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it's coming home -ACK! edition
poor Zacharias bard and the other one

†all same person
England cricket team won more than their football team
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trip on danny butterman iykwim haha
iydkwim haha picrel iykwim haha
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queem QUEEM hahaaaAaaaAAAAAAAA x
>VPN/pol schizo spamming the whole board
>ynr 2 days ago when i pitted 3 micks against each other and you all thought i was 3 different people
and you think i'm schizo
I am the man behind the curtain. The one pulling the strings. You are all dancing to my tune.
can't remember but I only really point it out when you start going overboard otherwise I probably just play along these days tbqwy
noticing your spam everywhere gets repetitive
just having a bit of fun with the uefa and copa america innit lad
ngl seeing as this is like the fourth time this 4ch gimmick has been done it really makes me think a lot of you cunts are redditors by day
>if you post board memes you are... le redditor!
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vasectomy. now.
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shall not racemix
shall save my seed and meet a qt white tradwaifu
Is that a Beretta or a SIG?
more of a bouldering nation TBPQH
meant more of a falklandsering nation tbqhwy iykwim haha
The misso has been pressuring me into getting the snip after our second pops out. Not keen tbqh
browsing r/DIY rn
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Why not?
Mental that euthanasia will soon be a standard treatment option
Me in the green tshirt bottom right. Just kidding i fistpumped when the moor scored the winner
i want sexing
I think I'm trans
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good song
trans Europe Express
trans siberian railway
based josh
>"it's coming home"
more like "i'm going home" iykwim haha
must be comfy job to drive that
literally just sleep for like a week or however long it takes
occasionally press stop and forward
good album that
concur fella x
my orcies play today :)
I guess I must be "the other one"

nice name, lots of mystery
i’ve been melancholy
i can’t stop crying. i cry every night. i’m so so sad, i just want to die
at least you've nice digits fella x
that's a noun mate you need an adjective
Seek Christ
i just burst into tears again
What's on your mind, mate?
i don’t want to talk about it
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you shot me but ya punks didn't finish
mental that nonwhites are plastered in so many ads for "muh representation" and the moment there's an ad for euthanasia in canada somehow there are fuckall nonwhites
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stop noticing
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wrong picrel
General is full of personas and vpns
>BR flag complaining about VPNs
post bat
If you ever do want to talk about it you can talk about it here, I'll listen
would rather blogposting than a dead thread
love bouldering me
how are you bouldering yourself
meth mostly

Think I will go watch this tomorrow
for me? it's Longshanks iykwim haha
I cant joke about your country's name because I dont know what it is called anymore.
It's pronounced "turkey-yeah"
you can't have no fun with an unloaded gun. my dad says that's for pussies
I don't rap to get the women fuck bitches
give me a fat slut that cooks and does dishes
very quiet day for the zachy and bard personas
evacuated after the euros?
or part of the vpn schizo's list of personalities and he was too busy spamming the board up today?


first time meeting mickhead? 4chan is his personality
>doesn't complain about divegrass fags spamming the whole board
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this broke him
/cric/? Done, dead, finished.
meant donedon
How can we save (real) cricket, lads?
test mostly iykwim haha
Bouldering later
thinking about bardering later iykwim haha
Tonight's kino: Shōgun S01E04
meant Shogun Total War
Men going their own way
Making fried egg on toast with pork belly
>eating meat
I've changed my mind about Ollie Pope and am now willing to admit he is good enough and should be the no.3 pick for England. Besides, he seems like an alright bloke, despite being s*rrey.
have sex incel
have sex incel
have sex incel
have sex incel
have sex incel
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mornin' criccy
Ok pull your pants down and bend over faggot
The absolute state of POOngland. And they come on /cric/ chatting shit all the time about tests. Pathetic. Sad really
The age of the test is over
The dawn of the Hundred has come
Small reminder that there have been more celebrations in e*glel of India, that is Bharat, winning the Cricket World Cup than there is of a*glo shitters celebrating winning a trophy in football - the only sport they care about.
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sooO TRUE fella
Small reminder people got bored of Zachy pretending to be Indian years ago
He's not pretending though is he.

