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Its happening! Sumo is back.
Kakuryu's disciple Kakuho kicked off the action winning a decisive victory in the opening jonokuchi content just a short while ago and Takara Leben is sponsoring on Abema with the same saccharine adds they've been using since March.


>Fight Schedule & Results:

>Some sumo links and how to watch live:
or if you don't want to do that there are easily accessible Abema streams daily on yewtube
Grand Sumo Preview is up
I'll have a look, wonder which yakuza families are sponsoring this tournament
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The Power Rankings have broken containment.
Tsukioka was the first of the Futagoyama boys to compete and he lost.
Futagoyama-beya bros, we're 0-2 today so far...
Souga lost. Kuwae, Soma, Kotakiyama upcoming. Then Denuma/Wakamiyabi in Makushita.
1-3. Kuwae lost. Souma won.
I wish Abe was alive, so we could have a re-do of the president cup next year
I wish Abe was alive, so Kishida wouldn't be president anymore
I wish Abe was alive, so he could keep telling people to marry and have kids
holy fuck
Onosato Yokozuna in 2 years.
Trust the plan.
KiriSHITma makushita in 2 years.
Trust the plan.
Kawabuchi won his opener. The new makushita tsukedashi rules are going have someone ranked mk60 winning the division before long, almost happened last time.
Glad to be back boys how we feeling
Aoiyama Terunofuji-esque comeback into Yokozuna in 2 years
Denuma bros
is he going to end up working at KFC?
my boy wakamiyabi
he looked in charge in that one, made amakaze look like koga
Kusano losing on opening day was unexpected
Nabatame's kesho mawashi is about to be revealed
I caught a glimpse. It looked ... kinda bland.
Not wrong...
Took that sponsor money.
Alright whoever leaked the power rankings step forward for your shinai lashings.
Sumo Food guy appeared.

why does he have such a cheap carpet?
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nice purple mawashi
he blends right in with the zabutons. bad omen on him not knowing the routine, lets see if he can toss the salt right
Strong showing.
missed his salt-toss!
Nabatame Yokozuna run starts NOW
nice to see Hakuoho doing some oshizumo
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What happened with the dondondon kick account?

nuked again?
How low do the fangirls go?
Will a Makushita wrestler have women interested in marriage simply for him being in sumo?
Makuuchi is in ~66 minutes, right?
He's streaming under s0desune now
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A TOAST to the /sumo/ lads. Glad to be back.
I expected more from Shishi, since Hokuseiho got kicked out of sumo there's a hole in Makuuchi for a giant retard who wins bouts solely by being too big and awkward to be efficiently dealt with
Bro just look at how cancerous the sumo twitch chats and discord servers are. You have people fangirling over random jonokuchi wrestlers and teenage gyojis.
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It's good to be back, brother.
Here's to another great basho.
Nice spins.
Oh shit, Teru's back.
I wonder how many matches his knees can last this time around.
It's on, my sons. Hakkeyoi!
When will they assasinate Asanoyama?
Unfortunately they assasinated Abe, the guy in the background.
Thanks chief
1/3. We'll get them all someday.
Good to be back with you my sumo brothers even tho I know I will become more unhinged as the basho goes on

