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>Chaos consumed the Copa América final hours before kickoff in Miami, where thousands of fans were stuck outside Hard Rock Stadium gates as security tried, and apparently failed, to manage the inflow of spectators for Sunday's game between Argentina and Colombia.


Shame on you America
>Fans, meanwhile, were suffering. Children were reportedly crying. Multiple people reportedly passed out. Multiple men were bloodied by police.
foreigners btfo
moloch's ritual is a go
>gringos view soccer as a faggy game that they didn't prepare for this
Amerimutts don't know geography and are already blaming Mexico.
I just wanted to see the game
>multiple sold out handegg games every year at this stadium without having these kinds of problems.
the problem is obviously the crowd this game attracts.
oh, no argument. None :)
but the Burgers should be aware
and prepared.
because WC coming up.
This shit would 100% happen in 2 years
Shameful display by leftist DNC democrats! Sad!
Why are South Americans such apes lol
>hopping the fences
>rushing the gates without tickets
>getting heem’d by our cops for doing so

They’re literally animals, we never see this shit here
>even doe everything is literally mexicos fault
it's times like this I am thankful all the immigrants here are indian and chinese
Why do you insist on hosting an event you're clearly too incompetent to do so?
your race worships niggers
you need multiple perimiters of prevention, stop the ticketless getting NEAR the stadium.
you cant just have a single fence within touching distance of the goal. Thats stopping no-one.
It's you guys fault
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>stop the ticketless getting NEAR the stadium.
How does a group of 500 Colombians beat the American police and get in illegally ?
I thought they were top tier
Cancel the fucking game. Reschedule this pile of dog shit and make security try again
Your not ragging on Germany for not getting the english football hooligans in line

Uhh you came to us because your broke was confed want ameribucks kek
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true maybe they should worship you guys instead
Yeah it’s our fault a bunch of ticketless Colombian apes hopped the barrier and forced their way through a gate kek

Fuck man you guys are retarded, again this shit never happens here which is even more funny considering how many blacks we have; they are literally better behaved than you Sudacas

Even the Mexicans here don’t try this
Wait until the Dutch and English have chimped in two years.
That's football. And your decadent society is in no condition to host an event that involves exacerbated nationalism.
>hindu ching chong
south americans are fucking monkeys lol we will never host them again go back to africa
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>cricket & covid
are you fucking out or you mind mapleleaf-mate?

You're simply not prepared to host a sport like football.
Nah it’ll be fine, these dumb foreigners will find out very quickly our cops don’t fuck around and they’ll get their visas pulled after spending 30 days in jail for not behaving like a human

Blows my mind seeing some of you here act like it’s a good thing your people behave like subhumans lmao
These pwople are too used to hopping fences lmao, the americans are too naive.
None of those people in that video are wealthy enough to attend a World Cup match here thankfully
>our cops don't mess
They're doing it right now.
They’re on video heeming Colombians who hopped the fence and crushing them back through the main gate hence you chimps crying here, it’s on video kek
Neither are the people trying to attend this match, and yet here we are
Its just cultural differences
can't welcome the world, for what is after all the World Cup. Then expect them all to behave like Americans.
And now they’re trapped behind the main gate crying on Twitter, who cares, the cops did their job
It's absolutely insane how incompetent you obese fucks are.
It's useless thousands of colombians swarmed into the stadium already
>frijolitos chimp out
>americhads get blamed
>you can’t expect people to behave like normal human beings

what lol I get what you’re trying to say but you’re infantilizing these grown adults a bit too much
seriously maybe the south american animals should just keep copa america
your cops cant do shit
at this point most of the people entered the stadium without tickets
also your secret service cant do shit
No they didn’t

Stadium already got cleared after the initial rush

Nah they’re doing just fine they smashed those little brown fellas back through the main gate and cleared the stadium

