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Look at the map: Turkey is not Europe. Why are they allowed to participate?
To be fair Israel is even less Europe
asians don't want them either
Only 3% of Turkey is in Europe, the other 97% are in Asia.
Those 3% really should belong to Greece. Istanbuls real name is Constaninople and the Hagia Sophia is a cathedral that was turned into a mosque.
Europe ends at Hungary's Eastern border.
We allow them in football, because it's just entertainment, it doesn't matter. They're not allowed in the EU, because that's actually significant.
Part of Turkey is in Europe and the Turkish FA was founded in Salonika which is in Europe and
also >>142504389 go make a thread about them being in Europe if you want to complain about geographic shit
arbitrary continent arbitrary federation
Neither are we, but it makes it more fun
What exactly is europe anyway? is it like some continental ridge?
its out of respect for anatolia's christian past
ain't turkey middle east?
Why not? Half the players on the tournament come from a place further south that that.
They're in NATO and honestly they're better off not being in the EU
Still whiter than France
It looks like a big red turd in the Mediterranean toilet
Half the teams arent european
Europe ends on the Caspian Sea and Urals, anything west of these and north of the fertile crescent is Europe
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>Israel is in Europe

No. It fucking isn't for fucks sake. Are we really going the EUROVISION road here? Whats next Australia in the fucking Euro?
Kazakhstan has bigger territory in Europe than Turkey.
Holy shit no.
I wish the Euro*eans just make a mix team with their remaining little whitey population and white players and play against us. Its really strange to play in Euro tournament against teams like Ghana, Somali, Morocco, Sudan and other African countries.
>and the Hagia Sophia
would not exist if the Ottomans hadn't restored it to it's former glory.
Dafür dass auf die Türken so sehr geschissen wird, haben sie doch auch gute Taten vollbracht.
hungarians are literally turks.
you are german, turkish men are having sex with german women while you were posting this.
1.8 million people with declining birthrate. stop posting and start having sex.
Kikes made it happen
There's a tiny bit of what should be greece that we shouldn't have let them keep after WW1 so somehow the whole country gets a pass idk
you have a problem with turkey but not georgia?
Why do you care

Not Europe.
Weird how the turks got slaughtered in WW1 and migrate to Germany in the millions yet feel like they should have any pride whatsoever. What have you done other than conquer a Byzantine Empire that was brutalised and betrayed by Crusaders? You've never made anything, you have no actual culture, just stolen Roman culture and arab cocksucking (Islam), you're actually more backwards than you were 100 years ago and piss on the legacy of one of the few good leaders you had (Ataturk)
>turkish men are having sex with goats while you were posting this
quintessential british post
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AKSHUALLY its real name is Bizantium, the Romans took control of it and later on Constantine decided to name it after himself.
They are unironically whiter than France, UK or Netherlands teams
Jew PM
they're in uefa. happy to clear it up for you
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Maybe this will help you.
Why are you niggers so butthurt about turks literally ALL the time? All i hear is waah waah wahh le evil turks. Why? Fuck all of you. Cant wait for World War 3.
You are brown and muslim.
>Weird how the turks got slaughtered in WW1
Check what happened in 1915 you fat fucking retarded NIGGER. We fucked you up and we would fuck you up a thousand times if we waged war a thousand times. Learn history you maggot.
To be fair, if you were Israel, would you really want to be in any organisation with any of your geographical neighbours?
So? Better than being jewish, atheist and faggots like the west is.
You lost 15% of your population you fucking cockroach.
I absolutely love turks shitting on what are essentially their allies, desperately hoping for europe to aknowledge them inatead.
Let me break it down to you: you will forever be considered arab adjacent, and in europe, arabs are hated more than any other race, including subsaharan africans that you love to point at. Have some respect for what are essentially the only nations that look up to you.
Because they're massive fucking crybabies. Fucking can't wait for them to scream about racism for a solid week now that they're out.
I’ve seen this 3% referenced before, can you explain what it means?
So when do you leave the atheist gay kuffa germany?
Alright Hasan.
Go back
They've got one toe (Thrace) on the border, so it's whatever
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East Thrace is the part of Turkey that is geographically a part of Southeast Europe.[1] It accounts for 3.03% of Turkey's land area and 15% of its population.

They started in the AFC but Asian and African teams regularly refused to play with them, so they almost qualified to the 1958 WC without playing a single match (FIFA had to arrange a special game between them and Wales). In typical Israeli fashion they were later expelled from the AFC, and played in the Oceanian Confederation for a while. UEFA is still the closest confederation where they could play.
not to anyone who knows anything about phenology
>and played in the Oceanian Confederation for a while

Fuck, this is whacky and silly as it is....
Do people really care about Hagia Sophia anymore? It's difficult to pretend it's relevant when Christianity is basically dead in Europe
So? They can deal with it. You dont even let russia play.