Day 1: Hiro
this is it guys
hiradoumi wins this
Roga wins ...
Welcome back wakakaka you beautiful bastard
it's over...
...Not a great start for my boy Waka.
Nakamuras new innovative training techniques in usage
Asamo strong' !!!!
oh no no no... i believed....
planbros... I'm starting to think we've just been coping all these years...
No injuries asa would be ozeki by now
yeah, like all of them
Shodai sucks.
Who’s all of them?
Every single rikishi is injured. Injuries are part of sumo. Every rikishi would be better if he wasn't injured.
Strong throw.
You're dumb.
>Oho pushing
>Oho pulling
Bullshit shoho threw oho down nepo sumo wins
Asanoyama is a clear cut above the rest ozeki is a hard rank to earn and he’d easily have been there already if it weren’t for injuries you can’t say that about everyone
What I was trying to say is that it's useless to think like that. Takakeisho would be Y by now if not for his injuries. Injuries are part of sumo, you have to fight to try to mitigate them.
I'm playing Dragon Quest Builders to honor traditional Japanese culture.
>Onosho once again putting salt on his dick.
Why does he do this?
Just fucking dance around like a sperg, well done URA
Ura is an artist.
A performance artist.
its onoshover
Luv Ura, simple as.
Holy fuck, where was Gou hiding that push?
ow, my shoulder
I'm so happy that Ura had at least 1 sanyaku tournament. After those gruesome injuries and epic comeback.
JSA doesn't value him. With his style he should be getting one sansho after another for 9-6 score.
Time for papa bear
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tobizaru: i'll back out of the ring right after the tachii, he'll never expect that. what a great strategy, why hasn't anyone ever though of this before?
Total Monkey Death
Well, at least this time I won't believe
Kirishima reborn !!
Rough start for papa bear. Hope he picks up the pace later on.
I'm starting to think 'Yasu is getting too old and he won't ever touch the Cup...
Ah fuck, don't tell me he's injured already
Good match until grandpa pulled something and gave up.
It makes it bigger.
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pls no.
The face of a killer.
Onosato drawing yokozuna tier advertising banners
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Nothing more than a pile of broken bones
What the fuck was that???
yup Onosato was just a fluke
All part of the plan.
Hate the perpetual 8-7/7-8 gang
Yusho hangover
ozeki campaign canceled
Embarrassing. Onosatover.
He's not HIM just yet.
Hope we see an Abi henka this basho.
Feels like it's been a while.
That that you ugly bastard. Filipino master race.
waka waka
Here's hoping that the toad gets run over.
He's sweating extra hard today.

Keisho... ;_;
I hope he'll retire if (when) he loses ozeki. Don't want to see him crippled on the dohyo.
It’s over keisho-bros it’s been a nice ride keisho needs to pull out now and give it one last try at sekiwake
Time for uncle.
Acutally souds good. Contact Keisho ASAP!
if terenofuji fights for few more tournaments he'll look like a mummy with all those bandages
Hoshoryu just doesn't have it anymore.
Good match.
are we about to witness a repeat of the total ozeki death that opened up natsu
Hoshoryu losing is one of my favorite things.
Atami's build is lookin' solid.
Neph can't throw this humongous beast if he doesn't set it up on his own.
A lil' bit more muscles (good ole Isegahama roids) and a lil' bit less fat (to not turn into Keisho) and he'll be the menace.
You see you have to be patient with people that like to throw like tomato did here. Remember people that throw aren’t strong YOURE strong.
time for zak to seal the opening day total ozeki death
nice ozekis you have there lmao
Ozeki-Holocaust !
Total Ozeki death
Now watch a Komusubi reduce Teru's joints to individual molecules yet again.
I hope the foot injury for zak Chris reported isn’t real foot injuries are bad in any sport let alone these 400lb hambeast
What? Teru won?
Teru wins lol
Close one.
That seemed like it was harder than it should have been but at least he won.
Nice fight, Hirado.
I overlooked this guy, thought he's a perpetual shitter.
>that """mobility"""

Fucking hell. It's ogre for him, simple as.
he's top soul rikishi
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>ctrl+f Taker...
>0 results
You now remember Takerufuji
(You also remember Hakuoho)
Good sumo today.
Good day 1.
He will be back.
Still nursing an injury? I want to see him manhandle everyone again.
>comes in
>breaks records
Build a dohyo in it
>Takakeisho would be Y by now
Not even the healthiest Takakeisho could have been Yokozuna.
cya tomorrow, my friends. today was a good day of sumo
I wonder if this thread will even survive on account of today's football match
I watched the clip, he has a good reaction to it. Pretty funny, laughed/10.
Miyagi reminds me of Ura. Also Miyagi is such a kickass name.
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H-He’s fast!
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Wouldn't wanna mess with that guy
>some literal who appears and wins the cup
>doesnt even like sumo
>disappears immediately afterwards
Lazy script writers desu.
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it would be pretty epic if he just retired
Kikuchi and Enho won't fight each other tomorrow. Kikuchi fights Musubiyama and Enho fights Shimizuumi.
He's not dead?
It is over for Takakeisho, isn't it? I can't see him ever recovering from this injury and the sooner he retires the best for his long term life.
His stable master is retiring soon, will he inherit the stable?

