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Something something doyers hololive something something edition
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Our Atlanta Braves won today~
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5 foot 3 inch men typed this
I drink but you can do anything, just have fun
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/mlb/ will never die under my watch!
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Do you read during baseball?

(forgot pic)
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i play crusader kings 3

i expect all doyer thotposts to be Asians
Hi, I'm back from my walk in my 100% neighborhood.
I read /mlb/ while watching baseball.
I'm back from my walk in my 100% neighborhood.
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not my problem
ya win yankerkun?
Dios mios
Disgusting hags
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asian women prefer white men such as brandon nimmo and pete alonso
Yanks can’t throw this performance from Gil away.
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Doyers, y'all excited for Phillies?
10 minutes without an interview ESPN how about some woman next
Cubspie mogs.
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You say?
why would I want four iphones?
So you can text your three other friends
cubspie is locked in my basement
The next guy to hit 600 HR's isn't in the majors right now.
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I'm glad Gil seems to have got over that slump. We need more run support.
he still hasn't redeemed himself after the last few piss poor performances
Juan Soto has a chance
M's bros... we're missing the playoffs again aren't we
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just tuned in. this just a pitchers duel?
that's some good slopanese
why is she standing in front of a post-apocalypse San Francisco?
shes giant
He'll need to seriously pick up the pace and put up some monster HR years in his late 20's and early 30's to have a chance at it.
she's standing on top of it ya dingus
nah. both teams aren't at full strength. just hoping for a good showing and no one getting hurt.
thats how it always looks
good im glad shes somewhere safe
pretty much
super short innings
noted. ima get some tacobell
keeping Gil in is a mistake
I'll look at Phillies injury list, damn shame then but glad to be informed now than never knowing later.
reminds me of that [s4s] drawing where some troon's got a new recruit to their lair with anime shit everywhere kek
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Sasuga Boone.
God fucking damnit.
what's a cubspie
good timing with the stat
a lobotomized femboy cubs fan
Devers slaying the Yankees
that's every cubs fan
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Wholesome folk I tell ya, on their way to the world series.
Also Ben Rice is a biggest piece of shit traitor since Roger Clemens. Grew up in MA a Yanks fan.
Soto walk Judge bomb please.
He a Bandwagon bitch
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What's wrong being a fan of another team in a different state? I refuse to be a Cheastros fan simply because I'm from Houston, so I chose to become a Dodgers fan for life.
but didn't you hear his hearwarming story about growing up idolizing Derek Jeter they told three times?
queen of /mlb/
>Ben Rice
lmao the stankees are really pinning their hope on a fucking GRAIN
Ohtani will do it if he stays healthy. He has 8-9 good power hitting years left and he’ll average 45 a year until he’s 38
Yankees need some natural born Red Sox killers, much like the Red Sox always got natural born Yankee killers like David Ortiz, Curt Schilling, and Josh Beckett.
is cubspie a boy or a girl
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go away
He will be better than what Jim Rice was
I get more pussy than you
Judge could. He’ll need another 60HR year tho
ESPN announcers on suicide watch
man, that post makes me feel like I'm back in high school.
Sox are trying to give us the game yet again, please take it.
What does it make you feel like when you insult all cubs fans? Does that make you feel good about yourself? Is that a mature thing to do?
My Yankees are FUCKING ASS.
>Arson Fudge
All Rise? More like All Fallen lol.
that's right. they're also bad at baseball
Kek this one kinda got me.
I wasn't the anon you responded to, it was just an observation.
pipe down. cubs will have their day again.
cubs are on a roll!
Los Chicano solution to Los Mexican problem
Man nailbiter of a game!
No can do that wouldn't be polite NYC is all about politeness.
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Rivera will always be a Jew Yorker. No refunds. I think my Yankees should hit the ball more, however.
But queens are female??
Got it, so I’m immature for responding to someone that painted all cubs fans as “lobotomized femboys” but you have no problem with the guy that instigated it. Youre fucked in the head
A man
Too bad Harper will have to retire at 35 due to back issues. Fucker swings too hard for his own good
exactly now you're getting it
who gets the most cubspie pussy?
your mom
nobody she's pure
why isnt faggot mike in the lineup
you have to admit it was a lazy response, a lie borne of what I presume is frustration. it lacked the usual snap I usually see from Cub posting.
Looks like it’s summer vacation in this thread. Fuck it, I’m out.
Baseball is a sport played during the summer.


