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What a mega fucking retard. Holy fucking shit, how low IQ do you have to be to record yourself and your teammates singing a racist chant? How does this immense retarded crayon-eating imbecile not understand the sanctity of the racist bro code? You and the bros are in the room, saying the most vile racist shit without any worry from societal (jewish) consequences and the only thing you have to do is not sell them out or accidentally record anything? We've all done it. We've all had these convos with friends about smelly blacks/indians and chinky/asians and the world doesnt hear about it, but this one lobotomized millionaire can't think about how he's screwing over his fellow players, putting their careers at risk?

He doesn't even have plausible deniability since the lyrics are loud and clear in the background. What a fucking shitshow.
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He's a chino villero
he'd be half naked, smoke marijuana and listening to cumbia after every game if it was allowed
You don't understand. "Racism" is not a big deal here.
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>racist bro code
>You and the bros are in the room, saying the most vile racist shit without any worry from societal (jewish) consequences
H-Haha yeah we've all done that.....
Retard, of course I'm aware that Argentina is a racist country like Italy since they don't have nogs. The problem is that almost all of these players play for big clubs in cucked western countries where they punish people for this. And Enzo is already dealing with player nogs like Wesley Fofana at Chelsea telling him to fuck off. It's career suicide.
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> Noooooo you just cant make a chant calling out all the african mercenaries in the french team, THEY ARE FRENCH CHUD, FRENCH!
nothing will happen, stop falling for fake outrage. actually no, keep falling for fake outrage amerigole cattle.
all football players are retarded
Footballers are generally retarded, and he's argentinian at that? It was bound to happen sooner or later.
nothing racist about that.
that's not what op is saying. Enzo is an idiot for recording because it will cause problems for the english club players for obvious reasons since everyone was singing it in the background.
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Everyone in this country is actually celebrating this like it makes winning copa even better and its fucking disgusting. Im so repulsed by my country's "people".
Move to Chile, cometravas maricón.
You still don't understand. We weren't raised to be afraid of a word, to be delicate about a certain race, we even call people or our friends "negro", "negro puto", "negro de mierda" for fun and no one reacts like: "OMG HE DIDN'T JUST SAY THAT" Racism is also part of football chants, but not as a white nationalist thing, it's like banter. Why do you expect a working-class (at most) chav boy like Enzo Fernández to be aware of western first world hyper-sensibility?
Look what im talking about, everyone tryies to justify it by "its just banter and words lol". Im so sorry to all europeans.
the real mercenaries are all the albanians, romanians, moroccans etc who were born and grew up in western countries, can barely speak their parent´s language but rep their NT just cause they aren´t good enough to get into NT´s of countries they grew up in
>racist chants
Fucking faggot lmao
thank you for the kind words, honest argentinian
Thats not a good excuse. Even the dumbest of country hicks who say nigger nigger nigger know better than to say that in public or record themselves saying it.
surprised the LGBT community isn’t giving the Argentines shit too

