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mongolia just release their olympic uniforms and they are looking very drippy
"Take us to your leader."
i sure do hope your country picks a national brand and doesn’t outsource their work to adidas or god forbid nike
sex with asian women
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meanwhile the french…..
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why the fuck does team USA look like they’re southerners taking a stroll in their plantation
I've never been a fan of shawl lapels.
ah it's just too kino
I’m going to kill myself
The fit is fucking awful and the huge polo pony is gaudy as hell
Damn I still can't believe Mongolia contracted Balenciaga to make their Olympic uniform
harry potter looking motherfuckers
Holy Mother and Father of S O V L
Beautiful, the guy and the clothes are decent.
that hand threw me through a loop
Peak Sovl and Traditionalism
as a direct descendant of the great khan I approve
post moar, i need moar
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How is Mongolia as a country?
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Please send help to Canada
>Why yes, those bucks toiling in this unbearable summer heat do belong to me. Is there a problem?
ok thats a cool one
>made by lululemon
aren’t they some sort of mlm scam?
That's Lularoe. Lululemon is a legit clothes brand from Canada
bringing back Zellers was a mistake
looks bad but jeans is the closest thing americans have to a traditional clothing
you would think with all the Vancouver yogawhores rocking those tight pants they could at least hook us up with some camel toe and moose nuckle but no. What a complete disappointment.
>modern westoids in charge of aesthetics
Did you expect anything else?
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At least we're using a national brand
Cool but they look scary desu.
I'm also put off by their interpupillary distance.
the cape is dope
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korea looks straight up awful, what the fuck is this shit?
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australia looking like frat bros you would cover your drink around
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I'm too embarrassed to even post my country's olympic attire, so I'll just admire the good ones and laugh at the bad ones.
I was just going to post this. Looks like something a failed useless henchmen would wear in a Bond film.
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they’re all bad desu, it’s either windbreakers or suits
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there's no way your uniform is worse than ours
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that was for taiwan

this is for the UK
that looks like South Korean middle school uniforms lol
Grim. Their 2016 outfit was kino
not a fan of the pants, but the jacket and polo shirts look nice.
Why are the disabled freaks on stage with them
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why do the poor countries have the most SOVL
they want to be us so bad, literally polo knock off
Their culture hasn't been decimated by multinational corporations, just everything else
>ah yes, let's all subjugate our female athletes to mom status
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israel including a fat lesbian and a black person (even tho they weren’t recognized until the early 2000s)
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wow cool graphic design, but it’s just so fucking boring
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portugal couldn’t decide between track suits or jacket + jeans combo and landed on both
They only have one real city and around half of that city inhabitants live in steppe nomad yurts. Aside from the capital it's just a wide empty steppe, deserts, and mountain with a some small settlements.
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Sweden's outfits are boring, but I don't think they look bad.
Outsourced to UNIQLO.
Kyo kusanagi 2000 outfit
Armani so that'll be $600 + tip
Mongolian humiliation ritual
looks like some cheap ass shit you can get off the side of the street lol
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Japan is just windbreakers and sweats
those look like Fila shit that is given to Costco
We have Levi's if we want to do jeans right. Ralph only looks good if you're a 90s rapper.
Boy scouts is the official sport of Guatemala
Bit rude to your Asian population up there
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these mfs are getting not getting laid at the olympic village
send them home
J. Lindeberg makes excellent golf apparel, so I can't complain other than the fact that we have countless brands here based in the US, and they went with one from Sweden. It's not for the opening ceremony though, that's the Polo Ralph Lauren jeans and blazer outfit posted earlier.
What does the red W mean?
Why horses get to earn medals but a good boy can't?
Kek I remember it's some cheap looking tracksuit that you could find in some random night market. It got redesigned isn't it.
Probably it stands for viva, Viva Italia is like Go America.
They're called Afro-Canadians now, Chud.
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Here's our team ready to lit the olympic flame.
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firstworldbros... we're getting styled on by the thirdoids AGAIN
They really put a karate belt on a suit lol
the white race will always surivive in argentina
Where does the identification of Australia with that color comes from?
Congratulations on winning the Masters.
They havent shown the new design yet
Middle guy in the wheelchair looks ready for a role in Deus Ex: Human revolution.
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>everyone has a uniform
>leaves show up in a multiform
>wheelchair bro got the C3PO legs upgrade
Koreans think baggy clothes = fashion
Why are these retards so obsessed with using english colonialism vestiges? Suits are awful, why don't they just dress with their traditional clothing?
I appreciate the kpop fashion though, not very baggy.
>not even sending blackbelt accountants
they'll never be competitive like this
the current fashion trend is baggy clothing, so its not surprising these fits are a modern take.
Even the ugliest motherfucker out there looks 10x better in a good and properly tailored suit. The problem is that a lot of those suits don't look that good, i.e. Korea's baggy look from the early 2000s with the weird belt.
everything else in the thread is trash
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Non-Western countries developed from impractical and clumsy traditional clothing to Western clothing within a few decades.