shut up faggot
Stupid retard umpies tried to rig this game for the Stankees LMAO
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I do not like the r*d sox.
I envy the people that have never had to deal with you
He has a bussy and I'm sure a bunch of homos
Judge is 32 and not even at 300 yet. 500 is still a question for him, let alone 600.

Ohtani just hit 30 years old and is at 199. He has a shot at 400 if he ages well, but there's no way he gets to 500, let alone 600.

Harper is actually making solid pace. He's over 300 at 31, if anything, the time he's missed during his via injury is what keeps him out of the 600 club.

Speaking of injury, Trout is almost 33 and is almost at 400. If he stayed healthy he would cleared 600 with ease, and maybe even threaten for 700.
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Does your wife also have black hair?
No one will reach 763 homers in the future. That's the sad reality.
the yankees are probably missing the postseason at this rate. sad stuff. i think they just need to blow the team up at this point, trade everyone for the next 5 #1 picks and topn prospects. aim for a 2032 world series chip and just tank the next few seasons.

it worked for the A’s. and then orioles.
its time.
Pitching is gonna be the death of my Dodgers.
Have fun at reddit and stay there
What happened to cubspie?
Skenes has made some Faustian deal with the devil to give him that insane arm right? First round pick to all star next year, is this the modern The Year the Yankees Lost the Pennant?
yankees will be fine

his UCL could tear at any moment, just reality of being a pitcher these days
He’s got 12-14 years left and he seems like one of those guys who morphs into a big time power hitter like Bonds. 35 a year until 2035 gets him there
mutilated cock axe-holes don't count as pussy
He’ll make fewer than 100 career starts guaranteed. You can’t sustain throwing that hard
Damn, would have been nice to get a third, but 2-0 feels a tiny bit better than 1-0. Come on Boston.
Literally reminds me of deGrom. God tier pitcher for a 2/3 year stretch. I’m talking 12k appearances, one hitters over 8 innings type of games. We all know how it went with deGrom.

Starting pitchers are turning into running backs for the NFL. Super short elite years as their bodies can’t keep up with bigger, faster, stronger.
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking loser? How porn addicted and pol brained are you? How does that thought even enter your head? You are legitimately sick
>yankees have only won 3 games since the sox beat them in boston
CONSPIRANCY THEORY: Yankees will win their 28th ring in 2036. It will be their first in ironically 27 years as a reference to the amount of rings they had since 2009.
NFL RB is a great comparison. There’s gonna be a resurgence of guys who throw high 80s and locate well like Moyer. This ‘everyone throws 97’ shit isn’t sustainable
Next club to win their first World Series?
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Baseball is not life, but baseball has life
Yankee fans should have rushed the field and tear down the foul poles after yesterday's win like in college football. Then this game wouldn't have been played and thus no embarrassing loss.
This is par for the course for them look at the last 3 seasons same thing, start the season Hot and then cool down in July and go out on a whimper in September/ October
Based Knower. Yankees crash out in the ALDS and Boone gets canned
he's throing a far amount of the slower pitches too probably aware of that
Anyone not named the Mariners

half the team tested positive for roids
cubspie, my queen...
You’re still throwing hard on a splitter or a slider. The arm motion shouldn’t change or else it tips the pitch
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Pick one
And DJ grounds out what a surprise god damnit I can’t take this shit anymore.
Yup Grishit is getting DFA'd after this.
don't fetish shame maybe yankee fans are into ntr
yankees are gonna miss the playoffs.
its a certainty.

