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>15th July 2024
16:30 Italy 2 - 1 Norway
>18th July 2024
20:00 Northern Ireland - Italy
>21st July 2024
20:00 Ukraine - Italy

>17th July 2024
18:30 Inter - Lugano
>20th July 2024
17:30 Milan - Rapid Vienna
>22nd July 2024
19:30 FC Kosice - Roma
>26th July 2024
17:00 1.FC Nürnberg - Juventus

Reminder to offload the scrubs to the Saudi league, make a downward revision of your gf's payroll and stay ragùpilled.
That's peak italian aesthetics over there
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I miss Del Piero's Juve so much.
then why roma fans are happy I feel like we got scammed :/
romafags wouldn't know the difference between a talented player and a rolling bench
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we WILL come back
Just watched Train to Busan, good zombie movie but there were too many generic Korean horror movie stereotypes
could be worse 2bh
I don't think Roma can afford both Chiesa and Soule
Haven't you heard? They have the vast riches that come from the Europa League rolling in!
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Heysel edit would be better
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ynr Calcio will have a new sponsor
Another day, another Bosnian post about Juventus
Is juve ever going to bring the old crest back?
Do I need the Discord invite to post about Juventus or smthn
Well, are you?
we Jj kings are not ashamed and in fact very proud of that serie b kino trophy
And I am not ashamed to say I will send the Heysel victims relatives a couple of DMs with the Heysel pepe edits
3rd kit will feature an old crest so maybe in the new few years
Does that mean you appreciate Moratti for giving you a chance to win it
>*admits it was moratti’s doing*
i always knew you werent as bad as the average sfinterista kek
Should I support Bologna this season?

If not, tell me which team to follow.
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grazie mille ragazzo.
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I now support Lecce
>Manchester United aren’t willing to sell Jadon Sancho.
>Now Juventus will look to Portugal for Francisco Conceicao, Pepe and Galeno.
Conceicao, Pepe and Galeno? Three wingers that cost much more than Soule, but hey think about the plusvalenza!
kys giuntoli
Cristiano Giuntoli.
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>El Shaarawy to Juventus rumor
Juventus will send official bid to Atalanta for Teun Koopmeiners as soon as they sell Matias Soulé.

Koopmeiners, waiting for Juventus as personal terms are already agreed and he wants the move.

Leicester are set to bid again for Soulé, AS Roma are still there.
Do not google Nuno Tavares dogs
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It's amazing how this club manages to disappoint me every year. No drip, no italians, no players, no project, nothing but negrus.
>Vlahovic returns to Turin a little earlier than expected: he will be in the city tomorrow, on Friday morning he will do the visits and therefore the first training session with Thiago Motta at Continassa.
VGH... my zingaro...
Un foglio A4 sul petto
Piacere, anon.
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Pokè Melodrama di Angelina Mango è disco d’oro!
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So Juve is even more fucked now? hhahahah
>Soule would rather move to Roma than stay at Jewe
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He doesn't wanna be a benchwarmer for whatever pacy negru juntoly will catch
Keeeeeeek no jewventus player wants to play for thiago loffa (literal serie C tier coach) when they were playing for a top managers like allegri until a few weeks ago
Trying too hard
Expectations for Nesta at Monza?
They'd rather get coached by a Shitalian Legend like The Rossi (shit player at his peak btw but shitalians will think the opposite)
None, pretty much a generic 2nd half of the table and that's it
The team is terrible and did well because Palladino is a good coach and also because other teams shat the bed harder
Nesta is mediocre and only got hired because muh shitalian bbilan legend
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Be honest...
He is still too green for sure but if he manages to avoid relegation it will be enough

These players who spent their entire careers with world class teammates rarely make good coaches unfortunately, and especially rarely do well managing shitter squads
Nuuuuuuuuuuu mejo that asse da stiro of the Giorgia Melonus
She looks like an antisemitic caricature

Btw Renzi is hot
I thought tonali was still disqualified
And you look like a filthy poorfag wait you actually are one
What a bvll that MOSTRO of renzi
she looks like the stereotypically jewish version calafiori sideways
She wouldn't be so ugly if it weren't for that nose. She also has a really beautiful voice imo
Sacked before springtime
Mo that makes it even sweeter for me
And unlike Melogna who barely made it out of high school she has a degree (a meme one but still)
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Calcio news?