In Europe, traditional clothing had centuries to evolve into more modern and practical clothing, while those in the East just dropped what they were wearing and just adopted European clothes.

Therefore, traditional clothing outside Europe are very clumsy and impractical. They are not that nice to wear.
True and it applies to European too imo, especially before the Great Male Renunciation and the subsequent suits domination to European male fashion. Baroque fashion was peak /fa/.
mongolia is such a based nation
The UK and US would look good if they switched tops. They would be more appropriate for each country too.
Squid game vibes off this
>that hand
is that guy literally dead? is he a vampire?
Suits are impractical and you only find them good looking because you were raised to believe they are. But they are ugly and even an expensive tailored suit is less comfortable than normal casual clothing
Kino and simple.
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Your flag bearers at Tokyo were best-in-show
it was an odd choice to rub chili peppers in that man's eyes just before taking the photo
this is what I would expect the evil team in a korean theme pokemon game to look like lol
name it
Team Square.
>black, red and white
For once I am not ashamed of my nation.
you are such a subhuman with inferiority complex it's unreal.
suits are peak of aesthetic. only fat fags will disagree.
Where is the red?
Love bogged bulgarian/romanian bimbos so much
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Dibs on the girl farthest to the right standing up.
Kino, you mean.
Ahhh shit
Are they all retarded?
lmao even the dog is retarded
Is it supposed to be raining during the opening ceremonies?
My cousins :)
what the dog doing
Back row on the right the black one, posts on /fa/
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I like the logo they're using on the official polo
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>tfw no qt swiss wheelie gf

Reminds me a bit of MS-DOS
Probably the handler is blind.
They put in front row paraolimpians for pc
Nigga on the right is dreased literally like me every day at home
This is probably the best outfit in the whole thread if you ask me. I like it.
Absolute murder eyes on both of them. No wonder they decimated the world back then.
We are using a High School style hoodie with a giant brand on front...fucking hell
>suits are peak of aesthetic
They are the mark of the wageslave
>you are such a subhuman with inferiority complex it's unreal.
Nobody in this board would be able to point out your country on a map
>the sport cock
The jeans are disgusting.
Squid Game
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Finland's is the most boring ever. No idea what that bag shit on the middle is either.
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meh no soul
central asian cuties owe me sexo reperations for Genghis Khan
Cute, it's got a slight commie school uniform vibe
>>142814029 shameful
I've seen highschool graduates with better designed outfits
It's cold as fuck. I went to a conference about a dude who was consul in Ulaan Bataar.
Our entire country gets relegated to the special olympics
Not great, not terrible
7/10 would be better if it said Deutschland instead of Germany
I want to appropriate it. I'm going to appropriate it.
Not bad, I like it.
10/10 shit, holy fuck those are good
Looks okay
Very tacky but I'm fine with it
We actually got the shittiest one even I could come up with something better
Not even that bad, Malik
This is what I'll have to wear as a volunteer.
There is a highly likely chance that /sp/ will see you on one of the broadcasts. How does it make you feel
At least the closing ceremony fit is kino
Wmwf always
I hope it happens, I'll be at the weightlifting warm up area mostly.
How much can you bench?
Rituel d'humiliation
>Reminds me a bit of MS-DOS
haha yeah actually now you point it out, I can see it
Local culture > pop culture.
Thats just it.
No jews erasing their culture
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I don't do bench but around 100kg without training.

