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2026... home
lets push this
Klopp or Howe.

No women thanks.
Favourite: Potter
In the mix: Carsley, Lampard
Outside shot: Wiegman
that would be funny
saka will make her vamos real hard
Fuck off. They're all bottlers.
2 euro titles, 2 wc finals. she's not a bad choice
Imagine the amount of culture war seethe this would incite. Please do this England
As a femanon and women's football enthusiast my choice would be Emma Hayes
serious question: what's wrong with a female manager?
It would be anti-woman to sign her. It is a hot seat with lots of abuse and pressure. The escape goat for everything that is wrong with the nation.
>my choice would be Emma Hayes
who literally just signed a contract with the US, maybe if she hadn't done that they could get her
the milf fantasy is the most common fantasy. it would make the playing environment unworkable.
Imagine she exclusively select Afro-Saxons for the squad. It probably involve mandatory penis inspection day.
Nothing, but if she is attractive and not too old, it would be awkward. Also, certain demographics would never take a female manager as seriously as they would a similarly capable man.
imagine if she brought it home
Nothing soccer coaches don’t do shit
>a fucking woman
pls do it bongs
nobody and I mean NOBODY took our current manager seriously and he won everything, who cares about what the (((media))) think


thanks for the completely retarded contribution to the thread
you know it better than anyone
You're a tranny and a waifuist/coomer/simp that sits in the coomer bait general known as /wfg/
never before levels of choke
Bravo England, striking this courageous blow for femanons in footie. The world will not forget your sacrifice in going first.
she's won 2 international titles
What he posted has nothing to do with the media, he's saying players wouldn't take her seriously and neither would a large chunk of fans.
Realtea will be a caretaker unitl Klopp takes over next spring.
In what? Women's sports don't mean anything
In competitions your average U15 team would romp, yup.
If I was a player I would unironically try to fuck her just because
>older woman
>position of power
>she actually looks like mommy material
come on, it's a porno in the making.
true, but I feel it's something that's bound to happen eventually
I wouldnt even be surprised if im honest. Women footy is kinda cozy, yall should watch it
This is why your functionaries end up locked up Spain.
I would if they played barefooted.
And when it does, I fully expect her to be coddled, any abuse or criticism that every single male manager deals with will be called sexist or rude or over the top. This is the main reason I can't stand women in any male dominant space, they can't handle any of it and force it all to change to suit them better.
Why is it that every person trying to promote womemes sports on here does it by using sexual pictures or webms?
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pls do it
Fuck me, this could actually happen as well. The FA is run by DEI fanatics so they'll definitely *want* to do it, and they won't even be too afraid to do it. Any choice they make will be criticized by pundits and internet personalities, but a lot of those talking heads will be too intimidated to complain about a woman being selected in fear of being deplatformed and/or demonetised, so the backlash will be heavily muted.
She looks like Dr Cameron from House
A thousand year Southgate 2.0 reich
Hmmm I wonder (((((who))))) is pushing this

>The FA is run by DEI fanatics

The FA is run by the same insular clique of old white guys that it has been for decades
Why do mutts opine on soccer
>Christian & Zionist
>not a Christian Zionist

Wtf is the difference?
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I think she could definitely break the longest-serving fem manager in English (male) pro football record. Whether Jude will be impressed tho, remains to be seen.
Christian Zionists are usually evangelicals who secretly hate Jews but want a strong Israel because they believe the Jews must control that area before the rapture happens and Jesus returns
another reason is since they don't actually care whether England wins or not, a part of them will want her to fail, which will then mean Southgate is in some sense vindicated.

the FA hate England fans. they'd get a kick out of both the initial uproar and the mediocre results that come from it.
Oh, those nutjobs

