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news: Bo/Khamzat booked for UFC Noche brought to you by Saudi Arabia
Fake Jews
shit thread
never, they can't lose two hypejobs in one night
Bo Nickal is the thinking man's fighter. Casual fans might be brought in by the hype and dazzle of the likes of McGregor, Ferguson, Tibau, MVP, Gamrot. But you see, the tactics of Bo and his team are unmatched. His wrestling and striking combination puts him up there with the likes of GSP and Garry. Terrifying and deadly strikers, with elite wrestling and a killer attitude. Big up Bo Nickal.
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woah let's stop posting thick delicious caramel delights please this is a gay thread
She's reaching for those grapes. And those grapes are starting to sound like a violin with that wine and cheese.
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The Sphere card looks like this as of right now
>Irene Aldana vs Norma Dumont
>Michel Pereira vs Anthony Hernandez
>Yazmin Jauregi vs Ketlen Souza
>Edgar Chairez vs Kevin Borjas
>Ronaldo Rodriguez vs Ode Osbourne
>Ignacio Bahamondes vs Manuel Torres

Rumoured bouts
>Sean O'Malley vs Merab Dvalishvili main event
>Alexa Grasso vs TBD
>Diego Lopes vs TBD
>Dan Ige vs TBD

Greatest sporting event in history btw
Peachin for those grapes and cheese
Thanks for the update circles
If Dana books the hawk tuah girl to go to a slap match I will fucking kneel
Stop glorifying obesity
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>Michel Pereira vs Anthony Hernandez
Amazing fight but I can't shake the feeling that it's a fake fight
>Edgar Chairez vs Kevin Borjas
Really? There's way better flyweights that could be booked for this. Can't get Taira back in time? He didn't take any damage
>Ronaldo Rodriguez vs Ode Osbourne
RRod is interesting but Ode fucking Osbourne? In what's supposed to be the hat trick card of the year? Really?
>Ignacio Bahamondes vs Manuel Torres
I’d def be a dicklet cuz no chance I could get it up with a 190lb woman
Ok bradda I duck Whittaker now I want tittle fite allahumdullah
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103 days until Gane fights.
Name a just one married MMA fighter that doesn't have a whore for a wife
GSP loves caramel delights
rebook lopes vs ortega and make ige vs jean silva
shit card still
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103 days until gane ducks again
Mikey Bisping
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Found gay muzzie
Ortega is moving up to Lightweight, he's probably fighting Dariush soon
Disc golf and hoes
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t. Callum
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>Come here, timid Tom
>“I have to do [the video] to help my career,” he said. “And it doesn’t bother me, it will only do good for my career. And actually, it doesn’t make any sense to put your hands on someone and waste your energy when you are walking out for an actual fight.”

No, Arman. The issue isn't that you wasted energy. The issue is that you're not allowed to attack people because they flipped you off.

I am a huge Arman fan but his behavior here is so ridiculous. Learn your lesson and move on, nobody will disrespect you for just saying "yeah man I messed up and lost my temper, shouldn't have done that".
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>Come here, timid T-ACKKKKK
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Shartles? Yeah I'm thinking he's getting shat on.
I searched this on google and found a reddit thread
Why did you do this
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Still can't believe Gane beat this guy on the feet. Didn't have to resort to crotch sniffing or catching him with a lucky shot. Just a pure win.
Great nigger whore would jump on her like on a trampoline
That was Volkov 1.0
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They're the heroes america needs
over worked an under paid
i bet you'd give them a go with your transwife
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Oh shit, no gane actually beat weight-bully volkov! Even more impressive. Gane has his number. This will be a good tune up fight for gane.
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should I buy 60 air heads for $12?
I ate like 36 of them in a couple days last time
why do you want your boys to look even worse?
GODne actually beat him with a TWO weight class disadvantage...
So I'm finally a normalfag with a wall mounted TV and I want to have my brother over to watch UFC on the 27th, what's the cheapest way to get the PPV on Canada? If it's seriously $100 I'm just gonna stream it from my PC and live with the shit quality.
Stream in feom pc
As a fellow leaf do you have a hookup for a better quality stream? I use best solaris when I'm streaming on my monitor but I have to refresh it because it craps out all the time. Harder to do from the couch
no reason to watch over 720 or 480p
I could eat 36 in a couple hours. Maybe even minutes.