I hate the shirt, pants and shoes but the jacket and bucket hat are fine, but I wear the LIDL bucket hat and socks so don't expect much from me in terms of style.
oh no no no
Savile Row/Milanese collective suicide at the fact that this exists. All their efforts for nothing.
if I didn't see the bulgaria flag posting this I'd think it's mexico
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La veste est étrange sur l'image, comme si elle était en deux morceaux. C'est pour imiter les manteaux d'antan ?
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>the dog
fucking based. if we're gonna do the whole diversity shit, yeah get the anxiety dogs into the photo shoot
tfw no mongol gf
I'd look fucking unhappy as well.
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it looks like 90s McDonalds manager outfit
You can separate the lower side and use it as a crop top vest, just like the pants can be used as shorts.
>crop top vest
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idk why we got chinkshit instead of our local stuffs
at least we got it designed ourselves
Local? Check out your bland flag dude, you have so much to work first than suits
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Denmark just looks so.. boring..
Dey had to do it to 'em.
Looks like a promo for a new A24 movie
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Meh. Not bad but it reflects the style of the (local) company who designed and manufactures it way too much. I appreciate it's not another "matyó embroidery MEETS modern" design but our national characteristics should have gotten more emphasis. It could've been worse but I doubt it will be cited as a memorable collection in the future, maybe the ladies' dress and the other one with the scarf stands a chance.
It doesn't look that good anon
Oh what I would give for your country's uniform. I like the sports jacket bottom right. We opted for a strange mix of Lederhosen and utterly bland design. Meh.
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Where is Russia?
whats the deal with these dogshit neckties on the broads
westoid bros we got to step our game up. need to get rid of bird nest hairstyle dudes in womens sundresses.
Buffer country so that Russia and China won't fight as much
I legit thought this was Mexico
did they ransack a local Ikea for these uniforms?
fuck that bitch in the back is ugly
Gosh this is atrocious.
can't have sundresses because there are too many lesbian athletes
kek why do 8/10 of women in bulgaria/serbia look like that
who is the far right girl?
fuck that's good
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a part of Mongolia is to this day occupied by the subhuman Chinese
What are the jeets gonna wear for their DNF performances?
lmao those fucking jeans
ocean and stuff I guess
clean and jerk max?
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Wikipedia says the cricket team started wearing it 120+ years ago but didn't say why. The yellow part is supposedly from this
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We deserve zero (0) medals for this
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>No orange
What the fuck are we doing?
it's the yacht club millionaire look all the way an yes, jeans are as American as apple pie
Team Japan should dress in Sailor Moon. All four genders.
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Poland and Indonesia should switch their uniforms
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>your country has the worst one
that mask did a lot of heavy lifting
kek nearly all of them look like gay retarded shit
fits the olympics just perfectly
Are varsity jackets popular in Europe now or something?
wow that's bad
who the fuck approved this
who is this bitch ?
Yes. Also "vintage" racing jackets
Lots of Lakers stuff here, too
>take a solid color piece of clothing
>put maple leaves on it

that'll be millions of dollars (US only please) plus tip
It’s not bad, honestly.
lol fucking niggers
On sneakers are my favorite but their overall outfits are meh tier for aesthetics
I'd wear it as a casual outfit. I'm just surprised that so many countries have such casual uniforms and nothing a bit more formal looking.
the sneakers are also very bland and cheap looking
you make such comment and post this trash?
You should be more concerned that the dog is entering the olympics.
Russia isn't allowed to participate but they will send some prostitutes regardless
Congratulations to the entire home delegation for achieving their Baccalaureats
The Netherlands has fallen, Jesus Christ
pattern of a stylized line of body bags containing Gazan children
Adobe Creative Cloud delegation. I also enjoy how they didn't use any lighting for the photography.
Looks like the Ghostbusters' outfits from a distance
Some of these are for the Polish team actually

That dude is packing
Fuck we need to kill Calvin Klein
itd be funny if those were just made in china
Unironically w2c??
Globohomo will never achieve this level of authenticity and beauty. May all the people of the world keep their ancestors' traditions alive!
This shit sucks
none of them are wearing their turbins
what the hell is a geriyiani?
flight attendant drip
I like the yellow jacket, I’d unironically wear it

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