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Welcome to Ferro Carril Oeste
I'd say they turns with spanish twink bussy. That should teach him a lesson
Hopefully they kick him out and he gets to be in a good team now
brits will cuck out, as usual
He's finished in the UK after that shit
they going to force him to kneel
how stupid can this guy be? bet he's getting bullied in the argie groupchat rn
Lmfao black players always act like bitches. Tbh if that's a way out of Chelsea its a genius move, he's far too good for that shitty club.
he deserves it tbhfam im tired of reading argensimios defending this shit,that was really REALLY dumb of them to sing that
look at all those French names
Lmao in my football team (Real Top G FC U19) we laugh and bully who isn't racist. We had 1 exchange nigher and we constantly joked about how big his dick was and sucked on it so hard he shot white stuff out of it into the left backs boots lol.
>/sp/ makes fun of France all the time for having a team full of imported ngubus
>suddenly its a big deal when someone else points it out

I don't get it
Atletico is going to feast this summer, we are becoming a superpower again due the power of Argie racism
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kek he's not getting kicked out of Man City, Pep doesn't like them either


chelsea paid 90m for that guy lmao
If he leaves because of racism allegations no top team will want anything to do with him, it's either saudi or argentina for him.
Apology video + kneeling incoming?
KWABOTY incoming.

He's going to RETVRN to Defensa y Justicia

Niggers have to much power, you fag. You can't even make fun of them.
One is on an anonymous forum and the other is publicly taped while working for a professional organization and representing your country. Hope this helps.
Who cares, not everyone has to be friends on a team. I doubt he even talked to those nogs anyway
Fofana will literally kick his head off lol
when did white supremacists get so swarthy?
was just about to ask about this. id sort of understand if france just lost the euro final so they were making fun of them that they wouldnt be in that finallisma or whatever the fuck that is. why did they sing it?
>things you say anonymously on 4chan aren´t acceptable to normies especially when you´re a famous footballer
woah who would´ve thought
Nah, Spain will welcome him just like they did with Greenwood
Black and white players don’t get along anyway, they’re always in separate circles. Post the France table image
Chelsea has like 2000 players, they probably didn't talk to each other

this board hate for us and messi is bigger than even the racism they claim to love
Welcome to Patetico Madrid
What the fuck kind of haircut is that ?
Welcome to River

all very french names IMHO
Simeone doesn't give a fuck. We have an epic rebuild this summer and cuck Mbuppi in his first season
Imagine trying to explain to a french-african that the chant isn't actually racist and is just argie idiosyncrasy, literally impossible.
Are you autistic? Don't answer that. /pol/ really did a number on the former GOAT board.
No one on /sp/ actually hates Messi, it’s just butthurt Ronaldo fanboys
You can't say the quiet part out loud :)

The funniest part is the song is just banter about France colonizing Africa and taking all their players, but they are so ashamed of being black they think benig from Africa is an insult.

Africans should be fucking furious at this. I hate Europeans
Honestly all French players from Chelsea are mid, I'd sell all
Is Malo Gusto a traditional french name?
I said no top team
We sing stuff like "anyone who doesn't jump is an englishman" when playing against Bolivia, they are just our football chants it doesn't mean we're obsessed, it's like hitting your toe against the edge of a chair and cursing satan.
what´s an argentinian name?
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But it was really funny.
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>Todd Boehly paid 120m for him
all talk, they ain't doing shit
>it's racist to point out a fact
Ezequiel Abruzzi de Guzman Simpson.
There are none. That's the fucking point.

Anybody can come here and be one of us. We have no black people because everyone fucked each other and mixed the melanin out.

We are literally the least racist country on earth, and yuros love to project their insecurities on us.
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kek i had forgotten he plays for lelsea, enzo is such a self-sabotaging retard
why would a top team want Enzo kek racism or not racism
Felix Loustau
Pablo Cesar Aimar
Fernando Cavenaghi
Ricardo BOCCHIni
Washington Perez Mamani Quispe
Why are argentinians so based?
Simeone is going to cuck you next season vikingo cuck
>eyebrow slit
kek, this reminds me of that video of a korean family who lived here for a few years, is now in USA and are making asados, kek, anyone that lives here just transforms into something else.

We even got russians making asados now
welcome to Atleti
you can say whatever you want, but when your a professional and your team is 70% black, its not gonna go down well
yeah but lazio
>that Indio hair
These are the people calling you brown on 4chan
Enzo Fernández
El Mono Burgos
atrocious eyebrows
They will never get it. They are so ashamed of their past they cannot comprehend we can see the blackest guy on earth, aif if he speaks like us and lives here he's just one of us
What’s so wrong about pointing out that the black players on France are African? Do leftists really think they aren’t of African origin?
Argentina is 35% andean. He is just your average argie just like Di Maria, Aguero or Maradona
Tupac Amar Lautaro Nahuel Quispe Mamani
so this is the moment that made Gallagher racist
35% Andean and 40% Guarani
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Ever since she stopped fucking a chilean dick she slowly started to get bogged, it's sad but that's women over 30 now.
>Do leftists really think they aren’t of African origin?
>comes back to argentina
>euros stop buying argentinean players because of muh racism
>our league becomes good again
>talk all day about your african root and how proud of it you are
>white players sing a song talking about how you are from africa but with a french identity card
>get offended like a little bitch on twitter
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>Are you mad, negro?
lol, they would just go to Brazil, nearly every club here is bankrupt.
Probably a formal apology(public/private) an hefty ass fee a VERY long ban from the league and reeducation classes too
Doing it privately is one thing Livestreaming this is another level of retarded instead of going to the tattoo parlor for the millionth time he should have learned about optics 101
Funnily enough I actually rate the fuck out of him
>Contract until twenty thirty two
>Malo Gusto
>Axel Disasi
>Wesley Fofana
not to be racist but literally who
Frionel Andrea Pessi Riggatini
Benfica fans are probably laughing their asses off due to how he left the club
To be fair fofana didn't even played even once this season he's the one made out of glass that came from Leicester
I was talking to a chav girl with an Irish surname (Kavanagh) once and said she isn't English she's Irish and she got upset and was insistent that she isn't Irish
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>forces you to record yourself being racist on instagram
the little dictator must be stopped