>what's the cheapest way to get the PPV on Canada?
Find a sports bar and look through the window.
if it's a smart tv you could look up the stream site you wanna use through a browser app
literally did this for the gooby vs aldo fight. cowards were charging $10 to enter the bar KEK
disgusting, posts asian women
Might pick gayne now knowing this. Poolkov has always been a decent fighter but I think Pavlovich is simply not as good as we thought. He's mainly beat other looping hook spammers with power. He can only beat short guys and is allergic to straight punches.
I have the HDMI plugged into my PC, my stream sites are just shit
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Brooklyn Wren >
psp -dash- tv .dot. com
they start about ~15 min before prelims
RETVRN to Fight Circus...
Sweet, my bro reminded me about sportsurge but I'll try this one too. Thanks.
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Alex Pereira is a greater fighter than pissrael ever was or will be
This but unironically. Garry gets heemed by Shavkat though
It's mainly the framerate that sucks with streaming. Sometimes a good resolution crack stream will have 23.9 fps instead of the 60fps of ppv. That can be the difference between seeing a shot connect. I always look for a cracked stream with at least 30fps and buy ppv if I can't.
I used to use vpn and go to kijk for free ppv. But not sure you can do that anymore. There are annoying vpn ways to pay less for ppv if you research. Singapore and Russia have cheap as fuck plans for fight pass and you can get ppv through it there (english options available) retarded cheap.
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>when your daughters dick is bigger than yours
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shut up nerds its out
You can NOT boy pissy here. He is NOT a seethe farm boi. STOP posting this shit.
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holy kek
I'm pretty sure it's a girl that thinks it's a guy b. So no peen.
*When your son's tits are bigger than yours* is more fitting.
>aldana v dumont
Long legged slim qt vs thick thighed qt
I’m not sure who to root for, maybe just aldana since she’s mexican
i have good resolution good framerate streams only downside is it's always like 2-3 seconds behind to 10 seconds but that's mainly because of turd world bandwidth
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>implying it wasn't a boy in the first place
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What’s garth doing there
This is worse for the promoter. The fact that he assured them makes it look like more fraudulent.
Why are you so fucking hopelessly obsessed with trans folks?
I just use my xboxs browser app and use the several streams that ive accrued through the years
lol more like freaks
Canadians are essentially trannies compared to real men.
meng was only guaranteed 300k to show +ppv. he and other fighters on the card might join suit. the guy was begging to not sue, that his wife would leave him and he'd go bankrupt.
he will prob heem himself soon
>oy gevalt but my wife will leave me if I pay you the full agreed amount
uhh.. Chuddie you might wanna think carefully. You wouldn't wanna gender them correctly on accident! :O
Did i insult your trans boyfriend ameritard
oh she was so horny for the hawaian hurracaine
diaz team looks real retarded here. they were skeptical the whole time that nate would get his money the whole time but let him go through with the fight anyway on a "trust me bro i got you"
>Scandinavia asleep
>thread quality rock bottom

Man I could fuck you up right now if I felt like it. But I'm not going to because I'm watching a movie
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>Khumshart has other plans
Ahahahahah this doo
What movie?
>opponent is unknown
You can't really schedule a short notice replacement that early, can you
abus schaubi
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>Chandler old bum brazza
>Chemp hef to fight best guys in ze world
>Arman suspended
>Gives me Chandler brazza!
>Chandler chooses to wait for Canor
>Arman suspension reduced in time for Abu Dhabi
>S-sorry brazza. I'm i-injure... no fight for me.
A History of Violins
Cool I watched that longlegs movie today with nic cage
>jew defrauds beloved fighter, essentially steals 9 million from him
>heem boys the jew
Was it any good
kek dis doo telling on us
Yeah I like investigation movi3s and shows so it worked for me i give it a recommend
who are you telling
Is fanmio jewish?
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I will give it a watch
By deed, yes
flushed turd(tony ferguson) did
abu schaubi brazza i keel everybady if my tummy doesn't hurt brazza
i only fight in abu dhabi brazza only muslims in commission brazza trustworthy types
Damn solomons look like that
Well well well.
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Has Khamzat even fought a ranked middleweight?
