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Enzo is not racist bro...
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>as if
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>as if he were just another human
he is absolutely mocking him for being that small and crispy
top kek
oh ne ne ne ne ne
he thinks it's a snickers
>as if
fucking lol gonna assume google translate is at fault
He's singing the song to this kid.
>como si
my sides
>as if he were just another human
as opposed to what exactly?
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>as if
No, he is just being a cheeky bastard
Hope this goes viral
kek based twitter post
How far do you think Enzo punted that limited edition CL black ball
>as if

Unfortunate reveal
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>as if
False equivalence
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Not racist, just don't like the grown ones.
everybody is racist
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>sees child
>sees nerf gun
>shoots real gun 11 times
>only hits a leg once
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I swear sometimes Argentinian bantz truly is top tier.
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All like how all of Europe except maybe Spain is roasting them, despite Argies sucking eurocock 24/7
>*I like how
Their cuntiness went from a know regional thing to fully international
My dog is racist
He barks to black dogs
How do I fix this
Argies are dogs, yes
I like Europe and i hate latinx, europeans insulting me in 4chan doesn't compare to bolivians stealling terrain, building wooden huts, using our hospitals for free and having 12 kids to get extra wellfare, my enemy are other sudacas except Uruguay, not europeans.
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>as if he were just another human
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read him black history and tell him the truth. if he refuses just put him down.
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>as if he were just another human
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Enzo's daughter looks Bolivian
he's obviously part indio like most villeros
Enzo himself looks like a mystery meat, if i saw him on the streets at night i'd definitely cross to the other street.
Tbh 99% of all footballers anywhere look like could rob you. Only the rare Kaka that was a richfag doesn't.
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>as if
That next season better deliver, I want to see Trigger UNLEASHED after Dungeon Bore

LMAO yeah this players look like the kind of villeros you dont want to meet at midnight in the middle of nowhere
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kek thanks for the illustration
Just imagine walking around at night and seeing "the butcher", i'd hand my phone and wallet without saying a word and pray he's not high on paco.
refrain from posting pozzed calarts garbage
I say this
Do people really hate argentina?
I really hope they double down against the French FA, would be top tier bantz
Most South American countries do for sure. I'm not being funny, they actually do.
It's somewhat deserved because we look down on most of them.
Kek based argies
Bolivians won't even sell us gasoline in their country, but they do love coming here use our hospitals for free.
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>despite Argies sucking eurocock 24/7
This guy here: >>142820779 is looking down on you. What do you think about that?
What on earth did you do to them?
bolivians are the kikes of south america; ugly, smelly, hook nosed goblins who only care about money and taking advantage of other people.
They start stealing when they grow up.
Lol he thinks it's a monkey in a mascot suit... Hang on... Isn't it?
enzo es mas blanco que vos negro puto
Why is everyone saying he's racist? The song simply states the fact that France's talent is not homegrown. If anything it's admitting that Africans are more athletically competent.
Black insecurity
maximum kek
New rule, if you didn't say anything not true, you aren't racist. How can you be racist for telling the truth?
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Kek stupid roach
I'm not tacist, I eat this everyday.
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me neither
>como si fuera/as if
he tried lmao
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cute cake
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>as if
Fucking kek
They are cute when they are small, my mom had said that about chinese, peruvians, blacks and many other nationalities and wild animals.
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"Hehehe he's like a little eggplant!"
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>highly "racist" country has barely any hate crimes
>tolerant countries like US have hourly hate crimes to the point a civil war is pretty much inevitable
You see the problem with black children is that some of them grow into black people.
Hate crimes have always been a money making scam. Don't repeat the kind of nonsense that the retards attacking you believe.
i dunno they just hate us, argie tourists have to pay a bolivian to get gasoline for them, it's pretty grim
hate crimes are manufactured
> Europeans lecturing argentineans about racism
hahahaha you fucking hypocrite eurocucks
fr, didn't Belgium have zoos with africans inside up to 1962? kek
>Enzo himself looks like a mystery meat, if i saw him on the streets at night i'd definitely cross to the other street.
If football didn't exist...
haha I can already imagine him dressed in full addidas gym equipment style on a lonely street, and when he sees you he advances with his hidden hand and asks

"Ehh.. améo! tené una moneita?" (hey, dude, do you have a coin?)
Being a good soccer player saved him from his destiny? Or maybe he would have studied to be a pharmacist or engineer..
I thought Argentina hating black people was just a meme
They don't like them, the Senegalese who come to sell on the street, but I think they have already gone to the US because of the economic crisis that only an already rooted Argentine can endure
Anyone got that webm of Enzo trying to give his shirt to a Chelsea supporter with an argentine flag while a pack of niggers tried to take it for themselves?
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Niggers just aren't human. Simple as. Now, like some animals they can be tolerable, but you really aren't meant to take them seriously. It's the same phenomenon that makes white women treat their dogs like human beings. We aren't meant to do that.
fucking wheezing
No they won't move and also there are many Haitians and everything is better than fucking Haiti
no te hagas el boludo tano, si podés leer español
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Its just a joke. The only truth is that we have a kind of humor that is too black for the rest of the world. The song itself started as a joke but some fans started singing it unironically and it was so damn funny that it went viral.
The original phrase has pretty much the same meaning.
Welp, Spaniards are even more racist but no one is saying that
>Mbappé is white now
>I'm not racist, I have a black friend who I treat with fried chicken and watermelons
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god damn those argies really are as stupid as they are racist lmao
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fucking shit enzo, you're making the situation worse
Wait argentinians really think they are white? I thought it was just the ones here on 4chan but you're telling me YOU ALL think this way?
he didn't vote for joe biden
Not really, he's making a stealth racist joke about the niglet not being human
I've never seen these in person in my entire life. Were they more popular back then and INADI removed them out of the zeitgeist or something?
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this nigga is never beating the allegations
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>as if
No way this guy isnt shitposting right how low iq can you be
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yeah, he's making a joke
easy there ranjesh
I went to a zoo once when I was a kid and they let us play with a monkey. I played with that monkey just like Enzo is playing with that kid. Or maybe it was a black kid for me too I forgot
Dejá de llorar chileno...

You might be autistic brother
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>como si

he's just making thing worse
real here: >>142824289
Fake based Enzo staying quiet.
>comic sans
It's an obvious joke you stupid retard
the song isn't even racist, frogs are whiny bitches for no reason again
Translation by Musk
Somebody tell Cavani he needs to stop this
I always bring a few of those when I go to Spain.
>in America this is legal
Come on that is just funny.

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