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>question the nba commissioner about the integrity of business
>he replies: Have you stopped beating your wife?
>how do respond?
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Mavs will never go back to the Finals (just like the Cavs post-2007) and Luka will dip to a different team when his contract is up
His career will mirror LeBald's early years
Also OKC look stacked and will probably win the west unless something dramatic happens with the rest of free agency
Luka will go to San Antonio and win like 4 championships before Pop dies on the job.
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>End Walton, Vogel and Ham
>make them pick JJ Redick
>tell people that it's not important if he play with his son or not
>threats other teams and make the Lakers draft his son
>son get a four-year, $7.9 million rookie contract with team option
>tell people that he is ready to get a paycut to bring top players
>get 52M/year
Clown franchise.
Chris Paul is a hoe and will never win a ring
>i'll never stop beating my wife just like you'll never stop *whichever accusation you want to make*
I get the feeling David Stern was hiding something with the direction he took that question
Will anybody be selling at the trade deadline or is this free agency the only time that matters?
>That'll be $87 million plus tip
Knicks players have to be the most overrated and overpaid players in the entire NBA. If this dude played for a team like the Hawks or Sixers nobody would fucking give him this kind of money
>I am willing to take a pay cut if you can get one of these players
>Do not get any of these players
>He doesn't take a pay cut
>Seething niggers lose their mind that he didnt take a pay cut
Are they pretending to be retarded?
Is this Josh Hart
I think it's Hartenstein

Yeah the Knicks are cucks trying to keep up with the Celtics kek. This reminds me of the Baron Davis days when they had a giant payroll to not win rings lol
He basically got paid for his performance against the sixers lmao
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>One of his kids makes the Nuggets his bitch
>The other cucks his biggest hater beyond belief
How the hell does he do it bros?
>LeZoomie unironically chose his jersey number because of Juice Wrld

Jerry West kicked the can at the right time. Imagine if he was around for this slop
calculated demise. missed the celtics winning another as well.
Juicewrld had bangers. He would’ve had so much fire tunes in 2024. Respect his name!>>142371068
Imagine Bronny missing a game winner then listening to Wasted by Juice
>End Walton, Vogel and Ham
ham and walton should've never been head coaches though, but vogel also shouldn't have been fired
What’s gonna happen if Bronny talks back to his dad in the locker room?
My Raptor is making the playoffs this year now that there isn't a retard bench player throwing games and fucking the vibes.
There are only 20 players with a higher +/- than iHart over the past 3 years
LeBron is gonna get the Gucci belt and beat that ass. You think AD is gonna have unc privileges?
How many players averaged more points than him?
Gonna be awkward with the strippers in the Lakers locker room
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>The Miami Heat are currently viewed as the favorites to land DeMar DeRozan, per @jovanbuha

>“The Lakers aggressively pursued Klay Thompson, but Thompson turned down their offer of more years and money from the Lakers to join the Dallas Mavericks, according to league sources. They’ve now turned their attention to DeMar DeRozan, though the Miami Heat are currently viewed as slight favorites to land the 15-year veteran and six-time All-Star, according to league sources.”

Demar and Jimmy winning their first ring together about to be the most soul title of the 2020s.
I personally believe he destroyed the Lakers just to spite Kobe. He knew he would never obtain the same level of respect that Kobe earned so he decided to be a petulant bitch and destroy the franchise. His antics will go down in history and I think he is a perfect encapsulation of everything wrong with this generations group of stars, but on steroids. This shit is next level and ive said it before, this season is his Icarus moment. His son is about to get humiliated on the court the same way I would get humiliated if I played against college players, thats how bad hes about to get demolished and blown out. I almost feel bad for the kid. Almost.
Imagine the team showers in the Lakers locker room.
They're not losing anyone right?
They playing small ball then?
His son is going to bitch Anthony Edward’s and you’ll be publicly humiliated again for such dog shit opinions.
I aint reading all this seething. Stop crying hoenigga. Get a life.
>win the team a ring
>gm is clinically incapable of improving the team to where austin fucking reaves is the guy the team expects to be the third option again
>be willing to take a pay cut to land guys
>fo is again unable to add
Lebron sexuals ladies and gentleman
>4kuckold seething so hard he has to reply to a post in the previous thread
>Literally 3 lines of text
>I-I aint reading all that!
The state of that illiterate BAWB
>Lebron gave himself the max
I thought he was going to try and get another player, but guess not.
Hes objectively small and was a bad player in college. Its honestly kind of sad whats about to happen to him and I expect him to “retire” due to mental health reasons after riding the bench all season, that is, if his heart doesnt explode. It will be amusing watching LeBron try to spoonfeed him though. Im hoping someone like Dillon Brooks fucks him up and so daddy can come to his rescue. They need to go hard at this kid, exploit him on defense every single time and show him that he doesnt belong. Klutch clients will probably just let him score on them though lmao. I can already see it happening.

