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how are they going to pay the fine anyway ?
Escucharon y corrieron la bola
just make enzo pay for everything
Why cant they stop obsessing about the french ?
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qatar will pay it and you will endlessly seethe about it, nkwabi bitchba.
Oh oh we got too cocky argiebros
yea make a bigger deal about it and in turn end up looking worse very froggy
someone tell them you cant plug in cultures to your liking especially when half of your cunt knows this
it´s really weird. i thought at first it was an old video from the WC that just resurfaced, no idea why they were singing about the french after winning with columbia lol
qatar ?
Fuck France, we could've had a kino France vs Argentina Finalissima with THIS at the same time, imagine the kino. Not to mention it would be a repeat of last WC final
Some unelected official needs a down payment for a new boat
Argentina getting river’d. How ironic
you're telling me I can trigger a full gen by only saying Escuchen? neat
>yea make a bigger deal about it and in turn end up looking worse
Like you did with the holocaust? KWAB
isn't that your narrative? that qatar rigs and buys everything for us?
Somebody had to give those cucked, pozzed Ngubu lovers a check.
>Argentina is now the saviour of the white race

how did we come to this
french faggotry strikes again
I think it's because Mbappe said in an interview that the level is higher in Europe than in south America
which is, true ?
French players aren’t even offended, they all see themselves as African first. Only white left wing cucks are getting offended on their behalf
By that logic so is India if we're counting brown white-nationalists
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Why were they singing about France anyway? But nice one, you manage to trigger the cucks
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This. The implication was that "they European" are cultured and developed while Argentina is just a third-world shithole. Mbappe started all this.
pretty ironic coming from the race that go "oy vey das is anuddah shoah!/this is antisemitic!" anytime they can
I'm pretty sure at this point they just like the song.
But I thought the Euros were the self-proclaimed king of bantz?
And in reality they are the most thin-skinned losers in existence?
I just want you to know that everyone in the world hates you people rn for what you’re doing in Gaza
Reminder Mbappe was meant to play for Cameroon first, but couldn’t. France is secondary to him. Left wing cucks can’t accept this, French players feel no pride
Did they ask mbappe? If they drag this too much the whole world will know he's a tranny fucker
thats an angloid thing every poor individual with no personality nor culture mimic.
Lmao ain't no way you believe this especially after this semen slurper tournament and your semen slurping performance.
>Left wing cucks
its precisely the ones calling them not french tho
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you guys misunderstand it, they were singing this
>some nigga called Diallo in the football french federation is triggered by that
>OMG European are thin skinned
This is your brain on McDonald
t.country that lost a WC to a south american country no longer than 2 years ago
I cant wait to see him, Vinicius and Bellingham crash and burn in Madrid while taking every cent.
Please god, give me another Galactico downfall era like 2003 - 2006
who are you ? oh yeah, the 7-1 fag white knighting fucking argies ffs
why doesnt france just stop being african
I thought that lasted until whenever Jose Mourinho was in charge.
It's this, we usually sing old football chants because they are just bangers, we're really good at making chants, specially if it makes people seethe.
An argie player will mock a jew and a palestinian in the same match for the sake of pissing them off if necessary, we don't really have a strong moral compass so it's all a joke
Also, it's not uncommon to sing about past victories or other rivals when you win, for shit and giggles
Maybe if they had actually french players in their team we wouldn't be singing that they are all africans. Have they ever thought about that?
the chant is all true
>a player was born in Angola
>players have african parents
>mbappe is a cometravas
>we don't really have a strong moral compass so it's all a joke
it makes no sense
You know why players like Xavi dick ride euros so much? Is because they don't get eliminated by Chile and Morrocos at the Euros
we will put Enzo Fernández into a dress and give him to mboope
Florentino resigned in 2006, a new president came who won two leagues with Shuster and Capello but they couldn't reach quarter finals, I think it was 6 years.
Sevilla should've won in 2007 imo, they were close.
Florentino then returned in 2009 with Kaka and Ronaldo and mou came after that.
i see your hatred for the french is stronger than for argies, its surprising.
What shocking remarks? "Cometravas"?
We see you as a rival nation in the world stage and players just like that song, there's not much more to it.
It's not like it was something planned either, they were just partying and felt like singing it like how you might feel like listening to an ABBA song
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>frenchoids and gibralwhos can't handle footie bantz
>We see you as a rival nation
we dont tho, stop thinking about us we never thought about you at all geez
>state that players parents are from africa
>state that mbappe fucks trannys
>state their passports say france
None of this is racist or discriminatory, it's all factual.
It make sense actually, latinos are like the shittiest people on earth, they idolize literal drug dealers and piece of shit like Carlos Monzon or Maradonna
This was cut by Milei I understand
Ngl messi is a good player..etc but copa america had been a joke of a cup especially with the smaller pitches...etc mbappe is right when he says that the level of play in europe is higher everything there is better run than in south america but latinx pipo get pissed whenever anyone mentions that
era homenaje
Eurofags can't even handle a bit of banter lmao
You sound extremely pissed. Are you black?
Why is FIFA not stepping in and punishing Argentina for this? Shows how shallow their end racism message is.
you sound extremely unoriginal, are you an angloid drone ?
it's just a silly chant, yuros are so fucking thin-skinned it's not even funny
>crying about muh discrimination
Shouldn't you be worried about your new fraudulent DT?
Milei needs to declare war on these shit leftists.
Don't feel discriminated, there isn't any real racism here. It's just making fun of a clearly strange situation where all the french players are of african descent, but it's all for the sake of making you seethe through the path of least resistance.
The fact that you get so angry about it means it does touch a fiber. It's not out fault you're so racist
Typical snob Frenchmen, so stuck up and think they're better than everyone else so they get mad over factual statements and jokes
Done him
>yuros are so fucking thin-skinned
if we did half what you did you would declare war lmao, argies are the first to express their meltdowns on this board ffs
kek the seething frenchman
>Suing over the true bantz regarding your precious worshipped niggers
>”W-we aren’t offended”
Not a good look Pepe
you need to have money to declare war, also go back to your country
if it was just crying about it like we do then it'd be fine but trying to sue like it's something actually important is beyond pussy shit
>It's not out fault you're so racist
the ones racists are the ones always bringing races in all debates
>the entire nation of argentinia seethe about france for years
>just bantz
>one nigger official is seething about racists chants
>the entirety of europe are thin skinned
top kek
nobody gives a shit about you, it was a funny chant and that's it
This might be the case, but somehow it's socialy accepted to bring race when it's to praise them, or associate their race with athleticism.
of all people the fucking french crying because racism. Don't they have some African politician to murder instead of worrying about argies?
Don't listen to other answers, you have to understand Argentinian idiosincrasy to get it. As a 3 digit IQ Spaniard, I can aswer you properly.

