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Pavelski Edition
He should do a loser podcast with Jumbo Joe
just like my islanders
This, but also my islanders
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Odd Man Rush is getting engaged and is partially why he stopped making so many hockey videos. What a lucky man he is.
Ameribro can I be a flames fan too?
God bless the usa
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Yes we're all God's children
Damn, Flamesbros look like THAT?!
most but not all some of us look like takagi
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garys ball machine

Genuine Flames post
nah the average flames bro looks like prime zyzz
Cool go flames go
Until I see it live I won't believe it
Repulsive goblin
my team>your team
that's alot of dicks in your mouth
Leave him alone he's a flames chad
just like my blackhawks
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Why didn't anyone tell me the islanders signed simon holmstorm
Lou dropping breadcrumbs, expect big news soon
are Canadian islanders fans valid
Patrick laine perhaps?
;) trust in Lou, Canadian-Is>>142822869
landers anon
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literally who?
>9 6 3
Yah we are. A better question is: Are American islanders fans valid?
Stanley Cup Loser Joe Pavelski
Think it was intentional?
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I am not crazy! I know he planned those numbers! I kn0w it was 963/369. The right side of the numpad. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the NHL offices to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That major penalty! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Joey! He scored 4 goals in a playoff game and lost! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own team! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 19, always the same! Couldn't keep his stick off the point shots! But not our Joey! Couldn't be precious Joey! Tipping them blind! And he gets to be retire!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!
time for the best wrestling show

what does his real fiancee look like kek
based booker t
>no wsop main event final table gamethread
poker really is dying out
taping it finna watch based Skenes
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What can I do to FINALLY make you people happy?
finna watch it tomorrow on hulu after all. shitty stream keeps buffering
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an absolutely sublime zero-wipe marner
remember to eat your wheaties
That Oba Femi nigga is over with me dude
thanks fandango for sponsoring that image
hell yea
not my fault every fuckin' google image result is a webp file now.
you gotta let the a's breathe
it's faaaaandaaaango
The thunderstorms are fierce, I just lost power
thunderstorm is passing through
>wahh wahhh wahhhh
>i'm completely computer illiterate in current year!
about 30 seconds away from cracking open a natty lite
>being this mad anon grabbed a random image off google
your team is shit and run by retards
Doggy is scared
Do they wash the game used jerseys before selling them?
they dry clean em prolly
I hope not
would btfo you guys in any game of your choice
1v1 me in civ 6, I'll roflstomp you with warcarts
I can definitely best you in Pokémon showdown
Any game?
jersey sniffing?
cope i'm a war of rights chad
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Flames and Islanders > Knights and Islanders
id wrek u in smash bruv
I would slap your fat face silly in all NHL from 2009 to 2014 on ps3.
i'd rek any of you fags in ssbb with pit or lucario
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Rod has given the boy some of his stack
Since the power is still out, I’ll go to bed
fuck melee and all its associated autists that can't move on from it
It's the best smash game by far. Only game that comes close is PM
Panthers vs Flames Heritage Classic at Mosaic Stadium
tripping is a penalty
I am Sunbelt and I believe Canada needs at LEAST two more teams.
Shame about all the pedos in Smash.
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hi sunbelt, i'm anonymous
Only if mexico gets one too
there's already the stars and the sharks and the kings and the ducks
mexico doesn't need any more
We already have a team in L.A, ese
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I like Smash.
I get why people love Melee, but I am more than happy with Ultimate.
I can't play my main without Ultimate anyways.