whats the best course of action for them?
A) fire boone
B) blow up the team
C) pretend nothings wrong and try again next year
yeah his splitter especially. but he's not banging the 101MPH FB non-stop

wow the yankees stink
Unfortunately Cashman and little Steinbrenner remain. Need to remove those two as well.
None of them unironically
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Thoughts on PNC park?
give Soto to the Mets
First two plus little Steinbrenner selling the team.
Brewers or padres. Seattle can’t win one with this current offense. Rockies are 3-4 years away from the playoffs at least. Rays are going to be mogged by the yanks and O’s the next decade
Boone and Cashman must go. Unfortunately C will be what happens.
>Yankees fans already leaving the stadium
Kek it's not even October yet. Jesus Christ their fanbase is just as spoiled.
What do the Mets offer?
someone post the cubbie bear maid!
cities are trash, skyscrapers especially
cool water aesthetic like oracle
he's a FA at the end of the year
well wishes
New York is a women's basketball and soccer city. At least they play with pride and win.
Seriously ffs. Come on I'm for the sox but they could 100% lose this. Two runs is nothing.
>booing raphy
I honestly thought the yellow bridge was part of the stadium
lol! lol! lol!
I think that's the nicest image of a beautiful day in the park ahead of Colorado and SF.
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>gets boo'd
>here have another
Fire Aaron Boone immediately.
based devers
the skyline in the background does look pretty cool on TV
come on bombston just three more
Devers is like a young David Ortiz
Mexico City in about a decade
let's go ricey ben
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Yanks probably should've saved some of those runs from yesterday for tonight's game
When anti-Yankee fans want you to keep certain coaches and players, that's when you get rid of those coaches and players.
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I guess you can call him "Small Papi"
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My Chadres of course.
Yankees are just luring everyone into a false sense of security. Soon the bear will awaken and take off his gloves.
The stankees should keep Judge, Soto and Stanton
i do hope that the yankees keep boone and cashman, they're such a great team and can ensure the yankees much success for decades to come.
So the stankees are into fisting?
pay attention to the game aaron
This so much! Boone 2040!! Yankees tonight now have the sox right where they want them!!!!
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Sup frens, fell asleep around the fifth inning, but I just woke up and whattya know the Mets won that ballgame! Here’s that template that the one anon asked for.
Why can't the Yankees find players who own the Red Sox much like how the Red Sox find players who own the Yankees?
I need that maid image macro
Because nobody wants to play in pinstripes. Ken Griffey Jr. knows that.
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Griffey was always broken after he left Seattle
>Posts the same link three time
What kind of mental illness is this?
despite all the sucking done by yankees the sox pitching was really solid tonight
Every other sports team in the Metropolitan area is a colossal failure, even your Mets.
Because the Yankees have no heart, care, or pride.
>Since March 31, Red Sox are 14-2 on Sundays
>Woman basketball
Anon, WNBA is going to cool off after a year. I don't know about soccer.
It's just the standard falling apart in midseason that Stankees have done for years.
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I almost wish that Boone didn't hit that home run in 03.
They have the money though and math which is much more important than outdated shit like that long term. Individual games are statistically meaningless. Just watch the rest of the season and who comes out on top in the end (spoiler: NYY)
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But I do like the Red Sox.
God wills it.
>tfw no baseball til thursday
What is the MLB equivalent of caitlin clark
Based leaf bro, jays are cool too even if I still like our syrup more.
I'd just like to once again advocate for Total Ump Death. Leave it to the cameras you faggots, your eyes suck, they never won't suck, stop ruining everything.
paul skenes
why is that bad
gayce shartper has killed the game of baseball and when he's gone everyone who actually likes the game will be happy
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since the yankees haven't even made it to the world series in 15 years and all their stat padding is from like the fucking 1930s wouldn't that mean that money is outdated and SOVL is what wins championships in the current league?
we need shocked fat black man to appropriately respond in this thread now more than ever
good games today /mlb/, lets all go take a walk in our 100% neighborhoods
Our 100% what
He forgot to type spic
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>he needs reminding
that's correct
Deal with it.
27 has 2 rings
Deal with it.
100% neighborhood walkers ww@?
Deal with it.
100% umpies? They are neighbors after all. Otherwise idc what you’re babbling about.
I'm back from my walk in my 100% neighborhood
Did you the whole way?
I did the walk did the neighborhood but only 99% it was I'm so very sorry /mlb/ I failed you you trusted me and I failed you
Girl (xy)
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This entire time, I thought Cubspie was just /mlb/'s way of calling cub fans in a cute way. It's an actual fucking person this whole time? There's fucking LORE in /mlb/?
She wears a maid outfit and has cubstism. You’ve probably seen her around.
Give her the old gapeway arse treatment
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Umpchads run this genny and if you don't like it then YERRR OUTTAA HEREEEEE
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Who’s got the umpchad w. a gun? I seem to have misplaced mine :(
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post the cub maid!
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Don't got it, but have this instead.
My pirates ):
Something like this needs to be done at Yankee Stadium
Thanks frens!
I saved this but renamed it ThisGameIsGoingTooWellForMyLiking
It’s weebtuber faggotry, isn’t it?
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This is getting ridiculous now
Where is 2hu Dadspie?
No, it's a Lyon fan tearing their own team down over the stadium sound system after an embarrassing loss, with the rest if the crowd supporting him. It's what the Yankee players need to go through, because these losses are unacceptable.
It's not about winning and losing it's about having fun :^)
Kek frogs fucking seething
>reeee you wear my favorite shirt you owe meeeeee wins!!!
Cub maid. This thread. Now.
When you get paid millions, it's no longer about YOU having fun, it's about the audience having fun.
post the pic
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where is fruitspie?
That sounds like a you problem.
>yanks have only won like 5 games this past month
tf happened to them? They looked unstoppable prior. At this rate they'll be overtaken by Boston