Basically they are a country of losers and attention whores. They are so irrelevant thay they try at all cost to create fake rivalries to trigger relevant countries. Don't you see how many pathetic posts Argentinians create as if they were something? They behave as English all the time while being a bunch of nobodies.

There is no other reason.
>nobody gives a shit about you
oh yeah, what about the infinite (You) i'm gathering from spoiled child ?
Not mad at all just, i don't like nigs in the team too but it's a fact that latinos are idolizing literal drug dealers and murderer
>act like a faggot
>people call you out for being a faggot
Imagine taking them to court over nothing, fuck fr*nch people
nigga the french federation is the one still seething about this
oh look,another ARGENTINA VS WORLD episode like diegote used to said
I hate Argentinian football more than French football. But they're better than you. And out of 22 World Cup titles you have 12 and we have 10 with 1/5 the number of countries.
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>it's socialy accepted to bring race when it's to praise them
praising the niggers is racist tho, they imply they are too dumb to achieve what whites can do so they need support, just like disabled people, dont try to think you chuds are any different from leftards.
kwab behaviour
>French football federation represent all europeans
Dumb mutt
Euronigs unironically think that crying like toddlers makes them look enlightened and civilized
>you have 12 and we have 10
we have 2 tho
I deny all allegations. We are the least racist country on the planet.
This, this board average IQ is unironically like 80 max
because you are seething?
More like an another episode of "Argentinians talking about themselves trying to trigger any reaction".

Argentinian WCs are all rigged, the only SA power is Brazil.
yeah, and also the unelected french federation president only represents its own interests, but eveyrbody is master of ther comments on sns.
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>always brag about how diversity is your strength
>someone else points out that your team is diverse
>proceed to chimp out
and that made your miserable life better i suppose, bringing everybody down wit you instead of climbing up, at least if the french were mocking you i could understand, but nobody gives a flying fuck about your artificial rivalry, your a tsundere or yandere, choose your poison.
you guys cry about people throwing money because youre poor and people singing about falklands
Yeah I'm thinking Argentina won on and off the pitch
I was talking about Europe versus South America. Mbappe and Europeans are deluded about the level of European football.
man just when i thought the pechi era was over and the madridista relationship with argentina was healing.... those nasty bad hombre sudacas pick a fight with our mbrap
thanks for stating the facts Francebro, that's just how it is
The second you call daddy to protect you from the meanies "insulting" you, you become the bitch, and yuros do this shit all the time
Any argie bro minds sharing the lyrics please?
all that seethe lmfao.
Your testosterone levels seem to be dangerously low, you should get that checked
>I was talking about Europe versus South America
and they were rtalking about France, why making it a continental rivalry, is your life that boring you need to join ?
It would be funny if Argentina lost the title.
Completely wrong, but the rage would be epic.
being virtual bullies really make yours high i presume...
we are like this with everyone thought
They can't because Papu Gomez and other players don't play anymore. Not the same team.

Losing the Copa America title, not the World Cup. The World Cup is too much.
Top scorer this Euro is own goal.
Don't lump us in with the frog eating cunts, no one likes them
It's just a funny song, is not that deep.

i dont speak spanish
>Owen Goal
>a literal who is better than any Souf American
The Africans can't take banter kek. Honestly, Argensimios are becoming more based by the day
In what team does Owen Goal play at?
The song says the mbroop is not french and he fucks and sucks tranny dick.