this,now he will have to apologize like a bitch to keep his job in europe
I'm blind, who where the other players that sang with him?
lmfao Chelsea is the blackest football club in world football
He's going to get passed around like the little renrboy bitch he is
Hey, be more respectful of the man who won you your last Copa America.
The english are weird. Remember when they suspended Cavani and made him publicly apologize for calling one of his friends negrito?
it's called the edgar cut chuddie, it's very popular in the US
Argentinos and Argentinas are the most soulful WHITE people on this planet. Protect them at all costs
They killed him for telling the truth
buying an enzo shirt now
Welcome to SS Lazio.
Why are you on reddit?
racist or not, he's a retarded low iq faggot for live streaming it
he's gonna have to kneel to his black teammates (like 70% of Chelsea is black) and go to diversity training.
He even has like 4 black frenchmen in his team
mal, imaginate ser garnacho y estar tan cuckeado de tener que convivir con negros desde que naciste
Russians and argies will rule
Argentina is so funny man
>Not white, half population looks native
>yet acts racist
>chunk of population is below the poverty line
>yet acts all high and mighty
>only 3 WCs
>think they're the best in the world
>public figure singing racist chants
A Nation filled with room temperature iq people
Back in the day he would have gone to Chelsea.
Jesus Christ when do yuros learn to have a fucking spine?
still whiter than you macaco
>only whites can be racist
>if you’re non white, you have to worship blacks
>>only 3 WCs
this is the biggest indictment 2bh, what an embarrassment.
>only 3 world cups
Oh so they're legit now :) thanks
kek i love butthurt brazilian posts, can't even take them seriously

i hope he enjoyed the chant because they are going to use him to set a example now
he either bows to ngubus or he will have to leave
Imagine signing for the black club who is known for homosexual activities lmfao
Here Chelsea are famous for all having sex with one another
Do monkeys really think that if you’re brown you have to like and worship blacks like white leftists do?
they're wholeheartedly the "hello my white friend" meme
>worship me brown man
Esta es la china Suárez?? Jsjsjsjksjaj
it's way worse than that. After they found out he had simply used the romanian word for "black", they were even more upset because the first word that came to his mind to describe a black man was "black". The ref got suspended for calling a black man black. Absolute madness.
kek they did not like this! theyre also so thin skinned
im leftist and agree with a over victimization card people pull this days, both right wing and leftist do it

trully cringe not standing your ground
and the uk is finished with so many negroes, lol
Ezequiel Iván Cwirkaluk
Imagine signing for the racist club who is known for homosexual activities lmfao
Here Chelsea are famous for all having sex with one another
Maybe he'll go to Millwall on loan
Chelsea would have to take a loss to sell him if his teammates force him out
Remember he signed a contract until 2032
>chunk of population is below the poverty line
>yet acts all high and mighty
All thirdies are like this.
>being retarded is how he got into Chelsea
>being retarded is how he gets out
Genius move by Menzo there
a chud Spanish club
>insults black players
>Chelsea has to sell him
>More money for River Plate
Well done
Real? They CAN get him if they(Chelsea)want to cut their losses
Maybe Atletico?
you really think any big club will touch him after this? some spanish or italian club is his best chance
they'll forget about in 2 days even with slow news cycles
Do you realize you're an anon here? In real life a normal person being caught like this gets his whole life ruined, he'll probably get a fine and some woke classes to make it up.
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welcome to Italy, you'll earn less but the fans will sing the song alongside you.
brown chud AND gay? interesting combination
I had a friend who's surname was Szapawalo or something like that.
also had a:
>Martinez (these were everywhere, probably still are)
all friends or family members, born and raised here.
arent all your teams poor
you cant afford him
Germán 'el mono' Burgos.
Federico 'el negro' Bulos.
Hugo 'el negro' Ibarra.
>you'll earn less
Of course we will point it out. To make the contradiction obvious.
just like the french players were born and raised in France
adi hitlez
wtf is going on here lol
Alexis Szewczyk
There's a black player going to Lazio. Nice try
I love how south americans breaks urban dogs westerners minds by reminding them how their utopian, disneylike, outdated and inaccurate definition of racism is
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>cuti romero, licha, enzo, bienvenidos a Atlético de Madrid
they'll have to play 2 teams,
>team black > team white
sanchez petrovic
colwill kepa
disasi bettinelli
badiashile bergstorm
fofana x2 chilwell
chalobah cucurella
gilchrist gallagher (c)
sarr hall
lavia casadei
ugo mudryk
chukwuemeka broja

neutral : palmer, james, u21s
Alexis Mac Allister
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>Malo Gusto
Holy shit, it's true. There is a soccer player called Malo Gusto.
Simeone can go eat a bag of dicks for all I care but for them it'd be an improvement regardless.
Fernando Rossetti Kempmann.
You guys do realise that its not the black people complaining about racism, right?
>Most Argentina players move to a racist European team
>They win the champions against Real Madrid