Whenever he is healthy (which never happens), he wins 12 or 13 bouts in the tournaments. That's pretty much Yokozuna sumo. He also came 1 win away from becoming Yokozuna twice, even with all his injury issues.
No hate for Asanoyama at all, but he doesn't compare with a healthy Takakeisho.
the absolute state of o-ZAKis
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did every single ozeki really lose today lol? and onosato? lmao
Welcome to post-Harumafuji sumo.
No chance, Ingerland is involved with the final
/sp/ really needs to put limits on thread creation on major events. Threads on autosage are automatically deleted when they hit page 10, and no new threads if there's already a full catalogue.
>most cursed sumo image keeps on giving
what a timeline
Onosucko got manhandled. Whenever he fights someone bigger than him that he can’t push off the dohyo he looks like an idiot.
just need to survive the few hours the norf sperg out
>someone bigger than him
Which is almost no one. Mitakeumi is smaller too.
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>Get to juryo
>Win yusho
>Shit the bed completely
>Plummet back to sandanme
got injured didnt he?
Onosato had no problem with Shonannoumi in May. Is there anyone else bigger than Onosato?
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>Is there anyone else bigger than Onosato?
Tobizaru (mentally)
Tobizaru is bigger mentally than most of makuuchi at this point
His last 4 basho, starting from M4e last November: 7-8, 7-8, 8-7, 6-9
current rank: M4e
M4e makes him better than 63% of makuuchi, which is most.
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Bring back the running start.
See you next thread sumotards, we're not gonna be able to keep this alive
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Not with that attitude. Ganbare, sumotards.
Which footballer would do best in Sumo?
Tactical bump
He's jsut like me
Standing around and doing nothing only works if you weigh 300+ pounds, they're both mid-makushitters at best
kyrzygistan bro.... the norf....

We need to fight back
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>Onosucko got manhandled. Whenever he fights someone bigger than him that he can’t push off the dohyo he looks like an idiot.

He seems to have no defense. Granted, with his size and speed, it doesn't matter very often, but as soon as the other joi mainstays realize that he doesn't know what to do when you get him on the back foot, he's going to start taking losses.
A goalkeeper like Gianluigi Buffon could do a Kotooshu build
The good ol' days...
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Vertical rope for thee, England, but not for me
norf can come over now, we accept fats
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Abe sama.... we will not let the sumo thread die. Thank you for your help yesterday
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Good job sumo bros, you did well surviving.
One last push.

England only lose every few years
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Who's that rikishi?
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One of these men recently died of heart problems. You won't believe which one it was.
vaxx status?
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thread going intai
>Bring back the running start.
Bring back the REAL running start.
chances of clown basho?
Low. Sanyaku is too full.
Those baby gyoji are hilarious.
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All of Keisho's yushos happened when all the other top dawgs were injured. In the hypothetical world where every sumo wrestler is healthy, Takakeisho doesn't get close to sniffing the Emperor's Cup. Not only would he be going against healthy Terunofuji, but healthy Hakuho, Kakuryu, etc.
is this yasuke?

I knew he was real
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Verification not required.
keeps out the evil spirits (women)
Holy shit. Why didn't I realized this before.
This is a weird thing to say, given that In practice, Takakeisho is not a contemporary of Kakuryu and Hakuho. By the time Takakeisho reached his prime and became Ozeki, Kakuryu and Hakuho were already semi retired.

And Terunofuji and Takakeisho rarely were healthy at the same time. I think they only competed for a yusho once or twice. When Terunofuji is healthy (which happens as rarely as Takakeisho being healthy) Takakeisho is usually injured.