We’ve been discussing khamzat toitle shot for literally 3 years now. Just fucking give it to him, everyone knows hes good enough
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>No! Please, I'll do anything! You can have me Lambo yacht, or me Rolex collection! You can even fook me fat slag of a woife, just please don't permaheem m- *ACK*
Francis looks like that?
the real conor would've fought (and gotten heemed)
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>I have seven fights, seven victories. There is no fighter in the UFC who has won seven fights without ever fighting for a title!!
>Islam Makhachev: 10 fight win streak before title shot
>Merab Dvalishvili: 10 fight win streak before title shot
Arnold Allen: 10 fight win streak and NO title shot
>Kamaru Usman: 9 fight win streak before a title shot
>Tony Ferguson: 9 fight win streak before interim title shot
>Max Holloway: 9 fight win streak before title shot
>Khabib Nurmagomedov: 9 fight win streak before title shot
>LEON EDWARDS: 9 fight win streak before title shot
>Magomed Ankalaev: 9 fight win streak before interim title shot
>Belal Muhammad: 9 fight win streak before title shot
>Charles Oliveira: 8 fight win streak before title fight
>Yoel Romero: 8 fight win streak before Interim title shot
Beniel Dariush: 8 fight win streak and NO title shot
Movsar Evloev: 8 fight win streak and NO title shot
Damn Arnold got KEKd
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sorry brazza. dont fight next time in abu dhabi you no dis
I don't know if seeing Usman struggle to walk has made me more impressed with Usman or less impressed with his opponents.
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Someone should take the Khabib model from one of the PooFC games and make a Khabib skin mod for the hitman guy.
Khamzat shouldn't be granted a title shot after fighting a grand total of 0 middleweights
khabib ducked tony
Maybe they'll rematch again for 5 rounds in Abu Dhabi. On his podcast, Henry always hints and sneedily mentions a 185 fight in the works for Usman. Usman always looks away and changes the subject.
isnt shavkat vs usmeng all but confirmed?
we should have one thread for all martial arts
I can't believe Khabib used his connections with Putin to make him convince China to unleash the COVID virus just to duck Tony
Ummm he KO'd Gerald 'The G' Gmeershart
That stuff with him, ali and dana on he doc apparently happened before the Khamzat fight. But he still said he would. I thought Shavkat was still injured and not even training yet.
It is kind of fucked up that Allen was on a ten fight winstreak and they gave him Max
He was way more deserving of getting the Volk fast track than Topuria was
Shocking that they didn't cause UFC brass has a boner for brits.
Shavkat and Usman are training partners at Kill Cliff
Usman has been pretty open about how he doesn't want to fight Shavkat, so I doubt Khabib will get his wishes there
Allen denied Dana's advances, Topuria on the other hand...
Of course he should. He is popular
shut up nerd
>muh deserves!!!
>muh meritocracy!!
>muh Real SportTM!!!!
All cope. Khamzat deserves a title shot more than anyone in the UFC today
who cares, he got gate kept before he had a chance to get fraud checked by volk
At least have him fight Strickland or Whittaker or hell, even Imavov. Middleweight is not lacking in contenders. If he wants to Pereira his way up the division he needs fight at least one highly ranked guy before the title shot
Khamzat is like a muslim Till. A proper english Till, if you will.
will volk fight again this year?
I no fight Rob brazza I have tummy ache
>Khamzat should fight a Middleweight
>fights the Middleweight champ
>Strickland or Whittaker
these would be sick but neither of them will take that fight
they are both waiting for their fully deserved title shot after..
*checks notes*
>boring costa decision
>beating THE unranked DWCS alumni
Only if Islam needs a short notice opponent.
You’re posting in it dumbass
>these would be sick but neither of them will take that fight
Whittaker took the Khamzat fight and then Khamzat pulled out
And now Khamzat is asking to just leapfrog over Whittaker, after pulling out against him
ratlip has to prove he can make it to a fight before getting a title shot
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do you really find this attractive?
If she stopped training all day she'd be a solid 7/10
The diaz brothers would beat poosman and smegwards
Guru interview with paddy the baddy dropping tomorrow.
>Usman has been pretty open about how he doesn't want to fight Shavkat
Because shavy would fraud check him
oh shit could you post this every 3-4 minutes so I don't forget k thx
thnk mr intel yank
>ctrl f “guru”
>1 match
I’m breaking the news here. You’re welcome
I already thanked you but now I take it back now
Scamshit sisters...
