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I hope we somehow do it but I think Portugal will eventually do it.
I can see Colombia doing it
Portugal or the Neetherlands
Perú will win the cup eventually
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Yeah I can see either winning (more Portugal because Dutch are still huge chokers)
If Colombia keeps improving they could have some really good chances at winning in 2026
Definitely Suriname
an uruguayan will see this and lose his temper
Yeah we're in that phase with such population we should really be doing better...
catch up with the times grandpa
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Netherlands and Portugal are looking like prime contenders now that the Croatian and Belgian golden generation seems to be done. Outside of those countries it's hard to imagine another underdog European country not named Denmark having a golden generation capable of winning the world cup.
>South America
Colombia seems like the only ones that can do it
>Rest of the world
I honestly don't even know. Some fags say Nigeria or Senegal or some shit but they don't have the organization. The only country with the discipline and organizational structure to construct and develop their players is Japan with a decent league and steadily growing for footy. The nips are a fucking anomaly though because from what I can tell they only started caring about football since the 90s, after Captain Tsubasa made the rounds. Their steady growth is very odd but the nips will be the nips I suppose.
We will win as soon as we start to care
Netherlands, easy. It’s much easier to go from choker to champion than from irrelevant to champion.
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What makes you say that? The japs have a small chance compared to the european and south american talent. Their jleague can develop decent players and role payers but they have no good coaching. Who knows though, maybe those japs will send enough players to smaller european leagues as they do in scotland and belgium that a small few will naturally rise to the top. Japanese footballers don't have the winning mentality like their jap boxers.
From most likely to least likely
1. Netherlands
2. Belgium
3. Colombia
4. Portugal
5. Nigeria
6. Japan
7. United States
8. Poland
9. China
10. Mexico
11. Russia
12. Switzerland
13. Croatia
14. Turkiye
15. Sweden
>2. Belgium
The meme has been over for quite a while, anon.
Not an african one for sure since their best talents would be playing for france, england, netherlands and germany. Most likely an european one. I Would say Portugal or Netherlands.
Theyre getting better
Why put Inoue when he is undefeated and Japan is top 5 in boxing world champions
Yeah on second thought I'd switch Belgium and Colombia and also USA/Japan.
>9. China
You can't be serious.
Yeah China would be below most big African nations in my list.
It's quite incredible so few nations won it when you consider it's the most popular sport in the whole world.
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We're winning 2026 plus nothing before the iPhone counts so let's go ahead and erase a lot of those 'victories' from those ol' timey tournaments.
netherlands is long overdue
>77. United States
As an american ive wondered this too, it seems like the most bullshit volatile sport ever when you watch it match by match but every tourney more or less converges to the same few teams even across decades
My only guess is that you need to be good enough not only to win but to surpass the bullshit which is a really high bar
I have countries with high populations (like China, Nigeria, Turkiye) rated high because they have potential to be good even though they're mediocre right now
There are 5 Western European countries whose populations tower above the rest
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Doesn’t mean much when you have other countries with way more people that still care about soccer a ton (mexicans, arabs, africans).
I mean you’d think they’d at least win it once on a cinderella
USA, but not in the foreseeable future
Croatia, Netherlands, Belgium, Colombia, Japan, US and Canada.

Croatia and Belgium have solid structures, they will keep producing good players and be a solid team. Netherlands is always doing at least decent. Colombia is one step away from being an actual contender. Japan has evolved immensely in the last few WCs and have their best generation so far, plus they are still young. US and Canada are bound to be way better in 20 years or so due to immigration, plasticization of their sports and >global warming.

My personal bet is Japan, once they get good at a team sport they don't stop being elite. Men's and Women's Volleyball for example.
Canada has the wrong kind of immigration, they might win cricket though
Lots of USAs and Japans in here
Which one do you guys think will win it first?
their team is insanely stacked even defense is great even tho not stacked like mid and forwards for international

If Tsu can stop ego playing and get off the field and come in as sub for 20 mins
they might just have a huge chance in 2026
True, forgot about Portugal >>142800584, and soon they will be free of the cancer plaguing their development

