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Now that tourist season is over, back to the real news
>Nick Saban was denied access to SEC Media Days this morning because he didn’t have his credentials
>Mountain West interest in long-term relationship with Oregon State, Washington State may be waning according to Dodd and CBS Sports
>ACC schools like FSU and Clempus still reeing to get into the SEC but will KWAB when they can only get into the Big 12, who has talked with them
>EA Sports College Football 25 launches July 19th
>Week 0 begins August 24th
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For me it is the Auburn Tigers, the best college football team.
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B12 champs
Odds on the PAC 2

>being invited to the big 12 or acc?
>making some super g5 or best of the rest?
>just surviving with the bare minimum schools and hoping for the best?
>simply joining or absorbing the mountain west?
2024 /cfb/ Pick Em

password: PAC12afterdark
Taco tech bros...even smpoo is above us
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If you never got in the top #10 should u be demoted
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>Hawkeyes #2
Just beat a TTech player 47-13 with Army in CFB25 lol
Is the option as broken as it looked in preview videos? QBs were still executing perfect pitches to RBs in stride while they were getting blown up.
yes, and Army's option has legit cheat plays
you can pitch it back to the QB on a triple option and he basically is 1v1 against a DB with a lead blocker
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Thought early buyers can't play till tomorrow
Army had this cheat double hb curls play in 12 I think. My roommate would abuse the shit out of it
my methzzou tigers gonna win it all
forever cursed by the poop swastika.
Press X to keep is driving me insane on these options. I’m used to the old game where X is give
Im a Florida Gator fan, say somthing about my team.
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Week 0 should start now. Do your faggy cupcake games, get them over with and then September can start with the real games.
Kino shoulder pads era
>sec teams refuse to play outside their region
>players drop dead in the heat and humidity
>sec becomes kill
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>Piss Shit
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if jamal dies of heatstroke was anything really of value lost?
Not really as there's always another one right behind him to replace him.
Looking at y'all's schedule this year, I think you'll be looking for a new coach by the end of the season.
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We making a /cfb/ online dynasty in a few days when the game releases to everyone?
Is Napier gonna survive the season?
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Xbox Dynasty when
All these intros look lazy
When was the last time Rutgers and Vanderbilt were ranked?
I wanna say 2012 or 2013 for Vanderbilt, right after the first SEC expansion. They went like 9-4 and shocked everybody.
probably 2012 when they won the big east
>play night games
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>if the ACC survives
who is saying that it won't?
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Based Tiger bot
Virginia and UNC to the SEC. We’re getting the band back together.
Everything hinges on what happens with the FSU-ACC lawsuits. If FSU succeeds in busting open the ACC, the Big 12 likely gets a couple of members from the fallout and the PAC2 absorbs the Mountain West. If FSU and perhaps Clemson find ways to buy their way out of the ACC ***AND*** into the P2 without invalidating any of the ACC's legal agreements, the Big 12 takes the PAC2 teams. If everyone stays in the ACC, the PAC2 absorbs the Mountain West.
I don't think Dodd's article is very accurate. The Mountain West has no reason to be in a rush. If they want to go ahead and negotiate their new media deal, they can do so with provisions in it for if they "merge" with the PAC2. There's very few other realignment scenarios involving the Mountain West beyond perhaps Hawaii giving up on football. The PAC2 has a short timeline because they only have two years to resolve their shortage of members. It all rests on FSU and the ACC.
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Louisville's logo always cracks me up. An angry cardinal with teeth? It feels so try hard.
Next time your team plays an FCS school, the uni pants need to be colored to look like jorts.
>UCLA cancels games with Auburn and Georgia
>Why won't SEC teams play outside of their region!?!?!
Auburn also recently had games at Penn State and Cal.
Back when they experimented with recruiting players who fell well short of the school's admissions standards. It paid off on the field but they also ended up with a rape scandal and ended the experiment when James Franklin left for Pedo State.
It depends on how FSU finds a way to exit. If the GOR is invalidated, there's a chance the conference exit fee could also be invalidated because the conference acted in bad faith and not on behalf of the best interests of the members. If everyone suddenly has a free pass, then it becomes an issue of who is desired by other conferences. Even if the SEC and Big Ten decided to pass on all ACC members, the Big 12 would pursue a bunch, but not all, of them. At that point, maybe the leftovers decide to carry on as a tiny conference, stripped of its autonomy rights. Or maybe they have to merge with a G5.
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>Hawaii giving up on football
say that again to my face motherfricker
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I'm going to steal your sunshine, football, and heart, all in one song.
5 star CB Cormani McClain (2023 #4 prospect, 2024 #21 transfer) just got kicked off the Florida Gator team
Did he throw a shoe?
Utah vs FSU for the Big 12 championship at Jerryworld gonna do numbies
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>I was told that Cormani McClain has been late to most of the requirements (meetings, lift, etc…). The way that it’s handled is sort of like a strike system. Essentially, you get a warning, they you have to do extra run/lift… which he’s started to show up late for as well. They started to make the defense and then the rest of the team do these extra lifts thinking that would get Cormani to show up on time and it hasn’t.
Based NEET
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>Last week, Georgia Bulldogs offensive lineman Bo Hughley was arrested by campus police and charged with reckless driving a day before cops in Athens nailed linebacker Smael Mondon Jr. and cornerback Demello Jones for allegedly engaging in a street race near downtown.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, that means a grand total of 24 people with links to the football team have now been implicated in cases involving speeding, street racing, or driving under the influence since recruiting staffer Chandler LeCroy and lineman Devin Willock were killed in a high-speed collision linked to a race that also involved Jalen Carter in the wake of their national championship win in January 2023
dawgbros...what's the answer to the reckless driving problem?
Why do players think street racing is a good idea?
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Same, I’ve always felt that way. The other cardinals manage to have an intimidating looking bird without looking like a joke.
if I bought the arizona cardinals the first thing I would do is rebrand. franchise has never won jack shit, there is zero history with that logo
When were the Calgary Stampeders ranked 15?