Just because you South Americans like to behave like lawless monkeys doesn’t mean we will allow it hence the videos and you retards screaming in broken English here about it kek
>use force to get into stadiums like animals getting into a zoo
>muh its your fault you cant prepare to host the animals
Peak third world logic it makes zero sense lol
Maybe not at sports but I seen a woman get shot and killed when she and a bunch of other Americans stormed the capitol
And you think delaying the match an hour and this half assed damage control counts as
>being prepared to host a sport like football
Why are spic chimpouts so soulful?
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the state of latrinos
It was a 30 minute delay lol

And yeah we are, just because these people can’t behave like humans doesn’t mean we can’t host an event, an NFL game averages more people than any match in your domestic league for example
Same thing that happens in Europe. We are living in interesting times anon. Buckle up, things will get real real soon.
You should have expected them to behave like a retarded mob. Futbol makes their brains go full turbo chimp mode
I mean we kind of did, the stadium has two hard points of entry, one is the main fence, the other is the doors leading into the stadium themselves, the chimps over got over the main fence and then got smashed back through the main gate hence them squealing like pigs here about it
KEK. Uruguay's coach talked shit about this organisation two days ago.
You literally don't know how football happens outside the stadium.
If it was in a country used to football this wouldn't have happened and it would have been the worst horde of retards possible.

If you can't deal with a passionate public, you're not fit to host major football events.
tell your stupid monkey fans to stop climbing the gates. fucking subhumans. US stadiums are used to first world fans.
low iq impulsive apes

why are you saying any of this like it's a good thing, you're proud south americans behave like retarded third worlders? i don't get it
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It's already 47 minutes late. And it's starting at 22:15, 1 hour and 15 minutes late.
Perhaps it has to do that American sports very rarely mix with the tribalistic belonging sentiment that European/Latinamerican football clubs have. They just don't see it coming.
The closest thing they have is College sports which no wonder have the best fans over there.
Murrikans are too retarded and their cops only know how to shoot people, they have no idea how to handle rough crowds without opening fire. And since your overlords are not willing to shoot hundreds of unarmed civilians while the whole world is watching, this will happen again
It happens in Europe too, you moron.
Fuck off, even animals are better behaved than the monkeys coming from south america.
well that sucks, maybe they should behave like humans not retarded chimps causing the stadium to go into lockdown a day after a presidential assassination attempt kek

Yes they did you fat retard, there are people with tickets not being let in and the stadium is almost full.
i understand your currency depreciated by 20% while you were writing this post but stop acting like being a retarded nigger is the police's fault. Just because you are a brown nigger makes you no different than a black nigger
they handled this crowd just fine considering they smashed them all back through the gate they rushed and now they're all stuck on the other side of the fence crying about it on twitter
>murrikans acting smug
Kek, you just showed you're so naive you can't even handle a bunch of soft immigrants, just how plastic are your sports that this is enough to surprise you?
Foreigners out!
>want to host an event
>doesn't know how the fans will react
>isn't prepared to deal with fans
>says it's the fans' fault
American security is a gigantic propaganda.
>And yeah we are, just because these people can’t behave like humans doesn’t mean we can’t host an event, an NFL game averages more people than any match in your domestic league for example
You really fail to grasp the concept that "being prepared" means knowing how to deal with the subhumans. You want to fit in with the rest of the world but you're clueless retards about what this entails and this is the result. And now all you can do is some damage control and pretend it's not really your fault when half of the world could see this coming a mile away.
what's going on in Norway?
>there are people with tickets not being let in and the stadium is almost full.

you realize they're showing live shots of the stadium on TV right now right lol it's still empty
are you even watching or just shitposting here because you're a dumb little brown man from Argentina who is mad at the US?