In recent years the rate of immigration from Brazil has increased a lot, soon you they will have Ngubus and Brazilian blood
>other countries with way more people that still care about soccer a ton (mexicans, arabs, africans).
They don't have advanced training facilities/programs.
New Zealand pls
Aren't you guys more of a rugby nation?
you could argue Western Europe combined wealth with population numbers, but then you have Brazil who is the king of football and was pisspoor, or the USSR which should have had all the means necessary to win at least once.
Suriname could actually have a baller team if they didn't bend over backwards to play in your team.
This generation of Spain is looking really strong I don't think anyone in the WC will be ready for them
All I’m saying is it’s weird they haven’t gotten lucky at least once, not that I’m surprised they aren’t as good. I was surprised to see that South Korea got to semifinals in a world cup with some meme refball, you’d think things like that would happen more often
Same with other carribean teams. Maignan could play for Haiti, French Guiana or Guadeloupe. That alone is enough to qualify from Concacaf.
>next world cup
having a large population isn't enough
Russia (lol) and China (lmao) do not belong on that list. Swap in Senegal and South Korea and you might be onto something.

In all seriousness though, the only non-winners I could see taking it in the near future are the Netherlands, maybe Belgium, maybe Portugal but not really, and *maybe* Colombia but I doubt it. Croatia would be there but Modric is getting too old and I don’t think they’ll stay a top team without him.
Turkey and Nigeria are vastly better than China. It’s not even close.
Bobos NEED to win it soon or else they will fall into the eternal choker cuck chair
Colombia, croatia
New Zealand obviously
It's the USA for sure, but not until 2038 at least.
The next WCs until then:
A UEFA team
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Chile, but only technically once Milei's Argentina assimilates us.
imagine if a team known as "the all whites" won the biggest sporting competition on the planet
the seething and memery which would ensue
>7. United States
Bürgerbro, I know we've had fun making fun of England and all but that wasn't a green light for you to start getting uppity and delusional about yourselves.
Wealth and investment wins the day, that's the ugly truth. Even our military dictatorship knew that and used Football for propaganda to keep the masses happy. Europeans nowadays will invest millions in a self replicating cycle where they can develop the best football talents in academies and keep attracting the best players to their leagues so they can keep their own national players competitive and with access to better facilities
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>My personal bet is Japan, once they get good at a team sport they don't stop being elite. Men's and Women's Volleyball for example.
I actually can't refute this for the Japanese except one sport, MMA. They've actually been able to do extremely well in baseball and is one of the top nations (yes, baseball is more than just USA) and will most likely do well forever because they have a superstar named Ohtani who already reached one of the highest peaks of baseball EVER. With mma though, they were once elite but then quickly declined once Pride FC, Japan's top promotion fell. The big problem with their MMA scene was that there was no organized structure for MMA in general because the sport was still extremely early where even UFC was close to dying multiple times. Oddly enough the japs are actually good at other combat sports like boxing, wrestling, and other grappling. They also have good japs in golf and other weird shit as well. I don't know if we'll see the Japanese reach that "elite" level anytime soon though, assuming they even will at all.
We should probably be higher than 7 if we're being perfectly honest. We don't have great odds for the NEXT world cup, but we have a lot of room for improvement for 2030, 2034, etc... simply due to our high population and lots of money.
OP doesn't mean the most likely to win 2026. He's asking who's most likely to EVENTUALLY be the next new winner. It's been 14 years since a new team won the world cup so we could be waiting until the 2040s or 50s for a new team to win.
Probably the Netherlands
Maybe Portugal IF Ronaldo retires/accepts being benched (won't happen) and they get a good manager instead of a fraud that had been a disaster for Belgium already.
If not them, USA in 20~ years.
I don't know what Russia's deal is. They're a European country with almost 2x more people than the next most populated Euro country. They should be good in theory, but they can't play for shit in reality. Maybe the issue is too much sports focus on ice hockey, or corruption+poverty, idk
New Zealand is "the all blacks" when they wear their alternates though
2014 was our turn... we will never have a team as good ever again
Colombia vs. Chile quarterfinal would have been kino. Either one of those teams would've given Germany a better fight than fucking Brazil

Did you see how bad our bench was and how sparse the attacking options were last night? That is our future.

Unless some new mid fielders and strikers surge in the next 2 years there is no fucking way we go any further than quarters and that is with a lucky draw. Not to mention that mentally the colombian player is just fragile and most often undisciplined as well. Pks in a WC and I would bet 1000s we are done.
>four time champ Uruguay
>same color as two cups Fr*nce
lmao. even we have a better chance
Lol why the oddly specific 15 nations. May as well add England before all those other shitters. Sure they have one but it was 60 fucking years ago, it would feel like the first for them.
Shinji Kagawa was pure sovl
t. bvb fan
If Portugal wins the WC right after penaldo retires you guys will hear my laughter across the globe.
Japan. Their country is hungry again.
Not really. When Surinam became independent the Surinamese had the choice to stay and get the Surinamese citizenship or leave and remain Dutch. Half of them chose to stay Dutch and left. They grew up in the Dutch football system and that's where the famous players came from. Had they stayed in Surinam they would not have developed into great players because of the different conditions.
Growing up I always thought Mexico had a chance, but for some reason they've been very poor recently.