/hoc/ smash tournament would be fun
>you'd get ink'd m8
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Gary should get homerun derby singer to redeem herself at the all star game
Halifax and Quebec City
The Sharks are Chinamen, unfortunately.
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oh shit bro's, bud has a life now. where are we going to get our islanders news from now??
Saskatoon and Quebec City.
>i have a life
words spoken by someone who surely definitely 100% has a life
Toronto deserves an NHL team
Ultimate problem
Have you tried ultimate HDR? I'd play you in that :)
this nigga serious?
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>the battle of holomyth is also the battle of china
>sharks nucks mario kart tournament
who wins
how was naomi watts so fucking hot in the return at like 50
Hope you basedball bros are having fun i'm watching >our aces
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signing krug was such a disaster
I watched the first three innings then hopped on some vidya
Should have paid Pietrangelo
>Dominican Swing
Nah senpai
Is Petro a hall of famer?
For sure
is pavfailski a hall of famer
possibly, but not until they run out of other cupless americans to put in.
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God I hope not. The Hall is so pathetically easy to get into these days
yeah shea weber just got it
Just opened a room on Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Versus Maxi Boost ON, hop in.
I don't get that one. He isn't even officially retired yet.
looks so gay
stamkos is such a faggot
Stammer did nothing wrong
hahha lol so true get that bag king frfr on god my brother peoplw be out here eating ketchup packets and shit macimize yo net worth nigga cause you know they be saying yous can take it with you
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Why should Stamkos, a life long Tampa Bay Lightning, who captained the team to two cups and is still scoring at a point per game pace, be forced to take a significant pay cut so that the Lightning can pay a 30 year old forward who has never won shit and never scored at near the pace Stamkos does, and who will be paid more per year than they ever paid Stamkos per year? The lightning are fucking stupid.
>momentum not maintained when jumping
Ruined the whole game. What an utterly retarded change.
makes ya wonder why this retard mentality hasn't won your country a cup in 30 years
made me lol
Or the Wild, ever.
Can't please em all.
The Aegis and Steve nerfs should have come months ago.
Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve
fuck you
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Annie and Eve :)
sasha grey is playing noelden ring
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cope not according to the minecraft bible
I have not. Is it like Ultimates version of PM?
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>I have a life
for me it's that little girl dressed like a shark
Beware, she's jewish.
cope i do have a life
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Thanks for the update numale
(Didn’t ask though)
oh no no no kwab
no 503k?
no giulia?
no vaquer?
Being canadian is just a big larp
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she's based as fuck except for being married to a dimeless shitter
Its true. We're just Americans with a hint of gay.
If Canadians didn't use metric they'd be the superior country.
ya if my aunt had balls shed be my uncle
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she works me into a shoot
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Your sister a mister
We used to use imperial, speed limits and such in mph. Because of this we tend to just use both, whatever unit of measurement is most convenient.
Metric is gay I agree. Especially length and weight, gtfo here with that centimeter and kilogram bullshit.
wrestlefags are lower than bud
Most days of the week Canada is better, got it.
Imagine being a wrestle fag (figuratively) and not watching the bitches in revealing outfits but watching the oiled up men in man pannies (actual faggotry)
still no tickets huh

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Nothing has ever been so true
course the no ticketsfag is also a wrestlefag
take your shitty joke and go somewhere else
still gay as hell eh

SGAF (Stay gay as fuck)
worked marks

zero tickets in sight

booty devastated

zero bitches in sight

but enough about you
Utahbros, this is our year.
No beer at the games and no games on Sunday.
sad that tbg just sits on /hoc/ saying the same phrases over and over
Just as God (Gary) intended.
Let him be. He has no place else.
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The truth is Wolf will lead the league in SV% next season. I'm betting 0.93
the ahl?
might make a good post tomorrow
The NHL. He is the Flames #1 goalie now
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Grim but the opposite
Just took off the tightey whities and my whole world changed
Wolf is a junior Sharks alumni. Please take care of him up there Calgary
People wear tighty wihities??
we love wolf here. He gets pampered more than anyone.
eating some leftover chicken vindaloo and naan and it's so fucking good bros. also some natty lights
Enjoy brother. Don't get acid reflex
Sounds like that'd be better with a not too sweet cider or something.
i got one (1) chewy tum left just in case
working with what i have bro but you're probably right
why did the camera cut away from him? are the speciest against wolves?
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liften at the gym bros
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based get swole
Connor McDavid being below the 30’s says all you need to know about E!SPN now.

Seriously one of the best hockey players ever and he’s below Chris Paul? What a joke
Good morning /hoc/
>going to the gym after midnight
And some women kwab
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Weegs is gonna win the cup for us in Calgary
he doesn't believe in hoob he knows it's over
oh shit good eye...
its over
I have tickets. I don't cope. A is A.
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I have never seen a rat and I never will
It’ll be nice and empty
I had a dream that I got in a fight with frat bros because I threw berries at their cat
just like IBS arena
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hearing the sharks are going to have an exciting season
I had a dream where I asked
not even celebrini can save them

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