kek yeah,the COMETRAVAS COMO EL PUTO DE MBAPPE is really bad
>pointing out how the french team is made up of transexual loving africans is racism
we all know mboop is un puto cometravas
its not a excuse, but what we are, not globohomo gonna change that pal
they probably take pride in knowing mkwabbe prefers them to real women.
negro de mierda
Argies aren't very smart.
All i see is a happy man celebrating a title with his friends, and an african american seething about it.
Hum… maybe because he fucking play in Chelsea, England ?
oh yea i forgot london is an african colony now
If you want to truly understand how retarded and lacking in any self awareness Enzo displays, the majority of that Chelsea squad he plays for is black.
Genuinely fucking stupid. The club will sell
Shut up, Tchouameni
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lmao at seething western keks and niggers
So why was Argentina singing about France?
Yeah, London this African colony has more GDP than your whole shithole country
not reading all that, its just banter, the song its just telling the truth in a funny way
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Placing this kind of emphasis faggoty coward maneuvering before results is why you lose
who cares about economy when your people no longer have a placer in their own country?
because that chant is extremely epic
Body status: 400lb bench press but terminal cancer, how enviable
yea I think London was already a pretty important and wealthy place before blacks started to arrive, am I wrong, my black friend?
holy fucking shit kys
Is this the "but they are all from Angola" chant from the WC because we all already heard that (and loled because it's hilarious and true)
Are you seriously this fucking pozzed in the head, m8? Europe is being overrun by Africans and your first thought is "omg how will the poor EPLel club owners handle this PR disaster"
The players arent stupid. The ones who play in the epl are media trained and know how bad it looks if they so much as say negro in front of a chimp. This can ruin their careers if they play for a globohomo club like chelsea. Maybe not a big deal to the players in spain or italy like lautaro
people who aren't poor and have life prospects care about the economy
in fact when you grow up you'll quickly figure out it's actually the only thing that matters in life
dont get uppity with me nigger, our gdp per capita is almost the same
And London, even in 2024 with all those non white people, didn’t collapse and still is WAY more relevant than your shithole country. Any comments?
The players know lol. Even in the video, someone tells Enzo to cut off the live feed.
Argentines are the biggest hypocrites on earth, they do dark humor with everything and everybody but if you talk anything about them they will bitch about it. You are not supposed to mock Falklands cos its a serious matter or something, and you cant talk about their skyrocketing poverty bc its not football. Basically they claim to be the kings of banter but dont want to hear anything
I just learned mbappe actually had a tranny boyfriend. I thought it was just a meme. Was he actually sticking his penis in an open wound? and that didnt feel weird to him at all? Disgusting homosexual. Now I hate him even more
How is the song even racist? It doesn't contain any derogatory racial slurs. It's just pointing out the phoniness of importing foreign players to fill out your national team. Imagine if the entire Japanese NT was just nationalized Argentine players and they won the WC? It would feel like bullshit as well.
The only thing it can undeniably be called is transphobic.
The black players of France are all born in Paris, nobody would care if Italy had niggas born in Italy or England. Spain has a french cb duo and nobody cares
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London? You're talking with the WORLD CHAMPION. More respect, bitch.
it´s always 3rd worlders or people who never left their little town who complain about big cities like london or paris just cause they could never even afford to live in them
we dont make fun of dead people and we are just as poor fym? its just football banter
No, it’s you that doesn’t understand, fucking subhuman retard. God you people are 80 IQ. The fact that you consider yourself superior is hilarious. Shithole dump sewer country
Can we talk about yours and Europe's skyrocketing muttification?
Lies, argies were doing edgy jokes when Pelé died
If professional footballers understood that they aren't employees but rather the products themselves, they'd be more careful with what they post on social media.
Unless they genuinely believe that they're being paid millions of dollars just to kick a ball
Chill black boy, already chimping out? You better not bring IQ to the discussion lol

Latinx can't be racist, bro. Read the rule book.
Germany dedicated racist songs to us, the French blacks sang to Messi calling him a dwarf... now they have to hold the shit, fucking niggers acting like jews
Tbh I think the chant was based.
What happened to jokes, funny songs and football banter?
Is everything racism now?
youre retarded if you actually believe this, rent prices here are stupidly high, even higher than in said cities
Sorry for what?
Jokes on you, Hispanics are white when it furthers a narrative.

White population diminishing? Latinos aren’t white
Racism and violence? Latinos are definitely white
Latin Americans can be white, but Enzo isn't
Argentines dont need my permission to mock us for black people, it was even worse in the early 2000s because it was basically the only thing they could say to us, these years it has actually chilled a bit. My problem is that when you do the same kind of provocation towards them, suddenly a big book about rules of banter and the morally ok subjects. Its insane
I don't know why you are still surprised that argentines and the argentine national team are like this
they always have been and always will be like that

it is a subject of ethos, the argentinean and therefore their culture sees it right to mock in this way, that's why the mockery always goes beyond what corresponds to a just sporting subject they feel the denial pausible to win something to be able to do what they really think but hide because it is not yet the time.
why are you chimping out over the truth?
For my country being racist, two days have passed away and we still dont have an apology from the players
the most racist guy i know is a comlobian that looks like ed sheeran
nobody with brown eyes is white.
I'm also sorry but I ain't taking no morals talk and virtue signalling from no eurofag. Black people need to understand we're just another third world shithole and they should take thei complains to their white overlords for fucking them over, not to us for some stupid chant.
we colombians are classist
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>los congolombianos they are in the vents
Honestly who cares about all that crap lmao, have sex you god damn incels. You retards live in a little piece of cosmic dust and think you're something, kek. People don't realize how insignificant they are. Black, white, chink, indio, rich, poor, you're all going to die and become a massive (and colurless) cow fart one day.
Go back mamani
cagate por negro
congrats you're getting the idea of a good banter, very well that joke makes sense in the context
but go beyond a sporting context to say stupid things is to be a scumbag.
Where is the free speech?
*tips fedora*
r/atheism is that way
idk why argies are so racist when half of their DNA come from Bolivia
How is stupid? Then chant only told the truth, they come from Africa? Yes mbapped fucked a tranny? Of course, is he a fag? Absolutely
wie gehen die gauchos?
peak german humor.
whats your point?
Do you think Jesus Christ was racist? If you're christian then you're going to hell.
indios got enslaved and genocided too, it's not like they're superior to africans lol
yeah but the songs weren't funny desu
this would all be calm if everybody went to the discotek ratatata
Jesus is giga based so probably.
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..like I said is a subject of ethos ...you are a proof of that
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good thread
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>...for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.
>Galatians 3:28
About telling the world how Islam raped both of you?
This is how the average argentenian thinks, this is why they produce nothing worth of value to the world and their number one export is literally cereal.