>India, winning the CWC
when was this? Pretty sure >yous lost the last one, I remember 100k poos crying and the PM seething about the loss in "his" stadium.
ah shit they turned all UK country flags back to the UK one didn't they fucking hell
forgot UEFA was over, those flags are /comfy/
My body needs the hundred
>The 152nd Open Championship will take place at Royal Troon in 2024.
what were the scottish trying to say here
Zachys body needs a hundred men
20c scorcher lads
Gonna be 24C next few days
Good thing I have my trusty portable AC
stay safe and hydrated mate
Cricket on lads
Pissing it down lads
reckon our resident vpn spammer is behind almost all of the ragebait threads currently on /sp/
he's probably over half the spanish posts in the last week or so
SHALL be drinking myself to death on Friday if anyone fancies it
not waiting that long
zachy looking remarkably youthful and full of zeal
what's his secret?
been doing this most nights these days. the only cure to the wear toil takes on your body and soul
six pack of guiness only 3600kj
and fills you up nicely so no need for dinner
irish have it sorted out nicely
that's a lot of calories (by consuming alcohol)
no brekkie
2000kj lunch (very achievable)
full clip of guiness in the beer gun for dins
would see you lose weight at a rate """experts""" consider unhealthy
don't believe alcohol is bad for you
or even that it is addictive
I drink it because I like it. could stop if I wanted I just don't.
this is me but with heroin
Where's Turkbro, I want to ask him about origin?
Going to watch Crossing (2024)
welsh doesn't crack
I mean he's just caught up considering he looked 35 in his 20s too
certainly did not
looked like one of those 35 year olds that still goes to clubs despite everyone being 10 years younger than them
real crusty nigga iykwim
just a bad pic
fat neek
dead poomunity
>already backpedalling
what pic did he post?
I was referring to all of them but I think he was thinking of the one in the club with all his variously deformed friends
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protesting my man
Found crossing tough going and bang average
looked at the blurb and sounds exactly like that
yeah just a cookie-cutter foreign film about obscure cultural differences
they should have tried having at least one thing happen
Zachy, care to explain why your mates in the nightclub look like they crawled out of Chernobyl?
Only one of them was my mate
enjoyed bard's greentext post the other day totally shattering zachy's 'freethinker' gimmick
not quite a shitjeet's cousin btfoing but still quite close
Was just cliched, neeky, reddit tier drivel
I think the final straw for Hiba my self-discovery
I need to be fucked up the arse
My prostate must be destroyed
Small reminder that there have been more celebrations in e*glel of India, that is Bharat, winning the Cricket World Cup than there is of a*glo shitters celebrating winning a trophy in football - the only sport they care about.
you are seething
>Cricket World Cup
bit of an embarrassing wave to stage a comeback on shitjeet lad. suspect you'll vanish again once big bad bard shows up
wait on
did the flag reset happen¿
just when I was figuring out who's who on here
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I ain't clicking on instagram links
idk just not doing it to be honest
what are you protesting
surprised zachy came back after that, was completely btfo
it was an okay post until the author samefagged 15 times to it
just lost all its lustre after that
like a guy who laughs too much at his own joke innit
They call this the zachy method
Cant knock him on his job though, you dont become a train driver by following whats trendy on 4chan
>he's going to spam 50 gaan posts again
holy grim
yeah if I win the lottery? probably just keep on working
give it to charity
my parents
no need for personal wealth me
has there ever been a man in history as intelligent and as cultured as me? with such wide ranging and eclectic tastes? and contained within such a muscular and handsome frame? possibly but it does seem unlikely all considered
might finally watch le trou tonight
forgot to turn off your vpn zachy
List all of your favourite things
test cricket
my mum
meth mostly
test cricket tomorrow lads
i am now resigned to the fact i will take the piss when WFH
i tricked myself for almost a year, but i now understand that lying to myself just creates too much mental dissonance
$150k a year to watch Twitch and shitpost is pretty good
meth mostly
>kick out Old Manderson, excuse is to play new young players
>bring in Wood to open the bowling with Woakes
Not saying it’s wrong to play either Wood or Woakes but if you’re using this series and the SL one to give young-‘uns test experience then why have two old soldiers bowling? Same with the batting it’s the same default top 5.
Probably the most dire /gayfl/ “gimmick” yet.
he's not me retard
It’s still a gimmick even if others do it you stupid abo.
sign my form for free gibs just for existing despite my people doing nothing of note?
At this point I'm pretty sure the guy makes his gimmicks as dire as possible on purpose
Not really possible to miss the mark so much
Just non stop dire spam
>being this jelly you didn't make or be assigned more than 30 'sonas in less than a year
lol, lmao even
zachy would you go to bard's funeral if he topped himself?
nah never met him
alright imma say it
dire 'micks are best. particularly when retards react to them.
iykwim haha posting during the ashes is a great example. started out as a fun 'mick, but within 5 posts it had become dire and continued to become more and more dire as the series went on
'sonas are cringe though
all that
>if he was X he'd be Y iykwim haha posting was great
makes more sense if you think about it from a vibes pov
can you shut up
>he thinks 3 people are 1 person
crisp schizo
Beds are an ornament of the bourgeoisie. I've slept on a humble mattress on the floor for almost a year now
how many matches before they beg anderson to come out of retirement
when wood cripples himself again next game?
they say it's because they want to concentrate on the next ashes but then they play Woakes, he averages like 60 with the ball in australia or something
doesn't make any sense really
they probably just didn't like grouchy jimmy
What's the job?
ecommerce - i oversee a number of retail websites for a company
sounds impressive until you realise aussie dollas are basically monopoly money
id be in the top 7% of earners in your country and i'm not even 30 years old lad
lads, we're meeting saturday night in bangkok
sukhumvit soi 11
any tips on how to stop drinking
Stop buying it
will try this
let you know if it works
Bouldering later
Climbing is for monkeys, not people.
trip on fatguts
zachy isn't people
seethe on fat laptop thumbing neeks
Why don't boulderers just bring a ladder
Might get into a combat sport
Thinking muay thai

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