Screencap this - more than 50% of Bronny’s scored points will be on Klutch clients, as they will be under orders to let him score on them. Watch.
>he destroyed the lakers
ah yes lebron was the one who put kobe's former agent in the GM role, drove pau away, and then refused to let the rebuild until his retirement
oh wait that was kobe
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>LeMickey missed the playoffs then got swept and gentleman's swept the next two years
>head coach with zero head coaching experience who was only picked because he did a podcast with LeBron
>bum who averaged less than 5 PPG on under 40% shooting riding the bench for the second worst team in the PAC-12 gets a four year contract and will not play for G-league
He should either be traded or put to the bench if Demar is there.
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>Demar going from a perpetual play-in team to another perpetual play-in team
You make a fair point, the Lakers were mismanaged for basically Kobe’s entire career, start with the Shaq to Miami trade, one of the worst of all time, then go from there
Top 5 in most games missed by players and still play-in by a game. Add Demar and hopefully health I could see them being top 6 seed.
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Bitchass nigga.
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Anyway, does anyone else excited to see Paul George on the Philadelphia 76ers? I think that's just great, Paul George will certainly have the best supporting cast he's ever had, and so will Joel Embiid. If this team can get the vet minimum guys right, they might actually have a chance to break through the brick wall that is the Eastern Conference semifinals.
Eastern CF semifraudnals.
^Fake PG Fan
>Relying on a 34 will be 35 year old Demar and a 34 will be 35 year old jimmy to stay healthy
Yeah good luck with that. Even then which 2 of these teams are they going to be better than next season? Not the Celtics, Knicks, Bucks, Cavs or 76ers. The only 2 they have a realistic chance of being better than is the Pacers or Magic if they fall back. That being said the Magic and the Pacers still SHOULD be better and their important players are young guys that should be getting better instead of old guys that should be getting worse. Heat are an 8th seed. It's who they are.
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>expecting playoff pee to help in the offs
DeMar has been in the league for 15 years and teams still dont get that he does not move the needle in the playoffs?
If your favorite NBA player ate shit would you too? Some of you itt would.
I don't have much faith in the Cavs, if Jaquez and Jovic take the next step it wouldn't shock me
Heat ceiling is still getting btfo in the second round tho
Top two seed will probably be the Celtics and Knicks unless injury happens. I'd say it's a mix up with the rest of the bracket. 3rd and 8th were separated by two games last year. I don't think there's such a massive difference. Could they be 8th seed? Sure but they could be top 6 aswell. Not really crazy to think, conferences usually are competitive.

Also Cavs haven't changed one but and Dame/Lopez are only more washed for the Bucks.
I personally believe in Bronny. What would he have to do to make you satisfied? If he can just get 10-15 PPG with a good amount of assists then I'll be happy
>playing in hometown on a team that traded a shit ton of assets for him
>just forget that he forced his way out of OKC with 3 years on his deal for a second
>says he wants to win a ring there, is committed etc
>Clippers offer Kawhi a 3 year contract for 50m/year because despite his gay injuries he is the main “star” player of the franchise
>take not its not the 4 years
>on top of this Kawhi actually takes a small pay cut of about 10% to give them a bit more wiggle room
>PG gets butthurt that they wont offer him a 4 year deal at the same pay grade as Kawhi despite him not being as important to the team or achieving really anything of note besides being a slightly above average player
>runs to Philly just to get the bag

This move solidifies him as a spineless pussy, I dont see him going anywhere in Philly, maybe he will even try to leave before his contract is up knowing how he works now. Using the money Kawhi saved them they brought Batum back, who frankly is a guy they needed and a smart player, just look what he did for Philly last season in the Play-In. I dont expect this move to make Philly significantly better and dont expect them to leave the second round either. Paul George is injury prone and doesnt deserve long term max money into his old age. Kawhi got it because he is a 2 time Finals MVP and as bullshit as it is, he gets to rest on his laurels more and his potential upside is higher and he can do more than PG can. That being said I dont trust his health either, obviously, but they need someone to sell jerseys and PG aint that guy.