Thinking like this and thinking it's justifiable is why argentina is literally an irrelevant country.

People are indeed far too sensitive these days when it comes to other things but defending racism is just retarded, we are all human beings.
Are you by any chance an evangelist?
Everything matches now.
google france national team 70s
google france national team 2022
the song is not racist,it points out what anyone can see clear as day,white players got replaced
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What did he mean by this?
This, they will tell you that you're poor and some other shit to cope that they are scared of speaking facts while niggers fuck their mothers, sisters, femboy brothers. And the media destroys the image of white male while they spend all their time crying in an anonymous forum.
You'll do nothing, Caucasian beta white male. Your time has come, keep crying at random shit that Jewish media puts on the spotlight while USA and Europe crumbles into pieces
a 'no winners here' scenario you are in absolute zero fucking personal danger of being dragged into - always untoppable entertainment.
its funny because its not even racist its just the truth, why is it so hard to accept for some people?
Isn't Argentina basically Spanish/Italians immigrants+ 4.5 million Arabs mainly from Lebanon who live there ?
If you played dota you'd already know spics are low IQ.
You retards are completely deranged and obsessed with race. Why?
Argies wont admit it but you're right.
>3rd world countries are living with comfy 90s racial dynamics

Jealous desu
You forgot the German war criminals.
Should have hit them back with some epic Maradona bants
he's fucking 14 year old boys in heaven now.
Why you idiots call him a pedo if he was 1 year older than the bottom at the time?
unlike Maradroga who's in hell.
pele revivio
nigga we were always mutts, you're the one getting pajeet'd and chink'd
That is something completely exagerated
based r/argentina larper fishing for (You)s
ESCUCHEN is the new football anthem
cope seethe and dial 8
Very true.
> reddit
go back
Nah, you know he cheated his way out of there. Dude was clutch
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racism is the truth. its about race, not about what race you hate. people who get upset are the ones who see discrimination and rightfully hate it, but they cant accept that it is caused by conflicts which appear when folks of different races are removed from their homeland into some other folks ground.
For context for any non argies. He may be white, but that's what 90% of your average low life thuggies look like here. Type of guy you'll cross the street if you run into.
That's also why he exhibited chimp behavior and even worse, recorded himself while doing it.
he's a negro villero through and through
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can burgenistans spend one fucking day without kneeling for niggers?
Wild to partake on this when your coworkers are the people this song is clowning on.
outside of argentina this nigga is considered white cus of his fair skin. Matter of fact is he a light skinned mestizo? can't fucking tell
he probably doesn't even know them, Chelsea has hundreds of players
I doubt it, theres 7 bench players starters or bench/reserves. He trains with these guys during season. I just don't think this guy thought it through and got caught up in the heat of the moment. But, if he just filmed and stayed quiet he could distance himself easily. But he filmed himself joining in the chant and now we have this shit going on. You can't assume non-argentine people understand argie banter.
it was a joke
I agree

Enzo was the retard who kept talking shit while the teacher made the whole class get quiet for a bit.
Isn't the new world the definition of globohomo?
Citizenship should be by blood. And yes I know the UK is cucked in that regard too
You weren’t raised to understand how to have a functional country with a worthwhile economy either, how’s that working out for you mutt?
I'm glad we are still good at sports, we won a new cup just a few days ago and we are world champions. So what if our economy is bad? are YOU gonna fix it?
actually it feels great to walk down my street and not have people think im a criminal or my candidates being targets of shooters
because the blscks were?kek
>outside of argentina this nigga is considered white
you mean in the us? he's swarthy and looks like the quintessential amerindian. could pass as mexican