Yankee doodle dandy
Amen, brother
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Mike Perry fight week
uhh filthy mouth loserbros...
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He will fight Arman in October. Or else face possible Abu Shaubi repercussions.
My guess is he's posing with this fake baby cast as a pre-cope for when he loses to Arman. He'll just repost this image to say "See! I was injured i deserve rematch!"
KWAB (KEK What A Brazza)
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Eloquently put.
Ilia Topuria is gonna fuck Max Holloway up. BAD. Fuck you. Also Max is a fucking pedophile
Shaved cat vs Smegmallena, whatever happened there....
Burning in the sewers of hell would be an upgrade from detroit
13 is legal in hawaii b
>h-he's ducking the guy he already beat!!!
classic brazza derangement syndrome
If khamzat had a nutsack hed comain event jandrobas ppv and fight kopylov or some shit middleweight
This isn't an authentic pedo swede post
Arman only lost the first fight because he's a retarded faggot but I think he stopped so I like his chances this time
I don't get the Arman shilling, he's an extremely boring fighter compared to Islam
Is it just because Islam is tangentially related to Khabib?
dookie dricus really got put in the matrix by toilet till
Nothin wrong in losing to darren till
Messicans like to watch sopranos? Wtf
arman is an islam clone but smaller and inferior in every aspect. they fought and he got 30-27ed. on the right night he could pull it off but i can't imagine why you would ever pick him. there are more question marks on islam vs max
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Spermtis Gaydes
This is how most people see it. Armans is just 80% islam
Nice to see someone posting my OC.
blaydes was getting ragdolled until algayda remembered he's a pacifist and stopped fighting
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Curtis will probably retire after losing to Tom, if he doesn't he should.
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Can someone tell this nigga Baldis to either shave or get a hair transplant because his bald spot is very noticeable each time he fights
>shave or get a hair transplant
fake one behaviour
Is Guram really good because he dropped and beat Gamrot? Or is Guram not very good and Gamrot is just worse?
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It's Slave Chic, you wouldn't get it
No, if you would learn to read, I said he is not ducking Arman. He's using the arm brace as an excuse for after he loses :)
Leon has that too lol, paulo costa is the most blatant one
follicle watchers
I'm growing my hair out so I can have the Shawn Michaels look.
I'm growing my dick out so I can have the Lionheart Smiff look.
>caring about another mans hair or lack thereof
nigga it's just funny whenever they change the angle you can see a giant crater on the back of his head
heard mousasi has a meng that could fill a tall boy
khabib with titties
cowtit nurmagomilktruck
we talkin a hap sized boy or an ace sized boy?
talmbout 25oz cans of beer or malt liquor b
i'm getting my dick out at a public beach so i can go for the gooby look
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canadian beaches be like
Dinner with dana or 1000 dollars cash
100 brocks
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Very nice...let's see Yoel's ashy meng
Lennie Miceandmenov
I'd do it for free
kicking jandiroba in the head on the lazy eye side
mfw trump
not even on some racist shit does anyone else feel like jamahal hill is the only active high level black ufc fighter in touch with his african american heritage
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I am, once again, asking you to go fuck yourself
king "robert" green
Name a fighter who could win
I dont like his strange gay relationship with his "adoptive father" who is some random white man barely 10 years older than him
can cory sandhagen actually win against THE umar nurmagaymedov?
why is heem so empty lately
i have no idea if umar is good or not i've never seen him fight anyone even half decent. he looked mid as fuck against nate man ass and that mongolian npc they signed just to fight him
I dated a girl for a couple years who looked like Aldana in the face but had a much better body. Small waist and big hips instead of a fridge
If by “african american heritage” you actually mean the hood thug culture that black people have been psyopped into since the 90s, then yes
we are in a dark age of fake ones and pullout merchants
Allen was just like Dariush. Everyone knew he wasn’t actually title level
derrick lewis
khabib nurmagomedov submitted conor mcgregor
This but unironically
no good fights happening and all the real ones(jiri fans) are in a deep depression after he got simulated by pereira
I'd take $10 over Dana
UFC probably charged the bar $2000 to show the fights
Shavkat has the worst head movement since Luque. He’ll never fight for a title
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why though? whenever I watch the UFC at my local I buy a meal and a few drinks and so does everyone else there. they are more than recouping
He’s the backup for Leon vs smelal they want him to fight for it next
If the surname ends in V, he wins. Simple as
They’ll make him fight Garry or some shit and he’ll lose
He’s not losing to garry you dolt
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ok so why is dana so afraid of releasing the Gane vs Jones no commentary tape? why is he so afraid of relasing the 15 cut minutes after the "end" of the match?
get a load of these sheep thinking umar vs cory is actually gonna happen
the "britney" sphere
I fuckin love everything
I dont think sandhagen will duck, hes pretty reliable
even me?