Would love to see that, desu.
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let's be honest, shaving part of your eyebrows is the clearest sign that you are a fucking idiot.
I was thinking of a chudie Spanish team with tons of argies, it can be Sevilla too
>Not white, half population looks native
>yet acts racist
Brazil is the same but with being niggers

what the fuck is wrong with thier economy, it should be a national embarrassment
"El Negro" Ibarra
"El Negro" Enrique
"El Negro" Cáceres
Just for fun
They were fighting to decide who was going to take the pen
a Public apology to start
It's over, Argiebros
Linda parra sexo
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The chant says nothing wrong, regardless of how much it makes the afrique seethe. Donatellos father wanted him to play for Cameroon until the Africans, being Africans, wanted a ridiculous bribe. Such is the history of the modern French NT
>I'm sorry about what's happening in your country. I should have been more conscious that you wouldn't like to hear it
Please be like that.
Just nature doing its job desu
he just come out as trans so they can't critizise him
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What was the Argie's problem anyways? They're not even playing France in the Copa America.
I want to apologize on behalf of my country for all the racism and discrimination. I'm going to have sex with a black queen right now as proof of my honesty
Lazio always had a lot of black players. For example Onazi, Lucas Biglia or the guy who was 20 but looked 47
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>Diego "el ruso" Rodríguez
>Carlos "el chino" Luna
Wasn't there some Banfield player who had "el negro" on his shirt instead of his name some 15ish years ago?
Biglia maybe not the whitest guy ever but how is he "black"?
What a total retard argie. The guy is a mediocre player and wanted to be le edgy and based.
>even espnfc comments are agreeing with enzo
this is his biggest contribution, more than the world cup.
Ngubus crying racism when France killed and enslaved all their ancestors

Hope he leaves that shit team
hes better than any brazilian midfield
proving Enzo was right
>malo gusto
has done far more than Vini in two tournaments
Fortunately there is a place where racist foreigners thrive
La Liga
none of these coward 'news' sites will say what the chant was
That doesn't say anything, lmao.
everybody with eyes can tell the Africans are overrepresented in the french nt, they can't admit it because blacks cry everytime there isn't many blacks in certain positions and day there should be representation
Wait until they learn we call our own players "soulless faggots motherfuckers " when they play badly. That's just how we talk.
If this gets Enzo onto a good team he is a genius
it says that hes not mediocre
for me it's higuain el genocida de canelones( he was fat)
>everyone was singing that
>only menzo got in trouble

What'd he do?
I'm looking on twitter and yeah it's mostly blacks whining about it.
Based Enzo

There shouldn't be any black people in Europe
I still remember when the Brits fined Cavani for saying 'gracias negrito' to a friend. True Eurocuckoldry.
That's how the script will unfold, Enzo bending the knee, apologizing on "behalf of his countrymen" like this absolute cuckold >>142820405
and asking for "raising awareness" about how racist we are, promoting the globohomo immigration propaganda
It's not even subtle, then again we're the incel conspiracy nut jobs
Juan Carlos "La Mona" Jiménez Rufino
he was the only one dumb enough to record himself
he decided to destroy his career for fun?
yeah that sounds pretty south american of him kek
god bless you cretins
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>Messi is off camera, and the loudest
>There shouldn't be any black people in Europe
By that logic no white people should be in america
kek they will take him in Spain or Italy. They are latinx all their anti racism is just for show and they truly don't give a shit.
Okay, I really need to tell the truth to Argentinian people.
Obviously the defeat of WC against you was not easy for some French fans who like football, but how you react with songs or banter it’s something we don’t understand. We don’t have any football chants toward others people/nationality.

Like if we face England or Spain, we don’t have any chants against them.

That why we loses our minds, but the things is, the anti Argentina sentiment in France is insane. You’ve become one of the most hated country in France
Be safe if you ever visit France
Héctor "Chocolate" Baley
>Like if we face England or Spain, we don’t have any chants against them.
We do, what's the big deal?
>You’ve become one of the most hated country in France
Just for a stupid song? KWAB country
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But he wasn't singing at all, why get angry at him?
Ask me how I know you're of African descent
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>"how DARE those piece of shit CHUD Argentinians make fun of France's mercenary army. Diversity is OUR strength. Le Pen LOST chuds"
>multimillionare mercenaries when asked to wear a rainbow armband for a single game to appease liberal sensibilities: "this is an ATTACK on our religion. How dare they instill this cultural colonialism on us."