no we're laughing at dumb south americans who think behaving like chimps is a good thing and watching them get heem'd by our cops on live tv was honestly amazing lmao
Are you the same retard that said it only got delayed by 30 minutes? Kek, stop getting your news through twittee, there are thousands outside with tickets because they let people without tickets in to deflate the tension, which is the weakest pussy shit there is
>some colombians hop a fence
>stadium goes into lockdown
>said people who rushed the fence are pushed back through
>stadium gets cleared, game delayed because of this
>slowly let people in
this is where we are at now, quit crying

turn the game on, or are you too poor for a tv lol
>it's still empty
What stadium are you looking at you fat fuck
Man, murrikans are so golemized and soft nowadays. I wonder how you'll deal with your country becoming just another latinamerican country in the next 30 years
>mixed fan seats
the fights are going to be legendary
There is no football event in the world that doesn't have a police cordon around the stadium.
There is a pre-check before the citizen gets close to the stadium entrance.
Not him but yeah it's the fans fault for breaking the law and getting their shit kicked in by our cops, lmao. Zero sympathy.
>There is no football event in the world that doesn't have a police cordon around the stadium.

What do you think the outside fence is? It's a two point entry to actually get in, the fence and the stadium itself, the guys who hopped the fence got trapped between the two

I didn't really get the Brazilians are retarded meme until tonight, this shit was all on live tv and twitter kek
Are those smashed people in the room with us right now?
I mean, we are prime examples of mestizo countries going browner by the year
You can thank President Biden
We don't feel bad for the niggers, but we are a bit surprised at how unprepared you were for this. Both yuros and sudaca countries know how to avoid this kind of shit

why do you think so many of your brown people are crying here about it lol the cops destroyed them
I've never seen a match in Brazil delayed for this reason. All the police had to do was beat the crap out of them.
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My fellow latinx brothers are seething but this is true, our "epic" footballing culture is literal barbarism to anyone with 2 braincells, european hooligans aren't too far off but we're more violent
>they handled this crowd just fine
Im watching the Fox feed:
>this isnt a good look
>we NEED to get our shit sorted before '26
whatever the Miami cops have done here, not even Fox are pretending everythings kumbaya. I'm guessing they fucked up with locking the gates, then random smashing heads, but that is just guessing. You cannot, for instance, fucking rndm delay World Cup games for a couple of hours, that tends not to end well.
I'm going for beer, keep the chimpout going
Where are those missing students?
And Brazil is a shithole that requires legions of cops due to how badly behaved your people are

Whats your point? These are two very different situations, the game got delayed and they cleared the stadium, keep crying because your shit federation wanted our money instead of hosting it in your country instead
we built a giant wall in the south that helped them prepare for this moment
Even Argentine fans are putting the blame on Unitedstasians

Those are colombians so they are not my people.
Seek help, you are mentally unwell.
They forced one of the main gates open it looks like and then rushed through it initially, then later after they got cleared, they did the same thing again causing a human crush

Like these people cannot behave like normal human beings, it's mind blowing LMAO
You know your video proves nothing?
What are you even talking about kek.

You retards didn't beat the shit out of them enough, that's the whole point you fatso kek. You're supposed to fucking wreck the shit out of them with a barrier of a hundred armored cops in case of a breakthrough, you just had fat fucks tackling them, kek.
Tear gas works great too
You're the one shitting your diaper here about it though? KWAB

You can't act like it's cool to behave like this and it's part of the "soul" and then turn around and cry when cops bash your brains in for doing so saying we need to handle things better

Fuck around and find out is a very powerful sentiment here in the US for a reason
Sounds like a personal problem

>You retards didn't beat the shit out of them enough

It's all over Twitter of them getting smashed through the gate they rushed and trapped against the fences

Don't come to our country if you can't behave
Thousands of colombians got in, you guys are useless.
>cry when cops bash your brains in
Kek, you retard, we are telling you your soft bags of diabetes failed to beat them hard enough or prepare enough for this not to happen to begin with.
I guess I'm not surprised, your sports are too plastic to generate enough passion for you to have to deal with rough crowds.
>sudacas: REEEE you should have been aware how subhuman we are!!! Why weren't you prepared????
Don't care, don't come to our country and behave like literal third world apes and then turn around and cry when our cops heem you