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cory will be there, the question is which bantamweight is going to step up on a weeks notice to fight him
you're just posting for the sake of posting b, let it die
cory isnt the issue, its that umar is going to either pop and it gets covered up as a "training injury" or come into the fight over the weight limit and they rig the scales
This is racist for sure I just don't know exactly how yet.
heeminder strickland had a streak where he fought:
>dricus du bussy
Due to legal obligations I have to say yes
3 goats baaaaaaa
okay but what has he done for me lately?
He beat all 3 of them too.
That image is fake
Jon Jones and Conor Mcgregor are never fighting again.
of course he's good with kids
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based nerd
I hope he gets staph
Actively seeking cans to crush. I'm conflicted.
true heemer
solely motivated by bloodlust and autism
Thank you for keeping our streets safe
It’s been weeks lad get over it
Wont be happening pakibong my hate dor fake nerds burns like sun
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Curtis Bros!
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Extremely zased.
Kumshit beat THE Gerald Meershart, slayer of Bruno Silva. Totally deserves the title shot dawlg.

pakibong hates them too you goof, you have no legitimate reason to dislike them
hey guys which poster am I?
I see you bitch
are there even any american heemsonalities?
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Why do they incite so much seethe among the plebeians?
I'm pissing blood WTF
I only know two of those guys
top left looks like he plays dark eldar
Frickin' nerd
Sneed I suppose
No such thing as a smart brazilian
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Top right is Carlos Prates, bottom left is Maurício Ruffy, both got nice heems in their last fights
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it’s ngubus breath
>Top left
Plays Nintendo games and has a vegan diet
>Top right
Hoards funko pops, watched every marvel movie, goes to planet fitness
>Bottom left
Top right's older brother. Has a valuable STEM degree and plays league of legends
>Bottom right
Collects yugioh cards, has a very robust stock portfolio, does jiu jitsu
Based love Conor
yugioh is so busted. they couldn't even stay balanced for two gens
To be completely honest, i dont care about “cheating” in a fight. It’s a fucking fight, just let them bang. Unless it’s egregious and obviously changes the outcome, like a fighter holding on to the cage for dear life in order to defend a takedown, etc. None of yhese goob fouls were that bad
Dana's not going to allow that one but he's basically secured a job for life with that attitude
Even if he turns out to be a bum, there's always room for someone with that mentality and that personality
dustbin heemed canor twice in the same time it took khabitch to beat him
GODne has mastered the art of nine limbs
Gane thought grappling training was when you used your bussy to grab a meng
Khabib legitimately didn't want to win the fight, he was mad that it even ended. He just wanted to beat Conor up. He's bever fought that emotionally before or after that Conor fight, I don't think he would have been satisfied unless Conor actually died in the cage
He was like 'Oui, I have thousands of hours of grappling training under my belt.'
no he didnt think that
b I got a quote right here >>142827069
mma guru knocks everyone out ITT
i wonder what 4chan jannies actually look like irl
who the fuck is jonny
They don't let me post the webm of Dustin and Jolie swimming because it's not related to mma
Janny has never stopped me, a new janny comes in throwing its power around banning people left and right and the one true constant is me
bans are nice sometimes
Turdpooria gonna get heemed
Damn he has lost a ton of weight since whenever this was taken
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Curtis is a good guy. Fuck fake humble bitch Asspainal
FACT: Tom Aspinall beat Sergei Pavlovich and Alexander Volkov in under 5 minutes COMBINED.
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Piss lambs...
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Does having african genetics give you a significant advantage in MMA? Those of African descent seem to be better athletes
When's the next slap event?

Said no one ever LMAO
FACT: Curtis checked and exploded Aspinall's knee AND finished him in 15 SECONDS TOTAL
Please discuss this weekend’s ufc card
For example?