he passes as welsh
dont mind him, like half of US runs on food stamps and mcdonalds
Is there a reason there’s not a single blonde haired person on your team?
Se quiere ir al barca o atletico
Foyt got injured
no he doesn't welsh swarthiness is a meme you will rarely find welsh that are as swarthy as people exaggerate. even the welsh that are swarthy have european facial features but dark hair and eyes while this guy obviously has an injun skull
>are YOU gonna fix it?
Depends, how much Jewish cock are you willing to suck? The answer is important
Yes we have blacks, that’s how that works. What’s your excuse? Or is role playing as European your entire personality?
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>Yes we have blacks
We can tell, and yes, LARPing is better than what you guys have
>It’s just banter
Racist scum
Argentinians are black people themselves. They are half Indios half sudItalians (calabreses sicilianos) that we’re expose to centuries of Africa interchange.
They just larp as whites because they murdered a few millions blacks. Genocide if you ask
Ahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaah a nigger saying this.

Do you have any self-awareness, monkey boy?
I've been living in Argentina for 8 months, business reasons. I'm travelling to Chile next but I can guarantee you that Buenos Aires is at least 30% truly white people, 33% spics larping as whites and 33% full on natives/browns/immigrants
It's so awesome that white english people leave it.
Just compare the crime rates of today with the ones from 20 years ago.
By European standards that city is already a third world dump.
Much like america. The gdp numbers boosted by the financiar sector are just make up hiding the ugly reality.
you see racism, we see culture
whiter than paris then
So? That doesn't make them french and everyone with eyes can see it.
North Africans aren't sub Saharan negroids you stupid human trafficking toilet cleaner.
The new world doesn't really have culture.
Your racist block your mind so much that can even star to underestand the world. Italians are legit Islamic blood mix, not that was very different to start with
This brown midgets thinks he knows anything
lol look at this american little bitch scared of his own shadow. Understandable. Saying "nigger" gets you killed in the land of freedom
your country is muslim
Sounds about right, i work with judges in a juzgado in microcentro and literally the only browns i see are in the streets waiting for buses or asking me for a cig when i go out to smoke
Go to congourbano and i doubt you'll see 5% true whites
Just make yourself a genetic test instead of larping as something you are not
Hate niggers
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>heh, you firsties are just jealous of our heckin SOVLarino

No one thinks about you outside of divegrass, faggot indio, you should be thanking Enzo cause he just gave you guys another few seconds to your 15 minutes of fame
Large amounts of Terrone have Arabic DNA.. no one is even arguing that, but ethnic Italians from the northern regions tend to show more northern European features which is historically how most Italians looked. And when i say large amount of Terrone, i am specifically referring to those from Sicily. I don't understand what this has to do with negroids (blacks).
>r/argentina larper
that subreddit is filled with chuddies tho
they're probably defending him to death and saying negro de mierda
what would be the difference between a spic and a native/brown ?
What are the lyrics again? I forgot. Didn't they they sing it during the world cup? Why they get so mad this time?
Listen, spread the word
They play for France but they're all from Angola
How nice it is, they're going to run
They're all trannyfuckers like the faggot Mbappe
His mother is Nigerian
His father Cameroonian
But in the passport, nationality: French

rhymes in spanish
She ugly desu.
they're all spics
Personally I don't think people should bully Argentinians rn. They are having it rough with the economy and devaluation, and trying to cancel them rn is kinda scummy, fucked up and sad. I've seen videos or rural Argentineans eating from the garbage. Just let them have this one bro
Better than having people being killed by Narcos
kek mexican saying this , you have 20 million of trepamuros in Usa like literal 20 millon of chincaos living there of course you wont be poor fucking leech , theres a reason trump and half of usa hates you
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O c'mon m8, at least the people killed by narcos ate 3 times per day and can afford commodities. Death from starvation is infinite times worse.
Starving to death from not having polenta is worse, Hambrentino
All the saltamuros these days are literally chinks, indians, africans and centracas catching planes to get dropped off here and then paying a couple thousand to coyotes to smuggle them through here.
>broooo look at these crime stats between narcos killing retards associated with narcos and of themselves
el chicANO
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>Le jumping border
Oh c'mon love, just shut the fuck up LMAO
>Mexicanos and Chileans seething about Argentina as usual
some things never change, lol
>that flag
>sh-shut up y-you chicano saltamuros
>the actual saltamuros: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MayDxKco3OE
>He's a chino villero
He reminds me of Carlos Gardel, an icon of international tango.

