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He seemed to perform pretty well in the euros but I literally can't imagine him doing anything noteworthy ever. He absolutely choked that header towards the end of the final too.
Is he the ultimate NPC player? He even looks completely forgettable
>He seemed to perform pretty well in the euros
did he? rice was very good in that game against italy back in 2021 but all i saw this time was him passing backwards and stones barking orders at him
idk he seemed to create some decent chances and win some balls. hard to say though because it seems like any passage of play he's involved with is completely forgettable
Idk aren't there like fifteen other threads to ask this in?
why? is today a huge day for college football or something?
Rice just isn't very good. Spain swaps out Rodri like it's nothing. Rice is doing the work of about four, five other players because England doesn't produce composed, technical midfielders who are comfortable in various places. Can't fault Rice because he did his absolute best but you're seeing the vast gulf in ability and talent and there's nothing he could've done about that.
Mid player overhyped because he's English and because Arsenal have many online fans
He's a centre back that got converted to a midfielder at West Ham he's very limited. John Stones plays better in midfield but that's because of Peps coaching
rice is a worker and not a talent, never will be, same with mainoo. both did a thankless job especially rice but i hope this might be a wakeup call to some england supporters that the talent pool really isn't there
>He seemed to perform pretty well in the euros
He was a literal shitter and proved that he is a premier league baby like other English midfielders like Lampard or Gerrard
Hmmm chudie Rice is better than prime Rodri, learn your factos before speaking
>he's English
He got poached from the Irish, though.
I thought he at least created some nice blooters for himself. I always thought he'd score and think he got very unlucky. This guy is such a great Allrounder in midfield yet in bongland Games He looks completely average most of the time...
It's just the usual, clubs oozing with foreign talent making English players look a lot better than they are. I've never knocked Rice as he puts in a hell of a graft if he had talent around him to play off of maybe things would be different. Pfodz is a much bigger disappointment as he's clearly a fish out of water when he isn't in a city shirt.
Side pass, side pass, side pass.
At least with Arsenal he goes forward, he is not as confident with his teammates for the national team. Maybe he knows Kane and Foden are fucking ass
the truth is, he is too beta to be a great player, especially a great defensive midfielder
just look up his piggy gf
Other way around, retard. The Irish FA did its usual tactic of hunting down every English footballer with an Irish grandparent and getting them to play for Ireland.
Sometimes you get great players who look like they do nothing but really they hold the team together and make everyone else play well. Didier Deschamps was a great example of that. Rice is just mediocre.
I chant spake

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