Also podcasting is gay and if you watch multi-hour NBA podcasts where two dudes massage each others shoulders the whole time, you are retarded.
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>to break through the brick wall that is the Eastern Conference semifinals
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It would be funny if the Heat got him, thinking he would help them win tho
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>gets called a team switching loser (check)
>is presented with clear archived posts of him doing this
>thinks that anyone with a brain believes that there are multiple bulgarian people who post here enough to claim a team
>combined with the fact that he posted nets + he still to this day will post ben simmons memes
>ierrrr uhh,.,, *gobbles jokics serb cock* i ain readin all dat,, *tries to start cupra but the starter got stolen by the local eunuch)
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He's not going to average 10pts, let alone 15
Last year guys like Naz Reid and Cam Johnson averaged about 13.5/gm
He literally doesn't have to do anything except take a little weight off Embiid's shoulders l
this isn't even really a hail mary 'fuck it' 55th round pick like most of these were, the bronny one is literally just 'lol what if he's lebron again' which is the most unrealistic expectation ever. have u niggas seen gary payton jr? dat nigga is ass and somehow his daddy name was so strong it gave that trash ass nigga a nickname
I will be satisfied with 5/2/2 a night
What will happen to the nuggets if they don't get Westbrook?
gp jr the second* ^ obv i meant, his dad was actually a hooper, his son a curry jewelry piece
Those shooting splits look strikingly similar to Gaytums playoff percentages. If only Derozan had four fringe all stars around him.
Three players in the NBA have a no trade clause. Bradley Beal is the obvious one. The other two just signed contracts that have no trade clauses. The 2nd one is LeBron who has one in his new deal, the 3rd is more proof of Pat Rileys senility. The Heat just signed Thomas Bryant to a one year deal and for some reason that has a no trade clause
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>thomas bryant
remember when lebron and AD made him look decent and then he got benched for old ass deandre jordan
Prove your seething claims or your mom's a hoe. You must have learned from her, jumping on my dick all day like that.
Demar is so shit in the playoffs. Like at least other playoff shitters like Harden and embiid have the occasional good game. Demars playoff legacy games are him not being a net negative. God hes ass
You did it bro.
can we agree that

kennard and josh green > slow mo and buddy hield

or am i retarted
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>55th pick
>8m contract
And why even go for DeMar? He plays a style that died a decade ago his defense is BAD. His playmaking is kind of good but doesnt make up for his shortcomings. Just get a young playmaker. Even if jimmy is a role player from now on him and bam on defense are solid defense. Build the offensive engine.
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Who's stopping this team 4 times?
they might still be a decent team. Westbrick is the final harbinger of the end
GP2 got minutes in the playoffs playing defense at least, but he was much older than Bronny
GP2's career averages are 5/3/1
I don't think Jimmy is as washed as you people say he is.
Derozan is going to the nuggets.
>Tyrese Maxey
>Haywood Highsmith
>Paul George
>Kelly Oubre
>Joel Embiid
How close is game 7 in the 2nd round
he's always hurt and aging. That's the usual recipe for washed
>prove le thing you've already proven
your moms a hoe
Who's higher all time PG or Butler?
>After retiring from a 12-year NBA career, four-time All-Star Kemba Walker is rejoining the Charlotte Hornets on new coach Charles Lee's coaching staff as a player enhancement coach.
They get blown out in 5
pg since he is in the goat debate
Butler easily. 2 finals appearances trump an all nba first team and top 3 in mvp voting, easily. Trumps an mvp too if were being honest. Why do we care about mvps so much?
>not just spending time at home watching anime
I have a feeling that Paul George will get injured. It is the superteam curse that David Stern branded onto the NBA as following his death.
Retards like the Italian will tell you butler because his ass got carried to 2 finals he got smoked in because g leaguers shot 90% from 3. Paul George is unarguably the better player
i wish tobias harris had signed a ''im gone prove haters wrong'' 1 year contract with the warriors
Stern was a faggot, I wish I he had died 15 years sooner
Damn you guys really hate Jimmy Butler.
They're also getting Buddy Heild and maybe Marhakken
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he became cringe. It happens
You do realize he uses his hair for IRL shitposting, right?
Its higher all time not better peak same reason no one ranks shaq top 3 all time. Pg has 2 memorable playoffs and thats his early pacers run and the 2021 playoffs.
>rewriting history
The roleplayers played well but jimmy also went to another level in the playoffs. PG will never have a game like this.