I've been saying for a while dont rule out miami to the B1G over florida state
I remember when my goofies were #7. That was a fun year.
that's a conference they can do well in, but they won't win it. they'll do well enough to maybe get an invite.
coach prim............ate.
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>"Schools must provide equal athletic opportunities based on sex, including with respect to benefits, opportunities, publicity, and recruitment, and must not discriminate in the provision of financial aid," Catherine Lhamon, the assistant secretary for the department's Office for Civil Rights, said in a written statement to ESPN. "In the new NIL environment, these same principles apply."
LOL, Title IX is going to force schools to make everything semi-pro and disentangle football from the student-athlete model. They can't force NIL to give every girls' lacrosse player $200,000 just because the men on the football team average that much. And if the schools start revenue sharing and the federal government uses Title IX to force proportional profit distribution, at most schools that means the women will get 50% more than the men despite all of their programs being money sinks.
It's weird when team relocate and keep a name not all that appropriate to the area. The worst is probably the Utah Jazz. The name made sense in New Orleans but Utah has no cultural connection to jazz music. Phoenix is in the range of cardinals but just barely. There are many desert themes they could have gone with but just were too lazy to bother with.
with the new alignments, how can any team get away with playing two FCS schools? That should be automatic disqualification from the playoff.
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Playing HBCUs has become the go to excuse for scheduling FCS teams. No P2 team should have an FCS school on their schedule unless there was a last minute game cancellation or their name is Vandy. No ACC or Big XII team should have more than one FCS per season, preferably none. I'm fine with G5 schools having multiple FCS teams as long as they don't whine at the end of the season about how they deserve to be ranked higher so they can get an at-large bid.
How does all of this help the actual sport of "college football"?
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>SEC coordinator of officials John McDaid fielded questions Tuesday at SEC Media Days about the "Horns Down" celebration and whether it will be penalized in 2024, the Texas Longhorns' first season as SEC members. The Big 12 added "Horns Down" as a taunting penalty in its rulebook last season. McDaid said the SEC's approach to the gesture will be more "contextual."
>"Unsportsmanlike conduct needs to fit one of three categories: Is it taunting an opponent? Is it making a travesty of the game? Is it otherwise compromising our ability to manage the game?" McDaid said. "There's a difference between a player giving a signal directly in the face of an opponent, as opposed to doing it with teammates celebrating after a touchdown or on the sideline. Every single occurrence is not an act of unsportsmanlike conduct."
>McDaid said he ultimately doesn't want officials to insert themselves into the game, and the approach to penalizing "Horns Down" will reflect that.
>"We hear all the time, 'we don't want officials factoring into the game, let the two teams decide it,'" McDaid said. "Guess what? You put a flag down for unsportsmanlike conduct, you're moving someone 15 yards. You're giving the offense an automatic first down if it's the defense. That's inserting yourself into the game."
>McDaid added that the same applies to players taunting Florida with the "Gator Chomp" and Ole Miss with the "Land Shark" signal.
>"We already have some of this in our conference," McDaid said. "We've had opponents down in Gainesville winning and not using the Gator Chomp in a positive manner. As long as it hasn't been directed at an opponent for taunting, we haven't had a problem with it."
Guarantee Oklahoma is going to push this newfound freedom into an actual flag.
Title IX is about giving girls freebies. Football is simply the well from which those freebies are drawn.
football for some schools, basketball for others. they both pay for all of the crap intramural sports.
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>"We already have some of this in our conference
Translation: cry about it, pussies, also give me $1,000.
It’s such a nothing school though. Small private school with an admin that doesn’t care about sports. Stadium an hour from campus. Students who would rather be at the beach.
Looking at that map they probably imported cardinals just for their namesake.

