sim Negueba agora volta lá e faz um golzinho
wow that's racist
o carioca mais branco
>seja suspenso antes de um jogo mata-mata
>se o time perder você não terá culpa alguma
tá tentando dar uma de Neymar
Yellow cards are racist. Brasil will have to fight that.
brazilbros i'm not feeling so well
Nope, racism will play against equador
Se o Rafael faz essas lambanças do Alisson vcs estariam na rua destruindo bancos e colocando fogo em carros
Mas como ele joga no futebol europeu ele pode errar sem medo
rules are just another way to keep black players down
O cara acha que isso não foi pênalti puta que pariuuuuu


Tua senpaiília tem que cagar na tua cabeça msm
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>VAR line on another player
>player that scored is on-side
uhhh.... varzilmonos...
Foi claramente na bola
My.brother is yelling here saying it was a penalty and I should become a ref
Colombian players have funny names
Richard rios should play for river
quanto palmeiras pagou nesse lixo do Richard Rios?
barcos should play for Vasco
estrella should play for botafogo
Se um ET pousasse na terra agora ele iria dizer: Que merda é essa de Vini Jr? jogador horrível!
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fuck off
>passando sufoco contra a fodendo colombia
o absoluto estado do bostil
O ET chamaria ele de Neguebinha
Na próxima é pra mandar o time C pra esse lixo de competição. Isso ou juntar a nossa selação com Portugal e jogar a euro.
ou Neguebua in argentinian
Kkkkkkk que merda
Santos empataria com essa seleção
vini ainda é um dos melhores em campo a nossa defesa é bem mais lixo
gol do paragay
Vai tomar no cu bicho o Negueba é o pior em campo nesse jogo
Jogo parelho e o Brasil vai ganhar ainda e tenho que ler que a Colômbia esta dando um baile
we're losing to brasileirão players btw
Each south american country has a designated doomer. I think uruguay doesnt, ok, but chile, argentina, brazil amd colombia always have a guy to say they are bad and will lose
Arias e Richard Rios estragam esse belo time da Colombia
essa arbitragem ta dando qualquer faltinha pro Brasil
no one is more vira-lata than brazilians on this continent if this is what you mean
Second costa rica goal had a guy running the whole field while the paraguayans watched
>muh viralata
Our team fucking sucks retard get over it
Wish they would block the supporters roar
why colombians are so annoying?
Macaquicius Jr.
i'm not talking that our team is good
but other countries don't root against their own team like a lot of brs do even if when the suck
and i'm not talking just about football
O Brasil parece o Sao Paulo de 2013
luis diaz y negricius todos unos magos
o novo tecnico do brasil é o senhor...
No idea what you guys mean
Rogério Ceni
por que hicieron un acto de magia y andan desaparecidos del partido
*cageiro penis
Tem que aumentar o pagamento em bananas do Vini
o GIGANTE DA COLINA amassaria esse Brasil pau mole
bota o endrick porra
>Borré 2023 season
>47 games 3 goals
why did inter buy hm?
next thread will end racism for good
Racism ends when Negueba retires
last for anime
the audacity
deu uma de Benedetto
>vini jr
>Inter paid 7 million euros for this
At least they have valencia
i miss nerman so much bros
He lost against colombia in copa america
>Viniberg is totally lost like the entire team
>dorival's fault
nao precisa girar a faca, valeu?
Fucking monkeys stop crying
don't worry bros, once Ancelotti comes this will all be fixed

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