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Bengals' franchise-tagged WR Tee Higgins won't have extension by deadline
Adam Thielen wanted to join Chiefs in free agency: 'They didn't want me'
Former Texans, Ravens wide receiver, Super Bowl standout Jacoby Jones has died
Cam Heyward rips Hard Knocks choosing Steelers: ‘I hated it’
Aaron Rodgers: Achilles 'feels good' ahead of training camp
Jamal Adams out to prove he's 'still that guy'
Saints' J.T. Gray on new kickoff format: 'I feel like that's going to be a great thing'
Jerry Rice loses his cool with reporters at golf tournament
Baker Mayfield: Football is more fun when you aren't being shipped around like 'piece of dirty laundry'
>my wife's dad
But would you?
aiyuk officially requested a trade
though deebo did too in 2022 but ended up re-signing, so do with that what you will
How many rings jeet
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>Wow it's nothing lmao
Nobody cares about accumulated stats. Per capita stats is the only thing that matters.
Both had 3 at age 28.
They can't afford all those weapons after Purdy gets paid so they might as well trade Aiyuk.
Not this year. One more ride and then let him walk.
Quite literally the opposite. Accumulated stats are reported even in broadcasts that dont include the player moving up. Nobody knows or cares who has the best per capita stats any given moment. When considering a players HoF eligibility the selection committee puts heavy emphasis on total stats with little efficiency stats being used aside from like passer rating.
>Can't you read? We've seen Mahomes peak already so I'm comparing his with Brady.
Now you're writing fan fiction. I only mention what both QBs have done at age 28 since it limits the data to the past. I make no claims about what Mahomes will do in the future since that's speculation.
>sign your 2nd best WR and let your true WR1 walk
>all because you wont be able to afford them both after giving your systembaby QB $60M/Y
lol 49ers window is closing faster than ever
>at age 28
Pointless. If anything it just illustrates further how great Brady if another player starts strong and finishes with less.
When has a game ever been paused to celebrate a player becoming the all time per capita stat leader?
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So all 4 of these guys are better than Jordan then right since they have more accumulated stats? Kareem has just as much rings as Jordan but more accumulated stats so I guess he's better. Come on anon, do better.
What's the fan fiction? It's literally their best stacked up against eachother. Who cares which player had a better start to their career? If Mahomes ends up getting better stats then that chart will be made as well. Assuming he will is the fan fiction, I'm just interested in the facts.
so anyway
They'd have decent arguments, especially if they had more rings. Many argue Lebron ahead of Jordan already. If any of these players had more rings than Jordan and beat him head to head in the playoffs they would objectively be considered better.
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>If Mahomes ends up getting better stats
He already has better stats. He just doesn't have as much accumulated stats.

There are plenty of players who had more accumulated stats than Jordan but none had better per game stats. That is what made him the GOAT.
Here are three reasons why Patrick Mahomes isn't considered the greatest quarterback of all time and frankly shouldn't even in the discussion this stage of his career

>Career Longevity and Experience
While Mahomes has had a remarkable start to his career with multiple Pro Bowl selections, an MVP award, and a Super Bowl victory, he has only been in the NFL for a relatively short time compared to many quarterbacks who are considered among the greatest of all time. Longevity and sustained excellence over many years are key factors in the GOAT discussion, and Mahomes' career is still in its early stages.
>Competition and Era Comparison
The GOAT debate often takes into account the era in which a quarterback played and the level of competition they faced. Quarterbacks like Tom Brady, Joe Montana, and Peyton Manning played in highly competitive eras and consistently performed at a high level over many seasons. Mahomes, while undoubtedly talented, is being evaluated against a different set of contemporaries and may need more seasons to fully assess his place among the all-time greats.
>Accolades and Team Success
While Mahomes has already achieved significant team success, including a Super Bowl victory and MVP honors, the GOAT conversation often considers multiple championships, Super Bowl appearances, statistical records, and individual awards accumulated over a quarterback's career. Comparatively, other quarterbacks have amassed more accolades and sustained success over longer periods, which contributes to their GOAT status.