My go to now is on countries in continents:
Portugal, Canada, Colombia, Morocco, Japan and New Zealand
Obviously the Netherlands.
>Japanese footballers don't have the winning mentality like their jap boxers.
they were amazing in the WC though, that 2nd goal against spain is still one if the clutchest goals i've ever seen
>1. Neverlands
>2. Lelgium
imagine the neverlands seethe
Portugal once we finally merge our national teams.
They have a lot of potential and a large population. If the Islamic regime falls the country could get rich fast and develop a good team.
You forgot the "has never won wc before"
Tell us which is stronger than them in that group.
Colombia is garbage and so is CONMEBOL in general. Portugal has a new golden generation and once TSUUUU is booted they will be a serious WC contender
why play for guadeloupe/french guiana if they're not recognized by FIFA
+ they're shitter teams, same for haiti

Portugal could potentially win it next WC if they ditch CR once and for all and find their footing with their current generation. It's not likely but not impossible.
You're really obsessed with him.
The dutch had their chances
I fear we will soon move into the full globhomo era of the sport and nations with sub 50m populations will never have a chance again
portugal has the best chance
Portugal won't win unless penaldo retires. He makes the team so much worse it's ridiculous.
Unironically Japan, they just need to learn to not to lose to absolute shitters.
Russia and USA are about the same level football wise
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Our 2026 team is looking great though if Koeman grows a pair to play with 3 at the back.
We can get semi finals easily with this.
too white
Thats just whats probably going to be available, I didnt choose the players with a preference for white players.
I don't think Simons would be starting over Koopmeiners, maybe Ake will be picked over De Ligt, but he could also be picked over Van Dijk (who will be 35 in 26).
We unironically dont have a lot of promising black players at the minute.
damn that actually looks pretty good
i dont know about bakker thoughever, maatsen would probably be better there
We do significantly better at the world cup. Russia's only made it out of their group once since 1986 (in 5 world cups).
The difference isn't huge though.
lol, lmao. Current Portugal is garbage and they are actively shitting on Ronaldo when he is the only one who seems to give a fuck. At least Argentinians players held Messi in high regard when he is playing, but the Portuguese players seem to hate Ronaldo, for some reason.
Once he retires, Portugal will be as irrelevant as they were in their pre-Ronaldo days.
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USA honestlt
Feel like next 20 years is gunna be big for them
Because Ronaldo pulls such antics as trying to claim a goal that wasn't his, being visibly upset when the system shows who actually scored it, and then trying to play it off as a joke once he realizes he's in public with a bunch of cameras pointed at him.
I didn't follow the Portuguese team much this tournament but pretty much every member was holding him in high regard during the WC. I'd be surprised if that changed but even if it did I wouldn't blame them.
And I disagree that Portugal will fade to irrelevance. It's not a powerhouse by any means but it has enough talent (and thanks to CR, this talent pool will probably keep on giving) to get to the top on a good day if the stars align.
>Outside of those countries it's hard to imagine another underdog European country not named Denmark having a golden generation capable of winning the world cup.
It surprises me that you'd consider Denmark before Switzerland or Serbia.
Ypu arent even the best NA team, Canada moggs you talent-wise
Check their performance in the last 14 years:
>Euro 2024
Drew to Switzerland and Slovenia, lost to England.
>WC 2022
Drew to Cameroon, lost to Switzerland and Brazil.
>Euro 2020
Didn't qualify
>WC 2018
Lost to Brazil, Switzerland (AGAIN) and Costa Rica.
>Euro 2016
>WC 2014
>Euro 2012
Didn't qualify
>WC 2010
Won against Germany, lost to Australia and Ghana.
Penaldog delusion.
This map makes the WC look boring as shit, this dying sport is really begging for some fresh blood.
It's a matter of timing. For all that's said about Mexico, it wouldn't have been that weird at all if they had won a WC between the 70s and the 90s and they almost definitely would have if their NT had been playing in Conmebol. Nowadays, it's impossible for them to win anything for the only reason that their talent doesn't go to Europe. European talent development has leapfrogged so much above the reast of the world that it's impossible to have a WC winning squad with players that don't play in Europe.