Maybe CONMEBOL should do a better job at organizing these events considering they're the organizers, not us
YOU’RE NOT BASHING BRAINS ENOUGH, that’s the fucking point
We needed ICE agents to provide security
Yes, the few dozens you managed to catch, all the media is talking about how thousands of ticketless fans got in.
Stop coping against us when we are the ones telling you your security is way too soft for big events, you didn't even have water trucks to fucking blast the niggers clean
So you have a personal problem with videos of colombians swarming into the stadium, got it.
this type of mentality really explains the state of some of their nations desu, entire nations of morally compromised individuals who demand a strong fist to stay in line. Low IQ and brown person moment for sure

Too many kids were caught in a crush it looked like
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>usa wants to host world cup with this shit ass security
It’s just bad security
We host football events every year
The difference is that our police beat the shit out of those monkeys. Germans could handle well English apes, USA just need to learn in time for the WC
Kek, the will do it again and even worse in the world cuo and if this happens again the whole world will laught at you.

You need to make a blocks deep layer of separation and have water trucks and tear gas ready to stop run ins, and anyone that gets in gets their head smashed with fucking clubs. The niggers won't back down for anything less because they know most will get through
Crazy isn’t it? Explains the absolute state of their countries. Just a lighter shade of nigger.
Imagine trying to justify this behavior by blaming someone else instead of the actual perps. I guess thats how monkeys behave in your country so its normal for you. In countries like ours, people behave and act accordingly, we dont need authority to check on grown adults
>you didn't even have water trucks to fucking blast the niggers clean

You have to understand how incredibly disconnected from reality this sounds to an American, do you guys REALLY behave that badly? What the fuck is wrong with you?

And you'll get heem'd again by our cops and you'll be here in 18 months crying in English on an American website about an event you can't afford to go to, your life must be shit mate hahahaha
For any high risk match they usually set up a fucking gauntlet you have to pass through with riot gear cops standing everywhere to stop anything like this from even being possible
blows my mind they're sitting here asking for water trucks and legions of riot cops for a kid's game lol, truly a fucked up people
You will have thousands of cops ready? Kek. You are so naive. These weren't a few dozens colombians, we are talking thousands

USA thought conmebol wasn't going to chimp. They still have mixed seating.

>You will have thousands of cops ready?

yes? have you seen an NFL game? probably not since you're a poor person from argentina but unironically yeah, there will be thousands of cops lol, my city is shutting down streets for our WC games for example
>That's football. And your decadent society
Accusing them of being the decadent society for not being familiar with football induced chimp outs is towing a fine line lmao
Get real, football fans have always been the lowest denominator
Why would I watch a show that's legally declared not to be a sport? Kek
This discussion is shockingly retarded. Did everyone with a ticket get in or no?
apparently the people that did pay have their seats stolen
then why are you here crying on an american website in english about it then, fuck off retard lol

No. Dudes were complaining about paying 2k to get in and were stuck outside.
There is going to be some murderball after this match isnt there.
>Argensimiams and Colombians can't behave like grown adults for a kid's game
>even our Mexicans are better behaved than these people despite coming from a cartel hell hole


They'll probably cancel and play with no audience later in the week
>passionate public
Let's drop this cope, it's not passion, it's being uncivilized retards. Europeans (from the good parts of Europe) don't chimp out either and they play better games to boot
The problem is latrinxoids
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Yet conmebol relocated copa libertadores final to Spain due to your white chimp out
we are literally a nation full of low iq gunowners and we don't even act like this lol
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Bruh you’re portuguese you can’t be talking shit lol
>fans literally crawling in through the vents
>exhaust vents
they'll run into a 90 degree upward turn and be stuck kek
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This is how we solve the problem
Most European hooliganism has been curbed considerably, even the infamous English fans today are more civilized than their 1990s version.
Kek, this one murrikan is so triggered at being, rightfully, seen as weak and unprepared.
If even the dutch can handle this, why can't you?
wrong board pacho, why can't you afford to come watch your team in a final instead of posting on an american website about it instead?
We are literally APES