And isn't this the one who turned out to be a psycho and got fired or something
>At this rate they'll be overtaken by Boston
that's the plan boss
Where is Foodspie?
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The more stankees lose, the more Juan Soto lose interest in signing an extension with Yankees. How's Grish working for you? Thanks for higgy and King BTW. Enjoy your Soto rental, Jew York!
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Good night for the good guys
They're streamers who larp as anime girls anon, they are all psychos.
Yes, she's bipolar and refuses to take her meds
This ain't it, chief
their starting ERA was like <3, it's fallen apart
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unexpected tommy lee jones
hes been the face of boss coffee since like the release of MIB3
japan loves gura
yeah I remember him as one of the OGs back like 20 years ago when late night shows and early youtube discovered that celebs appear in foreign ads
Can someone explain the origin of this Cubspie? How did you all even spot her out in /mlb/ threads anonymously?

What two ballboys are you sending to Texas next week?
15 years later the ghost of Babe Ruth is still punishing the Yankees for demolishing "his house". Now that's worth a 100 year curse.
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There are a few Cubspies so you're not wrong. I'm pretty sure the one in question is one of the spammers that posts "gay louis" and other shit.
She and a few others constantly spammed "gay [whatever team beat the piss out of the cusb]". Eventually people noticed a pattern and they started naming them. Similar to ERG, Spammy, 2hu Dadspie though he used a name, rely rays, Cutespea and a bunch of others. It's really not hard to tell any of them apart, even the Cubspies, if you spend enough time here.
what will they think of next
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>Expecto Collapsum!
Study >>142161518
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>hey, LA got a pile of weeb cash from Hololive....what if we got....Nijisanji?