Any country with a large population, footballing culture that ensures talented kids choose to play it, and whose population is incentivized to let their kids play in Europe since an early age even if it means leaving their home (usually for economic reasons), and whose talent can actually be found, could be a contender. African countries have large populations but they still lack infrastructure, effectively reducing the talent pool due to plain lack of discovery, and their footballing culture isn't as developed as that in Latin America so a smaller portion of kids pick up the game seriously. Mexicans are disincentivized from playing in Europe because they can play in Liga MX and get a good faction of what they'd make in Europe with a way smaller fraction of effort.

Brazil could win back when Brazileirão talent development was enough to win you a WC, and it'll probably be able to win again soon once they find a competent manager, now that top European clubs are finally almost entirely made up of foreigners. It (and Argentina) had a terrible time during the transition phase when some European NTs were basically a lighter version of a top European club thanks to national players still making up considerable portions of their NTs.
>thanks to national players still making up considerable portions of their NTs.
I meant of their top clubs
The Serbian situation (population, football culture and tradition) is virtually the same as Croatia's. Croatia has definitely had way better results, but nothing's stopping Serbia from having a similar golden generation. At the very least, I'd expect it from Serbia sooner that I'd expect it from Denmark.
a small african village has a better chance at winning the WC than our awful shitters.
How come Mexico sucks at futbol? They have a huge population of people who like soccer
Mickey mouse tournament. They should combine the copa and the Euros and cut out the filler
>implying China would ever win the world cup
Over the years I have lost all hope. Just watch them crash out of the upcoming 2026 world cup qualifiers and you'll understand that it's simply impossible.
Weren't the Soviet relatively good at foochie? Why is Russia garbage?
If no one new on the next 20-30 years then maybe India. More likely than China imho
Are they still forcing all children to play soccer or did they get rid of that?
it astonishes me how much one man alone caused everyone to overrate us so
he alone is the sole reason we are good
if the team is decnt then we may scrape by when he doesnt perform, but we only go far when he does
once he is gone, and we are seeing it now for the last 2 tournaments as he has aged and not played well, we will be permanently shit again
Well the main reason is that half of the USSR's players were not Russians. Lots of Georgians, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, etc. In fact I just looked at their last Euro squad and it's majority Ukrainians
this is the objective truth
the only way will keep qualifying is through these expanded cups, if not we would be returning to the old "qualify every 20 years" model (not so extreme since there were even fewer spots then and i do think we improved a bit but we would still miss out often)
Even if the Serbs had excellent players, they would never be able to do anything worth mentioning because they have the mentality of a third world country. There is always something with them.
>because they have the mentality of a third world country
Unlike the current champions? Or the most recurrent ones?
>if the team is decnt then we may scrape by when he doesnt perform, but we only go far when he does
You say that as if it's easy to perform with a 10-man squad.
The winner is usually a strong team, isn't the same in any other given sport?
And you don't know which of them will be the winner.
Interestingly though, the Euro winning squad of 1960 was almost entirely Russian, with only 3 Georgians and 1 Ukrainian. At least going by place of birth.
Though to be fair, Spain would have probably won 1960 if Franco hadn't had a fit
It really puts things into perspective, only 2 continents ever won, and the vast majority of them were won by the same 3 countries. I get that objectively speaking footie is like less than a hundred years old but that's still quite a low number. Specially considering it is easily by far the biggest sport in the world bar none and has been since we invented the ball.
For comparison, the UFC has had champions from 20 different countries in less then 30 years.
Colombia is the most likely from what I've seen this year. They still have to be ruthless with their finishing, which sadly they weren't in the 1st half against Argentina and so lost the Copa.

Portugal is next but they have Martinez, who's a serial loser
It's just a savagely hard competition to win because every good national team goes all out during the tournament. Few chances for teams, for example only five opportunities are available in two decades. Then the technical and tactical barrier immediately rules out many competitors.

Winning the WC for the first time is without a doubt the hardest achievement in international football. Going forward, for most countries, one win a century could be a good achievement.
You have your own opinion about it, but I know what is happening there. At literally every tournament, they always have some scandals and quarrels within the team. They are simply crazy and in order to change all that, the whole country needs to change, and that is impossible. I won't talk about it anymore, it looks like I'm talking behind their backs.
I think Belgium will get there eventually.
Don't fucking say that we already won this century
>World Cup
>Only Europe and South America have ever won it
To add further, the World Cup is THE trophy in all of sports. It's inevitable that almost all nations will only win it once in a blue moon. Even a nation steeped in Football like ours might not win the next one until 2066.