These reasons highlight that while Mahomes is an exceptionally talented quarterback with immense potential, the GOAT title is often reserved for quarterbacks with a combination of longevity, sustained excellence, team success, and statistical achievements over their entire careers.
There is no debate. Jordan is the consensus GOAT of that sport due to his combination of rings and elite per game stats.
*at age 28
*with the reffies calling back all of his embarrassing interceptions
*with the NFL ignoring his helmet-to-helmet hit against the dolphins and then him switching his helmet out for a new one without the team calling a timeout
*when he cried and screamed like a 5-year old at the reffies because they ruined a "really cool play" and didn't let them "play their asses off"
*when the zogbot whore, who brought millions of additional revenue to the NFL just suddenly started showing up to the games and be blasted on TV
Yeah, so anyway...
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Please tell us how comparing the beginning of their careers is relevant or why it should matter at all. I'm simply comparing their peaks. If you believe Mahomes will have a second peak then more power to you but this is where it stands as of this moment.
The NFL WISHES they had the level of creativity of Vince McMahon and the Creative Team of the WWE to rig their sport as well as the WWE does.
Mahomes TD:INT ratio is better than Brady at this point in their careers.
Kek *literally* nobody brings up his per game stats. He's the goat because he was a worldwide icon and had 2 threepeats.
why are most of the numbers on the left > than the numbers on the right?
>using floorsqueak players as a reference in a QB goat argument
Summer cant end fast enough
They only pause the game in the NBA. The commentators discuss accumulated stats but the people who vote on best of all time count per game stats which is really all guys like Marino had going for them since they were ringless but he still ranks above QBs who had more rings.
Neat, so anyways...
bruh, they've been using that argument since last october...
I thought the webm schizo had evolved past this but he's regressed.
What's the matter, bby? A few webms, that you have to click on to even watch, are scaring you?
>Quarterbacks like Tom Brady, Joe Montana, and Peyton Manning played in highly competitive eras and consistently performed at a high level over many seasons. Mahomes, while undoubtedly talented, is being evaluated against a different set of contemporaries
That's because Mahomes is bullying the league, the likes of which we've never seen before. Brady won the most rings in his era but guys like Rodgers, Brees, and Peyton put up better stats and won more MVPs. Mahomes is the first QB to dominate on rings AND stats.
>They only pause the game in the NBA
Brett Favre had the game paused when he broke the yards record. Peyton Manning did as well. So did Drew Brees.
I’m surprised the maholmes faggot doesn’t just spam a webm of Brady’s knee. Probably some zoomer who doesn’t even know what that is.
>I'm simply comparing their peaks.
Anon, do me a favor and go to stathead. Compare Mahomes first 6 season stretch against any 6 season stretch of Brady's career. If you can find any proof that Brady is better than Mahomes I will concede defeat. Protip: it doesn't exists but good luck.
>Sources: Other teams that have reached out and spoken to San Francisco have been told that the 49ers have no intention of trading disgruntled WR Brandon Ayiuk, who officially has requested a trade. 49ers open training camp next week.
>Aiyuk officially requests trade
They're definitely not trading him in the NFC, unless it's a dumpster fire team. And definitely not to the Chiefs and probably not another top AFC contender. Where will he go?
Wouldn't matter, because most of us don't really care about Tom Bradley. The muttlover is just 2 E Z. Silly fucker said he was going to start ignoring me and my "spam webms", that lasted about 17 hours and was 5 months ago.
Commanders wants him
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Your webms don't hit the same after you got outed as the bussy posting anon.
Hit this bussy
>sits out
>gets fat
>ruins vibes
Once your team starts to become a shitshow because of stingy owner/GM bullshit it's hard to pull out of it
>everyone who argues on 4chins with me is the same person.
Talk about a schizo...
Please tell us how comparing the beginning of their careers is relevant or why it should matter at all.
Mahomes is only 28 and he's not in his prime which is ages 29-31 for QBs so it's unfair to compare prime Brady to baby Mahomes.
>It's literally their best stacked up against eachother.
Mahomes 2022 season was his best. Brady doesn't have a single season that compares to that.
-Won the MVP
-Won the Superbowl MVP
-Led the league in yards and threw for 5,200
-Led the league in TDs
-Set the all time record of most total yards
it isn't
>or why it should matter at all.
It doesn't...this fag is just seething because I spent the better part of the past season posting mutthomes' interceptions in the appropriate threads, so he started calling me a broncos fan, and was wrong, then he called me a chargers fan, and was wrong, then he called me a raiders fan, and was wrong, then he assumed I was a pats or buccs fan, and was wrong, then he started posting stats, and then others joined in and started posting brady's stats and, rightfully, calling him the GOAT. We're now 5 months later still in the same spot, apparently. Either way, it's funny to see him seethe.
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It's been, what, 5 months? And the same 3 or 4 people are still flooding this general with the same coppypasta posts about Mahomes and Brady? Why? What purpose does repeating the same exact argument every single day serve?
>Please tell us how comparing the beginning of their careers is relevant
You have to compare what both did at similar points in their career to get an accurate comparison. Answer this seriously, how retarded would it be to say Peyton is superior to CJ Stroud since he scored 55 TDs and 5k yards compared to CJ who only had 4k yards and 23 TDs? You know how retarded this comparison would be since Peyton was a seasoned veteran by the time he did that. Obviously it would be wiser to compare what both of the QBs did in their rookie season to get an accurate comparison. The American education system is disturbing.
Swifties innit
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>he still gets triggered anytime someone posts two simple numbers
>What purpose does repeating the same exact argument every single day serve?
I'm just posting NFL webms in the /nfl/ thread. Not sure what the mutthomesfag's deal is. Speaking of...
*POW* right in the kussey
Everyone knows you're the bussy posting anon and you admitted to being the Brady dick rider.
I did? Wow. Must have been quite the sight. Wish I had been around here for that.
And now fast forward to today and now all of /nfl/ knows how great Mahomes is thanks to you.
>He's the goat because he was a worldwide icon and had 2 threepeats.
Mahomes was TIMEs person of the year and is about to 3peat. Anon....
Come home to Pittsburgh, son
They can't afford Purdy and all those WRs.

