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Au revoir
Au revoir Roi Savoyard.
How many Frenchmen left in the team then? Just Gresyman and Rabiot?
When will we see a 100% bbc French team ?
He deserved better during the Euros but Deschamps is a sissy for BBC so he never really gave him a chance, only gave him a few minutes when the games were closed and slurpier so he couldn't do anything. Anyway, Giroud was a really based player and I will never support France ever again. Unless somehow we finally get to see actual french people in the team.
>He didn't legally change his name to Girumbe and tanned as hard as he could

He brought this upon himself
>Anyway, Giroud was a really based player and I will never support France ever again. Unless somehow we finally get to see actual french people in the team
Are you me ?
So, we have retired Kroos, we have retired Müller from internacional football, same with Giroud and maybe Neuer. We have also made Southgate retire from England, wouldn't be surprised if Deschamps too. Did i leave anyone out in our path of conquest and destruction?
giroud is like 37 he was going to retire anyway but you just made southgate and kane's trophyless curse permanant
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We'll retire Yamal in the Finalissima
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>wouldn't be surprised if Deschamps too.

Deschamps was confirmed to stay for WC2026 the day after France lost. "Goals for this euro have been achieved" said the FFF. "Look, 4 finals in 4 successive competitions isn't bad!" said the FFF.

Zidane supporters be seething.
Giroud was reportedly not in shape and suffered from pains during this WC. You'd know if you actually cared instead of just being a dumb racist.
The fact that they held onto him for so long shows first of all how hard it is to find not only a white player, but one who's willing to play in this pozzed squad, and secondly, that they tried many times to make it work without one but it's always been a complete disaster
yet everyone can see he'd still be better than that thuram fraud
damn from a small smut video site to their own national team. congratulations blacked.com
See ya around, Handsome...
why the fuck was he benched all the time
France lowers retirement age to 37
oh no
There goes the last white sportman in France
The final Frenchman.
greizzman is of german descent if i remember correctly so technically only Rabiot. Much better than being an african of course
Be careful we don't retire Messi before WC2026 instead
I want to make a joke but the FFF will take me to court for it
They'd appreciate it.
Big F to France's NT. The saying was true all along, when you watched Jiroo, you saw the game. Ngubus unironically do not have that kind of awareness, spacing, and foresight while on the pitch.
Please do. Have you seen him this Copa?
Griezmann is Uruguayan
Just bring me back to 2018 bros...
...but you didn't do anything.
Griezmann is 50% portuguese, 50% german, he's basically how french people were made
Is this literally and unironically the last actual frenchman on the team?
The French Royal dynasties are of German descent, most White Europeans have some ancestors from their neighbouring countries.
Au gd

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