>Taking American opinion seriously on soccer
>USA that high Canada not even on the list

Yeah nah.
>Not counting Africans

Have you heard of France or Germany National Football Teams?

I give you no Asians or North Americans have won it.
To be fair:
Football: 8 winners in 22 editions
Basketball: 7 winners in 19 editions
Volleyball: 7 winners in 20 editions

I think team sports just lend themselves to having more momentum for winning teams.

I don't have a strong opinion here, I just thought the reason you gave was a bit weak given some of the most successful teams in the WC.

Germany's NT wasn't yet African back in 2014, they only had Boateng. 2018 France was the first winning African team.
Why use them when we won almost solely because of our black players?
Even with the greatest player ever, Argentina still needed three attempts and a lot of luck. Its not enough to have a great generation of players, they have to come together as a team properly with the right manager at the right time and even then you are have to rely on a bit of 'styles make fights' so no horrible match ups come your way.
Even the great Spain team needed penalties for their Euros wins. One player or the other shits the bed in those shootouts and their record looks very different
You are wrong. The current team surpasses him and it's not even close. Ronaldo had to play with some shitters in the National team, especially around 2010-14, which is a shame because that was his peak, but right now, the current gen is better than anything he ever had the chance to play with at country level.
sports team aren't comparable with individual disciplines.
Exactly, and Argentina also needed that outrageous Martinez save/miss by Muani and then penalties. Or with Spain when Robben missed the chance to win it for Netherlands.

Stars literally have to align EVEN with world class talent. Netherlands losses are a fine example of this.
This is spot-on.
God, I remember that idiotic TV pundits in this country criticized Scaloni when he picked Emi Martinez over Armani, LOUDLY claiming that Scaloni only picked Martinez due to an unwarranted favoritism toward players in European clubs.
You're correct about the Serbs, but don't compare them with LATAM. Eastern Europe is a whole other kind of crazy; we don't have constant wars and intense grudges against our neighbors here. And while there was/is socialism here, the specter of Communism and the USSR doesn't hang over LATAM.
Back to football, just this last Euros, all the Eastern Europe nations reported each other for breaches in conduct and all of them got punished by UEFA. That's the kind of idiocy they always pull off and holds them back.
Football is influenced by outrageous luck in a way few sports are, probably what makes it the most popular. Literally anything can happen, triggers the same brain centres that gambling does
Compare to eg cricket when the team that plays better will always win.
When Australia had their great team with McGrath and Ponting they won three in a row no sweat, its not like they could lose a fluke game to Kenya and knocked out. Even if they had some horrible bad luck, there is always time to claw that back. While if that England header at the end had cannoned somewhere and bounced in off Bellingham's ass they'd probably be champions now.
I did not compare Serbs with you. Serbs fucked each other's wives at the last world cup, lol. They are not 100% professionals, they are not serious, they are known for the fact that they like to go out and drink until late at night... they simply behave like a gang out of control and they have a bad situation in the FA and with the coaches, unironically they had about 20 coaches in the last 25 years. There are always some incidents, arguments between the coach and the players. It's a farce.
While I agree Portugal are more talented, I think we might have a great generation coming through as well. Many of our young-ish players are moving to elite clubs this summer or are becoming key players for their clubs.

Koopmeiners, Reijnders, Zirkzee, Van de Ven, Frimpong, Maatsen, Gakpo, Malen, Schouten, Veerman, Lang (lel), Gravenberch, Botman, Simons, de Ligt, Verbruggen are all (relatively) young players who could become top level players if they continue to develop, hitting their prime in the next 2-8 years.