Gat dayum.
I want this unironically
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>Beat Mariners in Seattle and took the series
>Leo Jimenez got his first big league hit
Today was a good day.
Maid Desire

Maid Fulfilled
This is the maddest I've ever seen Jomboy
I'm back from my walk in my 100% neighborhood.
Link? I could do with a laugh
Were you culturally enriched?
>100% neighborhood.
Night walking while baseballed
There’s 3 cubspies and ERG the only reason people think there’s only one cubspie is because they intentionally copy each others posting style
i hate the dodgers
Ok, now this is incane JEEPIES
Just check his X posts on jomboy and talkin baseball
I thought they were doing something with NBA
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But y tho
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>three cubspies
I get they could be more than one person but how did you arrive at this specific number?
I want her adorable ass sliding up and down on me
Sorry but Taryn only visits Black Owned Businesses
For a brief moment I wanted to ask how you know this but don't even want to know. I come here infrequently and the only other regulars I see are Wincinatti, Sweden (formerly Dane? Singaporean?) and the eternally butthurt Panamaposter
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Jake Irvin was robbed
la's a dump

one t, friend
I'm here more than everyone you mentioned. If they're all regulars, what does that make me?
You're the bartender. I'll have one glass of London Fog btw
>you are 50-60+ years old enjoying a time honored tradition of watching your boys in blue
>a few beers in already
> https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9EbxsKs-tQ/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
>this comes up
What are they thinking about this?
i forgot to include,
>the doyers won the game as well
Not clicking but assuming that’s the vtuber shit
I’d probably joke about how gay everything is becoming and how im getting old then I’d go back to the game
I can live with all the dumb shit because ownership has shown year after year that they're committed to trying to win.
Considering they invited drag freaks last year, the boomer fans are probably numb to it all. Or maybe they think Ohtani is a fan
>man that nip can play ball but he sure brought over weird shit like anime larpers and octopus dumplings
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why isnt anyone talking about how banana ball was on national tv today?

because this is a major league baseball thread, honey
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The kids are gonna be alright.
The kids, are going to be, alright.
Everything is going to be a-fucking-okay brothers and sisters.
Play ball.
Because banana ball is GRIDS
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I will shit on Hal's and Cashman's desk.
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What the fuck
It works until Clayton Kershit gives up 6 runs in 2 innings and you lose the NLDS again
Thats what happens when you have him and 2 other starters carry the pitching all season and then you try and use him in the fucking 8th inning when hes a starter.
>heh that's a cute cartoon, kids these days
>anyways here's Will Smith with another moonshot
I really need someone to explain this virtual YouTuber thing to me. Like, why? What do they do on videos? Is there an actual person doing all the stuff and it gets mapped to this anime character in real time? Same with voice? Why not just watch the person doing all that stuff?
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Watched Field of Dreams and cried this evening desu.
>What do they do on videos?
They usually are streamers on video makers but its generally along the lines of what most flesh streamers do
>Is there an actual person doing all the stuff and it gets mapped to this anime character in real time?
Yeah there are programs with tracking using iphone cameras
>Same with voice?
Usually its just their voice but troons and men try and trick people. You can usually tell though pretty easily. Usually they stick to using TTS voice to hide it.
>Why not just watch the person doing all that stuff?
idk it just seems more appealing. Plus I think a big plus for alot of people is they can stay anonymous and be themselves more.
I can say for a fact that when I go to Dodger games alone I am much more animated and cheer far louder than when I am with my friends or family.
>why not just watch the person
Idk why anyone watches streamers at all tbdesu, I’m not even that old lmao. Who wants to watch someone else play video games? The only shit like that I’ve ever watched was kitboga on YouTube and even then I don’t watch it live cause it’s mostly boring.
not video makers*
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>he doesn't get the BLT
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is the internet that bad in st. louis?
the internet is fine but they only use it for grindr
i wanna see her ass getting railed by yankee bbc like in 1923, 1927, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1962, 1977, 1978, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2009
I’ve always wondered is it Gay Louis (Lewis) or Gay Louis (Louie)?
its gay louis kek
oh shit lmao nice
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most people pronounce the first way but all that matters is if you are without internet (grindr) you can find love in any nearbly loo
The Natural mogs
kek !
oh my kekkies!!
based based. absolutely based
gaynt blowass llol
yeah why the fuck is it St. Lewis, MO but Louieville, KY??
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If the Dodgers played the Cards instead of the Brewers the birds would have gotten shellacked because of the anime curse.
lemme tell ya /mlb/ i lmao'd my ass off when i saw st louis' city connect unis were almost exactly the same as their regular unis. milquetoast boring ass franchise in a milquetoast boring ass state
why is it kansas but arkansaw stop the madness!
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all right guys i have a thing i want to do
the yankee's are at the ray's tomorrow at 6:50pm
if the ray's win
dubs tells me what to speed run any baseball game (1st to 5th gen consoles)
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giants desu