Who is ''you'' in this context tho?
You got sent back to your retarded nigger, you lost. Now go back to eating blood and beans for breakfast you neanderthal. Killing populations is all you did in history, dirty imperials. There is not a single English person in heaven, your grandmother is deepthroating Satans cock as we speak.
europe is made up, the actual continent is eurasia
Go back to Europe, fuck off that island you mutt parasite
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Why are you so butthurt
European geography is pretty subjective, mostly it comes down to Christendom, racial origins and culture. Obviously Turkey as THE enemy of European Christendom historically is why these border memes exist, not because of geography. If Turks were Christian or they somehow continued their path to a fully secular nation it is quiet natural to think of at least Western Turkey as Europe, it is genetically and culturally very Europeanized.
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>European geography is pretty subjective

England is not in Europe why are they allowed to participate?
There are millions of Turks in Europe already, so it's moot. The EU doesn't have any invested interest in keeping out migrants from outside of Europe either.
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if you simply draw a square around the most south and most west points of europe, much of turkey is in it tho
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England is in Europe tho.
The Turks CREATED Europe. Europe is the Christian tip of a real continent. That's why winning against us was worth 10000 times the championship cup. You snowniggers are obsessed with Turks. You deny it and say "we don't give a fuck about you" when accused, but chimpout worse than BLM when you score a W against us, and feel worse than you've ever felt when you lose against us. Don't deny it while they party's still on. ;)
EU is a political and trade union, not a continent. But you knew that, of course.
Just matching your energy babes
Least butthurt turk
this 100%. Theres not a single nation /spol/ is more obsessed about
Yes it is.
Now kiss
I didn't S on anyone's flag, nigga. Wtf? I thought we were the uncivilized ones?
europe isn’t even an actual continent, it’s just a peninsula. it’s a made up continent
Why not? Like 70% of russia sits on the asian continent closer to china and they still get considered a European country.
You need to leave. You will always be irritating
The only parts that are remotely up for debate is whether the caucasus should be the border or georgia and/or armenia are in and where the border is in central asia
>it's just a peninsula
get off the vpn, you amerishart educated sperg
>There is not a single English person in heaven, your grandmother is deepthroating Satans cock as we speak.
top kek
hey, leave my goats out of this, they are not for you to fuck
kinda yeah in eastern Christianity (byzantine Catholicism and orthodoxy) but not in the western church which was in most of europe except pockets and in like greece
What are you even saying, there is Eurasia as a continent by objective criteria and there is Europe as a continent made up as a political/cultural/racial geographical distinction.
That's not a square, that's a rectangle. And should it be a square anyway?
Why use a map projection that doesn't accurately show the size of the territory, for that matter? Here is a map projection that does, with an actual square. And don't whine about outliers like Iceland or Ukraine. Using a square or any straight line is bullshit anyway. Europe is defined by its history and genetics.
It was a big mistake to make former Russian countries members of the European Union
Why? I think they're pretty based.
Naw Christians only exist in Africa now
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Or how about an undistorted projection and a circle?
I like this map, thanks mapbro
>meat barrier
>pretty based
turks moving to germany to brag on how awesome t*rkey is
most russians live on the european part, opposed to turkey
They use EU for their advantage and disregard some of it's idiotic rules. That's based.
all true but doubt its that relevant now
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>episode 9242748748 of "/sp/ learns that UEFA also includes countries that aren't in Europe because it's literally just a partnership between the different football associations who really don't care that much about geography"
Stay tuned for next week's reruns of "why does the UK have separate teams" and "why is Australia in Eurovision?"
just like ukraine
Ukraine's not in EU, but sure. The more you exploit this union the better.
The Russian don't even consider themselves to be european
Because they occupy Constantinople
>Part of Turkey is in Europe
So France should participate in Copa America because one of their regions is in South America, got it
15% of turks live in European continent, if Bosphorus is the border
thats half of IST btw, if you count IST as a whole its 25%
why a circle?
Eurasia divide.
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>Equating a territory seperated by the atlantic ocean to one accessible by foot. High iq post
Why a square?
Why not a star?
Using geometric shapes is arbitrary.
They have that little bit that is Constantinople. That’s in Europe.
Russians, unlike Turks, are actual Europeans. They're Slavs.

Plus Russia is the largest country in Europe. They control 40% of Europe.
will brits and germans have a love/hate relationship like us when the scars of WW2 eventually fades?
russians did a hecking communism
Um maybe because Russians are native to Europe? They conquered Siberia in the 16th century.
Turkey is a bit of an edge case geographically. Israel is there for political reasons. But why on earth is Kazakhstan in UEFA?
Based, why limit ourselves, this is now europe
They have bigger territory than Turkey in Europe

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