Example youtube video:

I think it's because of his smile and the shape of his face.
Believe me when I tell you that the poorest sureño Mexican from Oaxaca or Chiapas lives like a king compared to the average Hambrentino mesero, who can't find food to eat so they eat the polenta from the garbage.
I believe you bro :)
Deja de humillarlos no seas culero, se están muriendo de hambre y frío mientras hablamos.
Death by torture from cartel members seems much worse to me.
They are getting kiled because their wrong doings, not because they can't afford to live LMFOAOA
No tienes economía, ni moneda estable, ni futuro y ni siquiera comida. Milei sigue arruinado al gobierno fallecido pero vamos muchachos el Messias gano otra copita :)
They kill innocent people too. They don't care.
mexicans are so embarassing
Los mexicanos de verdad te odian y los estadounidenses de verdad tambien, siempre vas a ser un bicho raro que no pertenece a ningun mundo, chicano
>Argies aren't very smart.
They have the problem of decades of Peronism, and the famous Creole mischief... some really believe they are brilliant, "vivos barbaros"

In any case, if they are clever to wire up and keep everything working
They are not going to have the high mathematical performance of a Korean or a Chinese, but they have plenty of street smarts.

Look at the Argentine coach for example, who changed three players at the last minute, the ones who scored the goal for Argentina

And that was smart, what Argentines do when they are in charge of something, it is always smart.

They are very good at playing as a team, only individually they cannot stand out, like in the Olympics, and playing as a team successfully is a sign of intelligence
we will kill your hunger Paraguayan son of a bitch
Lo que es de un patetismo inimaginable es liarse a sacar comunicados oficiales haciendose el indignado por un cantico inofensivo.
>how low IQ do you have to be
Enzo had a full sleve tatto at 15, lmfao, what do you expect, if he can barely speak it's thanks to River own institute
just another day of making everyone seethe :^)
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The chant isn't even racist, they're not singing "NIGGERS ARE SUBHUMAN LOL" they're just laughing that the French team is full of Africans just like everyone on Earth has already pointed out.
it's not even racist though
all they do is point out that theyre all from africa (which they are)
they don't say "black people are stupid" or something
>we will kill your hunger Paraguayan son of a bitch
I just said that as a team the Argentines are excellent, although not as academically as the Koreans or the Chinese.

I don't see what the problem is here? I am a Paraguayan with white skin and light eyes, in Argentina I act like any other Argentinian as long as the accent doesn't work for me when I speak...

I think that an average Argentinian will also pass as a European as long as he does not speak or say anything
Grow up, trust me you don't want the alternative
We don't kneel for argies
>The chant isn't even racist
You don't understand the cucked PoV of western racism
>if you mention blacks at all, it's racist
>if you talk about blacks as not being of the ancestry or cultural-ethnic makeup of western countries, or in anyway imply that civic nationalism is bad, it's racist
>if you don't buy into the globohomo idea of civic nationalism, it's racist.
well enzo is about to be unemployed
I don't understand what he meant by "kill your hunger"
being born in a barn doesn’t automatically make you a horse
Buck status?
Giant noseberg. So how's it going in female owned corporation wagie?
Its incredible how butthurt and fragile blacks are, that only says the obvious, than the majority of the french team wasn't even that, french, but from differents parts of africa in an amusing way, truly globohomo takes the fun of everything.
>if you're not a meek circumcised jew worshipper, you are le stoopid
thank you for your american opinion
I kneel
meeh everything will be forgotten in a few days
they were the ones spreading the tranny fake news to begin with. they love to be "normalized"
fuck off, tranny
you say they don't have the legitimacy to be french

you sing this song specifically because it's racist, it's your little thrill then you have the audacity to claim it's just a normal song.
and the jews
>there people responding to this calling all argies low iq scum with a shithole country
>calling them mutts
>claiming we're all just humans while also claiming argies produce nothing of value
I swear none of these people have self-awareness, or maybe they do and they're the type of person to wait until they have the green light to talk down to someone and treat them like shit because their masters told them it's okay.
That image is the future of your country, you phoneposting faggot
it's even worse: if you have to record something like that because you are retarded, why do you have to be even more retarded and broadcast/post it? that's one more step and ABSOLUTELY braindead.
he's a zoomer, they constantly use instagram live or record themselves. and if that isn't possible they're taking selfies
I have more french blood than most of the french team, crazy( my great grandfather had a German passport but a very french surname, i think he was from Alsace–Lorraine, he also tried to kill my grandfather with a shotgun for stealing apples from a tree)
>he also tried to kill my grandfather with a shotgun for stealing apples from a tree
What the fuck
it wasn't even his land, he was just the caretaker kek
You behave more like a soulless angloid retard.
go kiss and wash their feet you obsessed faggot
Thieves get shot. Simple as
You, behave, more, like, a, soulless, angloid, what part dont you get ?
I know you guys aren't white but I think you're white enough to be considered people. Chin up anon
this. french. faggot. seriously. just. typed. like. a. twitter. tranny.
all that was missing was the clapping emoji between each word lmfao
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just came here to say argentinians:

-will never be white
-are one of the most retarded subhuman species I've ever seen

have a good day
Implying twitter isnt a 4channel anti chamber at this point absolute retard.
>it's an actual newfag twitter using frog
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one of my neighbors was an Italian guy who almost got executed by the natzis because they thought he was part of the resistance ( he went out with a shotgun to try to shoot pigeons) he escaped because there was an American air raid when he was against the wall.
A principal from the German school i went to, disappeared one day and then people found out he was a nazi and they were searching for him. This is the type of high quality euro we got in this country.
>t. Mohamed uwukunku
Argensimians have no concept of societal shame. They're a country of retards who aren't civilized so they think it's okay to go around making slant eyes at chinks and saying negro to blacks publicly. Everyone who is racist in western countries learns very quickly to keep it to themselves and families only because the consequences of being openly racist is disastrous.
Enzo plays for an english club. Everyone is seeing this shit. Europe is beyond cucked that they will go after anyway who even utters the syllables for negro. Considering that Vinishitus was able to get Spaniards of all people in trouble in the court of law for raycism, it doesn't take a genius to see that Enzo fucked up big time because the english are 10x the pussies. Would not surprise me to see Chelsea outright sell him or the entire Stamford Bridge kneel in unison with Chelsea black players on the field protesting for Enzo to leave the club.
>Argensimians have no concept of societal shame.
can't believe an american is saying this, the home of pride parades full of faggots dressed in bdsm outfits that fist each other in public
Howling. Your players still fucking kneel to Saint Floyd when everyone here has stopped years ago. Pipe down, 51st state.
Paki muzzie rape gangs lol
chimping out nig nog
this really doesnt make any sense, argies are per capita the whitest latin american country. the average argie is atleast 100 shades lighter than you poojesh
What part of a song that say you are african is racist? Is being african a racist thing? Wtf?
Ive been browsing this website you didnt have hair on the balls.
It looks like the imported players are angry that it was mentioned that they're imported (even though they all have african citizenships and flags in their bios) and the tranny fucker is angry that it was mentioned (even though it's 2024 and they're allowed to get their cocks out in public legally now)
calling a nog a nog is pretty racist bro
mboope doesn't give a shit
Like clockwork the dumb ameriapes post the exact same shit that's been posted a billion times before
Almost all the players are born in France and are nationals by brith. The type of recruiting you are talking about is not comparable. It would be like what Turkey is doing in athletics with Kenyan runners, but this is not the case with Frances football team.
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Argentinians lost >9000 points for chimping out against Top Gear. There is no coming back from that, no matter how many ball-kick events you win.
Meant for >>142822093
Yep my fellow countryman. They were once three or twice times as rich as us but then they chimped out in the 1950'5 and then they couldn't stop chimping out.
How is a chant racist when it describes the truth? Are facts racist now?
>You are btfo'd and sent to prison if you speak up against invaders
>That's a good thing
You sure enjoy such privilege Jimenez. I feel bad for the true amerilards
I kek because making fun of africans is something a lot of people do because the whole continent got fucked but at the same time all those argies are half natives which is the same level as africans or worse, livin on huts and not accepting technologies
Hate Crime rate in Argentina 0%, no one is actually racially abused, the racism is just unironically harmless jokes BUT since he plays for England full of blacks and gays. He fucked up real bad
Does any Argie poster here know about the "Argentia white" policy implemented by your own governments?
On the one hand it was about the influx of European immigrants, on the other hand it was about dilluting their poor indio and african stock by having them forcibly intermarry with poor europeans immigrants.
You've succeeded!
The French are the most racist people I know. Why are they acting so offended now? Also, this chant is more than 2 years old.
Sounds like an awful lot of fragile bucks in here
>Let me tell you about your country

Argentina has always been white, since its origins. Even Indians here were white skinned and blue eyed.
can't wait for premier league to start and they will surely chanting some magic song for Enzo schizo Fernandez
That was funny I have to admit.

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