Together with some of the established players becoming veterans (Frenkie, old-man VVD, Aké) and ditching overrated dead wood (Memphis, Dumfries, Wijnaldum), our WC2026 squad COULD be pretty elite. If only the KNVB would fire Cowman and hire Bosz before then (they won't), we could've been up there with other favourites imo
Morocco. Nort african football is growing very fast.
Japan looks very promising. One thing is for sure, it wont be USA. My kindergarten matches with the classmates had more intensity than the average MLS match.
To avoid naming yuros and south americans, Morocco, Japan and Turkiye look promising, Australians are also always a surprise so i imagine the second they get a team that people consider top 16 worthy beforehand they will somehow win it all
I fully believe that the Netherlands might reach the final in 2026. Though I doubt it's going to win it.
Australia are the most likely to do a Greece and /strongmind/ their way through a cup beating everyone 1-0 or on penalties. If English players had Australian mentality they would win constantly.
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reckon we're due.
Yeah, that's what I mean
Everyone always say they won't even qualify but they always do, with that mentality an actually decent looking line up would honestly be promising
Also I apologize for calling Turkiye not Europe, but I was thinking more about central/west Europe anyways
When it comes to big school Colombia are weak as fuck. They lost to penalties to England. They choked against 7-1 Brazil.
Even their meme 90s team fucked it up. They are hipster Mexico
I want America to win so bad. I would do anything to see it
He's shit. Pepe is 2 years older and he's way better. Losing Pepe is the actual loss
>They lost to penalties to England
so... same level as a top-tier european team?
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Japan has jobbed every time at the round of 16. However, I'm not actually sure how good the JlLeague is. I see they've won a few AFC Champions League recently, their UEFA equivalent for all of asia including the arabs. But I also don't see a lot of their players in the top-tier european clubs. Most of them are usually in scotland or belgium to bridge the gap between japan and europe. But not a lot at the upper echelons besides bundesliga. I will say that they have more talent in europe compared to their other asian counterparts like Korea. But I'm not sure if the JLeague can handle develop enough talent that can be immediately sent to europe without draining their own talent to appeal to the japanese market. Japan seems more like a meme but I can be convinced over time if I see more nips in europe. I'd also prefer them over any afcon nations to win it first.
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>he alone is the sole reason we are good
he is actually the sole reason you are bad
>Serbs fucked each other's wives at the last world cup, lol.
It's never going to happen. Our best athletes don't play soccer while the successful countries' best athletes do. We will always be the equivalent of a MAC school playing Alabama.
probably some african country
The Scandinavian Confederation will win in 2054.
Russia in 2062.
Japan in 2070
United Korea in 2074

I am a time traveler.
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Japan has a lot of mega OP advantages to become the best country at anything. They're the most intelligent and disciplined race on earth, and like Lee Kuan-Yew said: Japanese people fit into each other like lego bricks; they have the strongest group solidarity in the world. They have a tendency towards obsessive perfectionism and they have this unique intensity about them.
They're the true masterrace and their only disadvantage is that they'd rather masturbate to anime girls than spread their genes. Anime girls are the most beautiful and divine artistic achievement in human history, something that could only be created with Japanese people's unparalleled genius, but it has had its cost.
glad it is this way the US would be a real menace
Their biggest weakness is a lack of big people amongst their ranks. I suspect this will change now that they have their own baseball god in america with Shohei Ohtani. I wouldn't be surprised if saw more big japs or kids all over the country eat and sleep more to be big and strong like Ohtani.
Didn't Miami win the Balloon Door? Seems like a World Cup is inevitable.
America would take credit for if miami won the fifa club world cup
I want to see the USA winning one before Mexico
probably us if the portuguese dont do it first.
the blue bloods have all won it already.
1. maybe
2. fucking no way the golden generation is dead
3. would be lucky to see a semifinal
4. maybe
6. decent shout but there are barely any young japanese being produced
7. 5th sport in a 4 sport country
8. 0 chance
9. idk maybe
10. never
11. russia wont exist in 5 years
12. could fluke a run
13. just a worse belgium
14. probably the most realistic dark horse
15. fucking lol no
Morocco has a golden generation right now, so they must pull off a WC win in 2026. After that they'll most likely go back to being mediocre.
Morocco had a hard-to-break system that their players very much bought into. It worked the first time since they were underestimated as underdogs. Now that other countries have seen this they'll adapt and we might see Morocco's deep run have a similar to Turkey in 2002 which is, not contend for the world cup as often. Morocco will have to take their recent AFCON loss and evolve from it greatly.
>People saying Morocco
Please get real. Turkey and Egypt are the only countries of the Muslim world that will ever have a chance.
i'd chug so much leche de tigre if you guys pull it off. then off to chimp out at the obelisco's micky D's
Looking at these countries' birth rates, their best window is going to be in the next few decades before their population collapses.
We missed such a huge chance in Russia 2018, especially considering that if we had won that match against Denmark (that we choked miserably), we could have reached the quarter final stage at least. But oh well, I don't mind another 36-year-long wait to qualify again, especially with how lackluster the newer generation is rn.
He did say unified Korea...The norks would be better if they weren't under a trillion sanctions/governed by an insane familial dynasty. They don't have kslop to ruin their minds
How is Croatia just a worse Belgium?
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I don't actually care but I want it to happen just because it would be the most hilarious fucking thing ever since everyone knows we don't care.