The russian anon is still alive. I thought you got drafted and killed.
>TIMEs person of the year
So was Hitler...
bruh im not paying purdy
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that actually makes a lot of sense. i always knew marcus mariota is better than joe namath
I was time's person of the year once, who gives a shit brah
based magazine-with-a-reflective-cover purchaser.
Looks pretty slick, ngl
Who are the "Commanders"?
The 49ers don't realize Purdy is only good due to the 49ers having the most pro bowlers of any team
Neither of those compare to Jordan
Mahomes isn't competing with season 23 Brady. He's competing with aged 28 Brady.
They don't realize they put a game manager into a situation where he literally just has to manage the game and let the rest of the roster carry him? Hmm...I think they know that, anon.
>You have to compare what both did at similar points in their career to get an accurate comparison. Tell us why this comparison is relevant or should matter at all.
An accurate comparison of what? Nobody cares about who had a better start.
>He's competing with aged 28 Brady
...and STILL losing.
says who bitch
Yes, we all know that you can use 4plebs and cut and paste into microsoft paint.
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*enters cheekily*
remember when mahomes competed against Brady in the superbowl?
mahomes threw like fifty times! his stats must've been insane
don't know why they keep publicity whore butker around when you have a scoring player like mahomes
then they'll pay him a game manager's salary and not a top 5 QB's salary, right?
Fuck no, we live in the era of agents having literally every GM by the balls since they are monopolized with other players across the league. They'll have to pay purdy to keep ______ on their roster, for example. Also, he "made" the super bowl, so that will be brought up in contract talks every single day.
When you compare two QBs you have two options.

1. Compare what both did at similar points of their career.


2. Wait for both QBs career to end then compare them.

Again, it would be moronic to say Tua is superior to CJ Stroud since Tua has 12k accumulated yards compared to Stroud who only has 4k yards. Obviously when we compare QBs we look at what both did at similar points in their career.
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I do. I think if I look hard enough, I might have a few clips from that game. I'll have to double check, though...
I think they do realize though. They are aware they have a system that works with just about any competent QB. Purdy is going to make a lot of money but I don't think it'll be with the niners.
Purgoaty deserves more than Trevor lolrence and pua
Again if you think Mahomes will have a second peak in terms of stats then more power to you. I'm just presenting the facts that currently Bradys peak is higher.
>As the Kansas City Chiefs prepare to defend their Super Bowl crown this weekend against the Buccaneers, they will do so without four of their five starting offensive linemen.
i can use any frame of reference i want bitch
fuck your false dichotomy
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No but some team definitely will overpay him
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Stats are stupid and lame. Webms are cool and awesome.
oh how interesting
mahomes can't change his style to suit the team he has
brady was a lot more more versatile in that sense then
it's like mahomes trying to throw balls hill can catch to fucking mvs and god damn toney
If the 'ders trade for Aiyuk they will finish ahead of the cowboys in the division this season
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>i can use any frame of reference i want bitch
You can do whatever you want but we will call you a brainlet for doing so.
>Zach Wilson has more accumulated yards than CJ Stroud so I guess he's better!!
That's how dumb you sound right now. The best way to compare QBs is to see what both did at similar points of their career. Simple as.

