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Were we fooled? Was it just stadpadding?
he crushed those slovakian dentists
This lol
that can't be real how many penalties shootouts did they have?
>topped the group of death with decimating wins
>easily beat strong contenders on his way to the final
>all with the weakest england in millenia
i'm thinking goat material.
that tweet is wrong but most of those knockout wins weren't that impressive anyway
1-1 colombia (penalties)
2-0 sweden
2-0 germany
4-0 ukraine
2-1 denmark (AET)
3-0 senegal
2-1 slovakia (AET)
1-1 switzerland (penalties)
2-1 netherlands
1968-2016: 0 trophies
2018-2024: 0 trophies
pks wins are classified as draws, always have been.
England KO wins before Southgate:

1966 – vs. Argentina, 1-0
1966 – vs. Portugal, 2-1
1966 – vs. Germany, 4-2
1986 – vs. Paraguay, 3-0
1990 – vs. Belgium, 1-0 (a.e.t.)
1990 – vs. Cameroon, 3-2 (a.e.t.)
1996 – vs. Spain, 0-0 (p.s.)
2002 – vs. Denmark, 3-0
2006 – vs. Ecuador, 1-0

England KO wins under Southgate:

2018 – vs. Colombia, 1-1 (p.s.)
2018 – vs. Sweden, 2-0
2020 – vs. Germany, 2-0
2020 – vs. Ukraine, 4-0
2020 – vs. Denmark, 2-1 (a.e.t.)
2022 – vs. Senegal, 3-0
2024 – vs. Slovakia, 2-1 (a.e.t.)
2024 – vs. Switzerland, 1-1 (p.s.)
2024 – vs. Netherlands, 2-1
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Teams in the final tournament of Euro '68: 4
Teams in the final world cup tournament '70: 16

Teams in the final tournament of Euro '24: 24
Teams in the final world cup tournament '22: 32

Hmmmmm really makes you think doesn't it
you forgot
>promoted black athletes, fought injustice by taking the knee and encouraged diversity at every opportunity
people call him timid, but he's brave just for that in my book
2-0 germany 4-0 ukraine was the best it felt to be an england fan in a long time
Coincides with tournaments being expanded dunnit
Im guessing its true for Deschamps aswell then who was manager for France 4 years longer than Southgate

wow England’s record really is complete garbage when you put the facts like that
England never played well under him, they slurped their way through some easy brackets and eventually got exposed
>forcing out what was objectively your most successful manager since 1966
Next guy is going to get sacked after they get grouped or first round exit in two years
He is simply trying to win as many pens as possible to cope with the national trauma of
Literally the only reasons people get fooled into thinking England has ever been good are the Premierda (owned by Saudis and Americans) and football videogames where they are always the best in the world
>England KO wins under Southgate:
unironically not a single good team
He did OK with some incredible draws.
The criticism that Gareff's England went out every time they went up against a proper team is legitimate, and includes a group game loss against a Belgium team that never won anything.
Wins? 2.
>forcing out
Haha, nope. FA wanted him to stay and yesterday I was amazed how every single pundit on TV was backing him.
oh. fair enough i guess. but the context of the tweet in the OP was basically how great southgate is so you'd think he'd count those as wins too
>Euros 68-92
only 4 or 8 teams in the whole tournament; little opportunity to rack up knock-out wins
>WC 70-98
England teams were shit
Sven wasted our only other decent team after our present squad
shit team

he's fluked one of only two brief eras where we've had players that could/should compete with the best players in the world
Just another example for the classic story of lies, damned lies, and statistics
ABEs want it both ways, you can see it in this thread. England are apparently so good they should be steamrolling everyone bar the former champions. They aren't, they never were and never have been. Before Sgate it was common for England to go out to these teams you're all rubbishing.
He got "lucky" draws because modern draws are seeded and he was constantly topping England's groups. Sgate can't be blamed for other big names failing to show up.
In fact I don't think Sgate has ever lost to a side that didn't go on to either reach or win the final.
England have always been roughly on the level of a Denmark or a Switzerland. They give a decent defensive game to top sides and that's about it. He dramatically overachieved in his time with them.
>1968-2016: 0 Trophies
>2018-2024: 0 Trophies
>Were we fooled?

Calling it now, they'll get Fat Frank in, he'll flop hard (something humiliating like a round of 32 exit, that only just started existing so it'll be a first) and then the FA will be sucking Southgate's cock begging him to come back.

Southgate is not a good manager. His football is ugly. But he has great man management and he's the only England manager post Ramsey that reliably beats the teams England should be beating.
>does a better job than France with a much lesser squad
>gets sacked
english "supporters" don't understand the england squad is much worse. that's the root of the delusion
He also reached the final with a full squad, without injured or suspended players.
When the most likely replacements are Lampard and Eddie fucking Howe we're going to be ruing his loss in a couple of years
this, all the fatties down the pub are celebrating his resignation but when we end up with somebody worse what was the fucking point?
Mark goldbridge isnt a fattie down the pub
>we've had players that could/should compete with the best players in the world
Absolutely delusional, lad. Come back down to planet Earth please.
Yeah those two results are legitimately impressive.
>1996 – vs. Spain, 0-0 (p.s.)
That matched was refballed by the way
No its just this tweet came out in the middle of euros and doesnt include the later games
England will regret this. History will justify Soufgateball.
ET and penalties count as draws in rankings btw, you may advance but you didnt really win
ET also? I thought only Penalties counted as a draw.
holy fucking GRIM
>>WC 70-98
>England teams were shit
76-84 England teams were winning the European Cup every year and you won the balon dor twice. The 1980 euros squad was Liverpool, Forest + Kevin Keegan, Brooking and Hoddle and was arguably the best squad you've ever had
that's always puzzled me. people often say the prem ruined english football but when english clubs were dominant in europe we didn't even qualify for the world cup and those clubs were all 11 natives

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