The song never says something anti-black anyway, just calls them "mercenaries".
>the madridista relationship with argentina was healing.
No, fuck you. You made your choice with the Brazilians, now stick to it. Consider the Manstantuono deal over.
Argentina will keep selling its new talents to Barca, City and Atletico.
that's the old ass song from qatar. why are the angoleños seething in 2020+4?
colombans behave way worse
the only rigged one was 1978 chud
Meant club
This couldn't be more wrong, shut the fuck up retard
>his mother is nigerian, his father cameroonian but his citizenship says "nationality: french"
where is the lie?
All of them
I hope every Argie hates Enzo for being stupid enough to record it and share it online even though he should know better. None of it is a big deal but (((they))) always seethe at things like this
But you're not from europe
So mbappe says something absolutely harmless and you seethe for decades ?
Yeah he's a fucking idiot.
It's easy to be based when you know you can say whatever you want. If you or I made a similar "joke" or banter, you know exactly how fucked we would be. By the way, why were they singing about France after winning la copa américa ?
>Listen up, spread the word
>They play for France but they're all from Angola
>How beautiful will it be, watching them run
>They are trannyfuckers like that faggot Mbappe
>Their mother is a Nigerian, their dad is from Cameroon
>But in the passport? French nationality
What court?
to be fair he was doing an IG live and the other players suddenly started to sing that, it was not his fault
>I hope every Argie hates Enzo for being stupid enough to record it and share it online even though he should know better
Not really, no one would even dare touch the NT here so we'll just laught at the french seething like we did with their seethe at dibu at the match vs that french team
They weren't seething. The players were drunk as fuck and were singing random chants. Someone must have started singing ESCUCHEN and the rest just followed.
It's a banger
imagine if all these westoid faggots listened the original song from chicago. i bet we would be having an international court and economic sactions lmao
I hope you're right and you don't get any kind of ban, some of the players could get suspended which would hurt your chances of winning too
Ok I believe you.
>random chants
So on top of being racists your also hypocrites and cowards that cant assume what they say, really helps building links with people you cant trust a single word.
You are not fooling anyone Ahmed
What's the original sonq ?
So what is your take here, it was a merit of the french spirit?
Europeans have been brainwashed into the "noo you can't just say that" faggot mentality instead of the calm logic of "if you get mad it's your problem"
It's just a stupid song, we may have to pay a fine and do a public apology but I don't think anything will happen.
The one in trouble may be Enzo because of all the blacks in Chelsea but I'm pretty sure he isn't racist at all. At worst they will loan him out.
Why do even french ppl on 4chan get angry when someone points out their players are blacks? Dont you guys have to be upset with this too, or every french person love BBC so damn much?
Yeah, this guy look like a chud to you
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>Spain buckbreaks the entirety of the anglo-sphere + the glowies in Gibraltar
>Argentina buckbreaks french masons and their beloved troonie loving negros
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>Looks black, jewish and "french" at the same time
Mon Dieu
you're stupid
civnats are moderates
left wingers have critical race theory
it's a literal translation but it says something like
>listen up spread the word
>the niggers from casanova are now all faggots
>how nice it is let's fuck them. in the ranches near ruta 3
>at the night the niggers dress like women to make some few pesos because they have to eat
Obviously, french formation and shit, this is what those federation competitions are about.m, or are you implying sudacas are all on the same spectrum of quality even tho they all look the same ?
It's the Argentinians who are singing. And that must be the reason. Congratulations, you're discovering why all of South America hates Argentina when it comes to football.
But Mbappe was wrong.
Its because you keep seething years after winning, never ive seen such a sore winner that the actual loser must have to tell ya to chill.
>your also hypocrites and cowards that cant assume what they say
I'm literally telling you what happened. It's just a catchy and funny (because of how over the top racist it is) song. The players meant nothing by it.
That's traditional argie culture, you stay quiet and let out all the banter after you win and you keep it up while you keep winning. And when you lose, you take it on the chin like a champ
>Argentinean sing a funny and slightly racist song
>Brazilians beat the shit out of any other south american that goes to watch copalib matches to their shithole country
Somehow these 2 are equal to favelados
ahi viene chaca por el callejón
cazando judios para hacer jabon
Im literally telling you your a fucking hypocrite to sing racists chants and then saying nonono its just le joke lolololol fucking coward, you neither assume what you say nor believe what you say, from my pov your words are untrustworthy Bad or good, thats what you own acting like a retard to cope with your lack of attention.
they do. that's why 60% of them voted for bbc lovers some few weeks ago lmao
I always heard the barra bravas of Nuevo Chicago were some of the worst in Argentina.
No one is getting upset mate. Where did you get this idea.
It's just a joke bro lighten up
my surrendering friend , is not mbappe you nt is forged with hack mercenaries like ngubus even zidane is not true french you import arabs and africans because you like the burguers cant win shit with your whites
Ahí viene chaca por el callejón matando judíos para hacer jabón
This one Muslim frenchy seems pretty upset
What? Kek
>french fa sues the argentine fa
>mbappe himself is summoned as key witness
>in tears mbappe recalls what that hellspawn hook nosed amerindian mutts called him and his pals
>the judge has heard enough, the veredict is racism and
>this time the penalty for argentina is something else, their total gdp of the last 10 years (FIFTY american dollars) and getting stripped of all the titles they've won in that timeframe
>mbappe unbottons his suit, reveals a madrid shirt below and proceeds make the ultimate king kong TSUUU
Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn
I bet you mastrubate on your wife cucking you, thats how far you take jokes.
The reason why France is shit in the Euro and good in world cups is because the Africans don't care about the Euro . Griezmann doesn't care because he's Uruguayan
>braindead crackhead niggers and robbers
kek what a crowd
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>diversity is le good but not when sudacas point it out
Don't think that's it. Key players are old and some are not at their best.
He made chuds on three different continents seethe with that one statement
He's based
Oh no the Angola National Team has a big mad.
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>And that must be the reason
The reason is simple, we have a lot of football songs, a lot of them in our club culture bant other teams and fans just rotate them when singing even if the target of the song has nothing to do with the match at hand. This translates to our NT culture as well.
They were drunk as fuck. People were singing the first thing that came to their heads and in this case it was sparked with a simple ESCUCHEN in the heat of the moment.
They sang about Brazil after the 2022 final too btw and the reaction from outsiders was something like "Woww they are obsessed with Brazil" same with a chant about England in the Croatia semis.
There's no "Wow they are upset because Mbappe said something 4 years ago", there's no deeper meaning, it's a song in our repertoire and much like a randmized music player, we'll shuffle and sometimes pick that.
here the ultras and fans are so bad matches have been hosted without visitors for 11 years and the Boca-River Libertadores final had to be played in madrid
>This one Muslim frenchy seems pretty upset
Well I understand what he means in a way. To tell you the truth, the people in France who didn't get offended by the song don't think it's a joke at all, they completely agree. You see what I mean ?
>All of Spain cum in ecstasy on how progressive this is
>the whole Spanish team gets replaced by tranny fucking negroes
>the end
This, it's over, france will not win anything in the next 10 years at least
just remind the french faggots how many churches have been burned in the past 10 years
there's one burning right now
It literally is not serious and s joke, you just don't understand the Argenisimian culture of freedom of insult
Seething muslim go back to your country
>there's one burning right now
wich one
>>this time the penalty for argentina is something else, their total gdp of the last 10 years (FIFTY american dollars)
Yes basically.
>year round mention your african origins and every opportunity
>make fun of ethnic french because there are no white players
>claim that the national team is basically team africa
>okay you're right this is not team France they're all african
>what ?what the fuck no we're french just like you you evil racist
Why losers always do this? Is embarrasing.
based, every single one must go down
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>muchachos, please no joke about malvinas okay?
That's actually not a good response, should I tell you why?
The "Brazilian" in this thread is fucking cringe as fuck. Imagine twerking for fucking argies
The falklands are british and anyone who disagrees with this is a retard
I'm not a muslim. I think you misunderstand what Isay.
>>this time the penalty for argentina is something else
That was poetry
From my point of view the Jedi are evil
imagine "twerking" for europeans.
>French NT sues
>wHy ArE They sO ObssEsed with Us?

