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Bergmann Edition

11 days to Olympiad
Pools for Women's Indoor Olympic Tournament:
>A: France, United States, China, Serbia
>B: Brazil, Poland, Japan, Kenya
>C: Italy, Türkiye, Netherlands, Dominican Republic
Pools for Men's Indoor Olympic Tournament:
>A: France, Slovenia, Canada, Serbia
>B: Poland, Italy, Brazil, Egypt
>C: Japan, United States, Argentina, Germany
Olympic arenas (indoor and beach) being set for Olympiad
Some national teams doing friendly matches

>Players' data base

>International volleyball
>European club volleyball championships
>Turkish club volleyball
>Russian club volleyball
>Brazilian club volleyball
>NCAA volleyball
>South American tournaments
>Sorted volleyball stuff
>Olympic women's volleyball
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Men's Panamerican Cup started yesterday:

Mexico 3-2 Chile
Colombia 3-0 Guatemala
United States 3-1 Puerto Rico
Dominican Republic 3-1 Peru
Been to the cup yesterday, was fun :D
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I want a +190cm sporty gf who can slap me real hard
is that too much to ask ?
she looks like Imke Onnen here a lot
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You and me both
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she's very short for volleyball standards if anything
voll girl ignore guys under 195
And how tall are you
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indeed >we were robbed by the refs of a gold medal yesterday, it's weird because they managed to provide a videochallenge system for the U18 tournament but not the U22 tournaments.
frankly one of the most embarrassing calls I've ever seen desu.
mezzi rigetoni
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Couldn't the italian coach challenge these calls?
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There you go incels, happy now?
Also why do I keep seeing women making this retarded gesture and what does it mean
Another gesture who makes something similar to a heart. And heart meaning love.
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the polish U18 coach shouts so much you can hear him over the music and during timeouts without a microphone.
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A Karpol's disciple?
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TFW no tall GF
>it's weird because they managed to provide a videochallenge system for the U18 tournament but not the U22 tournaments.
The favourites on odds

Men's tournament

Women's tournament
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Honestly somewhat of a letdown, but that's sportsfeet for you.
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good thing im not a feetfag
who's the favorite for volleyball this Olympics? men and women
>Poland, France, Italy
Italy, Brazil, Serbia
Stenzel to LKS Lodz
Men's Panamerican Cup today:

Canada 3-0 Puerto Rico
Cuba 3-0 Colombia
United States 3-1 Mexico
Peru 3-0 Guatemala
she is very cute
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Bella mogging the Swedish royal family
what's even the point of volleyball when beach volleyball is superior in every regard?
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Silke was there too
She's too pretty for a 204cm girl
I just KNOW that some Swedish nerd has already printed and abused a 3d copy
she's half french, too bad we beheaded our royal family long time ago
>Silke was there too
why tho
Friends :)
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no pressure on Perugia, they're the only hope of keeping the trophy where it belongs.
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meanwhile Fenerbahce keeps blatantly rigging the draws in its favour to lose another semifinal hopefully.
;_; its not fair bros
belly fat
fertility symbol
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flags are in random order
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>graduate with 3.61 gpa
>work at yoghurt-parlor
it is not real yoğurt if you don't write it with the faggot-g anyways.


"ate too much and need to shit" symbol
Because it's shit and the players look like dried prunes
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I did forgot Smrek is taller than Dana
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>best OH has to undergo surgery and misses the Olympics
>the now third best OH gets injured three weeks before the Olympics during a training session
>brother of the head coach dies two weeks before the Olympics
if we'll ever win a gold medal I hope we refuse to partecipate to any edition after it, it's obvious this universe has something against Italian volleyball.
The path being opened for her going to Paris?
no never, there are about ten middles better than her playing for Italy alone.
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How did he come to Galatasaray?
Omg Bella is a dyke too?
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every bigger team also playing in Europe in Italy had a starting opposite and the fact he vanished in last year's CL final probably didn't do him too many favours with the bigger polish teams, plus good money probably.
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you need to calibrate your dyke radar
here look at this pic and try to find the dyke
Omg the dude in the back too??
lol we just managed to fuck up the Argentinian anthem during our friendly, the retarded dj played two minutes of the introductory part and cut it short when the proper anthem was coming up.
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Agaty Mróz-Olszewskiej Memorial:

Serbia 3-0 France
Poland 3-0 Dominican Republic
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aladin mothafucka
not bad, hope the argie libero didn't actually get injured and it was just a light twisting of the ankle.
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Imagine eating her phat pale sweaty ass
Can you elaborate?
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Men's Panamerican Cup today:

Chile 3-1 Puerto Rico
Cuba 3-1 Peru
Canada 3-2 United States
Dominican Republic 3-0 Guatemala
She is not even fat
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LPGA Bella soon
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Plan B for Bella if Plan A (going to Olympiad by volleyball) to fail
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literally built for racemixing
>Magda's going to waste a year watching Vargas play from the bench
good for her bank account I guess.
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I don't think they'll ever need to use a third kit, but we have a kewl looking third kit for the Olympics.

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