Best part of the Jazz is this logo, which shows the mountains of Utah and no reference to music. It’s so jarring. Are any other names this awkward?
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Forgot pic
Equality my ass.
>The Texas Woman's Pioneers (also TWU Pioneers) are the athletics teams that represent Texas Woman's University, located in Denton, Texas, in NCAA Division II intercollegiate sports. Even though TWU accepts male students, only female sports are sponsored.
At least Mississippi University for Women has men's teams.
>not funding your local FCS school
that is VERY transphobic...
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Tennessee Oilers was pretty cringe but they ended up changing to the Tennessee Titans.
I guess Lakers doesn’t really work either but they’re stuck with that one now
>NIL will be used to pay for others
How does that make sense? I thought NIL was assigned to individual athletes, not entire teams. Or have I been living under a rock?
There's lots of weird fuckery going on with NIL, with money going to collectives that then dole out NIL to athletes. In some cases they give everyone a base amount and then extra to some high value players. There are also instances of particular position groups getting collective NIL money. The NCAA is scared to put much in the way of rules around NIL since they believe they'll just end up in court again and lose. Congress has toyed around with making rules but so far hasn't actually passed anything of consequence. There are a few state laws but those tended to be detrimental rather than helpful so most of them have been repealed.
Would FSU to the Big XII really be a bad thing, especially if they bring Clemson and a couple others with them? FSU was triggered when they found out UCF would get larger conference distributions in the Big XII than the Seminoles in the ACC. At least in the Big XII, they'd get as much as UCF, even if it would be a bit humbling to be in the same conference with them.
>money going to collectives
how have star athletes not spoken out against this commie bullshit?
They can be sued but you’re too cowardly to do so
>married to the girls teams by default and getting nothing in return
ah yes, "progress"
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Kirby announced that one of the NIL collectives is punishing those caught speeding by withholding a portion of their allowance.
Doubt I have standing to sue since I already have a bachelor's and a master's degree and thus am not eligible for intercollegiate athletic competition.
Read item 11
>Going 60 in a 50? Is that really worth reporting on?
Read item 12
>Same guy, same town, the very next day? 71 in a 40? Ok, this guy is a bit of a douche.
Read item 13
>Same guy again, back on campus a week later, double the legal speed limit? Is he incapable of learning? Why does Kirby tolerate this?
>In the 2021 season, Rosemy-Jacksaint hauled in seven passes for 94 yards. During the 2022 season, he notched 29 receptions for 337 yards and two touchdowns. Rosemy-Jacksaint finished the 2023 season with 32 receptions for 502 yards and four touchdowns.
OK, I see why.
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Paul is live
you VILL call
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As live as Skeletor.
>"Unsportsmanlike conduct needs to fit one of three categories: Is it taunting an opponent? Is it making a travesty of the game? Is it otherwise compromising our ability to manage the game?"
Hand signals making a travesty of the game lmfao
>travesty of a game
if this were actually the case, texASS would be penalized for just stepping on the field
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Another realignment post. Ignore if you don't like these.
In light of the reluctance of the SEC and Big Ten to take FSU or Clemson, let's say they succeed in somehow blowing up the ACC shackles on members.
The Big XII takes five teams in the east (FSU, Clempus, VT, Pitt, and plus UConn to make Yormark happy). In the west, they take Cal and Stanford. This leads to three pseudo divisions.
West: UA, ASU, UU, BYU, CU, Cal, Stanford, plus San Diego State. Cal is very unhappy but knows it's this or drop down to the Big West. The PAC2 aren't given any consideration.
Central: Taco Tech, TCU, Baylor, Houston, Weird Bird Kansas, Slampig Kansas, Iowa State, Okie State
East: West Virginia, Cincinnati, UCF, FSU, Clempus, Miami, Pitt, UConn
The divisions aren't used for football but for non-revenue sports they're used to lessen travel.
That leaves the ACC with BC, Duke, GT, Pooiville, UNC, NC St, Syracuse, UVA, Miami, Wake Forest, SMU. Tulane is added, bringing the the ACC closer to the dream of the Magnolia Conference but the stench of Louisville keeps that from being too serious.
Notre Dame's agreement with the ACC is renegotiated and expanded to include the SEC, Big Ten, Big XII, and ACC. Notre Dame will play one home and one away game against a rotation of members of the P4 conferences. This gives Notre Dame eight P4 games. Additionally, outside of this agreement, they still play USC each year. Add in the annual Navy game and ND has ten games settled, leaving two spots for cupcakes or interesting match ups.
I hope it becomes highly politicized so at away games the whole crowd does a horns downs and hornsisters get triggered.
They will take pooieville.
cal and stanford are over, they are foreigner schools in a foreign state. Better chance of joining the ivy league. or leading a west coast ivy league in fcs. Or just convert the stadiums to soccer and invite mls teams for the spics and other foreigners.
B12 taking Louisville would help the ACC transform into Magnolia. If they were serious about it, they'd need to take Rice but I don't see that happening.
Dynasty: UNLV
Road to glory: Rice
rate my choices
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did a 2 star heisman online dynasty with unlv. shit for recruit pitches. only some mac schools were worse like eastern michigan.
literally no one cares. Its about money. USA top 250 colleges already mog the world in research and patents.
I miss caring about this sport.
time to start up again
fcs and lower is always ther for you
I’ve never cared about a school I didn’t go to. How do I start?
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root for sac state
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Why doesn't anyone want FSU and Clempus?
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I hope they don't patch this
He’s on the wrong team. Switch him to Colorado and take screenshots for us before it gets (((patched))).
>FSU goes to the ACC because they’re pussies
>gets trapped with low revenue

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