Give me a break. France is one of those countries where they get everything they want, get everything they deserve, then complain endlessly.
>That why we loses our minds, but the things is, the anti Argentina sentiment in France is insane. You’ve become one of the most hated country in France
Based. Nothing unites a country more than hating another country.
>french Chelsea players
they're finished anyway so who cares about what they think? only Caicedo, Enzo and Palmer's opinion matters, maybe Mudryk's too.
what if he taped Messi doing the song, how would media react?
It looks like chelsea will give him a serious punishment, will messi or milei defend his chud?
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Bro your country is fucking dogshit thanks to all the ngubus and mohammeds
based monkey
Who would care? At this point of his career Messi can play wherever he wants, if he wants.
Wait until they also figure out that the original "escuchen, corran la bola" is an extremely transphobic chant keke
in Italy if you score you can be black and liked, ie: osimhen
Are there any based right wing clubs in europe or are they all immigrant circuses?
Argentina just says the quiet part out loud. That penalty shoot out where there was nothing but africans on the pitch said it all.
What happens if he and the rest of the argies just dont back down?
Africans are rapefugees to already established countries with strong claim to the land, whereas American Whites were pioneers who settled untamed land and developed it. Don't conflate things.
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They are malding because they have been trying to create racial chaos here for over a decade now but it is always our muttest of mutts that come with the hardest and more racist songs all the time.
We are a nation that defies their globo homo tactics that have worked so well in France, the US, Germany, etc.
Argentina is a collapsing shithole country
Despite being the whitest country of Latin America, they had one of the worst economy ever. So even one of the worst city in France is much better than Argentina, Luigi
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why is this allowed? Diaz is from Spain.
>it's fine when ESPN africa does it
you sound really daft
> Be safe if you ever visit France
I have not felt the desire to visit France since the 2016 Nice truck of diversity and tolerance incident. Thanks for the warning though, you are free to come here if you want.
Enjoy Francistan my brother
Explain us being top 3, and for decades top 1 HDI in Latin America since the index was created then.
>this post is so much funnier considering you are probably some mohamed or ngubu coming from a literal shit hole warzone trying to bring up economics
>reeducation classes too
Truly dystopian
I stand with Argentina. They don't deserve hate for singing about something that everybody already says behind closed doors.
Yeah thanks to the inflation and your shit currency, If I ever come to your shithole, I’ll live like a king
All of these subhumans acting though online would not survive a day in, say, Florencio Varela or Rosario.
They think they are tough because the entirety of the French state protects them from any real violent backlash.

Reminds me of that Moroccan guy who tried to mug some Cordobeses in Spain and ended up crying for help while they slapped him. And those were posh kids on vacation, not true hard niggas from the hood.
That you can’t be racist unless you are white is racist and anglocentric
If you come here I guarantee you will be culturally assimilated. We are like the borg, people come here and adopt our customs and become honorary argentinians because we don't have a stick up our ass like most of the world.
You can live like a king without some random nafri stabbing you 13 times in the chest before torching your flag. Sounds like a good deal to me
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Unfortunately, the moment the sentiment gained traction in france, the entire system when on a mobilisation spree to rally all their foreigners to vote for once.
So you confirm that European city being violent is a fucking meme and that your main cities are true real criminal shithole
You’re an honest guy man, I like you
Someone's mad
Enzo is insulting the French who use mercenaries, not Africans. That is the point. And he is right.
We can only dream
sorry pal
imagine thinking so little of non-whites you don't even allow them the privilege of being racist
There are no white people in America lol
onions del barrio de varelaaaaaaaaaa
y siempre te voy a seguiiiiiiiiiir
Don't get me wrong, Paris has had more dead over terrorism in the last quarter of a century than Buenos Aires. But your criminals and wannabe tough guys live a heavily sheltered life.
I've seen the polemic "knife gangs" videos from France, and for the love of god do not go to Colombia, Mexico or here ever thinking you know how to use blades or throw down, you will be introduced to the real world.
Bro where do you see that any intelligent European want to adopt your degenerate culture or custom?
No ones in the world want to live in your shit country wtf. Bro, try to compare your median salary with an European country. You’re a collapsing shithole dumb faggot, you don’t seems to realize that
maybe I'll sing a song about how much I hate my coworkers and upload it to Facebook
>Using "degenerate culture or custom" as an insult

you lack the balls to do that
post hands
Globohomo is neoliberalism’s shield, it won’t go down easily.
he did attack the players though
saying they sleep with transexuals
Real question
Is Thierry Henry or Jude Bellingham African mercenaries? Which country should they have play?
>Malo Gusto
Oh, sorry, this is an American website
That is what they always see, and they always come around.

Your ancestors once fled the shithole known as Europe seeking greener pastures, it can happen again.