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Fun fact, Julian is going to play the Paris Olympics
Argies call you monkey on the internet. You are a fucking cuck
You don't have to try to explain yourself to a Brazilian or another South American.
You live on provocation and victimisation.
Why can't frenchfags handle the footy bantz?
its also to diss the overall euro quality and arguing copa america that they just won is better because they're not importing unlike most euro cunts and france is best example to showcase it
I'm 99% sure not a single player in that bus had that thought in their minds when singing that.

everyone called him a kwab in our cunt
He is right. You are a cuck.
Well some argies are still butthurt about it. For someone that loves to banter alot, argies can't handle it
Okay, cuck. I bet you are a leftie too
I for one stand with france and agree that racist argentinians need to be punished harshly
There is no place for racism in football
Because its not me its you kind of kid response ?
Its time the boys get back together and finish the job
Who gives a fuck about the french anymore? Lmao this isnt the 1700s
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they dont need to think about it its mostly subconscious shit
and the two tournaments were a day from eachother and ofc euros has more coverage so it happened and spain has 2 blackies and even frenchies when it was one of the last non importing cunts
How do you people come up with this stuff?
Since when did Europeans not call you the same thing? You're the macaco country
How would you feel if England players started to sing a song about Malvinas?
How do You think Argentinos would react to it? We both know.
And you call us "argensimios" or "hambrentina", and we understand it's all banter. Who gives a shit? We aren't gonna sue you for it.
Based, let all the world know we are a proud racist country, and so are our players. If only Messi wouldn't be an autist, Maradona would spit a lot of based shit on the negroes
PSG historically had strong far right ultra groups as well, not sure what the current situation is however. I would say Marseille, both "curvas" are mostly maghrebi. In a game against Lyon this season, the visiting fans came with many french flags which was seen as a provocation by the local ultras. Word is you can't bring a french flag in the Velodrome or you're in trouble.
I don't have any connections to you, you might as well mean absolutely nothing to me. You are just words on the internet.

Meanwhile i see Argies on the streets when i go to work
There's exceptions, specially americanized richfags
There was actually a "movement" to apply the same pussy shit to our country but the vast majority of people here know it's just pussy shit
People only care about Falklands shit because it's the last "war" we had where people actually died, joking about it is more like joking about nam or 9/12 for the burgers out there, most people don't really give a shit anymore
The chant is more transphobic than racist, but footy world ain't ready for that conversation
which is more racist: calling french black players black, or snatching players from your former african colonies thereby ensuring those countries will never have good players?
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>thread about argies and frenchies
>german comes in here and starts sperging over england
How do you say OBSESSED in Spanish?
I don't know what's up with some of these newfags because Brazil and Argentina have always been friend nations, we are brothers.
But i cannot speak too much because our newfags are even worse.
But I'm not going to defend your country. In other words, in this argument between Europe and Argentina, I'm rooting for both sides to fuck off.
This is what I don’t understand. It’s literally just a song. And yeah, French is all black Africans, but who cares?
What the fuck
Theyre obsessed with French BBC.
>jew tries to gaslight you in to thinking you did something you never did
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We have to protect our BBC
Oh you meant Argies will call you a macaco to your face all the time?
France = Europe
Watch the video of our players celebrating on the pitch after winning the WC. The first song Lautaro sang mocked Brazil.
It's not about the French at all anymore; it's another historic victory they like to sing about, and it just happens to be about the French. They'll still be singing songs about beating the French that day years from now.
Very Nice thread about sports
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Escuchen, corran la bola
Juegan en Francia pero son todos de Angola
Que lindo es, van a correr
Son cometravas como el puto de Mbappé