intentional cringe is still cringe
>no proof
>only gawk gawk gawk

That's what I thought bitchnigga.
would you rather have josh green or slow mo?
>Free agent LeBron James has agreed to a two-year, $104 million deal to return to the Los Angeles Lakers, sources tell ESPN. Deal includes player option and no trade clause.
PG is a better 82 game player, Jimmy is a better 16 game player
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post the interior of your vehicle right now.
>ignores all the proof last thread
your moms a hoe
>Mo Bamba
>Derrick Jones Jr
>Kevin Porter Jr
>Nicolas Batum

Are any of these players any good?
You just know you won the argument when he starts spewing "your mom's a hoe" and going on a thinly veiled racist tirade.
jones and Batum are good role players, KPJ is an allstar talent but is also insanely stupid
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>carried to 2 finals
specifically who carried him?
Golden State isn't making the play-in if they don't sign a star to replace Klay.
Paul George is better though because he got his ass blown out by well known GOAT Damian Lilshart while Butler lost to roleplayers like LeBron, AD and Jokic
No don't post stats that goes against Inceltics narrative! He will say Caleb Martin in 2023 despite Jimmy averaging more points and having more points in game 7 than Caleb.
Paul George just keeps opening his mouth and saying all the wrong shit, he isnt a leader.

Paul George best attribute by far is his late game defense but as far as his offense is concerned hes a streaky shooter and has a tendency to be off when it matters most. He will show up for one game then be mediocre or disappear for another two.
Pg works best as the second best player, something he acknowledged himself. Butler is a leader but he doesnt have the talent the best of the best have. Opposite of KD whos talent is second to literally nobody but isnt strongmind enough to lead a team
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A 40 year old billionaire with the work ethic of someone who is trying to get their family out of the trenches and put food on their table. This is what greatness is made of.
I wonder what rich athletes do when they retire. Like you have hundreds of millions to your name, and you're only ~30. The fuck do you do for the remaining 50 years of your life?
Doesn't Bronny's contract put the Lakers in the 2nd apron?

just how embarrassing will it be for Lauri to play for Utah again after Ainge was trying to ship him to several other teams but asked for too much in return, they've said hes "untouchable" and still hold auctions for his ass.
he needs to get the hell out already, don't sign the extension and a trade is guaranteed even before free agency, fuck Ainge
Cant believe him and Bronny are already working out, GOATs
They are decent role players and they along with Kawhi and Harden will make it so the Clippers are at least a playin team next year
How famous is Lauri in Finland? Is he mogged by hockey stars?
>Jimmy Butler isnt a top 30 player in the league
>but he's better than Paul George
aright bro whatever you say
I'd hire a pro dominatrix to tie me up and make me lick her feet or sit on my face while she uses a vibrator, milking machine or e-stim to force an orgasm like, every day.
One $300 session per day is only $100k per year.
When did Jimmy stop being a top 30 player?
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Keep choking on my dick, hoe.
he's popular but I assume hockey players are more popular, basketball is tiny compared to hockey here, I don't really follow hockey so hard to say
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Ring check?
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>the ringer
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>giving Thomas Bryant a no trade clause
>selfish, losing style of play vs efficient, winning style of play

Wow its almost as if LeBronpanzees only care about empty box scores


is this u
She'll give you a discount if it's for a year
>Heat fans: Pat do something please
>Pat: Okay *gives Thomas Bryant an NTC*

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