Us winning it casually at the expense of some country that lives or dies with their national team (especially Brazil) would be maximum lulz. Which I assume is why you want it to happen?
Iran could do it. If they get rid of their weird ass medieval regime.
If America wins I want them to beat England in the final.
you don't know anything about us you lard retard
Only the CIA are allowed to depose Iranian governments
I bet on Portugal because they have generational talent AGAIN, but CR7 is a hindrance.
Netherlands and Denmark are consistently good, but hey maybe it's Colombia.
Its too hard to predict, it's not all about being good. What I'm sure of is that the USA will win a world cup in my lifetime unless I end up killing myself.
North Korea's birth rate isn't as low as South Korea but it's still well below replacement rate.
Australia is pound-for-pound the greatest sporting nation on earth in terms of results in culture. If enough of them go for soccer instead of afl and rugby they could start making deep runs
>if we had won that match against Denmark (that we choked miserably)
What's crazier is that you only had to tie to advance
Russia, Georgia, UAE
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I know one thing
you should know that most of us laughed their ass off about that then
there will be no new winners, england included
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>haha yeah getting absolutely destroyed in front of our home crowd in one of the most humiliating defeats of all time was super funny we don't even care about football in Brazil we like chess and badminton hahaha
a lot of brazilians hated that NT and didn't want a world cup here
A lot of commies maybe
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Same bro. It's fucked to the core.
Half the country wanted messi out of the NT before he started winning titles, not even memeing.
huh? right wingers are the ones who most hated dilma (our leftist president at that time) for spending public money on that
you foreigners think that we care a lot more about football than we actually care SPECIALLY international football
>USA honestlt
>Feel like next 20 years is gunna be big for them

we're gonna learn how to import africans in the next 20 years? brb calling the president of france

stop giving weird names to food
>we're gonna learn how to import africans
Most historically knowledgeable American
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Look man, every country has people who aren't consistent with the majority. There *are* Americans who are thin vegetarians who don't own guns don't watch sports and drive electric scooters. But if I said "yeah, man lots of Americans hate burgers and beer and Ford trucks and don't even care who wins the super bowl" wouldn't that sound like bullshit to you?

You came to a board that exclusively talks about sports, and clicked on a thread about hypothetical world cup victories, and now you're arguing that Brazil, fucking Brazil, doesn't really care about soccer. In this thread about soccer. Which you deliberately sought out. Fucking lying faggot. Just accept your shame like a man
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Thx Bulgaria.
i didn't say that brazil doesn't care about soccer
i specifically said that people hated that NT and the fact of the world cup being hosted here so because of that we didn't care that much (some were even rooting against that team)
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>we didn't care that much

What's this "we" shit? YOU cared. So why bring up the people who didn't? You're still so fucking mindbroken by 7-1 you have to project onto others who don't care at all because otherwise you'd just have to admit it was a brutal loss and you're still not over it. Which it was and you aren't. Deal with it and quit deflecting you coward.
Probably Argentina, since they never won a legit one
they won the euro cup with him on the bench, retard
KEEEK Fucking Brazilians voted for Dilma again after all that miserable display of corruption, cuckness, death and utter humiliation the Germans and their turkish mercenary Samir Kedira brought to this cursed land. The cursed cup of 2014 and the anonymous retardation will be forever in our minds because 7 a 1. Boa noite.
Messi was 33 when the 2021 Copa started, Ronald is 39 now. Big difference
i just realized that i'm discussing with the chikaner... get a new hobby you loser
Romania has such a small population compared to it's size. It's a little bit smaller than the UK.
Their alternates look sick as hell too
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>still can't face reality a decade later
From Yurop: Portugal
From South America: Colombia
only the typical lefties and the people who live from free gibs
it doesn't change the fact that a good part of the country didn't want that cup and some even liked when we lost 7-1
I know it probably won't happen unless a wonderkid comes through the Red Bull system or something like that but I've grown quite fond of Austria's style of play. It would be sick to see a team like that go deep at least.
>Colombia is the most likely from what I've seen this year. They still have to be ruthless with their finishing, which sadly they weren't in the 1st half against Argentina and so lost the Copa.
In the last minutes of the game, Argentine coach Scaloni kicked the board, changing three players, who were the ones who touched the ball for Argentina's goal.