I'm so fucking happy Webb and Ramos made the ASG, Ramos especially as testament to all the work he's put in to get to the level he's gotten to this year and to break the curse of Chili Davis

in a surprise trade, OF Austin Slater was dealt to the resd for LHP Alex Young

can't say I'm surprised, he just hasn't been that good this year at his job and he needed to go, him getting PH'd for Matos in the 9th today was a big sign
Just got back from my walk and I see the astros lost today...weird.
big time gaps there at the end desu
Just got back from my walk, sucked a bunch of homeless Mets fans off and swallowed to refresh myself. Love the Cubs!
Weird thing for an assturds fan to post.
ken griffey presents mlb on snes
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its gonna be great. our team President Callcenter is a fucking moron
nes rbi baseball 2
may your team have a 120 year long drought of world series
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Sneks won
Kek this is funny because you are gay and you are a cubs fan. Mein sides
Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby available for free online.
Or Losey the Berd's Cock Suck Frenzy available for free in gay louis.
Teams like the Dodgers at the top of the standings get Hololive collabs
Meanwhile teams like the White Sox at the bottom get Nascar
I feel bad for da nascar peeps. 2 years they’ve had this street race, rain both times
I got drenched from head to toe
And we lost so much of the race due to the rain delay and then mandatory stopping time
And of course the rain fucked up fan favorite drivers making it feel less legit
Fucking rain man...
for me it's st etienne fans throwing pyro at their team after they got relegated

You're a fucking moron aren't you?
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>rolling for picrel
ninja baseball bat man
No, I don’t think so. Why do you ask?
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Rolling for picrel
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Why didn't they just build a roof?
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I wish I lived somewhere where it was okay to behave like an angry hooligan
Do you ever stop to think that sometimes those fans are right and the players and club that sucked so much deserve it?
No because it’s sports. Losing your shit at that level over something that is ultimately inconsequential is fucking retarded. I love my team but I’m gonna throw shit at them for losing, or steal a microphone and give some gay speech about how I am owed because my team is super duper special.
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is he really good enough to be a rookie all-star
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>among rookies
File deleted.
this is hilarious
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oops i meant this picture
He's third in WAR in the NL among OFs (behind Profar and Nimmo, tied with Tatis).
They fought for the wrong side anyways.
Skenes is going so why mot
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Holy heckin fucking based polnazi I hate the freedoms and liberties that democracy provides
So sorry.
We all forgive you.
it’s not your fault
I do not forgive you
It is your fault
Well now I don't know what to think!
Stop thinking
I rarely do already.
>I have freedom to consoom 100 types of poison, be muzzled and vaxxed like cattle, be censored for any anti neomarxist opinion, and be taxed 2/3rds of my income for pedophilic jews
subhuman is not enough of a word for npc cattle like you
tunisia sounds terrible
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>nazis never played baseball
>npc cattle
because nothing dispels the notion of being cattle like living in a totalitarian fascist state that dictates your every whim lmao. go back to your grassdive thread.
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while we are on subject of US being the best nation on earth, gnats wtf are these? how hard is it to make a good USA themed uniform?
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Well, if "one sportswriter" says so, then it must be true.
you can read all about it if you like, the germans didn't play baseball and it only became a sport in Europe after american soldiers played it during the war.
My point would be rather that the audience would have been more disengaged more by confusion and detachment rather than sheer boredom by the sport itself, because they largely wouldn't have been familiar with baseball.