Su vieja es Nigeriana
Su viejo Camerunés
Pero en el documento
Nacionalidad: Francés
>WC 2022 Argentina beat France
>2 years later another tournament happens
>Argentina beat Colombia
>Argentina still sings about frogs 2 years later despite beating Colombia in the latest tournament
It would be like England singing about Germany if we actually won something
>Oh you meant Argies will call you a macaco to your face all the time?
I think that's illegal in Brazil, you outright get jailed for racism.
not me
And why in your binary logic am I defending France when I'm not defending Argentina?
For me, Argentina would make more music, get punished and the French would be pissed off with the music.
Then when they came to Brazil to sing, we'd punch them as we usually do and everything would be fine.
no its just that the french theory of being obsessed about some 4 year old quote even after beating them is stupid

also the whole world is very aware of your importing business and how you turned international football to club football not just sudacas
>bbut those are immigrants same as the 200 year old brazilians/argentinians
yea but no one saw euro teams with more than 1-2 blacks a team just like 15 years ago or something 1998 for france
Rent free, Ibrahim.
I didn't say you were defending anyone, are you okay my macaco friend?
>checj it out further
>a bunch of yuro countries (France, UK, Germany) banned it, but not Spain
>in fact, Spain makes big money from it because French cucks jump the border to take tests there
>muh raycis
grow the fuck up and touch grass. that song is pvre sovl
This will end as a nothingburger, because obviously they didn't got on video the "racist" part of the song, for an ambiguous proof, it won't end good for the cuck of Philippe Diallo. His racist appeal against argies on qatar 2022 was also ignored lmao
and now you're just arguing with yourself, bringing up things no one posted. what the fuck is wrong with jews?
Brasil, decime que se siente
Tener en casa a tu papá
Te juro que aunque pasen los años
Nunca nos vamos a olvidar
Que el Diego los gambeteó
Que el Cani los vacunó
Que están llorando
De Italia hasta hoy
A Messi lo vas a ver
La Copa nos va a traer
Maradona es más grande que Pelé
What a bunch of faggots, can't take banter like men. I didn't see Brazilians getting this malding when Argies sang "BRASIL, DECIME QUE SE SIENTE, TENER EN CASA A TÚ PAPÁ"

Sinto isso.
Yes yes, very racist indeed. Now, the question is...did they lied?
It's not banned here
The players were also singing about Brasil and England, because we have iconic songs mocking those countries, yet only frenchies are seething, what a pathetic country
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he may be right but he still lost and that makes him a raped african bitch.
the point still stands, france is literally extracting talent from all over africa but apparently calling it out is racist, the whole thing is inverted
Nooooo you can’t say we’re all African even though we are African and at the same time extremely proud of being African
I'll see you in court
Rent free, macaco.
You can't say most of the French players have African inheritance even if they have!
>rent free

It literally has 500 songs about Brazil, it burns the Brazilian flag when it beats a team that isn't Brazil.
You who are obsessed with Brazil. France can't stand one song because they're mentally weak.

Isn't the south of brazil filled with white people with blue eyes? I thought they were the ones calling macaco black people on brazil.
The funny thing about Argie racism is It only happens online. I've met a bunch of Argies and they're all meek as fuck
Oh yeah, read it wrong, ESL moment
Sorry UKbro
Is Brazil okay?
>argie thread
>brazucacos desperate for male attention

It's because they don't have black people, so to them it's not awkward to sing about monos while having black friends.
But racism here happens all the time according to black people, so we're just not outspoken about it

that shit is hilarious
why would i care about that?
it's my fault, really
Two chatGPT bots fighting

Attention seeking really explains the constant barrage of posts they've created since winning the WC and explains the trumped up rivalry with Mexico.

Any slow news day they'll just punch down on Mexico or find a race bait angle around a past win with a super power.

It was perplexing initially but just cringe and filter worthy now. Go count the number of argie ops on the catalog
Das rite, what you gonna do Sissoko?
that part is just so offensive they can't even complain about it
Los brasileños son de los más putos, siempre lloran por el "racismo", tuviste que haber elegido un mejor ejemplo, Chávez.
Same thing about Brazilians, everytime I went there I had a great time.
Meanwhile Joaos on the internet are calling for an Argentine genocide and saying we are racist chuds that should starve to death
I'm sorry but we actually punish people for this kind of shit Hernandez
If Brazilians start calling other Hispanics Indios children of rape. It'll work, right?
¿Hubo alguna demanda llevada a corte por parte de una organización nacional brasileña debido a ese canto? Pueden llorar todo lo que quieran por racismo pero no he visto que lleguen a tal nivel de ardor anal.
i think they did, but they do worse shit themselves so there is that
mbappé said anything south america related was trash, especially their copa america
Its a fucking american website were squating
based, total european destruction
>Reminder Mbappe was meant to play for Cameroon first, but couldn’t.
ah the beauty of internet, just start any bogus story, and the retards will pick it up and spread it.
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it just means african frogs hate their origin, they are the real racist here
Because you have a different way of dealing with race by virtue of actually having black people.
Since the only legit africans we see here are either brazilian or a handful of senegalese selling jewelry in the street we never really made an association between black people and anything. It's like making jokes about australian aboriginals, it's so far removed from you it doesn't have any weight behind it to us.
oh the /int/ shitter is still here.
its a huge cunt that it will have the 2 sides of loud mofos, mejico barely have any blacks to care either way
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FRANCE should be disqualified from the Worldcup and all their players should play for their real countries.