Also, the question here is not if everyone got senzu beans and if someone summoned a healthy and young Raiden Tameemon to compete with modern rikishi.
But rather if an often healthy Takakeisho becomes Yokozuna. And he does.
Because whenever he is healthy he competes for the yusho. And his Yokozuna runs were not failed because he couldn't defeat the others. They failed because everytime he wins a tournament he injuries himself in the next one and his focus is at most to get 8 wins.

But in the end, being healthy is important to reach Yokozuna and he wasn't able to achieve this. But to say that if by a miracle he managed to be healthy he wouldn't be Yokozuna is just being an irrational hater.
>But rather if an often healthy Takakeisho becomes Yokozuna. And he does.
There's no proof that he would be able to win 2 in a row even if he was healthy. In his prime before his serious injuries, he never showed the consistency to win 2 in a row. Fact is he has never won a yusho when a yokozuna has competed. In every yusho he's won aside from the first, he was the highest ranking rikishi.

>Because whenever he is healthy he competes for the yusho.
There have been plenty of bashos where he was healthy and only went 10-5 or 11-4. Decent scores for ozeki, but not title challenging performances.

>And his Yokozuna runs were not failed because he couldn't defeat the others
His yokozuna runs failed literally because he couldn't defeat the others. There's a reason why he's never done better than JY-Y or vice versa.

>They failed because everytime he wins a tournament he injuries himself in the next one and his focus is at most to get 8 wins.
Absolute revisionism. That's true of his recent performances, not his whole career.
Lower ranked Futagoyama on the card today:
Jonokuchi: Kikuchi vs Musubiyama
Jonidan: Koga vs Shimamura, Keiga vs Kaitoma, Kyoda vs Hokutoshu, Nobehara vs Kotetsu
whoops Sandame: Kyoda vs Hokutoshu, Nobehara vs Kotetsu
Get fucked tiny cunt.
Ozeki Takakeisho is 1-6 against yokozuna, which is the 2nd worst winning percentage of any ozeki with 3 or more bouts against yokozuna since Akebono was promoted in 1993.
Who is the worst?
When will Enho eat his rice
He could eat all the rice in the world, he's going to stop being 5'6".
Miyabiyama was 0-7.
Asashoryu, Hoshoryu, Kirishima, and Mitakeumi also have 0 wins, but fewer matches (2 for Asashoryu, 1 for the others). And yes, that's Asashoryu, he only had three tournaments total as ozeki before being promoted, and both other yokozuna (Musashimaru and Takanohana) were out injured for the second and third.
You know I think ozeki should drop to sekiwake more. 0-0-10-0 would be a lot of time to rest if you think about it and 10 wins after four months of rest should be easy for someone of ozeki caliber.
The Tochiazuma gambit.
He barely ever competed with Yokozuna. He has had 7 matches in his career against Yokozuna, and I imagine most of them were when he was young and before becoming Ozeki, since by the time he became Ozeki, Kakuryu and Hakuho were semi retired and he barely competed against Yokozuna Terunofuji.

He won 3 Yusho as Ozeki. And he was always injured after winning. He went Kyujo after the first two. In the last title he was already injured when he won and then he just fought to avoid Kadoban in the next one (most people thought he would and should go kyujo after getting his 8th win in that tournament, if you remember).

He has a pretty decent record against pre-Yokozuna Terunofuji.
I'm >>142772636
By the way, this shows the lack of healthy Yokozuna.
A very long serving Ozeki has only fought 7 times against Yokozuna. And probably most of those before he became Ozeki.
He's had 24 matches against yokozuna in his career. He's had 7 since becoming ozeki.
>He won 3 Yusho as Ozeki. And he was always injured after winning
You're conveniently ignoring that the first 2 yusho he won as ozeki were preceded by him getting a jun-yusho right beforehand. You want to cope that he was magically unhealthy before choking against Abi and Shodai? Face it, he's just not that guy.
Ah, OK.
But that said, 7 matches against Yokozuna as Ozeki is just too little, given how long he has been Ozeki.