Anon you don't check a leg kick with your thigh
That's not how that works
Unequivocally false as demonstrated by the very webm you have posted
Disc golf will be bigger than the UFC in 5 years
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What a diet of a full english does to a nigga KWAB
Glad you axed cracka
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Well you don't have to look very far to see how Jon Jones uses his physicality and athleticism to dominate his opponent, often using his longer frame and enormous reach to constantly control them at a distance, as well as using superior african stamina to outlast them
If you want to go into the weeds, loon at a guy like Miles Johns. A really one note fighter who gets by by just using black athleticism to his advantage. Or the famous "blacksplosiveness" that a lot of african fighters possess
It seems to me like there are many physical advantages for thise of african descent that play a factor, and I may have to consider such things when picking fights
Yes, sar, you do. It's a day 1 drill in Muay Thai checking and trading thigh kicks. You pant your foot and flex out your leg. Blaydes was doing this naturally as he was throwing a punch and planting his forward leg for the punch. Sure it was the first time it's shattered someone's leg to pieces, but Curtis has thick thighs.
Uneqivoc-ACK!!!!! >>142821454
Imagine if mr. beast cared about the UFC
West African genes would likely help in MMA but East African genes would not. West African descendants tend to have longer limbs and a higher center of gravity. That’s good for explosive movement like striking. Not great for wrestling though
Imagine how epic it will be when Conor becomes president of Ireland and declares war on Dagestan
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>It's a day 1 drill in Muay Thai checking and trading thigh kicks. You pant your foot and flex out your leg
That is literally the exact opposite of what your supposed to do. Planting your leg just makes it easier for them to hit their target. You're supposed to move your leg so they hit a part that will cause more damage to them than it will you
This may actually me the most retarded and least knowledgeable post in heem history, and I remember that time mexicope didn't know what a submission attempt was
Disingenuous webms always curse the said fighter. Remember what happened when mengs made edited memes of him KOing Colby? Meng would go on to lose to THE Dilbert Bums. Just remember that. You have only yourself to blame.
This is what an actual perfect leg kick check looks like, and as a result Silva's leg exploded into a million pieces
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When was the last good win?
Just remember heem: There’s always a humble white boy who can and will beat you.
What you've posted is not a day 1 drill b... how embarrassing... I'm talking about conditioning the thigh. If you're too late to react to a low thigh kick, what I'm talking about is an instinctual fale safe. . A warm up for countless gyms at the start. It is a form of checking. And I said Curtis was the FIRST to shatter a leg. Don't you listen? Don't come at the best, fats. Don't (you) me again and I'll pretend this never happened.
The hate Aspinall gets here is proof /heem/ is majority non-white
Gane v Spivack
jizzy win over pereira is one of the best wins ever
without that his whole career and resume would exist in doubt, but he redeemed the heem
Okay so I will offer a positive comment.
Jandiroba is an extremely technical grappler and she also has beastly striking. She really is a threat in this division. I understand that people need a dopamine hit from someone laughing at their comment abusing her. But she really really is a fantastic fighter.
El HEEMador vs volk

A legacy literally flushed right before everyone's eyes
This is far more based.
The universe is neat this is a definite sign of simulation theory
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>this is a definite sign of simulation theory
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>simulation theory
>I'm talking about conditioning the thigh. If you're too late to react to a low thigh kick
Wrong Machado family. Laya's are from portuguese in spain and england. Sorry
nah, it def is. Think more of how Uriah hall checked Weidman and move that to the thigh. Second on order of operations. Hope that helps.
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Reminder Dominic Cruz was browsing heem instead of watching the fight between rose twig and uhhh neo cortex
Glowies scrambling
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>Didn't read, spammy
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Weidman's kick landed below Hall's knee, which is the second best checking spot. Not the thigh
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>”If this was a different time, I would ride into your favela on horseback and kill everyone that was not fit to work”
Yes, def a last resort technique for sure to do it with the thigh. But a technique none the less.
