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Hybrid shenanigans
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Honestly it's almost important that anything is going to be worth missing this WEC race, but I'll run Indy on the side!
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Well the starts and restarts are fun on this repave until they spread out or crash
I want pato to take the lead today
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>muh god
wow that prayer
God bless the USA
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mclaughlin wife pregnant titties
Wow we got jets...
Stayed up all night for this and have a tallboy left.
Very cool.
Will Grosjean win?
I want to believe but there's some road courses ahead and McLaren is McLaren
People have to miss church to go racing, makes sense to hold a short church service
>This Church Service was brought to you by Hy-vee
Digits for Palou spin again.
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Rolling for a Fatjohn win!
>lets talk to generic 0 personality yank #742
whats the point
Herta has a based normal walmart gf
BEST thing I've seen ever
Same reason they interview le footie lads innit m8
Yup, are business owners not allowed to be Christian?
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yay we made it through lap 1
Per BR stream
Firestone shipped new tires and indy messed up with the rear wing for more dynamic
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Mentioning the sponsor in the prayer is just sad. If the owners are Christian, they should be very embarrassed over that.
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We are in full procession mode until pit stops. Not sure the track is as hot actually so less deg
slurping jewish corporations during a christian prayer is prett pathetic
I don't understand the issue. Why shouldn't they have a prayer for the owners and employees, and thanking them for making the event possible?
Current strategy?
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yeah the repave has ruined this track huh
So you're just a communist that hates private property?
taking downforce away was a mistake, even if tye race had played out the same way at least it would have gone by faster
They still use that compound for better racing? Solution for next year?
no, i just think that being forced to name drop goyenburg's company during a prayer is wrong
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................................RAIN IN FIVE?!?!?
>Solution for next year?
new chassis but that isn't happening
Track looks like shit.
>being called a raghead by someone whose skin colour is darker than the average camel jockey
top lel
I think they did that partly because the tires were overheating and blistering
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Are we live?
I remove what i said, mentioning a company advertising during a prayer is stupid and uneducated.
Mainly the Company who tore and destroyed Iowa for ASSCAR
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I found a better version screencap
>single file slurping
tire management being a factor would havr given the race some spice
Again, why? Your argument boils down to
>Because they are rich(er than me)
Which marks you out as a crypto-marxist. No amount of seething about Jews changes the fact you worldview is fundamentally left wing. Reflect on yourself and why you think the way you do.
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Dear shitters, I take back everything I said, please crash so we have some restarts on this shittified track
Giving everyone a free ride in my Corvette when I win it
I fear that Milwaukee will just be a slower procession, but at least it will have huge deg
who's talking about money? what's wrong with you, defending continuous cock sucking of companies during segments where their input is not necessary. are you jewish? is that it?
Red flag ?
I have no idea if "[Prayer] presented by [corporate sponsor]" is allowable in the christian faith but it definitely makes me chuckle
I don't think that was rain 2bh
Fittipaldi been 17s down for over 30 laps now wew great Race 10/10
>Another great oval ruined by track ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''improvements'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Isn't its banking too low for this to be an issue?
thanks ASSCAR and HyVee
Nascar came for one single cup race and might not even come back, but that didn't stop the owners from repaving the corners only far enough for the slow cup car high line to fit in them
What's the matter with thanking the people who helped fund the event and giving well-wishes to the people the company represents? You keep deflecting from that point. Why do you automatically assume corporations are evil?