In a more serious tone, we do not hate france and we respect mbappe a lot, that why we always focus on him. We just find it funny that people don't give a shit about the french colonies in france and the extractionism that is taking place while clutching their pearls at a stupid football song.
is that a lie?
this but unironically
Quit seething dearie its embarrasing
Argies are in a hole economically but you go to Buenos Aires and they live regular lives, seem to have disposable income to still do shit. Theyre not poor like statistics make it sound
Here when we had a crisis in 2001 most people were broke broke
bro, your shitholes are the very opposite of the real world
as far as Europeans care south America is Mexico and Brazil with some countries I'm between
no one except football fans or alpinists ever mentiones Argentina
>sleeping with trannies is an attack
only if you're transphobic
You know what he means, people like Saka are not real English
why do zoomer retards record everything they do?
>no one on /sp/ actually hates messi except for this sizeable portion of the board
brazil's average iq is 87, you are literal monkeys
An independent Guadeloupe
Whatever Caribbean country his mom came from
Here we dont ever mentione croatia either, not even when we are talking about football
>both Ronaldo and Romario fucked trannies
So basically calling Mbappe the GOAT?
Being on social media at all was their first mistake
He's coming to play for Gremio
Enzo is just telling the truth, I don't even like Jorginho playing for Italy. He is Brazilian.
No, it was absolutely populated and settle before the Europeans.
>sleeping with transexuals
very transphobic desu
Fucking hell you are so obsessed with Saka. I see you posting about him all the time lmfao literal and genuine obsession and yes it is you so don't bother with that.
Cipayo vende patria te duele el culo desde que somos campeones
my dude Buenos Aires probably has more people living in it then Croatia
holy shit it's like I'm talking to a monkey, hope you're like 13 or smthng kid
most reddit thread in 4chan right now,people actually going LE RACISM BAD yikes
Mbappe debuto con un trava
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>mfw Mbape with los travas de SOLANO
Is about implying you had sex before marriage.
porque los racistas somos nosotros.
su odio tiene niveles cósmicos y los vuelve políticamente correctos.
>mixed the melanin out
>we're not racist
What would happen if the roles were reversed, french afrixan players singing about argentinians comes from italy/spain
It's amazing watching african niggers like those Chelsea players acting like teenage girls
>oh no, I'll unfollow him on IG! That'll show him!
Yeah I know this is the world we live in, etc., but it's amazing how pussified modern "men" are. Always on their phone, always ready to be offended and virtue signal. And these are football players, who should be high test guys. Anyway, I GUARANTEE Bobana or whatever is a rapist
Serious answer, Nahuel and Tehuel for men, Ailin and Mailen for women are the only i can think
Chicano with a VPN
All of England minus Pickford and Palmer are mercenaries, basically
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I have nothing to add, just want to say well done.
>racism is...LE BAD!
That's why your country elected a socialist who's giving the Amazonas to the French. Very brave and powerful.

reafirm our identity as argentines with some songs obviously
They cannot tell him face to say cause your dumb players is in Argentina.
But since, Argentine players are tough and strong guy, can Enzo Fernandez sing this song in front of Black Chelsea players? Do you think he has the balls to do that?
Brazil this dumb macaco socialist nigger country has a better economy than your collapsing shithole. Must feel really bad huh?
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>Like if we face England or Spain, we don’t have any chants against them.
Because you don't have an identity. You're ground zero for the globalist debacle. France is the biggest example of what unchecked immigration does to a country. In 30 years they managed to absolutely demolish and shatter everything over there.
esta sech
Would the black players tell him that he's racist face to face? Not on instagram like a weak bitch
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It's not just better than theirs.
Brother, nobody wants your cuck, politically correct, muslim worshipping, left-voting, pathetic NATO loving ass to come here
Explain to me why a little banter about the color of their skin sets them off so much? Like why are they so insecure?
it's not that big of an own as you think it is considering the collapse is the result of 16 years of socialist nigger governments
Everyone was singing so why are they mad at Enzo only lol
Better than your too, who are a hole with no resources, losing energy resources to the neo-colonies, in demographic decline and importing anything that can walk and make a hamburger.
>can Enzo Fernandez sing this song in front of Black Chelsea players?
Yes, sure. Do you think Enzo Fernandez is some posh faggot like you? If it came to blows, Enzo would go full villero and stab a nigger or two
volve a twitter nenazo

Tell us your big secret Argentina. YOU, the country with strong identity and proud people why did your country … hum … a collapsing financial shithole country?
This post makes no sense at all, but Croatian posters usually carry a big chip on their shoulders nowadays so I will ignore it after this reply.
why do you nogs burn down France? You apparently like it but you're always breaking shit and burning it down and desecrating monuments.
kek that reminds me reading a story about a Brazilian negro who took a taxi here and the taxi driver was complaining about the "negros de mierda que hacian piquetes " to him kek
Salty negros de mierda
Bro I was defending your country
«Macaco nigger socialist» country is fucking sarcastic, it was the dumb Argentinian who say that
>why did your country … hum … a collapsing financial shithole country?
Are you trying to ask a question?
I assume these outraged "French" players also stand up against homophobia when their nafris refuse to wear the rainbow armbands, right?
>Dutchie knows about Mala Fama
1 vs 1 he'd do it to all of them.

Or did you mean in a 1 vs 8 situation?
That's what you meant, right?
I know it was.
Imagine thinking you're not a coward when you can only act tough with 7 friends behind you.
Coming from the country with BLM riot who destroyed statue?
Let the adult talk here please, you’re embarrassing yourself
they don't, I think they're just mad that fellow professionals are crossing the line while this shit is supposed to be a dumb supporters only thing. it's treason.
Bro, just don't bother. These fucking subhuman favela monkeys, amirite? *high fives you*
Volvete al país limitrofe del que viniste
Johnny Rico
What did the Angolans say?
Imagine if they hear this
click click click dudu dada kaka fafana
>"my negro violence is different from yours so please let the adults talk"
I like Argentina more and more
This is what I meant up there. European negros have no idea what actual violence is like when you are not constantly gang beating skinny white nerds or being protected by the laws.
Their whole conception of a fight never ends with you winning but ending up with a broken nose, a busted hand or a stab wound. You know, an actual fight.