The "Mahomes has reached his peak" schizo is unironically the best schizo in /nfl/ history.
the draft lasted all of 3 months and wrapped up more than a year ago, plus i'm medically ineligible anyway. talking handegg every day in june and july when absolutely nothing is going on is just an incredibly sad activity. maybe it makes me a fake fan, but i kinda enjoy this yearly summer detox. i'll become obsessed and hyped again in no time when the season approaches though
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Who? Oh, yeah, that guy that ruined that "really cool play"
prove he hasn't reached his peak
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>Restructuring Kittle and Juice's deals
>Can't keep Aiyuk
What happened Nanners?
How about you just help me reach my peak instead.
nice strawman you stupid bitch
oh hey zach's o line was super hurt
guess all of his losses didn't count
he was a flag for holding (thrown at the instant of an interception) away from beating mahomes too
you'd have a field day trashing brady + refs but you can't, because you know mahomes gets that shit too so you can't pursue that avenue
shan't be doing that.
Redskins point differential since 2915 is -856
By all logic he has, purely from a statistical perspective. He'll never have better offensive talent than he did those years, Kelce is only getting older, and Reid won't be with him his whole career.
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>so you can't pursue that avenue
Don't worry, I'll do it.
I’m a Zachy apologist. He deserves a second chance.
>prove he hasn't reached his peak
He's one season removed from having the best season in NFL history and just won back to back owls. If that's proof he's declining I hope it continues.
No wonder they aren’t a team anymore
Can I wear a Redskins shirt to a Washington game?
I just simulated 15 seasons in Madden 2024 and Mahauto ended up with 5 rings
7 > 5
feminine energy
just do it you bitch
and i accept your other concessions
hope stathead has a Healthy O-Line data point because if a guy coming off his best season and two rings needs that excuse then everyone else does too, even, and especially, Zach Wilson
Math checks out. I am a scientist, after all.
>oh hey zach's o line was super hurt
>guess all of his losses didn't count
Injuries are expected since it's a contact sport but if there's too much injuries it becomes a fluke game. The number of injuries that have to occur for a fan to consider it fluky varies.. How many players would have to get injured in a game before you call it a fluke? If 5 recievers got injured would that not be a fluke game. What if it was 9 receivers. We all have a number. Mine is 5.
2014, sorry, spilled my beer on my and almost swerved into the oncoming lane lol
Drinking on a Tuesday afternoon? Based Texans fan.
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is this fat fuck going to be on the sideline when they finally fire their wigger coach?
For me it's the continual arrival of unprecedented weather events
The boomers are aware of the damage they're doing but know they'll be long gone before the shit hits the fan.
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Don't worry philly phags, I'll post the one with greenlaw that I know you'll all try to retort with.
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but wait! there's more...and this one's a SCREAMER BABY!
I didn't say he's declining I said weve seen his peak from a statistical perspective.
He's got more tenure than Sirianni in that building.
Also he is italian, just in case you didn't see his totally-not-screaming-for-attention patch on his sleeve.
Everyone else is aware of what we're doing but are unironically too bitchmade to come stop us. We tried to warn you that gens x-z are too weak and this is us metaphorically spanking you for it. The human race dies with us.
rent free
the league does this heritage week shit every year, or whatever its called, when everyone wears patches celebrating their ancestry. belichick wore a croatian flag patch, sam howell and kyler murray wore south korean flag helmet decals, etc
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Crazy how well the Eagles overhauled the secondary. Barring disaster they will be so much better this year. Upgrading on Bradberry's nose-dive year is great but low-key the biggest thing might be that they finally have depth at slot corner. It seems like every year Maddox gets hurt and the defense falls apart.
Niners can lose an elite WR and still have the best roster. Their GM is god tier.
The Eagles issue wasn't roster. It was purely coaching. Eagles, 49ers, and Ravens all have arguably the best rosters in the NFL.
uhmm... he's literally not? Brady retired my guy.
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You now remember this game
What do the russian heritage players wear?
See, this didn't happen because it makes mutthomes look like a loser.
Tbf he would have done just barley enough to win that game if MVS had hands
Should have thrown a better pass. He overthrew a slower WR because he was a tyreek-babby for half a decade.
have there even been any since fred biletnikoff? closest one i can think of is igor olshansky who is a ukrainian jew
>ukrainian jew
is there another type of ukranian?
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Many men wish death upon me
Blood in my eye, dog, and I can't see
I'm tryin' to be what I'm destined to be
And niggas tryin' to take my life away (C'mon)
I put a hole in a nigga for fuckin' with me
My back on the wall, now you gon' see
Better watch how you talk when you talk about me
'Cause I'll come and take your life away
be honest with me /b/ are my chargers getting aiyuk?
When a new QB enters the league they are competing against what other QBs did during their rookie seasons.
lol no
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mutthomes has NEVER thrown 6 touchdown passes in a single game post-COVID reform. He is literally worse than Matt Flynn.
Did he really say nigger?
Don't talk about native russians that way
No, but the gentle giant knew that he was thinking it, so he was justified in shooting him.
Yeah but he's infamously the recipient of a laminated n-word card.
sources are telling me seven is more than three. keep an eye on it.
My Rammies :)
Ram this bussy
Keep an eye on this bussy
Laminate and recieve this bussy
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Hey /nfl/ what do you think about my take here? I made this for you. I’m actually defending skip Bayless because everyone is preying on his downfall
Any input is appreciated
Am I boring? Or is this any good take?
Blatant holding by Tampa’s offensive line.
>that image
Take this bussy
You think I’m hot?
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>Today on NFL Network.
>Life after the NFL, episode 3 Trey Lance.
Is it clear I have autism?
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>tua posting in 2024
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>work on cozy Bavarian farm
>one day the English king offers you a ship to some strange new continent
>"why not"
>go over there
>impregnate Pocahontas
>create Americans
>the Browns will go 7 -10 this season

Fuck you USA
As hit as any other tranny
>entire country cucked because one guy not even from there decided to be based
I'm going back to college bros. Finna finsh that degree namsayin
Please be more concise. I like your eye color.
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Can someone post the webm of JKerb blowing Higbee up in the Loins-Rasm wildcard
Andre Cannon of Madden 13
I'm so sad Jihad Ward isn't on the Giants anymore. I loved him.
Raiders legend jihad ward
He learned he could win by being a game manager like Brady and letting the D do all the work.
Fuck matt flynn
Who is Ryback
I could suck a mean log of shit out of Mahomes asshole
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Trump: AFCW edition
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Ok but would you?
Notice the three Andy Reid QBs in the top 4
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>Russlel's record $85m dead cap hit is more than double the previous record
>there have only been 7 dead cap hits in excess of $26m in NFL history... Russlel accounts for 2 of those 7
Same. I’m majoring in mathematics. I’m trying to figure out if 7 is more than 3
Thanks, rewatching it I notice I make retarded faces
I can’t keep my face looking straight and think about what I’m saying at the same time
Actual media members deserve respect for doing both
>Haha he's getting paid a lot of money
Why are we not making fun of the Broncos?
He's a patriot
Will the WR market go the way of the RB market anytime soon?
As a former "WRs are just icing on the cake" guy even I admit that their value is legitimate these days. It's more likely that teams realize that guys like Tua, Hurts, and Dak are shitters without an elite weapon and choose not to pay them instead.
Actual media members have scripts or a rundown of what they're going to talk about
I used to be a "You don't need divas, you need a platoon of complementary receivers who play in a system" guy until the AJ Brown Trade. Seeing how Tannehill fell off without him while Hurts went from not being able to hit the ocean to suddenly a top 5 QB that year changed a lot of how I look at things.
totally agree, you need special players to win owls
Right here sir. Right in my bussy.
This is sexual harassment
sexually harass this bussy
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>If you can find any proof that Brady is better than Mahomes

You mean aside from him being undefeated against Mahomes in the playoffs?
All right
>paying a nigga that ain't even there
kek lel oh no
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Egregious refball, shams paid a price for that too
>Egregious refball
you mean: laser-guided karma
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Aiyuk's been very productive but it's hard to justify paying him #1 receiver money. McCaffrey's the #1 offensive option and it's not even close, Deebo is #2 when healthy and then it's debatable if Aiyuk is even the definitive #3 option. He only had 10 more catches than Kittle did last year.