Props to Didier for being a real nigga, the world cup would be a much better event with strong african teams having a real chance, imagine
Ivory Coast or Cameroon winning the WC
The irony of this post coming from that flag is immense
>replying to a nearly two hour old post
Spic immigrant
i just don't understand why argentinians sing about france after a copa america victory...?
it make them look obsessed...
yeah imagine the state of /spol/ SEETHING and crying about rigging, dei, globohomo and whatever other buzzword is popular at the time
why are favelados like this
have you noticed that argies want white validation by being racist instead of build a proper working society like actual white countries do, makes you think
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French chants be like:

Black people can't win shit without white using their physical power kek, they need a white man to use their full potential
look at outside, pakis are raping your daughter
Nothing funnier than to listen to a delusional ngubu thinking they are european just because. Japanese people born in brasil are japanese, a norwegian born in the UK is norwegian but somehow africans believe they are from anywhere but the shithole they came from. Why can't they feel proud of their culture while living in Europe without going full delusional?
That's what the white coaches are for.
Kek how do you know that
You mean it's especially true after this euro tournament. South americans are playing like >muh soul mongoloids and argentina would probably be beaten by a well organized Denmark side
hilarious that swarthy argentine monkeys see themselves as white european
im not a chav so i wouldn't let my daughter be a slag and go hang out with "friends" she met on snapchat
see >>142818275
the lyrics don't really matter, it's just a historic victory chant now
The difference is, mon ami, is that our ancestors made our bed by bringing them over as slaves with zero foresight whereas you had over a century to see how that turned out for us and yet you still rolled out the red carpet and invited them en masse.
based I love onions too
There was the Confederations Cup. Just look at the history.
sopa de union is better than sopa de macaco
Are you that chi ranting at sudacas and argies in every thread?
If anything, the euro proved that european teams are all way too overspecialized in their niche tactics and have little flexibility while most sudaca teams are flexible
so are the africans in your team
argentinian teams do this kind of celebrations all the time singing the lastest chants, you arent that important
White europeans, westerns especificaly, wouldn't have the balls to sing something like that
Pineapple on pizza.
Maybe i'm insane but i feel like nobody would be upset at an african country winning the worldcup unless it's something blatant like 1966.
Same for an asian country, the more diversity of winners there is, the stronger the tournament becomes, having the same 6 or 7 countries win it over and over again will become a negative in the future.
mbopp is 100% french like Napoleon. Doesn't matter your blood, you just need to be a snob arrogant and wear a hat of some kind

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Trophy soup is better than 1 WC and 0 Eurocope.
not enough. They need whites on the pitch too. See 2018 France and see what happened now that Lucas Hernandez, Lloris, Giroud, Griezmann and Pavard either retired or their prime was over.
I blame the jews and you for that
You are at most 17 years old
That was a very poor joke
>the average french person wanted that to happen
you cunts are so boring and dumb
so, behaving like a subhuman without morals is having balls?
Je sais parle un petit peu français, j'appris cette chanson pendant mes études
Real talk, escargot and frog legs are uma delicia, João
>yes, this is a burgerpost about food. I get it.
I know Brazil has a better football team, why are you butthurt
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>proceeds make the ultimate king kong TSUUU
too far
Can't believe anyone would act like this shitter was a leader for France, he was a slightly better French De Gea
>a handful of senegalese selling jewelry in the street
Man those guys really are everywhere.
most french players are indeed from africa, the song is stupid but don't see where the racism is..
someone take the phone of this child please, where are your parents little nigger, this website is for people with fully developed brains (including argies)
Do Argies eat sopa de macaco? Or would it be illegal to eat Brazilians?
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Imagine seething so hard about this shitty song
thanks for your insight pvt garcia and pvt hernandez
french cucks and niggers there are very mad of the truth
>Concaca shitter makes it to the semifinals
He was unironcally correct
Kek, it transcends countires and even continents. You go to a city, and they're there. If you told me some midnight black African guy was trying to sell fake Rolexes on the streets of Kabul I'd believe it.
The only weird shit we eat is cow related.
We eat tripe, intestines, brains, tongue, tail and pig troders

Pedro Malasartes, famous for his cunning, was travelling around England when he was invited to a banquet at the castle. Wanting to impress everyone, he decided to do something unusual. He saw the only World Cup trophy that England had won in 1966 and thought of making soup with it.

The English nobles, curious, asked:
- Pedro, what are you doing?
Peter replied with a smile:
- I'm preparing a trophy soup, it's a special recipe.

Intrigued, the Englishmen asked:
- But does it taste good?