Isn't that mostly an American thing anyway these days?
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God could you imagine
Yeah but that guy seems terminally online so I guess interacts with it
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lmao please do
GB news (murdoch) shills israel hard
>did you just ASSUME xer gender?!!
You will never be a woman and you have to go back
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>not posting the Real Boss
hate muslims but isn't all about judgement day preps?
bad idea
brassssillll its also still can migrate to other places but might end up dying in its real birthplace muttica
Holy based i kneel
oh, you.
Eddie Howe is the new manager. He's already said he won't say no when offered.
when was this?
Why is Gareth being sacked now, after having achieved what no other english manager has done before?
He will if the camelfuckers refuse to release him. They can be very persuasive, I've heard.
he walked.
FA would never have sacked him, but fair fucks to Soufie for realising, he'd ran out of road.
femanon here,
levels of kino that were previously unknown
He had an interview with Lineker. Google it.
Silly Jews being cheeky bastards again, haha.
we can tell
pls be in Munich
Potter is good but he would never work in a national team. His style is too intricate.
Just imagine those cheeks clapping on a bbc
Nothing, as long as she has experience coaching men's teams
How shockingly unexpected from mr safe
And..dare I say...based.....?
75 posts till this - well done America!
don't they actually see women as superior
>he'd ran
learn your own language, toad
Just like in my doujins...
>a fooken turnip
prob. got 'autocorrected'
Good Job you were here
Isn't "he had ran out of road" fine?
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Yes, the Swede is just autistic
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my vey
I'd rather suffer through 5 more tournaments of Southgateball than see a woman in charge of a men's football team
why would England fire their coach over a 2nd place finish?
isn't 2nd pretty good?
their squad is worth 1,52 billion, which is 500 million more than the spanish team
He's been there for four tournaments. Very few international managers have stints longer than a 'cycle' (Euro+WC, or viceversa).
He wasn't fired
he resigned and I guess people feel "it's time for a change"
if you were truly a woman and a football fan, you wouldn't be watching women's football.
Prem homegrown tax inflate any of English players value beyond measure. Trannymarket are not and will never be a good source for player quality.
I would not obey a female coach. I would pay lip service as though i were on board but in earnest would be insubordinate and develop a group of mates of similar mind to bring down the project. Basically i would turn into a jew
>It has been reported Eddie Howe, Graham Potter, Lee Carsley and Mauricio Pochettino are among the early contenders.

the FA's fixation on having a british coach is the reason why we will never win anything, all of the above are a bunch of shitter
how can i help, based scheming jew?
Even if she were "competent" annd "smart" and whatever words you want to use at the end of the day it would still fail because the players would never take a female coach seriously. They wouldn't publically voice it but everybody would know.
Fabio Capello worked wonders for you
i can't imagine a woman in her 40s-50s being able to keep control of the locker room especially with players who are aged 18-20, i mean look at whats going on with female prison officers and teachers in the news right now
get Klopp
he was italian and an irrelevant one at that
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10/10 england is fucked
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imagine your high school teacher as coach oh my days
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That would be so awesome...
>Bellingham hated by the squad
>let's put a manager they won't respect to lead them
please do
I fucking love when others have to suffer because of jewish schemes and i'm not indirectly or directly affected
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yes please yes yes yes!
tranny here, this would be pretty funny
riversister btw
please make it happend Mr. Goldstein, the world needs some joy right now
based jewbro, killing muslims and scheming on le 4channel.
Nothing at all. I'd take her; the disparity in ability and physical attributes between men's and women's football is completely irrelevant when looking at managers and she's got a proven record of success that no male international manager can compete with.
this is a good representation of society. first woman instinct is save herself to protect next generation when she's pregnant, men are disposable on the hierarchy and have to sacrifice
holy fuck yes pls imagine the meme potential
you telling me that she and saka.. will... you know?
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The women's game tactically is very different to the men's game. For instance when everyone's slower there's more space available. Maybe footballing knowledge for mens and womens teams it interchangeable, but considering how difficult it is for manager to get a team to press, to time runs, to not leave gaps, I very much doubt it.

I really hope some other national team falls on this sword to prove this wont work, but i'm worried if not this team >we might still try it in the future if no one else has
desu, Sarina sounds intelligent enough not to volunteer as first lemming over the cliff here. Wymmins game had a period in the Sun, its maybe fading a bit back towards reality now tho, ManU booting out their wymmins team and taking over their facilities while they renovate etc.
In any event, not even the FA smoke that much crack they are trying this anytime soon, nevermind First.
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its coming home
englel is ngubu central and they will gangbang a female manager
This smells of an easy diversity PR win for the FA more than anything else; they say
>Sarina is in the race, look at our fantastic equality record no other national team would consider this!
Sarina says
>I was hugely flattered to be considered but I've been working with the Lionesses for three years and I'm totally focussed on taking the team to Euro 2025
everybody waves their diversity flags and then they appoint some shitter like they always do
i wish
Yeah its definitely this. Best thing we can do is push the idea far enough that Scotland fall for the gimmick and appoint a female manager in order to 'beat us'.
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Based and true. Sarina Wiegman is a fraud. She managed a team that beat Latvia 20-0 and couldn't even win the World Cup. She is the very textbook definition of pecho-frio fraudulence.
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He resigned.
He probably realised he isn't good enough and wanted to die a hero rather than a villain who drags us to an embarrassing round of 32 exit next world cup. He nearly went out a villain in this tournament against Slovakia.
If there's a flag for the job, it you.
What if she enters the dressing room and sees them all naked
No. He ran, or he has/had run. They are different grammatical tenses.
Hey I think I've seen a movie like this once
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Sarina Wiegman currently manages England in a sport where only about four teams on the planet are any good at all (and England is one of them), and she choked a World Cup final against Spain, who are not one of those four teams. Gareth Southgate managed England in a sport where England are a laughing stock, and he took them further than anyone else ever has in a major tournament, twice in a row, before ultimately losing to Spain, just like Sarina Wiegman did, except this Spain were actually expected to win. Tell me again how Sarina is a step up from Gareth.
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Does it even matter at this point? It's not like they'll ever win anything either way.
Why are you like this?
she can reward the players who do well in training with handjobs