Because our police got defunded since black lives matter
If the US was clever enough they'd check the status of the visas from people who are attending these games and deport 90% of these subhumans
>Argentinian shirts doing it too
Weird, I thought the Argie anon was coping about how only Colombians behaved like this?
Its not american fault mesoamericas behave like animals.
Argentinians behave fine, the problem are colombian animals.
kek if they had ICE at these games that would actually be such an incredible deterrent
You spics are all the same
Because they are scared to be called racist.
We all know is colombian fault, stupid animals, in Twitter is full of videos creating caos and trying to get in kkkk
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This baby isn't older than 6 months holy shit.
world cup is going to be a shitshow
The US has hosted a world cup and copa before but it was managed by USSF. This is the fault of CONEMBOL.
>despite being 6 months old, i've seen some serious shit

You're too fat and complacent for your chimp out to matter
>You want to fit in with the rest of the world
No one wants to "fit in" with you losers lmao
Outside the neolibs and other globalist elites we want to return to self-sustaining isolationism

Why the fuck is she bringing a 6 month year old to a 2+ hour sporting event in this heat?

Truly a stupid, low iq horde of a people
America is so bad at logistics holy shit

If you knew how comfy things really are
This isn’t a logistics issue this is a cultural issue of foreigners not knowing how to behave like adults kek, if anything it’s a security issue

Know your customers. I've seen kids ran through security to get into concerts and later get trampled see Travis Scott concert
you should be used to chaos by now, you're no better
>Yep, that's me. Perhaps you wonder how I get myself here in the first place.
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look out everyone, it's the passionate soccer fans!
we do know better when was the last time you saw this at a super bowl, nfl game, nba game, etc
>If only you knew how bad things are
There's even Netflix documentary about Brits doing this exact same thing. It's part of footy, your commercial leagues can't create actual fans, only customers

Most of those people got handled the way niggers should be handled. Shame Miami Dade Police didn’t body a few spics
>bragging about being destructive, low iq hordes at a kid's game
>still spending thousands of dollars to go to said games
>calling anyone else a "customer"

is there any way to separate pisa scores by race?

Inb4 ackhually scousers
Imagine being that baby and sucking down some Leche out of those big brown coloumbian titties
you can suck leche de mípalo.


Careful what you offer they/them
Red countries don't suffer
Colombians are literally subhuman
2026 will be a honeypot for deportation
preview for the thirdiefication of usa
>NOoOoOOoOO you should have been prepared for us to behave like monkeys!

why are they like this?
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ameribros are doing everything they can to make us look good in a couple weeks

I'm better prepared than these pathetic policemen.
>shame on you america
Its time to admit congolombians are subhumans
>man outruns a woman
>gets caught 10 seconds later
this isn't what you think it is
Why latinas are so hot, bros?
Nah man I love fucking Latinas

I welcome Latinas replacing wh*te womyn

>New India/china

Low IQ chimpouts happen, so if they are known to happen is the responsibility of the organizer to prevent it by encircling the stadium and doing security checks to prevent this exact same thing

Nigs are gonna nig, chimps are gonna chimp, chinks are gonna chink, poos are gonna poo... that's why you have to deal with it with proper security which is why the US are to blame
>comparing a peaceful protest to the shitshow going on today

Mostly peaceful.
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Americans are very green with these savages, here there are two or 3 picket lines of police surrounding the stadium if you don't have the ticket you can't get close to the entrance.
We're so retarded anymore it's infuriating. You just needed a few official looking vehicles around the stadium with a magnet sticker that simply said "I.C.E.". There, problem solved.
Its the latinos, they are insane, just grab the women and kick out the rest.
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>South American niggas are LITERALLY blaming us because we didn't prepare for them to do shit like climb through fucking air vents to get in
How does a sport so boring have a fan base so rabid
Point is you imported those people. Those culombians invading the stadium live there, they are part of your demographics now but you dont know how to deal with them. America will not survive the competency crises + the hordes of imported 3rd worlders.
>let them cross international border illegally with no consequences
>get mad when they cross the wall of a stadium illegally
Makes you wonder
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Just try that shit two years from now in Meadowlands against the boys in grey of the New Jersey State Police

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