Please start shit with niggas like Acuña or Romero, do it and find out, pls!
>Malo Gusto
I was also defending your country, even with all this you are light years better than them.
They had a 5.1 per cent GDP recession in the first quarter of the year.
Bro, Chicago (2,6 millions of habitants) has the same homicide numbers than whole fucking France (66 millions of habitant )
You’re on an another league mutt faggot so focuse on your shithole first
Pablo Nariguda
Eudardo Noriega
El cheguevara
Amandito Dieguito
Cristina fernandez de kistner
Alvaro Mi Ley
loco mundo loco
Boludo Conchudo
>Niggers have to much power
Unironically fucking this.
But enough about Brasil
Enzo Fernandez is a generational talent and a winner who respects the Chelsea badge.
I hadn't seen the whole thread kek.
Keep this provocation to use against them.


Chile, decime qué se siente,
saber que se te viene el mar;
te juro que aunque te tape el agua,
nunca te vamos a ayudar;
porque vos sos un traidor,
vigilante y botón;
en la guerra nos vendiste por cagon
por acá no vengas más,
ojalá te tape el mar,
que te ayuden los ingleses a nadar"

Not yet
Enzo is better than Kane.
Pretty good first effort, but other later movies before LotR are much better.
typical argentine scum using a sporting pretext to be the scum they have always been
>Race gets isolated and only fucks with its own race, so you have two or more segregated ethnic groups
>Race gets mixed in with the rest because they don't give a fuck about what you look like
You may be surprised about what the racist one actually is, even if you shouldn't be.
jej, me gustas, no vayas a la escuela el lunes
llora mas fracasado
New world, New rules. If their parents had moved to Brazil or USA, they would be Brazilian or American. But they will never EVER be French.
Yep, it's a shame because this would not have been an issue 20 years ago, but le hecking race is a very touchy subject these days. Here is a modern football fan from my footy chat on messenger.
>Im sure most people who’ve been to football games have engaged in chants that they wouldn’t want their work colleagues to see (albeit not racist ones) most people wouldn’t be stupid enough to then post it on social media

>Yeah can’t imagine why fernandez’ 8 French teammates are gonna be annoyed then.. ‘They play in France but they are all from Angola’ Historically inaccurate

I can't even speak with these guys on a level because I'll get called raciss for pointing out the obvious.
"racist" is a jewrnalist term used to marginalize humans who act in perfectly human ways, anyways
it's pointless to discuss who is le rayciss and who isn't
he's argentinian, what do you think
Englishmen don't have names like 'Bukayo Saka'. That's an African name, because he's an African person.

If me and my Mrs move to China for work and have a baby born there, that baby won't be an actual Chinese.
2 hours into the celebrations, well you have to start reaching out for deep cuts like that. Just a bit of nostalgia.
I'm gonna say I'm uruguayan
no one will know the difference
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Thank you for your honesty.
Knowing you hate us makes it even better.
kek they literally have a player who wad born in Angola
Un poco mas y se convierten en colonia inglesa (Ya lo son)
this nigga really popped off
Rent free, macaco. You're mad we don't have to deal with literally niggers like you.
Ima be honest with you my friend. In Argentina, if someone taunts you it's a sign of respect. We shit on you because you are (or were, idk about now) our strongest rival right now. We would all love it if you just chanted shit right back at us, but snitching and crying is anathema.