Colombia had no chance against the coach kicking the board and intelligently putting together the combination

The three who entered the field of play in the last minutes were the ones who combined for the goal, thanks to the intelligence of the Argentine coach
bhahahahahahahahahaha never
>Mecz otwarcia
>Mecz o wszystko
>Mecz o honor
Anything else today is delusion
>England is the only world cup winner to not directly border another world cup winner
By my calculations, it is Ireland.
Ralf Rangnick winning a world cup with Austria after being sacked by ManU would be so fucking funny.
buck broken kek
The one about the country that sold exocets to Argentina spoke... and they used it
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Now that's a hilarious fucking scenario
whatever you say ahmed
all I'm saying is, if you remember a rape that happened 10 years ago, it wasn't a fun rape
This is the most hillarious revisionism perpetuated by the internet. It's like a psychological defence mechanism to shield yourself from the trauma. I find it hillarious whenever I see a Brazilian post this.
I don't think even the most optimistic brazilian would agree with that
i don't remember anything about the game i just remember that i thought it hilarious since the score was very unusual specially for brazil
i have no hard feeling for gemans btw you can see that even here on 4chan most of them are respectful
the majority of foreigners still talking about it are from other countries
losing a word cup final 1-0 to argentina in home soil would be A LOT worse than losing 7-1 to germany
thats because you're as ignorant as a yank talking about other countries then
or maybe you just want to keep believing in your own personal fantasy that "germany buckbroke brazilians till today" or something
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I need everyone that leaves ManU to succeed and for them to be regulated is it so much to ask for?
Portugal will definitely win something once Ronaldo retires. They were basically playing 10 v 11 whole Euro.
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>"germany buckbroke brazilians till today" is a fantasy
>said the buckboken brazilian in a post confirming how broken he was and still is
you won't make me seethe posting like that chikaner
you'll have to try it with some newfag
>Brazilians being upset by a huge defeat at home is my own personal fantasy
I'm pretty sure that's just common sense. I didn't even bring any race or rape fantasies into this. I just find it silly that 10 years after the fact people go "yeah well we didn't really care now did we?" It seems entirely disingenuous. I understand there probably were a few people making fun of their own team for it (just like it happened in Germany the last 2 world cups), and probably some coping with sardonic laughter. But to claim that the entire country was like "haha, we lost a semi at home in a humiliation fashion, that's funny" is just entirely retarded.
>But to claim that the entire country
i didn't claim it was the entire country but a good part
go back to my posts and read it again i thought you guys were autistic and had good reading comprehension
>most of us laughed their ass off about that
Sure. Most of Brazil didn't mind losing a semi at home in a humiliating fashion.
I wouldn't bet on a new champions on the next editions desu. The Euros are more prone to unexpected champins but WC's not so much. But if I had to it would probably go to England, because it's still the most competitive out of the underachievers.
yea brazilians don't take most of the things seriously
it's a double edged sword trait
They all moved to France
spain are going to win 3 straight WCs with maybe germany pinching 1, cap it
There's plenty of people with that build here. They usually do judo, rugby or wrestling.
Cricket by design is a game where the better team should consistently win, at least in the longer formats. I'm not sure if the same applies to T20.
>decent shout but there are barely any young japanese being produced
That's only with respect to the overall Japanese population. It's definitely a problem and it's only going to get worse as the number is decreasing, but in raw numbers, last year Japan had almost as many births as Argentina and more than Spain, Germany or France, for example.
Zirkzee m8
>But if I said "yeah, man lots of Americans hate burgers and beer and Ford trucks and don't even care who wins the super bowl" wouldn't that sound like bullshit to you?
Not really. I know more Americans that don't fit the stereotype than ones that do. Similarly for Brazilians, I've met way more Brazilians that literally do not give a fuck about football at all than ones that do. The few Dominicans I know were crazy about football and didn't give a shit about baseball. It's anecdotal and there's selection bias, etc. etc. sure but I just find it weird that you think people wouldn't believe stereotypes don't always apply.
>both left and right make changing Brazil a part of their motto
Must be a miserable place if everyone wants to turn it into something else.
might b going to machu pichu at the end of the year (october - november) what other places should i see while there?
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