I seriously doubt that would happen dagestanis weren't exactly a global power
I might be the first person to realize how significant the evidence to Weidmans shin break is clear cut proof to prove we are in a situation
You can't check a leg kick with your thigh because 50% of peg kicks are heading to the thigh
The thigh is largely made out of fat and muscle, nothing you do with your thigh is going to hurt someone hitting you with a leg kick. The only way to check a leg kick is using your knee or your calf
Getting hit in the thigh is just eating a leg kick. Unless you think Jiri was actually checking everything Rakic threw at him
Heem doesn't understand leg kicks, like their favorite fight Jiri
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Jiri isn’t even in my top 7.44 fight bro
Caucasians were mostly irrelevant until the 19th century when russians started to fight them
But the irish were kinda irrelevant too
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A lesser talked about leg kick check, but this one single handley won Alex the MW title. Completely switched the momentum in round 5
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This card is so bad that I’m going to watch power slap in protest
It just dawned on me I am unironically the smartest man alive
if i was finna throw a leg kick id be like shit dawg byaaah eat that shit faggot ya feel me like blap snap yo shit bitch ass nigga have em grabbing his shit crying cuh fureal
*Your knee or your shin
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Gane is actually french for "swarthy coward". I made this up, of course, but it holds true.
No, it's certainly a check. Again, I'll admit, not the best option but like I said, a check nonetheless.
A dumb drunk Irish mick like Conor manifested his success and you doubt simulation theory?
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I’m gonna go ahead and get on the Thomas “The Train” Petersen Train while it’s still hot.
Irish are unironically the most powerful race.
Aspinall has "ass" baked into the pronunciation and not in a good way!
You are greatly lowing Curtis' karmic balance with every post
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Haram activity. He should show more class and stoicism when im the presence of women
Arnold Allen sisters....
I killed a man in Reno once.
ASS spin sisters....
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*enters the thread*
Don't you know how to duck?
nah b I'm not muslim
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>this is what being a NCAA D1 champion and world famous MMA fighter gets you in 2024...
it's over
Fuck off glowie we are anarcho capitalists on heem
dead ass what the fuck
Can we drink and have fun?
built for white cock
Yeah when and where is the heem meet up?
bruh, she has crazy eyes. I gareentee her pussy fire
Nobody gets charges like Jon Jones, nobody! You put Jones into a room with Epstein he's coming out with more charges. Period.
you stole that from guru
You can see she's a mid heem per my eye test
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for all the cte and general retardedness of fighters its surprising that in 1000s of fighters not 1 has gone postal in THE le war room
Nigga we don't watch that crap here
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>wheatykah i cum back to smesh you
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>chandler you raise black baby and when i smesh you you vill raise my son
Want to heem meng but feel uninspired to, anyone know any good doppelgangers for Rebecca Bisping
Doppelgangers for Dudakova or Jolie Poirier also acceptable
I do
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Name your price kid this is the heem business this meng ain't microsoft iykwim
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>islam wants his son raised in a racial jungle
the fighting nerds are the new brazzas
Bad pic. She’s a 7.5 and she won’t cheat or divorce rape Bo. Marry a 7.5 if you want to be happy lads
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I thought this was an ai generated image of soijak as a mma fighter, cant believe its legit
They’re almost as boring as brazzas and they’re all on turbo gear like brazzas
Caio's the only one that's really boring desu, and he also seems like the best
they're not good enough to be brazzas
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In MMA, the uglier and shorter you're, the better. If anything this should white pill you
Bo is ugly almost short and ginger b, no homo
He's Bangkok ready.
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He gets uglymogged and shortmogged by prime Joey B b. That didn't deter him from heeming prime Megan's pussey
Shut up retard the real black pill is it doesnt matter your height just how massive your dick is and Joey is packing
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you know this how?
Makes sense, I'm no prize but my hawlg is handsome and I'm beating off suitors day in day out
Anthony Smith doesn't wanna end his career with a couple years of going 1-1 as a .500-tier gatekeeper.

As opposed to the first part of his career, I guess.
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at this point i actually wouldn't be surprised if smiff is inducted into the hall of fame when he retires, he has more fights than cowboy and he hasn't even gone on a cowboy level flushing run yet. cowboy was more popular than smiff but i think that dana's standards are low enough that smiff's a very likely candidate based purely on how many fights he's had and also as a final thank you for not taking the dq victory against jones
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>After a long day of training, Dagestanis like Islam and Khabib get to go home to a dime peach like this and a home cooked meal
One life to live, and you weren't born a brazza
so jones got arrested agaon or what
Human dime peaches... Right...
