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As Argentina's captain, why did he allow his teammates to sing such a racist chant?
False premise. Argentines can't be racist. Do you think Jay Z was racist when he said Niggas in Paris? Exactly

Now most Argies aren't full black- they're mixed breed mutts but when you consider that they're the rejected slave class descendants of the poorest, brownest country in Europe, one feels like they're entitled to sing these songs

After all, what's the difference between an Angolan and Argentinian? Angolan is more likely to breed a white woman
Saar redeem this
because he can

>Argentines can't be racist
and indians know what a toilet is
pissi riggitini wasn't on the bus so all the villeros ran amok
pissi chuditini
Based Indian excellence
No one needs to say Niggas in Buenos Aires it's just assumed
Who do you think led them to it?
Because he's a spineless midget
He wasnt in the bus because he live in US
>this isn't edited
go back to your country or kys
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cute selfie frog
Because he himself is a toxic pos
Argentina just got shit on.
Messi wasn't on the bus, retard. He had to attend a kkk meeting.
Because bad bad captain
chikaner and the VPN are extra zesty the last couple of days, wonder why?


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