I'm guessing Shanahan thinks he can replicate most, although probably not all, of Aiyuk's productivity with a couple much less expensive players as long as those other guys are still there, and he's probably right. If CMC, Deebo and Kittle are all on the field whoever else is out there is going to get a lot of room to maneuver.

Somebody's going to take the bait on Aiyuk and pay him #1 receiver money a
Please use a trip so I can keep up with all your insights
every single "star" player on the 49ers is a Shanahanbabby. speaks more when alot of them wasnt even great in college. aiyuk just screwed his career for doing this.
Receiver had no chance to catch that ball.
good, fuck 'em
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chiefs vs niners in the super bowl this year, calling it right now
now that's a spicy take i come here for
Come here for this bussy
Guys*giggle*get this*snort*the burrs*giggle*drafted a gay QB
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I giggle whenever the Bears draft a qb
drafted a bussy
You smell bad, I am so sorry
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I'll say, P.U.
brady was carried by elite D in his first 3 rings.
Mahomes is actually the reason the chiefs are winning.
Between the Ravens and Niners, which team won’t win a Super Bowl within the next five years?
Aiyuk seems to be getting better with each season and has two 1000k yard season. Meanwhile Deebo is always injured and is 2 years older than Aiyuk. What am I missing here. Aiyuk seems to be the better long term option.
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>mutthomes is the reason
lol, nah.
>chiefs vs niners
Many such cases. They are the only teams that have consistently been making it to conference championship games in the last 6 years of the Chiefs era.
Shanny is probably just obsessed with how versatile Deebo is. Aiyuk wants to be paid as much as a top 3 receiver so it makes sense they’re not down
>Mahomes' first superbowl run in the playoffs
10 TDs, 2 INTs
>Brady's first superbowl run in the playoffs
1 TD, 1 INT
Neat, so anyway.
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First, god Sorenson was such a fucking nigger
Second, the timeline where that gets called is the good ending we deserved.
Max Kellerman and Nick Wright will be the new host for Undisputed.
He just set the record for most consecutive playoff games without an INT and has the best TD:INT ratio in the playoffs. When you think of Mahomes INTs isn't the first that comes to mind.
That puts the 49ers in a tough position. They can't afford to pay Purdy and Aiyuk but Purdy would most likely be shit without Aiyuk.
Hmm, no, that's neat though. Anyways...
we've almost made it to the pre-season, bros
who is getting a season ending injury early in the season this year
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>mfw my Raiders go 3 and out in the first drive of preseason and the season's over
are you the same autist that posts interceptions in every thread?
Joe Burrow
i hope not. joe is fun to watch and has gotten awful injury luck.

in an ideal world, it's mahomes
Skip's issue has nothing to do with the controversies. The issue is that Undisputed became boring as fuck after Sharpe left. Keyshawn talks in circles like a retard and Skip has had extremely low energy. Not to mention his new cohost like Sherman and Keyshawn were boring as fuck. He needs a Stephen A Smith or Shannon Sharpe for the show to work.

Yes, it's too obvious.
Wow you guys were not wrong about chiefs fags. I don't generally care about the off-season, but every fucking time I check /nfl/ there's the "mutt vs brady" fags
Thinking I should've rooted for the niners. These freaks are worse than Pats fans were
you absolutely should not have rooted for the niners. they are worse
Are you the same autist that seethes about NFL webms being posted in the /nfl/ thread?
I now remember how GOATed the Eagles' screen game was in those McNabb years
There was a Purdy fanboy who would come here to shitpost about him being the best QB. After the superbowl loss he went into hiding which shows how fair weather niners fans are.
I’d rather see Mahomes healthy and lose. Maybe the Ravens will actually knock them out early this year
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i'm already listening to my friends and getting ready for the season
Why did the Chiefs fan cross the road? Because...his dick was stuck in the chicken.
Deebo being unreliable *is* a huge fucking problem but they already gave him the money so if it's going to come down to paying one or the other the decision has already been made. And there's probably some concern that if both guys are signed to big deals maybe neither is all that motivated.

Also aside form what >>142825327
said, Aiyuk and Shanahan never seemed 100% on the same page. There was that period a couple years ago where he wouldn't even play the guy for some unspecified reason. Not surprised Deebo was the one they chose.
i miss the brady-peyton-brees era bros...
kek, that skid-mark faced statbabby is no where near the level of peyton and brady.
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>Brady's first superbowl run
you could actually play defense, get handsy with receivers without getting bullshit PI calls, hit the quarterback without getting an RTP penalty, and the offensive line weren't allowed to hold on every possession
>Mahomes' first superbowl run in the playoffs
Line holds on every pay, CBs have to let people run by them or get flagged, defenders have to double-clutch on every sack so they don't get penalized and Mahomes gets free first downs thanks to PI calls on half his drives

These "first x years" comparisons are so fucking facetious. Because we don't even have to speculate about how Brady would have looked playing with the new rules Mahomes benefits from. We saw him play with the new rules and he threw for 5,000 yards and 40+ touchdowns. In his 40's.

