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>Goalkeeper makes a clutch last minute save
>Narrator says "you couldn't write a script like this"
>who could have predicted this
in truth, every football matches is scripted
>this is what football is all about!
"you couldn't write a script like this" means "it wouldn't be believable in a movie" which is often true with real life events.
>commentator uses a common euphemism among the 100,000 words they will speak over the 2 hour period
>internet commentator freaks out about it for some reason
Many such cases
I had all kinds of gripes against shitty commentators before they decided to make every second commentator a woman, now I miss the old times.
The canned nonsensical statements like this are one of the things I hate the most about americans

We literally don't think about you at all
>absolutely sensational
>had to rename french fries to freedom fries out of butthurt that we didn't participate in globohomo war #17
joey casually trying to sell his 'gary taylor-fletcher scores a last-minute equaliser against stoke' tv series
>100,000 words they will speak over the 2 hour period
And how many of those words will be unique? Out of the 100k words spoken, there's probably around 100 different words used. Commentators are all retards that have a tiny vocabulary
its like my brain is hardwired to be annoyed by women speaking, am I alone in this?
do they do this in your country too? i assumed it was just here
Based Joey
Obviously not, no one likes hearing high pitched, whiny voices. If I'm not getting pussy I don't want to hear a woman speak, oddly enough hearing kids talk isn't as irritating unless they start screaming or something.
I read this in Sam Matterface's voice
>the 100,000 words they will speak over the 2 hour period
Point is they say the same shit 50 times during those two hours.
Their voices are just annoying, not all female voices but the kind of woman who wants to commentate a football game is not gonna sound pleasant. And they try too hard.
>this game is shit, you'd be better off switching channels, good bye
Hey I also don't like poor commentary and most of the Americans or women commentating are subpar, however there have been a few decent female commentators like the British lady they have Warren Barton with; honestly the best commentators are like the best refs, they are invisible and fade into the background for the most part and don't get in the way of the action
I wanna tear my hair out if I hear Americans saying "get the ball on frame" one more time though
(Yes I know the flag, grew up in Bracknell England though)
Yeah that never caught on anywhere
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Based and Viz-pilled
But what would the /sp/ equivalent of pic related be?
>It's scenes like you've never seen before
Why couldn’t Joey from email write such a script then???
11 Let the woman learn in silence, with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence [1 Timothy 2:12] 13 For Adam was first formed; then Eve. 14 And Adam was not seduced; but the woman being seduced, was in the transgression. 15 Yet she shall be saved through childbearing; if she continue in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety. 1st Timothy Chapter 2, Douay-Rhiems translated from the Vulgate Latin Bible
Eyup, Pierre understands.
he's retarded, the point of saying you can't write a script like that is people would think it ridiculous since it's too perfect, not that people literally could not come up with the scenario
hes just an english being annoyed by other english
I feel his pain
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>ayo u niggas needa stop dumpin salt on yo melon and twang it like a proper Bama nigger
was amazing until his brother shot his sons football coach over practice drills and he had to quit
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>Cristiano Ronaldo standing over it, and we all know just what he can do from here!
Facts. Fucking women...
you never expect the inquisition
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Luv me Viz
based Joey
in the english streams i've been watching for this euro there's often an english woman co-commentator that has a voice and accent that's 100% identical to clarice starling in silence of the lambs
i never pay attention to what she says but her voice makes me hard

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