and punish the ones who are lazy in training with harsh handjobs
the divas in the squad didnt listen to him, played insanely shit maybe likely on purpose at times, and the FA backed the players instead of the coach
call the rabbi
Women arent supposed to lead men in any capacity. They are a joke, she won't be respected.
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Zased kikebro, i kneel
>Tell me again how Sarina is a step up from Gareth.
By this logic, nobody mentioned in connection with the job so far (except Klopp) is a step up from Southgate.
Klopp would be perfect - knows the players, proven man manager, left his last big club job because he was getting burned out (national team manager is nothing like as intensive as club management) but the FA will fag out with their
>muh must be british
bullshit and we'll end up with some clown like Gerrard or Lampard. Managers like Potter and Howe (also clowns btw) want to be developing their careers and that means club management. As for Carsley, don't make me fucking laugh.
Tuchel's supposed tactical brilliance goes against him when he will only have the players for a week at a time and as for Poch, well saying it must be a Brit is stupid but I think an Argie would be a very hard sell to the fans.
based jew
Is she part of the tribe?
They’d probably rig it for england. There’s no way that you as a man respect or pay attention to what a woman says when it comes to this kind of sport.
I'd love this just for the shitposting
She'll have to manage a more male competent team against even more competent male opponents with seasoned male managers.
Worst case scenario they ignore her and play on their own and lose like any poorly managed team, best case scenario she surrounds herself with a decent coaching staff so it's not a complete waste of time.
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Imagine the keks if she finally breaks the drought.
>team full of ngubus
>respecting a female manager
If England ever win under a female manager feminists would use that victory as a propaganda tool to push women’s football even harder.
no one will believe it wasn't rigged
All joking aside, she's an elite coach. Back to back euro champion with different country and two times world cup runner up. It's an obvious pick.
You just can't help it, can you?
The migration museum was opened in 2011 by (((Barbara Roche)))
She looks like she was cute when she was younger
And killing christians and subverting white nations but lets not mention that
She managed women’s football teams, a highschool PE teacher is more fit to be the manager of England than her.
in the scenario where she won (impossible because england), it could launch a trend of mommy coaches and i would be ok with this
I'd bring her home if you understand my meaning
Is the Israeli flag the most powerful flag on this site?
The meme factor is just too potent.
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What if it's like she's a queen and they do it for her honor?
Kek, let's goooo
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flag check outs
That's what Russia is doing though.
>killing Ukranian Christians
>subverting Western nations
But they criticise homosexuals so /pol/ has to pretend to like them.
Hwite woman marches on
The eternal kike shows his hand again
you have that power abraham
do it
England's had a female manager for the past 8 years
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based jew.....i kneel!
The demoralisation acts will continue until moral improves
Nothing and as a spainard I want the coach that reach 2 times the WC final to lose the second time against US as the 2026 english coach
Unironically, I think she's a very manager. Both tactically and in terms of building a team. I'd loved to see her manage my local Eredivisieteam after she won the women's EC in 2017 or reaching the final of the WC in 2019.
No team had the guts to hire her. Would have been great if only for the publicity.
Now knowing the English FA and it's tendency to be woke they're going to sign her on without experience, and she'll fail like any England manager before her. Some decent Championship team should pick her up.
Wiegman is a far better manager than half the EPL shitters.
Shalom my new best friend. I agree completely.
let’s hope so
Fuckin based.

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