Besides, this is a country that loves a game where people roll on the ground for 90 minutes until it ends in a 0-0 draw, so I don't want to hear a fucking word about how baseball was just too boring for them.
>My point would be rather that the audience would have been more disengaged more by confusion and detachment rather than sheer boredom by the sport itself
well yea that's pretty much what the article says, they were cheering for pop ups because they would disappear into the darkness. night baseball was new just the year before and they had no idea how to light the stadium for the game. the crowd didn't understand balls and strikes, or base hits at all, and were leaving in droves by the fourth inning. because they didn't play baseball (which was the point I was making).
Anyone ever been to Nationals Park? Where is best place to park?
Ahem, FUCK the twins. That is all.
no we don't, fuck gura
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tunisia also has the highest aoc in the world
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why don't you explain exactly what that is, for the rest of the class, who might not be caught up on such important global matters.
/vt/ Spy reporting. Angry Asian women are making threads trying to present the GuraxDodgers collab as a bad thing.
Their efforts have been shameful at best and Chinese at worst.
By the way my Tigers Swept the Reds after Gura sang clearly Colt Keith has been motivated by high test Shark cunny.

Also Chris I am waiting on the RaoraxTigers collab. I demand those fat fat Italian thighs on the extra wide Jumbotron. Chris you cheap shut your dad would have paid her in Pizzas. Do the needful Chris.
It could be the Tigers-Yankees. Imagine the Yankees fans brought to tears hearing an Italian Bambina singing Take me Out to the Ball game. It's free money. Chris you gotta spend money to make money you coward.
Is Rushia the Pete Rose of Hololive?
I can't even be mad at you. It's kind of sad how Cleveland has the best record in the American League and absolutely no one cares about them at all. Hell, with Tim Anderson DFA'd you can't even buy relevance by having J-Ram punch someone.
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thank u vtubers for saving the doyers from irrelevancy
It's not that no one cares. They don't get any coverage. If it was the old AL East everyone would give a lot of shits about it.

If the race happened pre 1993
>3 way race between Guardians, Orioles, and Yankees
>national coverage as Yankees, Orioles and Guardians fans have their ears open watching to see how other teams are doing
>the West would have a 5 way battle between the Mariners, Twins, Rags, Royals and Astros

The AL Central was a fucking mistake. Soulless ass shit.

>Oh hey let's just take the Tigers and Guardians and smash them in with a bunch of AL West teams
>Let's take the Brewers the historic of the AL and throw them over to the NL

Oh but we gotta preserve tradition. Can't do this and that because of muh tradition. See we are upholding tradition... but actually we kind of hate tradition. Why aren't you guys watching anymore why do you hate baseball?
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>posting low effort b8 when you could be posting webms that upset yankee fans first thing in the morning
I mean people who could give a shit less about baseball went to that game and watched it. They're not wrong. Normally baseball has to emotionally manipulate people into caring.
>and watched it
From what I understand they all stood in a line for the entire game.
Being 8 games back in the standings is like winning the World Series for Braves fans
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They were always going to go to 3 divisions/league + wild card. More playoffs = more money, and 3 divisions was a lot less travel headaches. It did come crashing down though with the ALCentral being so shit, particularly in 2017. The 22 game winning streak was definitely taking advantage of a heavy division schedule down the stretch where the Indians were playing teams that sold at the trade deadline and were well out of it. That might have pushed the needle to add the third WC and go to an unbalanced schedule where everyone has to play a ton more out of division games. Between playing way more variety of teams and the third wildcard you got a more balanced regular season and way fewer teams are trying to sell at the deadline because they are within striking distance.
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completely btfo by >>142559153
>Rushia won btw
....the Biggest Menhera Whore competition.
A balanced regular season makes the regular season meaningless. You could have still done all that without tearing up the divisions. Shit the NBA has done it for decades. In fact it would have been better.