Is a JY a bad result?
>Is a JY a bad result?
If you want to get a fucking rope, which is the fucking point.
Takakeisho will be a big "what-if" but it's the same as "what if Kise didn't choke in 2013 and got a 4 year run as yokozuna" or "what if Kaio didn't choke in 2004" or "what if Futahaguro wasn't a fucking shitpump?" What-ifs are only good for speculation on alternate history, not good for the facts of reality.
The issue here is a hypothetical 100% healthy Takakeisho. Given when he is healthy he usually gets a JY or Y, it is very probably that eventually he would get two straight Y.
Look at the records of post-Yokozuna Harumafuji and Kakuryu. Would you say they were bad rikishi?
>In every yusho he's won aside from the first, he was the highest ranking rikishi.
>the highest ranking rikishi won
You sound retarded but if keisho was more durable he would’ve been Y 2019 through 2022 was great years for keisho better than somes entire career. Sucks that sumo is like this but it is.
> it is very probably that eventually he would get two straight Y.
It's not a given that he would win two straight even in your hypothetical scenario. History has shown that you can be an ozeki putting in consistent jun-yusho/yusho level performances back to back and never get the rope. Just look at Kaio and Kisenosato's careers.

>Look at the records of post-Yokozuna Harumafuji and Kakuryu. Would you say they were bad rikishi?
It's laughable that you think this helps your case. Post yokozuna Harumafuji and Kakuryu's careers are better than Takakeisho's entire career.
The problem with saying "hypothetically 100% healthy Takakeisho" is how much his own style contributed to his injuries. A 100% healthy Takakeisho might not even peak high enough to be an ozeki, simply because he would wrestle a safer style that would result in more longevity but not enough wins.
If you can only win when all the other elite people aren't there, does that make you elite? Retard.
Yeah, that's how sports works.
The only undefeated dai-yokozuna is time.
Kisenosato had just one Y before becoming Yokozuna...
The post Yokozuna records of Harumafuji and Kakuryu are very similar to that of Ozeki Takakeisho...
2 Y in a year at most. A Yusho every other year. And tons of injuries.
yea Keiga.
If you are consistently the highest ranking competitor in your sport, that's usually called "being elite".
Keisho Yokozuna and weight limit sumo always makes /sumo/ explode never change /sumo/
Is it "elite" to keep losing championships against guys lower ranked than you?

>Kisenosato had just one Y before becoming Yokozuna
The difference is he was doing it in much, much, more difficult era where there were multiple yokozuna and ozeki competing. Takakeisho had several layups where all the yokozuna and some of the ozeki were gone and fumbled it.

>The post Yokozuna records of Harumafuji and Kakuryu are very similar to that of Ozeki Takakeisho
Kakuryu won two yusho in a row as a yokozuna, making him instantly better than Takakeisho ever has been.
Kikuchi is bad at cooking and sumo
>Kisenosato had just one Y before becoming Yokozuna...
A yokozuna run is two tournaments, anon. Not one. The reason why his 12-3 J was considered yusho equivalent is because he beat all three yokozuna to do it.
Bad at cooking? He did those omelets better than anyone there has ever done it. Sumo, yes.
If you are the highest ranked, you are elite, yes. Do you think only Hakuho and Asashoryu are elite?
It seems like Takakeisho and Terunofuji are on their way out. Will you say Hoshoryu and Kotozakura will not be the elite guys when this happen? Even if they never reach Yokozuna but become long serving Ozeki who won a tournament a year?

>Kakuryu won two yusho in a row as a yokozuna, making him instantly better than Takakeisho ever has been.
You are just being dishonest here. Kakuryu's record as a Yokozuna is very similar to Takakeisho's record.

Kakuryu had 9 Y+JY in 7 years as Yokozuna before he broke down totally
Takakeisho had 8 Y+JY in 4 years as Ozeki before he broke down totally
Harumafuji had 9 Y+JY in 5 years as Yokozuna before being retired

Of course Kakuryu and Harumafuj were better. But Takakeisho was not bad at all.