It's no different than any other form of financial support in the faith. Nobody complains about private companies selling Bibles for profit, or charging to construct congressional buildings. It's no different than thanking someone for donating to the tithe. The reason Europeans in particular complain is because they've been trained to hate private enterprise.
It's especially funny when they try to make jokes about stuff like "last lap replay provided by Hardee's" or whatever in NASCAR, as if F1 and all other forms of European racing haven't been dominated by corporate sponsorships for 50+ years.
Thanks director, I wanted to see those literal who "celebrities" instead of the fucking race.
Win the corvette. What is it $20,000 to cover taxes on it?
Wait, so that's it with the repave? They're not going to repave the whole track?
Ben Kennedy, blame that faggot
The banking is slight and they run way less downforce now so the outside lane is unlikely. But the pavement is well seasoned
Given how much money one Cup race brings is, how many of these double header weekends does that even equate to?
>not even catching the tail of the field
what a fucking stinker
Large Juan cooking something, just wait
Pit stops starting??
Depends entirely on how much Hyvee is forking over. They seem to be enthusiastic
>95+ laps on a set of tires
>zero drop off
Well fuck, BR stream confirmed something interesting
Meyer Shank and Ganassi are Partners, and Helio was hired for it, with next year his car being a fusion of Shank and Ganassi for the Indy 500
How old was the oldest Indy 500 champ?
>palel screwed again
Why's it always the BR stream?
hold the yellow for palou
If Poolou can't win now, he will never win on an oval
>Canapino couldn't restart the car on his own
Hybrid fucking shits
I thought they could re-fire a stalled engine with this new hybrid doohickey thing?
>puff of smoke amd a half spin= instant yellow
>half a spin and stopped on the apron= green
kek these track jannies
Anyone have the nbc wojaks pic? I want to get that printed and have drivers sign it next week
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Because NBC is occupied being faggots and streaming commercials than talking about racing
yeah, it's supposed to be the reverse for the car.
palouhermanos hoy es nuestro día
Just get him rolling and dump the clutch, c'mon
Fuck that was close.
Based song
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Is a 12 car pile up on lap 248 too much to ask for?
It was a plug for the sponsor in the middle of a prayer. That is disrespectful. Surprised they didn't find a way to fit Firestone tires, Shell fuel, Chevy and Honda into the prayer too.
did indycar take away the starters from the safety crews? last week dixon couldn't start the race and got towed outside of the track, yesterday lundgaard lost 20 laps because instead of restarting they just towed him to pit road entrance and they had to go through the whole infield to get to the pits and send him out, looks like the same is gonna happen to canapino
somebody has to have the template to help anon out. I want to see the end result
Palour lead. Correct me. Geld that yellow for him to pit?
Why is Eric's Son 2 laps down?
What caused the yellow? I'm focusing on WEC
>high line still working
based santino
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wut? why? Indy ovals command full attention.
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seggs with legge
ferruci is peak amerimutt
>ferrucci making all these heroic moves to finish p8
Get fucked.
Dixon and Lundgaard both had issues with the hybrid. Probably overheated for Canapino too.
manlet detected
Well they cut to commercial, did Ferrucci make it through that 2 wise with Kirkwood and Rahal?
Fuck peacock. Cut to commercial in the middle of Ferucci pass. Yeah I know I'm stupid for paying for it.
The Englishman was right, you really are Jewish aren't you?
Not even being inflammatory. It would explain your arguments.
yep, their logic is to not screw the people who are pitting, but instead it gives them a big fucking advantage
lundgaard problem was likely caused by them not restating him, dixon said his hybrid wasn't working yesterday btw
It's just thanking the people who funded the event, no different than thanking the people who donate to the tithe to keep a church open. You just hate it because "corpos=bad".
Safety crew starter is redundant due to the hybrid unit
hell yea
>no arguments, just accusations
Can you quantify why you think it is bad? Without namecalling.
on paper, yes, in practice, out of 3 incidents it has worked once
>wut? why?
Because yesterday's race was a sold slurper and this WEC race had been pure kino
We won't have to next year, but how do we watch Fox Sports for cheap?
(I'll miss Imsa too.)
The lapped cars are faster than the leaders
>europeans are trained to hate private enterprise
no its more so we're not groomed to worship big businesses
you will never hear any person of any faith here put 'brand' alongside their deity in prayer because it would be utterly ridiculous
>seggs with legge
no eggs
>Erics son and Lundgaard pass the leader and check the fuck out

This is some gay ass bullshit
>ferruci is
the only driver making passes on track. He's still a lil faggot, but credit where credit is due.
Wait what happened to Daly, it says he's out, did I miss something?
If you have a stall after deployment of your tiny bit of energy you will need it. Also if the half passed broken shit ass system straight up fails you might need the starter, but what's the chance that would happen 20btimes in 3 races?
>thanking the people who help fund the event is 'worship'
Sounds like a continent of ingrates, which honestly is on-brand for euros.
Notice how you only mention big businesses, implying you have no issue with them namedropping individuals and public/state groups. Why is it you hold corporations to this double standard? I've asked you multiple times to explain your position and you refuse to do it.
we're not going to worship you shlomo, fuck off back to israel
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>15 more laps until pits
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>this race
Diffy calling it for paloo
So you can't actually quantify your beliefs? You just 'believe' them without even understanding why? Figured as much.

>forgetting Jesus was a Jew
>meijer skank
it's frover
>i think a christian mentioning company during prayer is a bit weird
yeah you're strange pal
Should I be spraying water on my car after I put gas in the tank?
Penske murdering the pit stops as usual
Only if you remove your fuel pump while holding the lever down
Better put on a fresh set of firestones while you are at it.
>ask why you think it's weird
Hating corporations is your religion, which is why you get so rattled when I ask you to explain your beliefs. Because to you, It's like I'm attacking your core identity. Because you are indeed a Marxist, and probably aren't even aware of it. Like most euros and zoomer Americans.