Top 3 teams from AL East get in 4 and 5 play a play in game. Instead the MLB did it in the worst possible way and created a Frankenstein monster.

I gave them an 8 team playoff that preserves the importance of the regular season. Now how about we get a Commissioner who holds the owners accountable for being cheap assholes.
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IDK. To me, it feels right being division rivals with midwest clubs. I grew up under the 3 division system and it just feels natural. Being division rivals with the AL East teams feels foreign. I think adding more playoff teams are always going to make dilute the regular season, but I guess they don't care about that because they celebrate when an 84 win wild card makes the world series.
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>be a psycho
>kek your fans
>kek your husband
>kill a cat by accident slamming a door
>get terminated from your company
>start and lose fights with other indies
>Japanese Keemstar uses you like a Piñata
>get hired to pretty big company and get a great vtuber model
>leave the company but get to keep the model sometimes stream with it
>your new indie model is literally just your original companies model with pink hair
>get voice acting job might have flubbed that because no one can trust you to honor an NDA
>post yourself cosplaying the vtuber character from the company you were terminated from... kinda hot ngl I'd hit it
>afew days ago do ASMR stream... make $16,000 just whispering into a microphone
She's like Boogie... but a Japanese woman I need to have sex with ASAP.
I'm a Tigers fan so I have benefited the most from the current system and you guys literally didn't start doing well until it so I get it. But I know.Tigers fans still see the AL East as rivals. Which probably has a lot to do with actually beating them out for Division Titles and Winning WS during the 2 division era. Like the Tigers used to have a legit rivalries with the Orioles and Red Sox. We banned John Denver's song Country Boy from our stadium because of the Orioles.

I get it helps smaller teams but we did lose a lot more then we gained.
What's the funny part? That it's weeb shit you personally don't care about? I know basic empathy is a tall ask on this site, but surely you'd have to imagine that this would be a shitty experience if it happened to you with something that mattered to you.
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the funny part is that when you came here to post your low effort bait it was all
>haha boomers and your irrelevant sportsball
but when you are kindly told fuck off it's all
>muh fuckin basic empathy is a tall ask on this site, imagine their shitty experience.
>come to sports board
>cry and seeth at the first sign of banter
this isn't for you
>Shota is in the all star
>Gils is not in the all star
But you told me he's going to win the Cy Young.
I do not watch vtubers because I am not a faggot.
My Yankees :(
Yankees suck
are 0-6-1 over their last 7 series
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We can't lose if we don't play today.
>Say the line, Boone!
Are people still saying that Mookie Betts, a player that has no shot of playing in the ASG was robbed by fans voting for Trea Turner, a player that will play? I mean, Mookie still made it lmao
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its sad that racism still exists in 2020+4
when will mookie's replacement (lindor) be announced?
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The eye of the hurricane just passed over the city and we finally got some peace for a bit. I’m without power/internet and the seal on my window broke, so water was leaking in while I was asleep. At least I can hangout with my pet birds. I hope everything gets cleaned up so I can go to BP and the game on Wednesday
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Still seething about yesterday’s loss tbqfh. That was the kind of loss that sends a team spiraling on a 7-game losing streak
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karma for all your years of cheating
I don’t understand why people live where hurricanes and tornadoes happen. Oh also it’s hotter than satans asshole all summer
Lindor was the one who got robbed, not Dookie Butts
Reds and nats needed a rep, and nobody on either team came close to Abrams or Elly. It happens, but Lindor will get in as an injury replacement. Now I'm waiting for a pitcher to opt out so Cristopher Sanchez gets in
Seriously? We’re going to do this now? Come on man
i can't fucking wait to see polanco, haniger and france in the lineup tomorrow it's never going to fucking end.
stay strong brother
Hope there's minimal damage

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