Pedro, with his mischievous look, said:
- Of course! It's just that it's difficult to make here in England, because there's only one World Cup trophy and none from the European Championship. With so few ingredients, the soup is a bit bland!
I read somewhere that the Senegalese mob are the ones selling jewelry. They are everywhere but they never do anything illegal very loud.
they get mad if you call african and african. it's offensive to call someone an african even if it's the truth. It's almost as if the unironical racists are them.
Do you eat chicken hearts? That shit is delicious.
>Canada made it to 4th place
>Englel made it to finals
I think we are rather even desu
>Pedro Malasartes
This sounds like Scottish cuisine
Blacks are all about muh black power and pan African pride, but when you point out they’re African and tell them to go back they lose their mind. Why are they like this?
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>Pedro Malasartes
Its rightfully disrespectful if you call someone that was born in France and lived in France and call them African. That's like someone calling some 2nd gen immigrant swede guy with the last name Karlsson and call them Swedish. They should be taken aback.
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What is it with anglos and niggers?
explaining it to you is futile, you're incapable of understanding.
>indians, pakis and africans
It's hilarious how so many jews have multiple nationalities
They keep just pilling people up in that crowded island
>900% nigerians
holy shit what's wrong with anglos? why don't invite people from philippines and other poor asian countries instead? don't you guys learned anything from USA?
nah sorry we are MEAT people and maybe some italian pastas. only shitskins from other countries eat weird stew, broth and soup shit
I was talking to a chav girl with an Irish surname (Kavanagh) once and said she isn't English she's Irish and she got upset and was insistent that she isn't Irish
the problem with french is that europe is in bad economics now so their fans cant burn euros, nothing makes an argentino fan more mad
But they are african. If you say it with mean intentions then yes they won't like it, but they consider themselves africans, in fact they cannot shut up about it.
What faggots
anyone with flags in their bio are stupid no matter if they're black, white or brown or whatever
i see a lot of slags on tinder with the english flag next to either the spanish flag or the italian flag as if they're even close to a spainard or italiANO
It's not about racism, the song hurts their pride because they know they are playing for the wrong national team, they know they chose money and fame over their roots, they simply don't want to be reminded of it.
Nah, we mostly eat meat, pasta, pastry, potato and cheese
Eating that is considered weird? Really?
>Canada makes it to the semifinals of the Copa America
He was correct
No one else wants to move here, apparently we offered like 5 million people in Hong Kong the right to move here with ease and barely any of them took the offer
context and intent matters
Kek. Everyone sells fake shit here though, so they aren't associated with anything bad or negative, they're just seen as working
You deserve it
>Phillipe Diallo
>the french
The meat culture IS kinda similar in that we learned to eat the shit we couldn't sell to the english. The rest is mostly italian and spanish stuff
they have france's citizenship but they aren't french. In order to be french they need french genes and culture; it's not even about the skin color. For example mbappe is 100% african who happened to be born in france and bellingham is english born in england since his father is actually british. If I have kid with another spaniard in japan he will never be japanese no matter how hard he seethes, he will be a spaniard who was born in japan.
>Spain mocks Haaland
>no reaction
>Argentina mocks Mbappe
Why are whitoids like this?
>french genes

AHAHAHAHAHAHA i guess eastern europe is just a slavic melting pot and Theo Hernandez is actually SPANISH, And no one is American if they aren't BRITOID mayflower stock.
why do people with african genetic backgrounds get so upset and angry when their african genetic backgrounds are pointed out?
do they think there is something wrong with having african genetic backgrounds?
>oy vey truth is racist
nation of faggots and Africans, one Alesia wasn't enough.
desu thats like saying americas math team is great and then you will look and its all asians, they are american, but gene wise they are not anglo.
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No, They feel like its a way to "Other" them.. Imagine how Spanish players like Nico Williams and Lamine Yamal would feel if routinely told that they are actually AFRICAN and not actually Spanish. Ethnic European players are always kinda get pissed off on these issues.

Its very demeaning.
Players who were NOT on the bus involved in racist chants.

- Lionel Messi

- Alexis Mac Allister

- Julian Alvarez

- Emiliano Martinez

- Nicholas Otamendi

- Lautaro Martinez
American has never meant Anglo at any point, the colonies were always mixed with every kind of European you could think of + Natives + Africans and even some Asians.
>Chelsea internal conflict to start the season
>€120m signing will be sidelined
>he still has like 6 years left of his contract
Frankly, Messi must be the most chill guy under the face of the Sun. He just sips mate, sprite, eats some pizza, scores some goals and calls it a day.
Fairly sure he doesn't really even use social media.
kek the french Ngubu calling Enzo racist has the ivorian flag on his Twitter they are a parody if themselves
The purge has started...
/mug bros, is garnacho in trouble
>burn our worthless currency
haha so funny it's just south american culture!
>get called macaco by a low iq boquita fan with only 3 teeth and slightly whiter than you
nooooo that's racist! you can't say that you fucking nazis! all of the SS officers went to your country for a reason!
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>thread gonna hit bump limit
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It seems that our superiority generates controversy
>US of A
>south america
aprende a hablar inglés antes de postear, retrasado
We only beat Argentinians.
>is it because I talk about turkey and my turkish roots and erdogan all the time ?I really don't know
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el fuhrer se metio
adentro de mi corazon
y nunca va salir
matando judios hasta el fin
people were saying podolski and klose were polish what is he talking about?
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>speak an objective truth
>get sued for racism
This is the perfect excuse to have /pol/ threads, and it's not like the jannies can do anything about it since it's actually football related.
All our best players travel on the same bus while the filler go on a different one? kek Only Di Maria is missing there and it's hard to belive he wasn't with Messi.
Sensitive monkey
Because you are uncivilized apes but also too pussy to do it yourselves, so you call the cops.
Pathetic cucked little monkeys, luckily a bunch of brazilians will die today at the hands of other brazilians, because your country is africa-tier shithole and you "people" shoot each other over a bag of chips.
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funniest part is that all the retards posting images like this look like this irl. pajeet behavior
Probably because out of 22 World Cup titles we have 10 and they have 12.
And if you count the pre-World Cup Olympics that Fifa made into a World Cup, that's 12 - 12?
Probably because America has 6 Confederations Cup titles and they have 4.
Probably because Argentina won the World Cup and beat Italy in the Finalissima?