Btw Jon Stewart did a little segment on the Marco Violi confusion on the Daily Show
Yes please
>Spots overload
>No thanks
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Beans is BACK
>tosneedbo to west prosciutto
based i think
Nuuuuuuuuuuu degrees are useless, I would know because I work at the ILVA di taranto and all my extremely rich colleagues at the Reparto Imballaggi also agree
This but unironically
Degrees are a poorfags humiliation ritual
Nepotism is where it's at
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levels to this
so basically it's the premier league's fault?
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*mogs fregnezia*
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>it's only 9 days, 3 hours and 23 minutes until Juventus first friendly game of the season against Nurenberg in Herzogenaurach, Bavaria
post fregenzia so we can judge
he cut his vacation. he is angry. werent i a Jj chud i would be writing this post with literal shit in my pants.
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Imagine if she wasn't wearing bottoms
KY10 :grimacing::chart increasing:
nicely done
>try and buy a couple of the best players from the teams below you in the league
>buy a couple of the rejects from the teams above you in the league
>when you buy a foreign player you spend most of your budget on him and it's always someone everyone knows about
is La Viola the team with the worst scouting department in Europe? I don't remember the Of Valley presidency era being like this desu.
>he cut his vacation
Those debts aren't going to pay themselves. What's juve next friendly? I have an few bets I need to make
Fuck off retard he never bet or snitched in his entire life, it must be some kind of conspiracy from people who were not allowed to join the high I.Q. society
imagine having to look at women that ugly everyday, and ((they)) want you to believe the camp guards weren't the victims.
>giving #10 to a roach
>currently not even the best, or second best roach
i hope the management understands that no one wants that
>cut his vacation
Damn nobody wants Yildiz at the club? Is he getting pushed out too?!
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I look like this
idk man but imo if you ask 100 juve fans if he deserves #10, at least 90 will say no, and rightfully so since he hasn't shown anything worth of a starting role, let alone that number.
the guy scored only 4 goals + 1 assist last season playing more than 1000 minutes, and 0 goals + 0 assists at the euro despite being a starter for all 5 games.
if it was for me i would sell it to the first fool willing to offer 25-30 mln but i acknowledge i'm in the minority here
It's literally just a jersey number, relax for fuck's sake. This idea that the #10 jersey is something magical needs to stop, anyone who's worn it at the club is happy Yildiz is getting it and that's what ultimately matters (it really shouldn't).
>inb4 waaaaah muh sovl
a player must deserve it first, and he just does not, hell he doesn't even deserve to be a starter.
pogba and dybala deserved after some great seasons, tevez got it immediately but showed everyone he deserved it after few games
>>inb4 waaaaah muh sovl
it's your fault we have fuchsia jerseys and women referees
Dybala and Pogba were 'awarded' that jersey because they were the most marketable players at the time, not because the club felt they "deserved it".
Yildiz is the most marketable player Juventus has at the moment, it's only right they try and exploit it.
>it's your fault we have fuchsia jerseys and women referees
I'm sure you went out to protest and show your disappointment to the club and totally did not waste your time on a Bangladeshi kite testing forum lole
AKSHUALLY it's a mongolian basketweaving site
Either fully retire a number, like #12 for the fans or #14 for Cruyff like Ajax did, or don't bestow it with any special meaning. Just give your starters the low ones and the benchwarmers/youth the high ones.

And obviously don't do stuff like give #9 to a defensive midfielder or have your keeper play with something other than #1.
>ynr De Guzman with #1
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Big fan of the new home shirt of Serie C club Latina. Nothing wrong with that at all.

I also remember Boulahrouz with #9 when he was at Chelsea kek
speaking of numbers it would be funny if you could have players with #0 or #00 as number like the do in basketball
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The away shirt is also nice. Both outfits are inspired by the myth of Odysseus and Circe.

According to myth, 'Latina' would have been one of the children of that duo.

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