Old Brady was essentially the same player as young Mahomes, except he actually won when they played each other. How the fuck does that make Mahomes better? If your rival routinely matches your production and beats you in your prime despite being well past normal retirement age themselves that means they're better than you and always were. Case closed
I said that skips damar Hamlin tweet was what made Shannon leave
NFL desperately wanted that LA market (it didn’t work because there’s only 5 rams fans lel)
I’ve been out of the loop. What happened with Skip?
Got sick of blowhard blacks yelling at him on his own program. n_____ fatigue at it's finest.
do u have a lazy eye ?
u def look like a sperg
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Uh Shirley, you forgot to mention me
Rivers is a pure gunslinger
Discount big ben/Bret Favre without solid defenses to support him, or solid special teams
He could in another timeline on another team, he could have ended up with the most rings
Unfortunately he lost the lottery and ended on the chargers
>We saw him play with the new rules and he threw for 5,000 yards and 40+ touchdowns. In his 40's.
The black running QB on the buccaneers threw for 5k yards the season before Brady got there and if you look at Brady's stats on the Patriots (the year before he joined Tampa), he had half the TDs, which really makes you wonder if he benefited from the new era or if he benefited from a stacked roster that took Baker Mayfield to the 2nd round of the playoffs.
>Old Brady was essentially the same player as young Mahomes, except he actually won when they played each other.
He won a coin flip in overtime, in a game where he was being outplayed. Mahomes had 3 TDs and 0 INTs, Brady had 1 TD and 3 INTs, one of which was taken away by refball. Not to mention Mahomes was a newborn baby playing against a seasoned veteran.
>you could actually play defense, get handsy with receivers without getting bullshit PI calls, hit the quarterback without getting an RTP penalty, and the offensive line weren't allowed to hold on every possession
There haven't been that many major rule changes since 2001. The league has only changed how often they enforce existing rules. But even if I gave you that excuse it still doesn't explain why guys like Steve Young scored 9 TDs in 1994 for his superbowl run or when Brett Farve scored 8 TDs in 1995. Brady was mediocre for his first 6 seasons and was carried by the best defense coach back when "you could actually play defense".
Absolutely this, that's why so many of them can get tricked into reading anything off a teleprompter. They learn to read and say it before they actually comprehend it.
Shannon leaving was not the reason Skip got fired. Skip got fired because he became washed. After Shannon left he had low energy. It's as if started taking sedatives. The new guest didn't help either. Probably would have worked if they put Nick Wright or Max Kellerman to be his new debate partner.
I wouldn’t doubt that skip has lost faith in the world, because he didn’t realize simply saying “play on” after a serious football injury could end his career
When he realized how soft kids are these days, he had to water down the one thing he had going, his controversial takes
Like I said in the video, people basically tried to cancel skip and proclaim him a racist because he went against the “pray for damar” narrative
I wouldn’t doubt he lost his joy, and Shannon had to leave because he didn’t want to be associated with someone who people think is racist and offensive
Skip had to water down his content, and that’s why he’s fired now
Other Chargers qbs from that era won superbowls. Drew Brees, Eli Manning...
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Take it from a Lions fan, that's totally not refball...
I'm so tired of being alive
Rivers was much better then Eli manning
Look at the defenses he had to rely on, and his bad years were HORRIBLE
Rivers only had one or two bad years and from what I can remember Eli was either dog shit or on fire
With better teams, rivers would have won more he was much more consistent
Unfortunately for him games we’re always too close. He was clutch at times but couldn’t hero every game himself
>If your rival routinely matches your production
No QB matches Mahomes production. In that 6 year stretch he's the best we've ever seen in yards, TDs, passer rating, etc....
>and beats you in your prime
Mahomes was a child when he played Brady, he's no where near his prime. Mahomes is only 28. QBs don't reach their prime until age 29-31. Lastly, nobody beat Mahomes overall in this era. No QB has won more rings or MVPs during his watch. And no QB has come close to his per game stats, playoff wins, or superbowl appearances. Mahomes is dominating his era and a few fluke losses (like not touching the ball in overtime) is not going to change that.
Imagine being a black guy and being named after the drummer from a rock band because your dad watched a video of him having sex with a baywatch girl.
Let’s not forget rivers was captain of a 14-2 chargers team, that should have won it all, if not for Brady magic
He had to play on a torn ACL in that game too
And Marlin macree fumbled away the game
Oh and two other playoff chances were ended not by rivers but his kicker Nate Kaeding
After that, entire seasons were blown by unreliable kickers
Obviously the guy is going to Throw game ending pics when he can’t rely on his special teams and defenses to get stops, unlike Brady for example.
GOAT kicked and defenses, could game manage into game ending field goal range
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What aura does this project?
>The black running QB on the buccaneers threw for 5k yards the season before Brady got there
And threw 30 interceptions doing it.

This "the Buccaneers were so good any decent qb could have won with the them" meme is bullshit. They were fucking 7-9 the year before Brady got there and hadn't made the playoffs in over a decade. That was a shit-tier franchise that was squandering what talent it had and Brady made them champions overnight.
>He won a coin flip in overtime, in a game where he was being outplayed. Mahomes had 3 TDs and 0 INTs, Brady had 1 TD and 3 INTs, one of which was taken away by refball. Not to mention Mahomes was a newborn baby playing against a seasoned veteran.