In other words, this statement has no basis in reality.
>Japanese people born in brasil are japanese
Japzilians are seen as completely local in Brazil and very foreign in Japan
France is the USA of europe, most cucked country there impossible, brainwashed commies and even more aggressive the darkies muslims and nigs there.
seethe for me abdul, seethe
Don't expect people with tattoos to make wise choices
>Spain making Ingurlend mad
>Argies making France mad

It really is a white boy summer
90% of the crybabies online whining about it are second/third generation nafri and black immigrants, not commies.
>All black except for Griezmann and Giroud
Holy shit, they really were from Angola.
Its a good song. We have songs about Brazil and England that are 40 years old; Brazilians acting like saints ITT but they have songs about killing us 100 years ago... its just sudaca footie culture clashing HARD with globohomo nigger worship. It is not about you specifically
They madr songs about how the sea was going to eat us all back on 2015/16 and you get upset about your team being called a bunch of African mercenaries?

Just banter the big nosed argies back and be done with it, kek.
Imagine seething this hard for a banter song. Hope God kill all the niggers on this earth.
It's a good song
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>still no response from the Angola football association
why are you low iq monkeys burning down France? What's your fucking problem?
Posting another old one, kek.

>Brazilians acting like saints ITT but they have songs about killing us 100 years ago
What song are you talking about? This is seriously the only song I know where they make fun of Argies.
I thought 'puto' was motherfucker
Nope it means faggot
Motherfucker doesn't exist in spanish nor any other latin derived language if i'm not mistaken
anda a la concha de tu madre
things like this make me think that the BBC is real, white people on the other side of the atlantic obsessed with the french BBC.
song is funny and true
french f(l)ags copping in this ITT can eat a dick lol
KWABOTY. The song only tells the truth, theyre the ones who colonized africa to trade slaves and somehow we are the racist topkek fuck them all, they'll burn in hell
>nooo you can't tell the truth I'm suing you
>the french
Unlike us, their Ngubus have only started really overtaking their NT in the last 20 years.
We on the other hand have had ngubus for over 200 years because of the slave trade. Now me personally if we could we would in fact get rid of them but unfortunately that time has long since past.
im not about to bat for argensimios but its a latin bantz thats why you dont get it kawabinga
Com'on you have to admit its funny!
>France making it as far as they did with no goals from Open Play
>Own Goals was the Top Scorer (Again)
>The best matches were not from the big teams aside Spain and Germany. But instead from the Slavs and smaller teams. While the Dutch, English, French, and Italians were slurping semen by the gallon every game.
There is no Angola FA
They're all in France now
total extinction like the Americans hunting the buffalos
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>Why cant they stop obsessing about the french ?
Every single game we chant "el que no salta es un inglés"
It's just banter la
Nigga Own Goals was the Euros Top Goal Scorer and this is after UEFA retroactively credited like 2 during the Group Stage to the players that shot. Aside a few small teams along side Germany and Spain, everyone was semen slurping to a draw. France made it to the Semis without a goal scored from Open Play ffs.
Your lack of ball knowledge is why we get shit on by the euroniggas and sudacas.
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Mbappé is right that European club football is at the top. He's wrong that this translates to international football. It did for a while but nowadays there's so little connection between top European clubs and NTs that that's simply not going to happen anymore. South Americans and potentially even Africans/Asians are going to win with teams made up of players that play in European top clubs.
I'm not keeping up with Mbappe telenovela but weren't him and Neymar on bad terms at PSG? I don't know how Messi got involved on it but I remember him not being as friendly after that incident, then his comments about Europe vs south America level made things worse.
You have to go back.
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They day they find out about "ahí viene chaca por el callejón" is the day we're truly fuked.
>be american
>only can speak and understand english
I want in on the joke too...
What French were harmed in the making of that video?
has anyone translated this yet? Here it goes otherwise


They're just mad that the French team is whiter than their whole country.
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> Japanese people born in brasil are japanese
Most Brazilians have majority European dna or African dna or Asian dna, with Native American dna forming a minority of their total dna.

Do you think Donald Trump is German?
Not really, it's France who's living rent free in your heads since you had to sing a song about them after winning against Colombia lmao
>the truth is.. racist?
Not for you. It was a business deal with messoy.
When he retires, there will be no more rigging. Just like in Barcelona
They are poor that they believe voting Will change shit but at least they know how to bant and aren't going to suffer a civil war like you
The song is just catchy
Some lawyers said France has no chance to win this case ... It's over bros. Racist won.
Of course she would be offended because you denied her nationality. Would you deny that an English person with a Norman surname is English?
>curious about what this anon said
>search for it

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