That's critical of people donating to get in the good graces of the church, rather than out of a belief it is simply the right thing to do.
My point was I was questioning the hypocrisy, why it's okay for the church to thank you or me for donating, but not a large company like Hyvee.
Give The Architect your energy lads \o/
This guy sacrificed someone to win this.
>pato 6th
>rossi 7th
where siegel?
flava flav just creamed himself
LmaoPalou cannot be allowed to win an oval
>Newgarden P8
>Grosjean P12
>Ferrucci P14
Nice "racing" pitcrews
where have i said i hate corporations you muppet?
>"this prayer brought to you by hyvee, verizon and ntt"
>this isn't strange according to this mcjew over here
Grosjean was 11th when he pitted...
225 laps later and you fags are still arguing about the invocation... slurp
>That's critical of people donating to get in the good graces of the church, rather than out of a belief it is simply the right thing to do.
>My point was I was questioning the hypocrisy, why it's okay for the church to thank you or me for donating, but not a large company like Hyvee.

It is about doing something "pious" to get attention. You don't donate to your synagogue to get thanked (you shouldn't want to be either).
If HyVee makes a donation, they shouldn't be looking to get credit for it in the prayer.
ganassi niggers fucked palou over with that terrible pitstop
Do you hate corporations?
What's strange about it? I'll keep asking you until you actually answer it rather than make accusations in an attempt to poison the well.
i mean the racing isnt exactly interesting is it
And who's to say they did it to get credit in the prayer? You seem to assume the guy doing it was ordered/paid by Hyvee to namedrop them. Did you consider he did it by personal choice?
One time at a race in Phoenix, a family in the parking lot inside the track lost a dog and we helped look for it. Turns out it was Pagenaud's family dog and it was trapped in a compartment of their RV. Thanks for reading my blog.
no you sausage
>prayer to your god
>and big corpo
and like matey >>142736004 here says, you dont donate to your church for a shoutout do you?
Penske PLEASE kwab palou off the podium
>did you consider he did it by personal choice
this is how i know you've never left america
That's why I'm watching WEC. how did Power get out front? Was it on the pit stop?
This shit was even worse than Race 1
yep im waiting for this to wind down then ill put the football on
yeah he stayed out long on the first stint and got lucky with yellows to jump 20 positions

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>still won't answer
"Please God keep our boys safe, and thank you Hyvee for making today's event possible"
See >>142736083

>he isn't a rabid class warrior constantly taking snipes at big business, that's proof he's a slave to corporations
You're not even attempting to operate in good faith. For someone who despises Jews, you sure argue like one

what the fuck
The fuck was that

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What are you even arguing?
All I ever said was mentioning the sponsor in the prayer was disrespectful. I even provided backup on why it is disrespecful.
And all you have done is continue to make very Jewish arguments on why it was ok. The Englishman called you out and now you keep calling him a commie that hate corporations.
Aeroscreen did its job again
>250 laps of slurp
All redeemed after the checkered flaf.
Fun race. Decent religious argument.
yeah yeah dont care about this yankstralian what the fuck happened at the end
Holy shit, well, better late than never.
>Stingray KWAB
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car is on fire
Why he so smug?
wtf happened
> three boring races in a row since hybrid introduction
It's semi-safe to say that this shit has been the final nail in the Penskecar coffin. Well, it was good while it lasted, especially in 2012-2014(2015). And thanks for all the fish.
>driving the victory lane onto the finish line
>No Replay yet
Toronto next week. If they manage to make Toronto boring too, it's confirmed.
the shitters shitted
WTF Sting Ray Kwab almost launched into orbit
sting ray ascended holy fuck
>Why he so smug?
Because he knows no matter who crosses the finish line first, he's going to the winners circle.
I blame the tracks more
oh no
Would have been nice to have seen this sooner. Ffs

All I ever asked was why you consider it disrespectful. Neither you nor the Englishman were ever able to answer that. Just an hour and a half of
>corporations are bad because they just are. They're big and evil and corporatey and they wear suits and have lots of money and stuff, why don't you hate them? Hate them right now RIGHT NOW NOW NOW HATE THEM YOU JEW SLAVE MUTT CORPORATE DO AS I SAY AAAAAAGGRGRHRHRGGG
I called him a commie that hates corporations because it's an accurate assessment of his beliefs. He openly called corporations bad right from the get-go, unless you'd like to argue he was using 'Jew' as a compliment.
here on shitzil the stream is a minute in the future
Sting Ray KWAB almost hit the catchfence
Total godfag death
>Kwab pumping fists after almost dying
remember to pray.com bros
Dolan Drumpf tire.
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He is fine, but obviously messed up due to the literal G force in him, a bit more and he would be the newest Kenny Brack
im not a marxist but i can guarantee youre a jew
The track was fucked over by Nascar repaving the turns and Firestone can't make a tire worth a single fuck.
Iowa is now just like fucking Gateway.
And it WASN'T Stingray Rob's fault, weird.
Those cars are thanks, thought it was going to explode
>All I ever asked was why you consider it disrespectful. Neither you nor the Englishman were ever able to answer that.
Yes, I did
If it was a F1, it would be RIP KWAB
total Will Power boomer championship
>go to the website
>see this
I'd rather see the #3 title for WP than AP tbqh.
is he ded?
fucking lmao
.. and pretty sure I'd rather see the podium ceremony than Joe Bluescreen "speaking".
A few inches more and he would hit the Catchfence
Yeah Palou will have many more championships 2bh. Power otoh might feel desire to need to keep racing
You are engaging in class dialectic, you are a Marxist. And even worse, one with no self-awareness
>still can't quantify his beliefs, can only ever attack me as a person to try and deflect
This is a Marxist debate tactic BTW