tl;dr: We are tsundere. Sorry for the inconvenience. It WILL happen again.
Vete limitrofe vete
he was kneeling for niggers 3 months ago
he'll keep kneeling for niggers 3 seasons from now
who cares
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You wish you were one, pajeet
We have a bunch of songs we sing every game no matter who we play against cuz everyone knows them and its fun to sing them in a group. This was 100% done with 0 malice it's just a common thing in Argentina but its gonna be really hard to explain to someone whos not from here
It really isn't people just seeth cuz they want to, England fans have been singing bombers all month and everyone was whining
>Euros sething at racist football banter
>Can't see the difference between racist football banter and actual racism
This guy is destroying my country
Right, i remember reading an article about the bombers song. Fucking pussies who never stepped on a field just want to moralfag their way into ruining yet another thing
I just read he has an 8y contract. Why would he not just chill and enjoy the free money?
>if we face England or Spain, we don’t have any chants against them
why are euros so soulless?
doesn't hit the same if someone swarthy says that
ngl I would instantly drop penaldo for pessi
Lmao nigger germanics basically don't hold any power anymore and they gave up, all you have are there 3rd tier shitters like spics pretending to be nazis like they're even involved in any of this
The reality is that germanics are the only people standing between china taking central africa and sending them back into cobalt mines again
Time is ticking, spam harder, whine like women, the worst fate that you can have is live with your own people and we'll be happy to take south africa back and put the copper wiring back when the time comes
He looks like an injun though.
Be patient, he's african.
Bro, brazil is a BIGGER cry baby about racism than europe, we wouldn't be able to play against them.
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cuti romero and licha were in the bus too.
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Lol providing they can afford the ticket to fly to Europe anyway.
Do big clubs not have clauses against players who harm their PR?
Idk man Greenwood is still contracted to manU. Wouldn't surprise me as rape < insulted blacks in the anglosphere
Yeah, Suarez had no choice but flee the EPL after the Evra incident and no team but Barcelona would have him :'(
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why the fuck should Enzo apologize when ESPN do it?
he comes from the ghetto, he doesn’t understand that some actions like these have consequences in Europe, I think he doesn’t even speak English
>we take the piss with dumb songs
>they actually get irrationally angry
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>make a banter song that just states facts
>gain the hate of an entire nation
says more about your country than ours
this will be forgotten in one week just like in 2022
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>first worlders discover argentinian banter for the first time
>That one frog that can only talk about economy.
Any country can come back from that, Argentina has spent decades being the best or worst economy in the land, it's just how things are around here.
That being said, you'll never get the ngubus and sandniggers out of France unless an Adolf equivalent rises to power but all frogs were turned into little pussy karens that would rather complain to the manager instead of dealing with shit yourselves. You already lost everything and the only reason you'd be supporting the current state of France is if you are an ngubu or a sandnigger yourself.
>how stupid can this guy be? bet he's getting bullied in the argie groupchat rn
You don't know Argentines, in Argentine culture this is offensive to outsiders, not to Argentines
Also, it is necessary to understand that Argentine racism is different from that seen in the USA or Europe.
They also say "black" in an affectionate way to someone who is not, although they can also use that word in an insulting way, but not with the historical connotations that exist in the USA or Europe.
holy shit look at him bait all these argentinean (you)s effortlessly
good one
>Ynr how everyone shat and pissed themselves when Suarez called Evra "negrito"
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You know remember
Nahuel Jose Raviolli Fetuccini
Leonardo Fabian Belizan
go back
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Make me
>a bunch of mongolian basket weaving forum dwellers
>actual professional players
>especially the French
It's over
epic thread
>what now
nothing, no one actually gives a shit
>be racist
>get free from Chelsea jail
looks like a win to me
Fuck nigger apes
I don’t understand how you can be this tone deaf when you play on a team full of people from other countries
Italy exists
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>My negru will beat him up
how the fuck did they not noticed it in qatar?
Many of the black players are who now claim to be French all have African flags in their social media and are always shouting about African pride worldwide.
>Listen, spread the word, they play in France, but they are all from Angola, they are going to run well, they like to sleep with trans people, their mum is Nigerian, their dad is Cameroonian

How's this racist? It's literally the truth
Replace France with England and its the same shit
Exactly. England is just another globohomo team. Argentina is one of the few real national teams. Enzo will be forced to bend the knee but he spoke the truth.
Still would mangs
>unfollow on Instagram
Is this a big insult in zoomie culture??
Top kek. He didn't say anything, he just filmed it.
Damn brazilians really just let argentinians live in their heads rent free
>>suddenly its a big deal when someone else points it out

only trannies, 15 yo white women and blacks think there is something wrong with this

france team isn't french


trump will win

cope and seethe
That's bad taste to mock his name.
Thought Foden had started letting his hair grow.
>tfw no nazi lazio waifu
why even live
neah he sang at the end
it was obvious
its shitty that everyone was singing and he somehow got the bullet
song isnt even racist its just facts
Secondly, France.
>We are literally the least racist country on earth
>topic of discussion is literally the athletic representation of "the least racist country on earth" being racist
Perhaps the least aware country on earth.
>Be safe if you ever visit France
Yes, it is a dangerous place now that it is full of niggers.
Why are they angry with him? Are they ashamed of their African heritage?
Espn should do this for the us team lole (esp in bball)
Why are you pretending to be stupid online ? Its enough irl.
Explain it to me, Mbombo Olorombo-Laurent. Why is it wrong for people to say "You're an African with French nationality" but it's okay for you to say it with pride?
>brown racists
Because they only see them through their skin colour, thats racist yes.
But they didn't say anything about their skin colour. They talked about their countries of origin, like Angola. White people can be Angolan.
Because they are black, they would have never say to the spanniard team lololol they have french players top kekekekek, its only, solely, because theyr black, and the fact your pretending to not understand makes you a stupid.
I don't get it, why make such a big deal of it now when they did the exact same thing 2 years ago?
Ask yourself why my post is the first time you're hearing about the Spanish fants chanting at Laporte to kiss the Spanish flag to prove he's really Spanish. Ask yourself why all those ngubus on your team weren't tweeting out their anger and disappointment when Dembele was doing slitty eyes and saying "ching chong" shit about Japanese people. Ask yourself if you're just upset because you yourself are not European.
>braindead zoomer poltard post
>reddit spacing
checks out
prob 15-20 year old brat
Argentina = Europeans who’ve been there a few generations