I was not insulting Kisenosato.
Someone said Kisenosato alternated Y and JY. This was not the case.
He just competed in pretty much the worst era ever to win a Yusho so he had just one Y before becoming Yokozuna, since he just happened to have his prime in the same era Hakuho had his prime and there is no way anyone is getting two Y in a row against a prime, healthy Hakuho.
Enho got beat.
he used moves in that one that he never uses in practice
hmmmmmm... badass maegashira
Ikazuchido's getting bigger. Not much, but perhaps enough.
Nice strong push from Kyoda
Overpowering victory by Kyoda
>You are just being dishonest here. Kakuryu's record as a Yokozuna is very similar to Takakeisho's record.
You're the one being dishonest by discounting the level of competition. Kakuryu and Harumafuji were beating ozeki and other yokozuna for their yushos. Meanwhile, Takakeisho has NEVER beaten an ozeki in all of his yushos at ozeki rank.

>But Takakeisho was not bad at all.
No one is saying he's bad. We're saying he's not yokozuna caliber. Being "not bad' doesn't cut it for the horizontal rope.
Nobehara couldn't get the chungus out and got gased
Koga will be Futagoyama's next salaryman
How did Enho lose to some jobber in his first match. He should have retired when he had the chance.
>injury cope in /sumo/ as well
genuinely sad.
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Free win for Abi. Nice.
I thought the same so I checked, 23 years old.
Most likely ex uni wrestler at least.
I'll admit, i believed.
I'v ebeen watchign the crowd, and there's some old jap couple on ther,e Old man is reading the paper and looking up uring the match, and jsut showing random articles to his lady.
Nabatame probably has a tough one ahead
I'm hungry, and juryo is starting, time to COOK
Nihon U. Been wrestling since he was 4.
Fuck, As soon as he just stood up and let himself get pushed out I knew that that was it.
Nabatame got overpowered
in the next yt-video he should push more weight!
hmmm I wonder if Aoiyama is going to go for the slapdown this time
>All of Juryo finishes 8-7.
shishi decided not to be a retard to day
Enho's loss was avenged by muscle manlets winning the last two juryo contests
I like Wakatakakage's kesho-mawashi.
Tokihayate is 5'10"
when the fuck is this old fart retiring
I'd watch that Queen of Poker show, the girls look cute.
Day 2: Raja
Here's the Abema wallpaper for this basho for archival purposes. The fucking image they gave Onosato, I swear. It's like he's going to come kill me.
Also, the filename:
Saw ABEMA took down a stream last night I thought they were the good guys
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'nother surging mongol menace
Mongol dominance died when kirishitma became the first Mongolian ozeki to not make ozeki. These japs are wise to their silly tricks now it just took them 20 years
THAT'S what I like to see. I'm thinking we're back. Welcome back, Wakatakakage.
I wonder what this guy's sweater says in its QR code.
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What was that sound as Asanoyama passed by? It was so fucking loud.
So what's the plan?
Midorifuji's legs could have been horribly broken there.
It’s happening Sadanoumi enjoyers
Man, Hoku's right knee is fucked.
Typical Oho
I was going to say it'd be k*no to see Oho win the championship in the last basho in the venue, when his grandfather won the first. But nevermind.
are you saying 5'10" isn't a manlet?
are you 5'10"?
ura's salt toss is pathetic
Ura, what a god.
ura will start with 7-0 this time
I am saying that, fuck face. And no, I wish I was 5'10".
based ura
He does it in the spirit of sportsmanship
If he banished ALL of the evil spirits he would be a yokozuna breaking all records
Good lord.
deary me.
They paraded Onosato too much around
Ura-esque, Joe
Such's life of a new champ.
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made a funny
And then end 7-8
it is known
>made a funny
You should post it.
Onosato gets Daiesho tomorrow, things aren't going to get easier for him.
Atami got too confident or maybe impatient. He had that.
Kotoza won!
You mean for Daieisho? Because Onosato's beat him twice.
Before today Wakamotoharu had lost twice to Onosato as well.
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>the little girls cheering for keisho
Last 6 in a row all won by east
before that west won 6 in a row
WTM has more tricks. Daieisho is all push, going against Onosato who is all push but bigger.
Zak is deceptively nimble
OK, even as a Keisho hater, I have to admit that that was a good move.
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He's not beating the allegations.
Yokokeisho genius hamster
>tfw 180 lb too light to get this
That tachiai was impressive as fuck. Too bad Hira lost.
That's what I like to see from a Yokozuna.
easy as fuck
That’s our Yokozuna
The rumors about the bionic knees were true, it seems.
Only took like 9 months for him to charge up for his one basho of the year
I just want him to win this one so he gets his 10 and retires.
>Tobizaru vs Ura
K*no incoming.
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actual size
Nhkworldnews isn’t airing the grand sumo highlights this time around? U gotta be kidding me with this bullshit
I just checked and it's up on the site.
total ozeki d... omination
I think Kirishima is gonna beat ozekiwake, he looks healthy.