First of all
>He won
Secondly, if winning a coin flip in overtime just means you got lucky then I guess Mahomes doesn't deserve credit for that overtime game in Buffalo when Josh Allen threw like 57 touchdowns but didn't get a possession in overtime? No? That still counts as a win for Mahomes? Well then this counts as a win for Brady

And thirdly, I notice you're not eager to discuss the super bowl and we all know why, because you can't do the "Brady won but Mahomes played better" routine when Brady had three touchdowns and the Chiefs scored ZERO (0) offensive TD's.
>it still doesn't explain why guys like Steve Young scored 9 TDs in 1994 for his superbowl run
To be fair six of those were in one game because the Chorgers lol.
>carried by the best defense coach
Who won literally nothing as a head coach after OR BEFORE Brady. The Patriots entire franchise had zero rings before Brady. This is the same stupid shit as the "anyone could have won in Tampa" argument. He is unironically responsible for 100% of Patriots championships and has more rings as an individual than they do as a franchise. They fucking fell apart without him and still haven't recovered. So much for being "carried"
>Who won literally nothing as a head coach after OR BEFORE Brady.
Belichick took the Patriots to the superbowl in 1996 long before Brady got there, then left for the Jets and took them to their first conference championship game in 18 years.
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>Belichick took the Patriots to the superbowl
and lost
>and took them to their first conference championship game in 18 years.
and lost

What was the difference between those teams that never quite made it and those teams that consistently got over the hump? It's a real mystery. We may never know for sure
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That's not even the full story of their oline. There was also injured players on the oline going into the game, but they played through it.
How many rings does Belichick have? Who has been to the most superbowls in NFL history: hint it's not Brady.
what if the Bears suck again?
OK. What now?
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Weird how the NFL suddenly changed their requirements and lessened the amount of recovery time a player needed to return to the field after the mutt got his shit rocked against Cleveland, and gave everyone this face
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>How many rings does Belichick have?

As a head coach? Without Brady, literally none.

Look, Bill was a A+++ coordinator and a legitimately great, all-time. HC as well. But it's an irrefutable fact that he never, ever, got over the hump without Tom and now clearly never will, whereas Tom took another guy, who, like Bill, couldn't quite get there and made him a winner instantly just like he did with Bill.

>Be Bill Belichick
>almost won a super bowl but didn't
>start this Tom Brady guy
>win Super bowl first year
>Be Bruce Arians
>almost won a Super Bowl but didn't
>start this Tom Brady guy
>win Super bowl first year

Not a coincidence.
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piss for everybody
i remember that being a weird one because it didn't even look like he hit his head but he was super fucked up
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Jameis Winston, a black running QB, led the league in passing yards when he was on the bucs. It was a borderline super team. Brady was ring chasing.
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>It was a borderline super team
>that went 7-9
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Just here to remind everyone that the Kansas City Chiefs are still the defending back to back Super Bowl champs, and will be going for the "never done before" SB threepeat this year. And that Mahomes is the greatest QB who's ever lived.
Even the 49ers missed the playoffs in 2020 when they didn't have a good enough QB and we all know the 49ers is one of the best rosters in the last decade.
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49ers ravens eagles collectively have dogshit records without their starters in games that matter(not counting end of season games it's even worse then) the last few years discounting when purdy was the relief
/nfl/ sucks today
queefs got more refball gibs in the past year (just like any of the last three years) than brady's entire career and i'm a big fucking brady hater. that fag in new england didn't even have half the talent peyton manning had.
There's hour long compilation videos on youtube of Patriots dynasty refball.
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The Niners had one down year in the midst of consistent success. The Bucs hadn't made the playoffs in 13 fucking years before Brady got there.

The fuck did you want him do do, find the worst team in the league and be coached by Hue Jackson just to challenge himself? How can you not give a guy credit for taking a perennial loser that was two games under .500 without him and making them insta-champions? The fucking Chiefs were 10-6 when Mahomes took over and you idiots won't stop riding his dick. Would you rather take over a 16 team coached By Andy Reid or a 7-9 team coached by Bruce Arians? The fuck are wee even talking about
Awww poor little choofs fan
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Had something to do with how his weak mutt neck got tweaked iirc
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Should’ve paralyzed the mutt
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And would you look at that, even when getting sandwiched by 3 men, the mutt still does his trademark move towards the refs.
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They will. Horrible coaching
Brady's 5k yards isn't as impressive when you consider the fact that a black running QB had 5k yards on that same team the year before.

As for the Chiefs, they had 1 playoff win since 1994. Now compare that to the Patriots which had several playoff wins and an owl appearance in the decade before he got there.
7>3, redditor
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>a black running QB

Winston had 250 rushing yards his final season in Tampa, and it's easy to throw for a shitload of yards when you have permission to indiscriminately chuck the ball down the field regardless of whether someone's open or not. If you throw enough bombs, you will eventually complete some of them. But nobody does that because it's insane.