I'm sure the Argentine players and fans would direct the same chant at a Black French player whose parents and grandparents were also born in France, despite them being in the same situation. It's pure racism on their part.
everybody who was watching the final was thinking about it, that the french team was full of Africans, theh arent even mixxed like some of the English or Dutch players just pure blooded Africans. Your average argie negeo who goes to the cancha just says it out loud
>everybody who was watching the final was thinking about it,
Ok kid, talking for the whole world based on your immature experience of life.
>you yourself are not European.
How unoriginal of you really.
Kek I'm 33
>dodges everything of substance said in the post and focuses on the bit that hurts his feelings and tries to use it and the associated societal shame of "wrongthink" in order to win the argument
How very ngubu of you really.
Which makes his point dramatically more true.
yeah I'm sure the people around the world didn't see the french team and thought wow this euro team has a lot of blacks
do wokes actually think they didn't? that people don't have eyes?
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The argie is right though. I had non-football watchers walk by when I was watching one the France games and be stunned at the African nature of the French team. It was a big topic of discussion during the last WC too, because they were seen by many Africans and blacks in general as "The last African team in the cup".
You dont know shit, your just a pathetic losers in lack of attention
You're an African defending an African team from accusations that it's African lol. The song wouldn't hurt your feelings if it wasn't accurate.
>because they were seen by many Africans and blacks in general as "The last African team in the cup".
Thats just yet another angloid heretic behaviour tho.
>Enzo Fernandes
lmao always a nazipardo
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You can't stop losing lol
Sadly that wouldn't happen. Even if Argentina has top tier talent now, that wouldn't be the case with the next generation that didn't get to develop their talent in Europe.
fucking kek
If England won the cup and they would say around the world its not en english victory because they dont look like victorian era citizens you would say the same even tho your too much of a coward to say it.
Nice to meet you negress.
I'm not English lol. I also make fun of the English team for being half black and the other half Irish. Only one side of that gets offended when I make that type of comment though and it's not the Irish side.
A hasty generalization or anecdote. In other words, a logical fallacy. Neither you nor he can be right as the claim is impossible to prove regardless.
So your part of the problem, mocking the problem, why do t you kill yourself or fuck off to stay true with your ideology ?
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Whatever helps you sleep at night, turk.

Why would I fuck off from my 96% white country? lol. Stop crying ngubu. Just be proud of being African and accept that others from outside your African community can look at you (an African) and your African community and say "Those are Africans".
Such a perfectly well crafted bait.
Because of the chant? How can it be racist when it’s literally true.
To move the conversation along: I think pretty much everybody did think that if they're being honest, but that was probably back in 2006. It's old news at this point. If anything I was surprised when I first met a French person and they were white.
>If anything I was surprised when I first met a French person and they were white.
I realised earlier when I was trying to make the "African name with a French name attached to the double barreled surname" that I couldn't even think of a stereotypical French name anymore. The only ones that came to mind were all African lol.
calling black people "African" in 2024 is racist now
oh fuck off
I cant take someone named Enzo seriously KEK
>random faggots on a japaneses board is the same as million follower player that just won an international tittle in a bus full of other million follower players and Messi the goat
Messi stays in the US, else we would have had over 1000 Messi threads by now.
>Inocently sing a song on your oponents features after a huge win
>Noooo this is racist, donate to Israel

I hate Euromericans with passion.
kek dont try to play it off, everyone knows what the deal is
why were they even singing that when france has nothing to do with copa america
Countries in the Americas got their natives genocided and replaced with a mixture of criollos, europeans and arabs, hence the ethnically diverse NTs.

French on the other side freely gave citizenship to foreigners. There are no pure black 3rd gen French people. Stop telling this myth.

Also, they are hardly considered French for the locals. They don't represent anyone other than Africa.

No single Argentine will say you Enzo or Messi are not Argentine.
What matter is the intention of the song, it's obviously meant to be a mockery.
Do you hear anyone say slanted eyes Asians as a compliment ?
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come on, you can do better macaco
They were having fun singing the full repertoire and one of them came up with it.
cause mbape said the "we Europeans" thing ages ago
they have an inferiority complex that makes your nation look perfectly normal
Mockery is OK at football.
Our Brazilian neighboors are full of black players and we mock because of this. But we also admire them because of how good players they have. They mock us with Falklands or poverty, and that's OK.
he just said it again at Euro kek
Also, Acuña was mocked because of his features (he looks like a robber). I've heard my fellow countrymen saying he was a good player because the adversaries looked at him and had to keep an eye on his belongings at the same time that played against him, and that distracted them.

Regular banter, Eurocucks can't understand this.
There are songs against pretty much every nation. Players and fans usually sing the whole playlist.
brazilian hands posted this
brazil the only players that won you world cups are african blacks remember this nigger,exactly like Usa you only won thanks to african niggers , otherwse you dont even have players IN ANY SPORTS
>Be safe if you ever visit France
nigga we dont have money to visit brazil, regardless this your cunt only wins because you import nigegrs from africa , wheres the french pride , jsust like americans you only win titles because ngubus imported from africa , and exactly like hitler said france became black and worst mulsim
>better economy
Yet they lag at every metric of human development compared to us. Clearly is not the Brazilian people enjoy that "better economy" that they supposedly have.
>Okay, I really need to tell the truth to Argentinian people.
ill do the same for you , we dont hate blacks we see them as inferiors this is not something new ,since before hitler arrived here after WW2 we had our founding fathers sent all the niggers to die in our revolutionary wars thats why theres no africans here, you dont have chants and banters for another country because you live in the EU , meaning if you say something racist you get jail time, we dont have this here in argentina so we can say wathever the fuck we want about blacks , indios etc , and having said that your cunt onlywins in any sports you play because exactly like murica you go shopping africans for your national sports without african ngbus you are nothing

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