Also Terunofuji yusho + intai.
Onosucko is being exposed.
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this Kamito is looking like a roasted marshmallow holy shit
He could do an Enho
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>mfw Baruto was the last and only Estonian to compete at a high level and he had to quit early due to injury
I wish the good days would come back, anons
What bout?
Suzaki vs Hinataryu, Day 1, Makushita
if anyone could make a webm of that, I'd love it
Wishing won't get you anywhere. Go out and find a nice brawny Estonian girl, and breed some champions.
Well, kinda makes sense since Estonia is not a big country and I believe you guys have other sports to focus into. What I can't accept is why Brazil, being a huge country, having the 2nd biggest japanese diaspora in the world, isn't able to produce anyone of note after Kaisei retired
mobile phones and free games
way more engaging than pushing 100kg+ dudes around whole day, everyday
>way more engaging than pushing 100kg+ dudes around whole day, everyday
Is it really though? Is it really?!
spent the last two months drinking and going to parades, looks like he might be hard pressed to maintain his rank
Aonishiki going for victory against Kamito tonight, who he beat on day 5 in May.
Nah, it's more a cultural thing, brazilians only value sports when there's a brazilian winning, if Kaisei somehow made it into Yokozuna you'd be seeing hundreds of brazilian rikishi and this general's quality would drop to the floor
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There was a guy on the rear left wearing an NFT ape t shirt, yesterday
Brazil has one of, if not the biggest non-Japanese amateur sumo scene. They have a few sumo-exclusive gyms and the only dedicated sumo stadium outside of Japan.
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Even with his partially Japanese racial background, Kaisei is still too white looking for most Brazilians to identify with. If Ikazuchido makes makuuchi that will turn more heads in Brazil than Kaisei ever did.
I think this works against them, not for them. If you're passably good at sumo in Brazil, you have the opportunity to do sumo and achieve moderate success and recognition without having to uproot your life and move to Japan. You can be a big fish in a small pond. For other countries, if you're good at sumo and want to go further, moving to Japan is basically your only option, due to the lack of a robust local scene.
Thank you
It was... better?
Yeah at least it went beyond the tachiai
Futagoyama lower ranks today:



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Koga got shoved out by a smaller 16 year old from Isegahama, but he took a shot at a move on the ropes that he never tries in the practice ring.
Enho won convincingly without needing to use any of the fancier techniques he uses against larger competition. Enho is just about the right size for jonokuchi.
Story on him? Dudes 40 and highest rank in Sandanme 12
Tsukioka got uwatanage'd in convincing fashion
Some guys are just like that, they stick with sumo because they have all their bills and meals paid and can serve as a mentor to younger guys.
Daikosho is strong looking prospect, seems like Daieisho must've been coaching him some.
Futagoyama has too many jobbers clogging up the stable. The only guys beyond Roga and nabatame who have a shot are wakamiyabi, soma and maybe kyoda.
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Kuwae against a 195kg chungus
You crazy yellow bastard, you did this ???
Kotakiyama's oppenent's knees committed seppuku under their combined weight.
crunchy sounding
Denuma safe from having to open his karaage restaurant
Kikuchi has massive potential, just wait 5 years until he is 190cm & 180kg
Karla ain't stimmign what do, i'm gonna miss juryo at this rate
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soma beat ikazuchido and it was epic
There are multiple streams live on youtube with varying levels of cringe.
SB is my usual go to backup, quality is low but cringe level is basically none.
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abema is for free today if i understood it correctly