And that's where Arians was when Brady took over. He was the guy who let Jameis unleash the dragon because he ran a meme offense didn't know what else to do. If Brady doesn't show up he probably gets fired.
He can request $20000 trillion and an aircraft carrier full of white women if he wants. Doesn't matter because they don't have to grant him shit. He's still under contract and the 9ers don't have to trade him if they don't want to

>spoiler alert
>they aren't going to trade him
>camp starts in like a week
>if they were going to trade him, they would've done it months ago
>John Lynch DGAF about his requests
>John Lynch DGAF about his money
>John Lynch DGAF about diva wideouts
>his ass is gone after this season anyway
>they will tell him to sit his ass at home if he wants to be a bitch

He can either play for them or lose $14 million. Simple as. If he sits out, he won't get shit.
all the Seattle coattail riders they brought in because the league overlooked geno smith knew how to throw mortar rounds sometimes in a league designed to stop dink and dunk. the organization is dumber than ever kek
>lose $14 million
Yeah...his agent's, uh, (((agency))) isn't letting that happen.
Brady fucked up by going a full decade between owls Mahomes won't do that and will easily pass him
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>John Lynch DGAF about diva wideouts

It is pretty funny imagining a former safety listening to a WR cry about his contract.

>oh you only got offered $25 mil a year
>and you might have to play one more year with this really talented deep team that makes you look good
>and might win the super bowl
>before being able to sign wherever you want for whatever you can get?
>yeah it's a fucking tragedy bro
>little bitch I used to knock guys like you unconscious
offense isn't that talented it's a bunch of shanahan babies. only Williams and McCaffrey are legit. The rest would get lost on a shit team. Aiyuk can go waste away for 60/900 on some bumass team like shartsburgh and random retard #907 will fill the vacuum. Purdy is the 3rd most talented guy on that offense at his position lol

They said on the news John hasn't even called him since May.

Fucking LOL.

>John my client needs a new deal
>yes we know hes under contract
>yes we know you have zero obligation to trade him
>yes we know hes a product of Kyles offense
>yes we know we have zero leverage on this
>yes we know you are a former safety that would love nothing more than to tell a diva wideout to sit and twirl
>but we still feel that our client deserves a new deal
>what do you think John?
>damn he hung up

That was over 2 months ago LOL. He seriously doesn't care if he even shows up at this point. He said fuck that bitch we don't even need him.
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>Aiyuk can go waste away for 60/900 on some bumass team like shartsburgh

Which is exactly what'll happen.
>oh hey this guy was really good
>on a team with an MVP candidate at RB
>and really good receiver who was the #1 target
>and a really good tight end
>and a top 3 offensive coach
>none of which we have
>clearly we should pay him like he's prime Tyreek

It hasn't even happened yet and I'm already annoyed by it
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My Bears are looking tasty at +4000 to win the owl
dude is fruity as hell. Finally the Bears will have a QB that cries as much as their fans do.
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>they fell for the black qb meme again
attitude; Deebo is a teamplayer Aiyuk is a Diva.
Id probably still go with Aiyuk, but it leaves a sour taste.
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Things that will make me happy about next season?

>eagles, niners, chiefs don't make it to the super bowl
>jets miss the playoffs
>raiders continue to be a shitshow
why are the chiefs players staying in shitty dorms and bringing their own stuff
Cheap owner.
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>lose almost their entire receiving and running core
tbf ekeler was washed up
>donbitch poster
>>black QB poster
who could've ever guessed
For me, it's the Minnesota Vikings. The best football team. I even ask for extra Vikings gear and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for Vikings merchandise and they gave me three items. I said, 'Wow, three for the win!' and the nice friendly Vikings employee laughed and said, 'I’m going to call you Three-for-the-Win!'.

Now the staff greets me with 'hey it’s Three-for-the-Win!' and ALWAYS give me three items. It’s such a fun and exciting atmosphere at the Vikings stadium, I attend at least 3 games a season and cheer loudly for my favorite team. Whether it's a thrilling touchdown or a game-winning field goal, the Vikings always deliver.

I even paint my face in Vikings colors, it's exhilarating! What a great team.
they should be like the dolphins and vikings and cowboys and coddle their players in luxury then wonder why they magically collapse when shit get real
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Bears suck
This. Not even the biggest Chiefs hater can imagine them going a decade without winning another. They've been to 4 owls and only lose in overtime in AFCCGs.
That's what people said about the Cowboys 30 years ago and look at what happened to them after their head coach (Jimmy Johnson) left. We're one calorie rich meal away from the downfall of the Chiefs dynasty.
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where are we at, packer brothers?
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This is why Chiefs fans hate the Bills. The media keeps hyping up Allen.
>Total TDs
Mahomes 231 TDS
Allen 220 TDs
>Total yards
Mahomes 30,360 yards
Allen 26,314 yards

Why do they cherry pick arbitrary seasons. The only fair way of comparing a QB is to match their seasons/games played. I could create a graph like this that shows Jimmy G is better than Allen.
>arbitrary seasons
*at the age of 28
>/nfl/ has FIBs
>nfl executive
Until these talking heads, their producers actually, start...producing actual names, their opinions don't mean shit. People that watch midday sports shows are the lowest of the retarded.
Mahomes has only started for 6 seasons so the only fair way of comparing him to Brady is seeing what Brady did for those first 6 seasons. But even if you argue that was a different era, we could even compare Brady's last 6 seasons as a veteran (or even his prime years) and Mahomes still dog walks him.

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