Khabob can't go home ever again because he ran away like a bitch. Also they're faggots.
BKFC Is really dropping the ball here if they were having events every week they could really start taking market share
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Ilia Tolderporia

God fucking damn it.
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Jealous wifeless, childless, westoid incels detected. Brazzas have cute women they married as virgins meanwhile you have feminist bitches with triple digit body counts.
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knuck is still going to win the story this weekend. win or lose mike is going to call jake out for a knuck fight and jake is going to duck him. story win for perry, story win for knuck
Had to heem meng to a queen of Adesanya descent
Anglos up to their usual chicanery again
Prove it
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gotchu b
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I'm watching DJ's Mike Perry interview and DJ is more of a mumble mouth than Colby. CTE or was he always retarded? He can't form a coherent sentence.
Cant believe I ever boyd a meatball nigger

Never again
>CTE or was he always retarded
both, unironically
he used to be slightly more articulate but i think the CTE is starting to set in pretty good
Punctuation so bad, how is it impossible for you retards to impersonate me being an mmaguru after a year of trying
Just how fucking cheap was Luke's veneer job that one little punch from a manlet obliterated it and made him quit like a little pussy bitch
The DJ interview on BYM was a masterclass in mush mouth thought trailing, I can't remember anything rn but there were gems from both Mikey B and Demetriey J
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What a sicko
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Andrew dropping them rarer screenshots I don't even remember seeing before
Based alley cat chad.
Based basedjak
we talking a championship run for khamzat or nah broskis my brotato chips my bro-t-rex-athonators my Holly Holm daters?
The common alley cat is the spirit animal of heem
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It's all a simulation I am master of this universe
I'm looking for the Lord
The Lord ain't lost brotha
Some poorfags should remain poor for their own sake, what a trainwreck this faggot is, cant wait until they find him drowned in a baththub
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imagine all the stinky jap bush pride heemers were going through
it must be weird to have no eyelids
Out of nowhere, hit the fiend with the Rock Bottom (Uh), Shavkat Rakhmonov (Uh)
Man, I don't eat no motherfuckin' McDonald's (Uh-uh)
I like how he uses big words like the Hotep preachers do too to try and present as less poor/uneducated, saars famously also use this same tactic
no chance that canor actually wrote that, it was a lawyer/pr rep for sure
man that's ass
thought you came up with it but it's Action Bronson actually, who the fuck listens to that?
Woke up next to the motherfucker from the Planet of the Apes (What the fuck?)
Somewhere in Canada where serial killers be putting salmon on their face (Ah)
Motherfuckers'll change your parts (Uh), bitch, I wanna taste your heart (Uh)
Mel Gibson gave me COVID at McGregor vs. Poirier 3 (Nasty)
When he broke his leg (Fuck), his favorite breakfast was coke and eggs (True)
Every day I practice choking someone's neck (Uh-huh)
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mike is the protagonist
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So Jon’s drunk ass flipped out because he has a shy bladder?
doesn't make sense jon would never hurt a fly
Based Jon taking no shit from any man or w*man
Gurutrannies will try to spin this but how soon they forget that he picked gane
>gay dude is a catty bitch to women

Should've got blue eyes there, semen extraction would be straightforward then
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>Jones was cooperative at first but eventually became verbally combative after he struggled to provide a urine sample
trouble performing when a woman is there eh portajon? if he hates women so much that he turned gay why didn't he simply ask her to hold the cup and piss on her hand?
Like clockwork they're already at it
Gurucels will sweep this under his tits
It's no coincidence that heem dies just as Herb and Ellie are spotted in Sofia
It was a good pick, considering how slow and fat Jones was. Fluke win.
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>it was a good pick even though it was wrong
Gurutrannies groom kids on their discord like their obese pedo leader that sings and makes goofy impressions for money like a transdrag prostitute in a kindergarden
Wonder whose heart gives out first, Kyle "little league taekwondo medals (not own)" Mee or Conor "Cokespammer" McBumgor
Gurupederast, cokenor can afford doctors. Also that dumb pig doesnt work out and you can tell right away that its some diabetic pale ass dysgenic jew mutt famine oirish genes of short life and man tits
I was thinking the same even though Canor lives life like Spun, he's right that yacht has gym. Kyle Mee's greatest physical achievement has been being a lot less fat than people thought he would be
make it a bad one

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