No you didn't. At best you pointed out how donating to the church (which Hyvee didn't even do) in exchange for recognition is bad. Of course it is, but that isn't what happened. Hyvee sponsored the *race*, and the guy doing the prayer namedropped them as thanks because that's simply the tradition. I can guarantee you at no point did anyone at Hyvee say "pay this guy to thank us during the prayer" nor was that guy told to do it. You and the bong just assume that's what happened because you both have an irrational hatred for large corporations. which is why I levvy the 'Marxist' accusation against you. Because the only people with such frothing rabid hatred for corporations are Marxists who think private capital is the Antichrist.
*feel less desire to keep racing
Corporations are horrible, you don't need to be a marxist to recognize what they're promoting.
It won't change either.
I think from that angle, it looks closer to the fence than it actually was. See where it comes down relative to the wall.
/turnleft/ in a few bings
I'm thinking sting gay should take the year off to recover
Why do you think that?
Not the same anon, but corporations have a legal obligation to benefit their shareholders and that often times comes at the expense of the normalfag consumers.
Even worse, look at the corporate structures in place designed to attack exactly what Marxists hate more than life itself. Whites, family, gender, sex, are all relentlessly attacked by corporate campaigns and donations.
Corporations need to be held to particular nationalist standards, because if they aren't then profit-seeking will cause them to sell out and demonize every virtue your nation's populace may possess.
just checked the onboard, possi was running pace car speed for last 4 laps because he was running out of fuel, but somehow it was sting ray's fault
Undefeated for over 20 years
Why is that a bad thing? Remember, most people have 401Ks or equivalent and are therefore at least partially invested in these companies themselves. Does it make me a bad person when my personal self-interest sometimes comes at the expense of someone down the street? My support of more right wing politics comes at the expense of leftists, for example.
Like I said, you're engaging in Marxian class dialectic of 'power struggle of rich vs poor'. This is fundamentally a Marxist view of the world.

They do those things because government legislation forces them to. Don't you see the doublethink involved when you in the same breath say
>corporations only care about profit
>corporations will ignore profit to push politics
could he not just get on the fucking apron and roll there if that was the case? stupid shitter
or just tell the other spotter
>Why is that a bad thing?
It is unsustainable. If a parasite sucks too much blood, the host dies.
anyone have a stream?
As I pointed out, most normalfags are (marginally) invested in the stock market, so are benefiting from the market growth of companies. further, economic growth equates to better employment and thus more pay for employees. Of course markets can't boom for ever, but it's reasonable for people on the ground to not want a retraction to occur because that means their livelihoods are on the line. If a company's stock valuation plummets, they lose money and have to start laying people off or even go involvement putting everyone there out of a job. Not to mention the market disruption that comes from a goods/service provider going away and taking their goods/services with them. That doesn't mean corporations are evil for wanting the market to not crash, if anything it's the opposite. Though more realistically, it's a three-way symbiotic relationship between companies, investors, and consumers who not only rely on each other but also cross-pollinate because companies are often also investors and consumers, consumers are often also investors and business-owners, and investors are often consumers and business-owners.
The fact you view it as a 'parasitic relationship' is again a Marxian concept. Rooted in the idea that the rich/owner class is inherently "exploitative" towards the poor/working class.
Is he ok
Bro I don't need to read all that (and I certainly won't) to know you're a lolbraterian, just save yourself some time and post a "no step on seek flag."
>you view it as a 'parasitic relationship'
I don't think that it is intrinsically parasitic, but it frequently turns out to be. The interesting thing is that often when it does, and people start realizing it, it opens up opertunitities for other buisness to provide the same goods and services in a way that is beneficial to both parties. That is, unless the government intervenes and creates artificial barriers to entry, typically under the guise of consumer protection. e.g. the automotive and pharmaceutical industry.
Bottom line, I'm not out white knighting for multinational corporations.
>basic understanding of markets and economics is "lolbertism"
Lol. Concession accepted, marxist
weight it, you're a mod on r/biz
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