still no idea how to watch
False alarm she's back
Aonishiki coming up in a few minutes

go to
and make a guest account
Aonishiki looks more like Baruto than he should given that Baruto was Estonian. Was Baruto a slavic Estonian or a Mongolian one?
the shipman sharing the south side with kisenosato has to piss badly. he keeps on fidgeting and looking at his watch
Are you retarded? There are no Estonian mongols.
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Estonians are literally mongols. They are russified finns, who came from the Ural.
saw that pass in karla's chat

Basically 2 newbies to juryo on their first day, so they both don't know what the usual stretches and shit they should be doing

Futagoyamabros its over
sumo-food-bros, I dont feel so good!
Aoiyama liked what he saw of the Nabatame match
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nothing burger
east with a massive advantage in juryo tonight so far
wtf is this on his shoulder
Onokatsu will have pretty much clinched the juryo title if he wins here.
…and there it is. Onokatsu is now 3-0 and he has his toughest matches all behind him. There is no way that he doesn't prevail in juryo.
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Who this is?
looks kinda familiar
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I got 5 hours of sleep last night and I think I'm coming down with a fever. I don't think I'm going to make it, bros...
Have fun for me if I start drooling on my keyboard.
Day 3: Murray
Hokutofuji vs Takarafuji
absolute badass matchup
>That commercial

is today the end of onosato
fucker got solved
Asanoyama farming bottom makuuchi
Asanoyama looks to be in pretty excellent form
>tfw watching NHK and missed it
I love GuP!
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>Ichiyamamoto wins by yorikiri
what stream we on
god damn twitch ads suck
thanks anon
he's a big boy
can you purchase body pillows of sumo wrestlers
Damn ABEMA and nhk working overtime this tournament to shit on streams at least midnight sumo is dead those people were faggots
>Nishikigi loses against anyone.
Nishikigi is collectively 8-25 since March. Either he has something wrong with him or he is planning to retire and is just taking it easy until he falls out the bottom end of juryo.
Koga would beat Nishikigi at this point
Hoku's right leg is basically dead weight at this point though; in the replays you can really see how much he tries to avoid putting weight on it.

We'll see. He seems to struggle with opponents that he can't just bulldoze but even so he's built like a brick wall and that usually works out.
so long gay bowser
>wear socks

Shodai has one of the best footworks in makuuchi
>oho pulls
wow who would have thought
Oh, Ura.
>dances of the stage
This is it, ladies. Is he the real deal, or just a fluke?
damn is hiradoumi fast
if you henka him he probably flies over to upper stands
Hiradoumi hit abi in the cock
Abi will not be making ozeki this basho, looks like he is going to have trouble even keeping his rank
>kirishima is no longer ozeki
Gonorilla is going to be good he’s a dark horse behind the new up and comers
Nephew looks to be over his injury
we're so back ozeki bros
first day was to keep things interesting
Zak fighting like he’s 175 kg

bull of the dahyo
this is a grudge match, atamifuji will never forgive that henka in the playoff
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Keisho doesn’t look terrible just a little rusty
One last run
I hope you enjoyed your sumo, Germanon.
east dominated tonight 14 wins for east, 6 for west
in juryo it was 10-4 for east
omg I can't believe his hairdo lolol
Tuberculosis vax, Japs take it more seriously.
im so happy keisho is failing
time for him to lose weight and actually become a skilled wrestler

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